Really gets the noggin joggin…He shall henceforth be know as Sam Hyde "the dicksucking guy".
Meme it
Really gets the noggin joggin…He shall henceforth be know as Sam Hyde "the dicksucking guy".
Meme it
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Real meme potential here but how about Sambo instead of Sam?
Love it.
Meme it
Hate this guy. There is nothing worse than a closet case who hates on gay people to feel better about his sexual confusion. He's fucking vile.
He also scammed his fans and made off with their money yet has the audacity to complain about "degeneracy" (whatever the duck that means). Absolute scum.
Where is the dick in either photo?
t. Eric Andre
Not the same people, this accusation has been around before and the person pictured in the op is an established gay porn actor or something.
In Sambo's mouth.
Sure, that's why we have never been told who this gay pornstar who is identical to Sambo is right? Face it, your daddy sucks cock.
Explain the gay pride memorabilia?
Kek'd hard.
Hey op, how much gay porn did you watch to try and find one guy who looks like sam hyde from a weird angle?
Just think about this for a second. He had to go frame by frame through a porno to find a single image that looked right.
It is Sam. Note the beanie and glasses, they arent the glasses he has in that pic but if you watch his older video's they are a match. I don't have it saved but there is a ear lobe comparison which matches. Ol uncle Sambo is a confirmed dicksucker.
Or Sambo likes cock, we have already confirmed that he tried to get with a tranny so this is hardly breaking news. Which one seems more logical? You knew it was Sam just from looking at the picture and you are just trying to play the fool.
holy shit im do ficking done with this guy. Absolutely disgusting.
We’ve known this for a long time now, lurk more before posting in the future please. He’ll always keep getting away with it btw.
Ftfy bro
some user has some videos of that tranny's chaturbate confirming it too
Are you talking about the pony thing? Because that wasn't a scam since he was never intending to make the game, the whole idea was to troll ponyfags that did expect a product.
Fuck off.
Pic related.
sage negated
Woah you sure showed me! This thread is baseless and verging on libelous.
Who gives a fuck? It's hardly a shock that some dudes are gay at this point.
you do it you fucking parasite
top lel
taken from
"I went to college with Sam, he said he was going to go to Hampshire College and write his dissertation on Andy Kaufman. I'm very proud of him.
It's complicated. He likes to troll by attacking sacred cows - or anything that people are sensitive about. His older videos he makes fun of Christians - an easy target. Homosexuals, audiophiles, weightlifters, artists, feminists, Bronies, antique collectors, Kickstarter beggars, Shia Labouf, Ted talkers, gun nuts, internet Buzzfeed "journalists" or any subculture that takes themselves too seriously and are easily offended - he attacks all of them.
Jewish people are the biggest taboo to make fun of because of the Holocaust. Being an anti-semite is the worst possible offense in our country. Therefore, he attacks them. His fans understand his comedy on different levels, the stupid ones actually believe he is serious about Jews. He went to RISD and Carnegie Mellon, he is not some hillbilly or gamer dude.
Andy Kaufman wrestled woman, as a professional. Look it up, it made people really angry. Both Andy and Sam will NOT break character. Every once in awhile Sam is serious, and he complains about everyday stuff, like bills. The real Sam is a very sensitive guy, who uses irony and trolling to hide his true self.
Nick is a rich kid, who likes mid-century modern furniture are runs an antique store. Charls has a "crazy" persona, but again, he is an intellectual, and uses a fake identity to pursue his form of performance art. These are not misfits or weirdos, they are college educated performance artists, art school fags really.
Their is a mean spiritedness to their anti-comedy because it makes people question their worldviews and beliefs. Is it ok to criticize the Jewish stranglehood on Holywood? It is a real thing, but not some evil plot. Why can't we criticize Jews? Is it OK to be "sluts" and still get married and have kids after they are done?
Believing that Sam Hyde's character is his actual identity is so funny, it's like believing Robert Downey Jr. is actually Ironman, or the dude from Breaking Bad is actually a meth dealer.
So no, don't take his character's beliefs seriously, other than thinking about what he is trying to do with his performance art - time to question the validity of YOUR beliefs, or whatever norms go along with your socioeconomic status and subculture. Nothing is sacred, everything should be questioned, and nobody should take themselves very seriously.
And yeah, he probably does hate some of the people he lampoons, but he isn't some homophobic, anti-semite, misogynist, serial killer (he can't keep getting away with it) he's just making fun of people. Some of his unsophisticated "followers" are part of the joke. He trolls both sides, his "followers" and the people he is "attacking". His anti-semite fans, and the Jews, and the media, and Shia LaBouf
It really is pretty sophisticated stuff.
Watch a recent video when he interacts with a "Orthodox" Jewish guy. He immediately knows the guy is a fellow troll, and plays along. That video is crucial to understanding Sam Hyde's character.
He would break character if he explained this to anyone. At college he also pretended to be some iconoclast, but he really is a nice chill guy who doesn't really hate any group of people. He isn't a hater.
None of his "followers" would ever take the time to read this, so I'm not revealing his magic tricks here.
Yes, as Sam ages he looks and acts increasingly Jewish. At school, he was extremely frugal and dated an asian girl who was actually kinda hot. The cigar Groucho Marx thing…crazy Jewish, the stupid North Face status parka, he has gone over the top, less is more Sam, he learned this at art school.
Calling them kikes isn't very nice. He doesn't call out kikes. Watch the video with the "Hasidic Jew" confronting him. The troll asks Sam if he is a troll, or if he "really believes the stuff he says" Sam asks him to name his Youtube channel, and does the smirk. He could just as easily call out Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, THAT is the joke. Jews really do have a lot of influence, but so do rich WASPS. He makes fun of jews to upset people, simple as that. If you LIKE it, or HATE it, you are the subject of the joke - not jews. You may not get it, in which case you are fucking retarded.
Dominicans and Puerto Ricans would just laugh at him, but Jews and liberals go crazy over anti-semitism. Therefore…
The problem with his humor, is that stupid people actually like it as some kind of ideological screed. He gets off on it, but it's kinda disturbing, and sign of real intellectual collapse.
He fucking reads Zizek, we went to RISD, if you can't recognize performance art, why would even watch him? He is only slightly amusing."
Those shills sure are working overtime to denounce the name of #ourguy,
He can't just keep getting away with it.
The glasses aren't actually the same, though they are similar. I can see how someone who watches a lot of gay porn might get confused.
The eyebrows are different. Quite different.
The ears are even more strikingly different: your pornstar friend has a rather extremely attatched earlobe.
Fore-arm hair and finger shape are also a bit off.
Still, you get a 4/10 for effort. Good luck pretending that homosexuality is a degenerate crime there.
thats sam sucking his own dick
It's still gay even if that is true.
nuh uh
Sucking dick is gay even if it is your own dick