
Good news coming for my four phones that now sit in desk doing nothing because they're locked down with android and bogged down with updates.

I might work on a samsung galaxy s3 mini port once I'm in holidays

the JQ.

So it's using Mir. Interesting.

1) Because they are significantly slower than computers from the same period.
2) Most are locked down and you are unable to install new OSes on them.

weston is the reference compositor for wayland

I stand corrected.

I want to put this on a Nook Sumple Touch so bad.

Because phones are weaker.
Although his claim is legitimate and phone OS'es are shit.

this is pretty cool.

i've been meaning to replace the OS on my 1st gen moto /g/ with a shattered screen.

feels bad man

Go back to reddit.

Cyberpunk is now faggot.

Phones aren't really weaker than a 15 years old computer and you can still install Linux on them. Fuck, my 10 years old laptop wasn't even high tier back then and I have Debian Sid on it without specific adjustements to make it run faster.

enjoy your cosplay :^)

2) Most are locked down and you are unable to install new OSes on them.
is it possible to get around this via JTAG or similar?

Nice to see this is finally happening and with Alpine no less.

This is super fucking neato, I am giddy as a schoolgirl over Alpine being the base.
Only thing that makes me mad about it is the feedback he got from Hacker News and Reddit, tonnes of people saying "lol why do this, a phones battery dies in 3 years anyway"
God damn I hate HN and Reddit.


tbh, you can do basic computer tasks on a single-digit MHz 8-bit computer with 64 KB RAM or even less.

Battery replacement actually is a problem because you're supposed to buy a shiny new one when (((they))) tell you, like a good goy. It all depends on how easy it is to find a legit, functional battery 7 years down the line. Basically, shapes and sizes that carry over from model to model. This is one of the things that people who are interested in this should research to help with the adoption.
But personal agency is too hard for Leddit and HN, so it boiled down to "muh waterproofing" and "muh non-progressive technology".


If you're going to use a suckless autism meme distro you may as well go all the way and use stali tbh.

I write an os for every phone and computer I use. Its really easy. I don't put it out for other people cause I want to keep it for myself. But let me tell you, these hand made operating systems are way better than anything on the market.

I totally believe you, sense no one on the internet would ever lie.

Alpine is as close you can get to OpenBSD without being OpenBSD, stali is trying to be something entirely else.

I like the suckless guys but security is probably harmful for them.

I was planning on porting sailfish to my phone, maybe I'll do this instead.

Sailfish's GUI is proprietary. You're better off doing a pure FOSS Android ROM.

Mine is running CM13 currently but it's really unstable (probably the porters fault, not isolated to me either) and no longer supported, I figured it would make sense to do the port work for a newer CM/lineage revision but if I'm going to port an OS anyway I may as well port Sailfish. The reason for picking it was that it had comparability for Android applications while also appearing to be closer to regular GNU/Linux instead of specifically Android/Linux which seems to have tons of issues.

I'm open to other ideas but I don't know what options are out there, something like maemo but modern would be cool, this PostmarketOS sounds alright.

why do redditors love making pseudo intellectual statements like this ? not only is it WRONG but it is also worded in a way that this faggot WANTS to let everyone know he is a very smart and thinking logical man of reason (tips fedora)

I think Sailfish's Android compatibility layer is/was proprietary and limited to Jolla's own devices for some reason. Sailfish OS is pretty bad for freedom, which is a shame, because it easily could not have been. It's based on free software and Jolla holds the copyright to almost all of the proprietary parts.
There are probably an order of magnitude more people looking for a good LineageOS port than for anything else, so that would be the most useful. I had hopes for Ubuntu Touch, but Canonical dropped it. UBports picked it back up, so maybe investigate that to see if it's going anywhere.

Finally a gnu/linux distro for phones.
I might go and help this project be ported to Samsung S3.
Alpine is also a good choice, but I'm not sure what init system it uses because he said he used the LinageOS kenrel (which I think is SystemD and Alpine is OpenRC.)
All I use my phone for these days is to make calls to my family so I'll pirortize the SIM card and gsm modules for the kernel.
Also, someone needs to implement a on screen keyboard.
This is a good project, I hope more people will migrate to it after that fuchsia debacle.

But how usable is that? You can't just make a miniature version of a desktop system. Even if you tweak the OS itself, you still have a whole ecosystem of programs that were just not designed for touch.

"Why bother when you can just buy a new one after 2 years? Get with the times, it's $YEAR". I should've worded it better.

LineageOS doesn't use systemd and different builds of Linux aren't tied tospecific init systems.


I know that you can easily swap out the init system but is there going to be compatibility problems? What in it system is Lineage running? Sysv?

sysvinit+openrc (openrc is not a full init system on its own) isn't even limited to Linux. There is no reason why it would have trouble with a slightly modified Android Linux kernel.
LineageOS uses Android's init system. Aside from the kernel Android shares nearly no parts with a typical GNU/Linux system.

>>>Holla Forums

The driver and bootloader situations in ARM devices are a fragmented mess. I mean Nexus devices use the most open source hardware and software possible and they use a Qualcomm loader, but everything else is going to be hell to get working. It's nothing like an x86 machine that will accept any bootloader you throw at it.

Plasma Mobile doesn't seem to be failing, though it's definitely not ready to be used as a daily driver yet.

not sure if real.

honestly not as interested in this as in halium.