Jews are calling trump a nigger (((literally)))

Jews are calling trump a nigger (((literally)))

Donald Trump’s antics remind famed anthropologist Jane Goodall of the primates she spent decades studying in the wild.

“In many ways the performances of Donald Trump remind me of male chimpanzees and their dominance rituals,” Goodall told The Atlantic. “In order to impress rivals, males seeking to rise in the dominance hierarchy perform spectacular displays: stamping, slapping the ground, dragging branches, throwing rocks.”

Goodall added, “the more vigorous and imaginative the display, the faster the individual is likely to rise in the hierarchy, and the longer he is likely to maintain that position.”

To date, we’ve not seen Trump drag branches or throw rocks, although anything is possible. Instead of physical displays, the Republican presidential nominee has stuck to verbal ones ― bragging about his penis, launching personal attacks and resorting to racist and sexist insults.

Trump is set to debate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, on Sept. 26. When it happens, Goodall told The Atlantic she’ll be thinking of “Mike,” a chimpanzee she studied that displayed dominance by kicking kerosene cans, creating a racket that sent would-be challengers fleeing.

Unsurprisingly, Trump has already boasted that he will come out on top, telling The New York Times “I know how to handle Hillary.”

Whether his strategy includes childish tidbits has yet to be seen. Tony Schwartz, co-author of Trump’s book The Art of the Deal, however, bets it will.

“Trump has severe attention problems and simply cannot take in complex information — he will be unable to practice for these debates,” Schwartz told the Times. “Trump will bring nothing but his bluster to the debates. He’ll use sixth-grade language, he will repeat himself many times, he won’t complete sentences, and he won’t say anything of substance.”

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

Go on twitter and remind libcucks that Jane Goodall hates niggers.

How many monkeys ya think Goodall fucked in that jungle?

Jews are beta males, so they hoot and holler their discontent in media articles in the same way gorillas react when the silverback denies them access to females and food.

MFW passively observing animals makes you a scientist…

One time this lady came to speak in my city. We're a state that is exceedingly proud of our corn, and so it was included in a dish given to her one evening. She refused to eat it because she "didn't want to take good away from the animals". She didn't know that the corn in animal feed is not the same as the corn humans eat. It was then I lost all respect for her, so this new statement doesn't surpise me at all.

Jews are hypocrites. Jesus Christ never lied.

And this is what Trump gets from trusting a Jew.

The Times is absolute garbage and the people running it deserve to be put to death - and probably their families as well as a warning to others - but the scary thing is that they actually believe these statements to be true. They're not just smearing in an attempt to make people not vote for him, in their minds it is 100% bonafide truth. They honestly think (not all but a good percentage do) that Trump is a buffoon, a clown, etc. Nevermind that he's a billionaire real estate mogul, nevermind that he won the Rep nomination, nevermind that he's been running circles around them for more than a year now. They just believe it. It is both embarrassing and repugnant that they are so far gone from reality.

Oh Huffington post, how salty can you get

TLDR: Jane Goodall confirms Trump is using the correct tactics to corner the black vote.

Funny how they never give any examples


Wew lad

That's been on every article for a year.

The idea of 1.6 billion muslims entering the USA scares the shit out of me, but Huffpost editorial staff thinks its just groovy.

Wasn't this bitch's work discredited?
Or am I thinking of another crazy cat lady who lived around primates?

I bet this bastard thinks the reason the 'Art of the Deal' was such a success is because of his brilliance. Every time I see this guy you can tell that he holds himself higher than the people around him, he thinks he is smarter, but this is what idiots do.
Trump curse on all these dopes.

He claims to have "co-written" the book I'm sure all he did was be a glorified spellchecker.
jews love to take credit for the work of the goyim.


Cunt and pasty, weak beta resent (yet secretly admire) alpha male display.

Only appropriate reaction image.

Bush I could understand but Trump looks fucking nothing like an Ape.

The fuck are they thinking?


The DOTR can't happen soon enough.

Either she only eats apex predators, or she was directly insulting the cook.

Jesus Kike Holla Forums do you have to ruin everyone for me?

I could have sworn Jane Goodall died years ago…

Me too.