Ultimate form of White Power?

Okay, so there's this black girl, and as far as black girls go, she actually is a legit 9/10, has a body like a white girl, has only been with one white guy and one black guy her whole life, has a cute face, has a white accent, only speaks ghetto ironically, keeps herself un-fat, has fake hair, but it always looks reasonable relative to her natural hair.

As a single white man, am I in the wrong for wanting to conquer her and make her my gf/wife? There are white girls out there, true enough, and Chad will do what he shall with them.

But as a 6/10 white guy, if I have the chance to acquire one of the few pretty black girls out there, will I still be memorialized by my brethren? Will I have a seat at Valhalla? What if there's no breeding? Or should I breed mongrels to dilute niggerdom?

Other urls found in this thread:


Your children would be miserable half niggers, you selfish cunt. Ask any half cast how great it is.

Okay, how about we don't have kids, and I just remove her and myself from the gene pool? One less breeding sheboon puts a damper on the black horde, while I also get to have a black trophy?

Also, it likely won't last, it rarely does.

who cares.

I'm trying to do what's right.

If I marry a white girl, my chances of getting cucked are too high.

Why not just be a modern-day slaveowner by having a top-level black girl?

if she's good, keep her. this entire race thing involves government and tradition. not individuals. if somehow you get a godly negress, beats having shitty white gfs.

Hi Schlomo


stopped reading there

OP, your obligation isn't to the black women, it's to the black bulls that are still your slaves. They get off on having you perform bestiality on their finest breeding stock as a form of misogyny. They can only achieve sexual satisfaction watching superior white Chads perform, fucking their black women is your part in their modern day slavery.

She probably has herpes/aids

\>am I in the wrong for wanting to conquer her and make her my gf/wife?
Yes, but not because she's beneath you. You're beneath her.

Yeah, we all ironically say "niggers this" and "niggers that" and "Hitler did nothing wrong," and some of that comes from genuine hate and frustration about the truly vile niggers out there, and there are certainly plenty of those.

But not a single goddamn person on this imageboard would so much as be impolite in person to a nice black person who talks white. Especially a girl.

And, let's be honest. If any of us passed a thug-ass buck nigger alone at night on a city street, we'd just be hoping he'd leave us alone.

I get it. It's fun to LARP as a white nationalist on an anonymous imageboard. 1488. Deus Vult. Make all niggers into Mississippi windchimes. We all do it. But you took the memes seriously, you pathetic fuck. Take a break from this place until you realize that a 6/10 (you know that people always overestimate their own looks, right?) Holla Forumstard LARPer like you would be lucky to have a girl like the one you describe.

do it

who the fuck cares about anyone but yourself

if it makes you happy do it brah, fuck everyone else

We're not LARPing you filthy fucking kike. You will hang on DOTR.

Yes, this is good LARPing! You say you're not larping, call someone a kike, and talk about the Day of the Rope. You get it.

I do have to dock points for one thing: your post included no (((heeb parentheses))). Do better next time, (((Schlomo))).

Oy vey!

But seriously the only people who take Holla Forums memes unironically are schizophreics and severe autists. I kind of feel sorry for them.


My brother is married to a dark-skin black woman, however, she is intelligent, eloquent, polite, compassionate, gainfully employed in STEM (residential nurse at the local hospital), mentally well-adjusted (and atheist who votes conservative but is actually libertarian, and is anti-PC, anti-SJW, and anti-Feminist), and finally, she is gorgeous (by white standards, although she did wear some horrendous braces as a child).
She is also truly, deeply, and completely in love with my brother.
The two have a child together (and another on the way), considering the care his parents give him, and the environment he is raised in, he will grow up to be a well-adjusted adult like his parents.
I love my sister-in-law, and I still consider myself to be a racist, anti-semitic, xenophobic white nationalist, because, well, my views can't really be described otherwise, I'm interested in human biodiversity (race + sex realism), the jewish question, the truth about LGBT, the true nature of human history, etc. and I'm very open about these views, even around my sister-in-law, and she takes it pretty well while openly and honestly disagreeing with my views, she can separate my views from my other traits, and it's against her nature to get upset about hat she sees as "meaningless things" (unpractical matters).
That all being said, I really want to fuck my sister-in-law, and I feel guilty about it.


this really
get off this website OP

She's not a dirty Jew, and is probably part-White already. Make your own decision and ignore fags that put you down.

is she a nigger

There are always going to be huge problems between you because of race. Just find a white girl with an ugly face but a great body.

[citation needed]

she is a 3DPD
you're probably going to get cucked anyway



How about reality


Whats her family like user?

Oh right, she doesn't exist.


Blacks are on average 30% white, all of that white admixture being patrilineal. Blacks are whiter than Jews, Latinas, Arabs, Asians, Italians, etc.


Mom is a very Christian housewife, dad is some type of middle manager, still married. She has two older brothers, but one is a troublemaker she doesn't get along with.

Why in the fuck does your retarded ass think a black chick would in any way be an improvement over a white chick? They're more likely to cheat statistically, you've already admitted her hair is rancid, you wanna smell that shit your entire life, you stupid filthy wigger? Fuck you. Holy shit, fuck you. Your entire way of thinking makes me sick to my stomach. You'll end up like Bill Burr you stupid fuck.

You're saying you want to crossbreed with a nigger and then asking if you'll be "memorialized by my brethren?" "will I have a seat at Valhalla?" NO. You have your answer you stupid shit, not that you cared. If you're asking Holla Forums there is no girl.

Youd idn't post an actual picture of her, so your idea of a 9/10 is probably everyone else's 4.

You have a very feminine answer. Have you ever considered that great white men in history helped to lighten the black race in America a few hundred years ago? Have you ever considered that when a man from the white race fucks and breeds a different race, it's the definition of white supremacy, and it's how whites cucked the world for the previous thousand years? White men have blanda upped with Orientals, and you get Madame Butterfly levels of mental cuckoldation among the gooks. Niggers and Latins at present are uncucking themselves from white power (with the help of Jewish porn) by culturalizing themselves as thugs and breeders. As mentioned above Afro-Americans are 30% or more white, strictly from white male ancestors, not females. That's changing in our life times to white women breeding with nigger males.

We need more white men fucking them white and asserting themselves as white supremacists in the bedroom. You don't do that by settling down with a white woman who will cuck you at some point. There are happy white families out there breeding children. Chad uses the Chad strategy. What I'm saying is that non-Chad racists should consider contributing to the cause of white supremacy by taking top-quality niggresses.

You're completely full of shit, and we both know you're from leftypol. Let me spell it out.

Saying "You're giving a feminine answer"? Identity politics. You're attempting to apply social pressure. "You think like a group that isn't held in high esteem here." but as the typical retard you are, you didn't provide any reasoning to back it up, thus making it known you're talking straight out of your ass.

All you're doing is taking the same cuck shit and flipping the genders. If it's gross one way it's gross the others. You don't whiten niggers, you only create more. When you take something pretty and try to crossbreed it with something common, invariably the more rare traits are destroyed. You will not have soft hair. You will not have blue or green eyes. You will not have red or blonde hair. Your mongrels will at most have a gross sand color to them and ugly dark freckles. That's best-case scenario.

Trying to act like it's an act of white supremacy to intentionally decrease your races numbers while creating more of another race is completely idiotic horseshit, and if you're going to claim otherwise you better come back with an actual argument instead of the weak shit you're spewing.

Oh, two other things. You didn't provide anything in the way of proof white women are more likely to cuck you. Black illegitimacy rates and low marriage rates alone prove you're far more likely to be cucked by a black chick. How many dancing negroes do you need to see on "not the father" episodes of Maury to get that?

Second, your other assertion that black men were now mating with white women at an an alarming rate is also patently false. Every statistic, by every measure, white men are preferred in dating circles. The only group with a preference for black men in any measure is black women. White men prefer asian women, asian men prefer hispanic women, white women, asian women and hispanic women all prefer white men.

The reason I said you have a feminine answer is because you seem to think that when a man fucks a woman, he throws himself away; when it's actually the opposite: he throws her away. Once she's pregnant, you can still have sex with other women. You can have white kids, you can have half-whites with every woman out there. White men need to become Johnny Appleseeds and spread white genes to mongrelize the lesser races and rob them of their purity, while another group of whites maintain their eugenic wholesomeness.

The race war needs two fronts.

Because it's not the same thing. Master key vs shitty lock.

I'm saying a niggress can't cuck you because she's not a person. It's like seeing your dog playing with other humans… it's not cheating, it's a dog. Also, niggresses are much more likely to be faithful to white owners because of the higher value we have. Furthermore, it's not just cuck-avoidance, it's that by taking a black beauty, you are actively cucking the black race, and you're still a free white man able to impregnate other white girls on the side.

Apples to oranges. Reproduction doesn't depend on dating. Take a look around you: white women are in relationships with white males, but they are either not having babies (preferring to have "fur babies" ie pets); while single mothers are all having babies with black babydaddies. Look at the numbers:

Which is probably the worst preference. Asians are the larger group, so they will absorb the white race. It's "pissing into the ocean", trying to whiten and dilute the Asian race. The black race has only recently become a population problem because white males have gone soft and become husbands and cuckolds, instead of Viking fuck-monsters out plundering pussy from port to port.

meep meep benis knows no skin color only body proportions tbh no homo


Thick Nigga No.

think of your poor children
they won't be pure white.
you'll be a father to a nigger son

so ok, this happens and then she becomes 30. She'll become sex crazed and if you don't see her someone else will

you utter fucking cuck.
kill yourself
because you're a pussy ass bitch doesn't make everyone else one.
Ever talked to a gang of niggers?
If you put your foot down they respect you more than acting like a bitch



black women are pretty sexy, sure go for her.


The Holla Forumstards may be mostly LARPing, but lets not pretend you have a negress that will even give you the time of day. Also most of us don't want your mongrel running around trying to breed back into our genepool and fucking the family line up.

t. nigger

gas yourself, faggot


black women are like white women except better

Appetising young love for sale.
Love that's fresh and still unspoiled,
Love that's only slightly soiled,
Love for sale.
Who will buy?
Who would like to sample my supply?

No you faggot you have to die a warriors death you idiot, live by the sword die by the sword. Don't speak about the warriors after life in vain for it has nothing to do with your piety race wars ahahahah not even real wars.

Obama did pretty well tbh

And was completely honest about the unemployment rate.

White girls don't fuck white guys no more. Black is okay but still will feel the pain of forcefully downgrading..

the only biological reason for your whole existence is to produce (successful) offspring, so why would a sane white person choose to have niggerspawn or no children at all?

If you arent a black muslim then you will be jailed.

for what

having sex with my cousin and my brother at the same time

I think you're gay OP

proof or ur liar

Although scientists favor biological models for the cause of sexual orientation,[3] they do not believe that it is the result of any one factor. They generally believe that it is determined by biological and environmental factors; they state that most people's sexual orientation is determined at an early age, and sexual orientation development involves a complex interplay between nature and nurture.[1][4][5] The biological factors are genetic and hormonal, both of which affect the fetal development of the brain, while environmental factors may be sociological, psychological, or involve the early uterine environment.[1][3][4] Scientists generally do not believe that sexual orientation is a matter of choice.[4][161]

The American Academy of Pediatrics stated in Pediatrics in 2004:
“ There is no scientific evidence that abnormal parenting, sexual abuse, or other adverse life events influence sexual orientation. Current knowledge suggests that sexual orientation is usually established during early childhood.[3][162] ”

The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Association of Social Workers stated in 2006:
“ Currently, there is no scientific consensus about the specific factors that cause an individual to become heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual—including possible biological, psychological, or social effects of the parents' sexual orientation. However, the available evidence indicates that the vast majority of lesbian and gay adults were raised by heterosexual parents and the vast majority of children raised by lesbian and gay parents eventually grow up to be heterosexual.[1] ”

Research into the causes of homosexuality plays a role in political and social debates and also raises concerns about genetic profiling and prenatal testing.[163][164]

Despite numerous attempts, no "gay gene" has been identified. However, there is substantial evidence for a genetic basis of homosexuality especially in males based on twin studies, with some association with regions of Chromosome 8 and with the Xq28 gene on the X chromosome.[165] More recently, epigenetics has been implicated in sexual orientiation. In five regions of the genome the methylation pattern appears very closely linked to sexual orientation. The methylation pattern predicted the sexual orientation of a control group with almost 70% accuracy.[166]

big if true



The race war must be fought on three fronts:

1. White breeding. Beautiful, strong, healthy white males and females being fathers and mothers.

2. Sacrificial lambs. Basically, once a white woman reaches an age of infertility or if she has become otherwise useless to the white race (eg HIV infection), she must take it upon herself to become a pass-around whore for niggers. The more time she's spending draining niggers of their sperm, the fewer innocent young white girls are getting raped or breeding mongrels.

3. The Fuck Em White white guys who take the premium black girls from the black race, and either keep the black girl childless or produce mongrels raised to be supreme gentlemen like Elliot. Should also try to have some white kids on the side as well.

If you're not in one of the above categories, you're a genetic and racial waste to the white race.

We don't need any supreme gentlemen. The nigger fuckholes will be given hysterectomies before any aryan semen is ever allowed near them. The male niggers are to be simply wiped out.

I totally ignore all black women. If I see them working in a store or something and they give me some "how are you, sir?" I probably come off as completely rude when I don't even answer.


damn man, that's alpha af tbh fam



You're being delusional.

It's common sense that genetics could give a predisposition to being gay, while environment would determine which way someone's sexuality actually went. Sexuality IS actually fluid in the sense that it is strongly affected by your environment. I don't believe anyone is born gay. But there are certainly biological factors that increase the likelihood of it.

Sort of like how a genetic predispositions for obesity and various mental illnesses run in families. But they don't guarantee those outcomes.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide".



Lmao jesus christ youre really that scared of weak ass blackboys huh

Ive whooped a blackboys ass and his dads before faggot I do this shit in real life

meep meep large if certain tbh no homo

White nationalism is anti-traditionalism. Traditionally, your ancestors went everywhere conquering men with weapons and women with their penises. You are meant to take the enemies women and breed to make a more powerful hybrid that can go super easier. The left has it wrong to believe in equality and softness, but the right has it wrong to believe in isolationism and anti-mixing. The truth is that we need to bring imperialism back and conquer the brown booty.

I agree to an extent. I think whites must avoid Asians, else they will be absorbed by the much larger group. But Africans need to be fucked white and assilimiated. Their numbers are small enough right now, but whites are losing ground fast, so there must still be ample pure white births for the whole extermination scheme to work.

We need to do fusion with the niggers before we're strong enough to absorb the chinks.
Pity because I have yellow fever not brown fever.

Don't do it, faggot.

ever see a blasian girl before?
bodies so fucking hot



LARP is Live Action Role Play
How is this Live Action, you chromosome depot?

Yes as your ancestors did, but also need to make 100% White babies too

Does whited dot com exist? Is this irony?


can we just post pictures of hot black girls?

Gas urself

this is a no kike shills zone

you start

Go for it, breed her like there's no tomorrow, children favor the father. Sounds like she's mixed already.

Nothing there about opening the border liar.

(((White Nationalists))) are the "kikes".

Miscegenation produces more mixed breeds which brings their shitty genes into the white one. You also don't have the social control to force the sheboon harem you have to only have female children. Nor would this be a wise idea considering the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in the black population.

Holla Forums isn't a vanguardist movement you retard. It is decentralized and for good reason.

the real issue with amerimutts is not black. Blacks only make up 13% of the population and are declining. They actually have it worse than whites in terms of demographics. When the white man is no longer a majority and there is a plurality the beaners will massacre them.

Must be why they ban anyone who isn't a White Nationalist.

Saving the White race from mom's basement.

necrobump. this is required reading


t. butthurt mudshit after getting banned
there's already a board for you >>>Holla Forums

They're all a little mixed. Presently on average African-Americans are 30% white, with all of that contribution coming from white men.

Too much is made of niggers. I live among them in a city that's majority black. They are silly and stupid. I always think about how so many tribes of people have at one point or another been enslaved just like them, but blacks were the only group to never fight for the own liberation. It took white people to do that for them. They are nature's retards, and we must breed them white.


almost as white as regular american #soon

Holla Forums wants to kill pro White people.


White Nationalists are pro White Genocide.

Reminder for this Thanksgiving:

1. Black people who complain about the Pilgrims, Puritans, and Founding Fathers neglect the fact that they are the descendants of those people, along their fathers' lineage. In fact, taken as a whole, a greater share of blacks have a greater degree of descent from the original White Americans, than does the present definition of "White American", which includes late-arrival British, Germans, Irish, and other European immigrants. When you see a nigger, you see Washington and Jefferson.

2. Blacks also contain more Native Amerindian blood than all the Faux-cohontas Whites such as a Elizabeth Warren.

3. The White Man is a conqueror, with musket in hand, dressed in all black with a broad-brimmed hat, and his dick hanging out to fuck some big booty brown and black bitches. Providence has blessed the White Man with an unquenchable lust for victory, and the spoils are ours to divvy. White Man, become the Johnny Aryanseed you were destined to be, and Fuck The World White. Afro wombs are ours.


average guy on Holla Forums

White MILFs love muh dik.

?!, people of burnt skin , more than african even , remember , the greyhound bus to the cold tundra is not to be sent directly to the worst areas , the prototype and test runs got to be more reasonable , like florida , and texas , etc , and this is no cost information , thanks be to our only friend , the divine infinite unity , the difinity , The Difinity , The Delta-Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.

My white (((wife))) achieved the highest form of white nationalism by marrying a black guy right after our divorce. #Based

He took a black man away from the nigger hoards!


So long as her womb is barren, she's actually doing a service to the white race. Hopefully the nigger will share her as a gangbang cumdumpster with his (((homies))), so she can drain them of their rape-rape baby-maker juice, thus saving some innocent fertile white girl of ruination by all those knuckledragging apes. Also helps to keep them weak and exhausted.