Is the "gassing ALL kikes" mentality rational?

Dear Holla Forums,

Before denouncing me as a shill, please hear me out; I write this post with an honest heart, as little as that may mean on an anonymous image board.

I have started browsing Holla Forums two years ago, and almost every day for the past year. The information presented here has changed my adult life and way of thinking more than any one, single thing I can think of; I have understood the holocaust to be, perhaps, the greatest lie ever told. I have understood that Hitler's Third Reich was the closest the human race has ever come to a form of salvation from the damned path we seem to be stuck on. I have understood that jews control almost every aspect of our modern, western societies. Every week I find myself getting to stunning and deeply-disturbing revelations about different aspects of our condition. But I have never been able to honestly tell myself that the only solution is to wipe all the jews out.
I've been thinking: From a radical-islamist's perspective (and I mean a day-to-day average joe habdi fuck, not the chess-players at the top), are not all Americans to blame for the turmoil they are experiencing? One such person truly believes that all Americans are at fault, that they are inherently evil and parasitic creatures, and that they should all be destroyed. We, of course, know who is really to blame: The satanic puppets that are at the heads of all facets of our society, from junior-high to the White House. And most of all, the zionist psychopaths pulling their strings. Most of us, as individuals, are of course also to blame for so eagerly swallowing the poison pill. From the jihadist's perspective, it is, perhaps, we the people of western civilization and of Aryan blood that are the incarnations of sin on Earth.
What I'm getting at is: Is it possible, RATIONAL, that ALL kikes are such vile creatures? Is it not possible that they are brain-washed by their over-lords just like our own race (libshits, sjws) are brain-washed by the same?
Sometimes I get so angry from realizing just how terrible our situation is that I see only black. Reading about king nigger's attacks on syria today made me lose my shit. Yet I still find myself torn on the inside pondering the question that I pose to you in this thread. Is the extinction of an entire people (kikes) justified? Would a God deem such actions fair?
I imagine it has been asked many times before by many people who could not convince themselves to go full 14/88. Please bare with me and attempt to enlighten one more user.

Other urls found in this thread:


Right wing isn't rational, blockhead. Now piss off.


nice appeal to authority

Yes. Now fuck off and stop sliding.

you guys are getting desperate.


I was hoping one of you faggots would bother with a half-assed reply.

If you can't honestly figure out why killing your enemy is bad you might as well move to Canada.

It's the Critical Theorist mindset to reject all trends and patterns because if you look hard enough you might find an intelligent nigger or a spic who speaks English. You could argue with the statement that "human beings have ten fingers and ten toes" because not literally every single human has this, but if we split hairs over every minor point and ignore general trends how can we ever define what "white people" and "black people" and "jewish people" are.

Not every jew is a subversive, anti-white radical (just 99%) of them, but white nations will never be safe with even a fractional percentage of jews in them and it's completely impractical to find a way to divide up the good jews from the bad. You're putting whites at too much of a risk by allowing "acceptable" jews into our countries when we know how dangerous the jewish menace is at how readily they will lie to conceal their treachery.

It's much easier to operate with a simple, zero-tolerance policy – no jews at all. Deport every last one to Israel then glass the whole motherfucking desert shithole.

The gassing part is non economic, though.

it's a joke, dumbass

I'm just debating if exterminating is a better option than making your enemy submit completely.

If you're a kike that doesn't want gassed, get out of white countries. For all the shilling kikes do for Israel, they never get the fuck out and stay there.

If your enemy is not exterminated he will rise again.

Of course user.

What you fail to understand, is that Jews are not human, like Whites are human. They lack empathy.
B/c Jews are very heavily neanderthal. they are an older, outdated organism, that lacks the abilities and behaviors that make whites so powerful.

Jews lack the full aryan genes, which means they will never posses the ability to have full geniuses like whites do.
Therefore, they should be eradicated.

Thank you for your reply user.

It makes perfect sense and for some reason I have never really thought about the fact that there is no way "to find a way to divide up the good jews from the bad". Especially considering their natural gift of lying through their fucking teeth.

continued, what you also fail to understand, is that the jews have been given too many chances already.
Our empathy for inferior lifeforms, is exactly why we are facing extinction now.

Judaism is a religious ideology.
How else can you be sure no Jews exist if you can't read their minds?

Christcuck here, but no, it's not.

Murder is immoral.

If you ground morality in racial identity, a la "goodness means what is good for the whites" you cannot bridge the is-ought gap. There is nothing inherent in the facts of white genocide to create any imperative on my will, that I should evaluate this fact as being undesirable.

The fact is that I do see it as undesirable, but if I did not or simply did not care, there would be no rational argument that could force me to change my evaluation.

So the racial moralists have to postulate another fact. This has to be a fact about the human will, namely that the human will is of such a nature that it cannot help but desire the good of its own race. This is the real upshot of arguments that "tribalism is natural" for instance. If you cannot help naturally desiring the good of your own race, the is-ought gap is bridged.

However the flaw is in thinking that the good of one's own race is the ultimate good, the ultimate principle of moral action. Actually the ultimate moral principle is the good of one's own self. The good of my race is good insofar as it is good for me individually.

It is good for me, individually, to be the sort of person who is virtuous, charitable, and so on. And by the same token, it is good for me to have the virtue of caring for my own people with a special tenderness.

But it is bad for me, individually, to have the crime of murder on my conscience, or to rob myself of the opportunity of loving God's rational creation in all its forms.

The good of my race, in this case, is superseded by my individual need to be a loving person.

So genocide is not moral, nor is it rational, even if it contributes to the good of my race, because the racial good is not the ultimate good.




Good goy.


Im just tired of half-measures.

Down to the child.

He meant in the sense of leftism, you simply can't tell who's a subversive and who's not all the time, colored hair and ugly glasses only take you so far.

This is now a purge thread

Genetic testing and amygdala scannign buddy.

We can detect jews and leftist scum via the power of science.





Your cuckold kind does not belong here.








I suppose it comes down to a "What IF you're faced with a truth that an entire peoples wishes YOU along with everything that is good for you (your loved ones, your family, your race)to die or to live your life in chains for their own benefit?"
Would such a realization of evil being done upon YOU not supersede your individual need to be a loving person?


Only the killing without sin is immoral.
May the jew without sin cast the first shekel.

That will never happen, and you know it.

Why would a jew refuse a free shower?

Too late.


Christians produce crazy Christians. Muslims produce crazy Muslims… It's normal for semitic cults to try and destroy the world to bring their volcano God back…. Look at Holla Forums. We can't get rid of the mental virus of Christianity even though they are hated here they find a way to infiltrate as volunteers.

So yeah, Mila Kunis and Robert Downy Jr. are great people, but if they teach their kids to be Talmud literate their going to have some crazy fucking lunatics with tons of money somewhere down the line

Why can't you see this?

Pick one 4chan faggot

No, it is not rational, you can relax moshe, we will keep a few of you alive as lampshades and matzo chefs with explosive collars and masturbating machines.

Fuck off shill.

the Caesars submitted them completely, look where they are now.
what said

The answer is no, because physical harm is less damaging than spiritual.

I am not necessarily talking about sin and eternal punishment in hell, though the argument also applies with that. Primarily I am talking about earthly human virtue.

The subjective ultimate goal of every human will i, general, and of my will in particular, is called happiness.

Perfect happiness includes things like having physical goods and satisfying friendships and so on, but more than anything else it means strength of moral character.

Even if there is no eternal life, being the kind of person who possesses the kind of virtue and who can (for example) crack jokes with his tormentors while being burned alive, is much more significant a form of happiness than that provided by anything the jews can take away from you, even if it's a waifu we're talking about.

Fear not those who can kill the body but not the soul.

Fuck off D&C retard


What about forced sterilization and internment? That was the position of the Christian Party in the 1930s.

I am specifically a catholic, so it will be no surprise if I say that sterilization is wrong but internment is okay if necessary.

You are sooo fucking weak minded. Your cuckoldry is vomit-worthy

Fuck off d&c shill.

I fear that perhaps less that 1% of the world's population are such virtuous, monk-like creatures user.

Just go ahead and filter/report me, you braying jackasses.

How much are you yids being paid to spread d&c hete?

thats great buddy. having your 1 in a million token godly nigger and based kike is totally worth dealing with the rest of their race. you seem to think that white nationalists base our ideology on purely skin color. thats not true. we do base it on skin color, but for the fact that whites are the only race who care about ideas and morality. you can be an idealistic coward while the rest of us blacken our souls for the good of our people and the future.

Hard is the way and narrow is the path, etc.

Anyway, I just wanted to answer OP's question because he seemed genuine. I'm going back to lurking.

Kill yourself d&c shill instead.

yeah, i'm not interested in killing some joe shmoe jew that just gets by.

whites are the most actively self-policing people in the world.
the amounts of social coercion we experience in daily life to keep us from shitlording is fucking insane.
nobody else does this to the extent we do. we're willing to kill eachother for the sake of multiculturalism.
this leaves us at a disadvantage socially, where the actions against us are excused.
our population suffers a remendous amount of hate crime, yet we are completely defenseless because of it.
nobody speaks out for us.
nobody from other races speak out for us.
that fosters resentment.
it's like they are complicit in this.
so we feel like punishing those people who don't police their own, while we do for their sake.
we're at a strategic disadvantage and are losing a silent, attritional, civil war against us.
feels bad man.

there's also the issue of getting rid of the jews who are severely fucking us up.
they are twisting the spirits of our families. you must consider this. it's a war waged by extremely powerful people who has reached all of our families throughout the western world.
we have governments who will let our children be raped for decades for fear of being called racists. let that sink in. let it fucking sink in for a second. shit is fucking real.
now, hypotheticially, in the process of getting rid of those jews who are fucking us up, will we see a tremendous amount of resistance? probably. lots of jews are going to stand in our way. how do we deal with them? they must be removed somehow. the path must be cleared.

i don't feel like mass murdering joe shmoe jews, but our condition must be changed. our culture, OUR culture must be restored.

I appreciate your genuine reply, user.

the eternal christcuck strikes again. how fucking pathetic do you have to be to find happiness in being burned alive? your entire philosophy falls apart when you get to the end of a thought train. instead of admitting it, you see taking pleasure in pain as a virtue.

More Lightning than Sun this time.



might be ok for us today but it cucks our eventual descendants

Yeah, Christians use that phrase the same way that Russian Communists on here do. It doesn't fly. We hate you and you're the enemy.

It's one thing to pretend you're Christian like Trump does… To win over low lifes. It's another thing to try and enslave others to the Jew and hurt them

Kill yourself


nono, he's trying to touch on something and he's right about it.

if you convince your enemy to kill himself, you win.

corrupting someone's spirit is like directing your brother's will against you.
imagine the kind of guilt he feels when he wakes from this kind of subversion.
imagine being mind controlled and killing your own kid and waking up from that.

it's worse for one's spirit to be corrupted than one's body.
by the way, spirit is just a metaphysicist's way of saying "does not occupy space", like beliefs and experience. don't assume all dualism nor a belief in gad is abrahamic.


I took something entirely different from his statement.

To me, it did not sound like "just turn the other cheek and accept your undoing goym"-type of scenario. I understood something along the lines of putting up a valiant fight to the very end, not compromising your ideals despite the ferocity of your enemy. Even if you should find yourself embracing their spear, your virtue shall prevail. Genuinely laughing in the face of death, knowing that their evil will NEVER conquer your soul will win the war even though (your) battle has ended.
The ancient Dacians were like this.

Is destroy all the white people with mass immigration and cultural Marxism rational? I dunno, but it's been pretty effective, therefore the only rational conclusion is to destroy those who are destroying us.

your brain is part of your body. corrupting somebodies mind IS corrupting their body. physical trauma also affects your mind. this is why many of the most effective torture techniques are physical. he also literally said "christcuck here" and nothing about convincing the enemy to kill himself. dont know where you pulled that from. youre rambling about bullshit trying to sound philosophical.

Pls have cancer blockheads

like i said earlier. you can be an idealistic person coward and feel great about yourself. its really easy to do that. youre not strong for being that way. you are being the definition of a civic nationalist and this is why idealism is always suicide.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Do you remove half the cancer?
Do you use antibiotics to kill almost all the infection?
Do you amputate part of the infected wound?
Do you stop some of the blood erupting from a hemorrhage?
Do you pull out most of a rotten tooth?

ok, then it's just the case that if you corrupt someone's mind, then you corrupt someone's body.
yeah, and it's to the end of assaulting the mind.
i'm tired and trying to contribute something to the benefit of people here. it should just inspire thought, but yeah.

The primary object is to remove them from our countries, both physically and in terms of influence. Killing them is only necessary if they fail to comply or continue being hostile from outside.

The reason this is necessary is that their presence and influence has been destructive and threatens our survival and well being (as you've already discovered, so I will not elaborate).

It doesn't matter whether ALL of them engage in this. The OVERALL EFFECT of their presence been of great detriment to our societies. And so they must be removed.

Trying to separate the "good" from the "bad" is and has been a futile effort. It always is. People can and do lie about their intentions.

And even putting aside intentions, they simply AREN'T us, and therefore their interests aren't with us but with their own. Those who don't actively engage against us will still passively support and cover for those that do. It's the same problem as with the Muslims.

On that note, Jews have lived in Europe for thousands of years AND STILL CONSIDER THEMSELVES TO BE SEPARATE. How's that for failure to integrate? And why would we believe they or the Muslims could ever integrate with us?

They have their own land and so there is no reason to tolerate their presence on ours.

Final piece of advice for the road:

"But they aren't ALL like that" is never a valid argument

THEY are never all like THAT.

Whoever THEY or whatever THAT might be.

And so saying "they aren't all like that" has no meaning whatsoever. It's a vapid truism that never has any bearing on the point at hand. Like saying "The grass is green and the sky is blue and therefore I am right so stop arguing with me".

It's just a mantra you were taught to repeat to yourself, designed to distract and confuse, and give you an excuse not to deal with the unpleasant issues right in front of you.

Polite sage as I feel this is an honest question, but the thread isn't frontpage material.

no but you do have to destroy their identity

being "jewish" has to go
judaism has to go

i dont think their genetics play nearly as big of a role than their oy vey culture does

Considering how much harm they continue to do on an international level. Eh, probably.

wait, wtf?

these things are definitely not the same.
i'm usually not quick to judge, and see merits to certain topics i'm becoming suspicious of this thread.

Muslims are like M&Ms that are poisoned. If I offered you a bag of M&Ms and said only 1% contain deadly poison, you wouldn't touch it. A few radicals among mostly peaceful people.

Jews on the other hand are 99% deadly fucking poison with a few edibles.

Every single interaction with a Jew I've ever made was negative. Every bad thing that is happening in global events can be attributed to a kike. Whenever I read about something foul, corrupt or diseased, there's a Jew involved. Throughout world history this people was a plague, a cancer eating away and holding back civilization.

Even if there were SOME kikes that are "good", 15 million is a small price to pay.

You don't remove "some" of the cancer, you cut it out completely.

There's only 15 million Jews in the world. Compared to the world population that's nothing.
Their disappearance would only be noticeable when the peoples of the world can finally find peace and Europeans are free from eternal debt and enslavement.

So yes.

We are, unironically and 100% certain that removing every single kike on the planet is the only solution.
There can be no compromise. Compromise and expulsion has led to this situation.

If you kill bacteria with antibiotics and don't take them until you've killed them all, you'll get resistant stems.
That's what happened to the Jews. Not removing them and simply pushing them to other countries made them the strongest disease known to man.

You might think this is some kind of joke, but if you really think it through, it's the only humane solution for our civilization.



So Christians have no morals and standards at all? Just adaptable to whatever because they are slaves to the Jew? Like Christmas is a pagan holiday?

Kek is a pagan God

Dear faggot OP,

Kill yourself.

truly kek works in mysterious ways.

i dont know if english is your first language or not but i cant make sense of virtually anything you type. the guy i was responding to said in his first post in this thread that he was a christcuck.

Aka lurk moar

In a year or more your going to understand they got to get gassed or they are going to repeat the process. Soros was helping the nazis, look what happened because they missed a few.

You're one dumb nigger.

But isn't that the case with every nation that is under attack from the kikes? Not saying that the analogy is wrong, but it feels like a half truth you can use against any group you want to defame. Hell, you can use that analogy with national socialists. After that one commie in sweden died I would not be shocked if the left started using that argument themselves.

kennedi check em

No they're not. If you look at a group of Muslims, you know exactly which one is going to kill you. Same with Jews.

There are no surprises. M&Ms all look the same.

Of course not. There's no way the higher ups would share power with the lower downs. That doesn't mean the lower downs don't strive towards the higher ups' goals, though.

The problem, however, is much like the Muslim problem: which are the useful idiots and which are the ones that would suck a baby's soul dry in order to gain an extra minute of life or an extra dollar? How can you possibly tell?

weeeelll, it would certainly remove the problem, wouldn't it?


The "rational" thing to do with the Jews is to physically remove them, so to speak.

Put to death all high level subverters (bankers, intellectuals, media moguls, etc.), confiscate their shekels, and then ship the normie Jews off to Israel.

It's part of their religios belief that us goyim are their slaves. Rather than whips and chains they use their corrupt banking system to keep us in line.

The ones on top spitefully use us and get fat off of our labor. They want us, their biggest threat, to race mix with nigs and gooks to be easier to control. The lower caste Jews still get special treatment and are fully aware they have a distinct advantage over us. They are all implicit in our downfall and only care for themselves.

Their beliefs and schemes regarding us have been passed down from rabbi to rabbi for thousands of years and were ultimately preserved in the Talmud. Civilizations all through time have constantly been struggling with Jewish tricks and schemes. All of those societies opted for exile of the Jews rather than extermination and look at the state of the world today.

The world will never be safe until every Jew is eliminated and every copy of the talmud is burned. Otherwise the Jewish plague will return worse than ever before.

Either we survive, or they do.

Rationality is a weakness we are in the process of transcending.

Tell that to Trump. :^)

Kill Yourself Jew.

Of course it it. They have been trying to enslave and murder our people for centuries. They did 9/11 lied about the Holocaust, and have been responsible for every war in the past century. They've gone to every length to make sure our lives are living hell. Yes gassing them is rational. They are the children of Satan.

They have it coming to them whether you, I, or they like it or not. What goes around comes around, and they will pay for the unbelievable amount of misery they've sown here.

It is my personal belief that the part of the "subversive" is filled in across the entirety of history, and there is no ethnicity/religion/faction that this role belongs to exclusively. If you were to kill every Jew on the planet, there would still be someone or something to take its place. Just as there are those with a natural tendency towards the status-quo, so there will be those who wish to exert their will upon it, whatever the justification. One could make an argument that we, at this moment, are exercising this role.

OP do not think this means you shouldn't fight for what you believe. If there is to be a born a large consensus that the only fitting justice for the Jews is their utter removal, whether that conclusion is reached rationally or not, it still reflects a piece of the greater truth that forms the JQ. Understand however, that such a solution far from guarantees the realization of your ideals.

The Jews have been expelled from every nation on Earth except those where they have not yet lived.

In 2014 they were expelled from a Mayan village in Central America because the Mayans got sick of their shit. The Jews showed up, moved in, acted really fucking rude to the Mayans and then started trying to tell them how to live. No one is going to take that as anything but an affront.

Jews were responsible for genocides of both Ukrainians and Russians in the early USSR.

In the mid 20th century, Jews were responsible for the creation of hate crimes in the United States, and also for the 1965 Immigration Act which opened the third-world floodgates while telling Europeans to get all the way in the back of the line.

NS Germany dared to stand up to them, and now Germany's fate is to be demonized as a race of evil men and women for all of time and turned into a colony of the Islamic State and eternal benefactor for Israel.

They double-crossed Byzantium and opened the gates for the Turks. Now Byzantium isn't a country anymore and the Hagia Sophia is a mosque.

They think they have the God-given right to control other races' countries, take over their governments, vacuum up all the money until the economy collapses, and promote fagdom and drug abuse among the youth with their shitty movies and music.

There's no scenario, including expulsion, where the Jews will not eventually return and wreak havok on your race with their power, money and influence. If you leave them alive, they'll come back and seek vengeance tenfold. They consider it an insult when other peoples tell them to mind their own damn business.

This is why they're too big a liability to be left alive. They're like the Terminator: they absolutely will not step, ever, until we are dead.

It's the opposite of the emotional appeal that libs use to say that "not all x are y" and equally incorrect. It's literally the inversion of the shitlib arguments, and another example of false opposites that they use to maintain their control.

You can assume that most kikes need to be gassed (based on the previous patterns and characteristics), but saying that ALL of them need to be gassed is a fallacy that makes you no different from them.

Plus, shills push that because it makes people on Holla Forums look like idiots, thus killing their reputation as someone who is redpilled, and because it rallies kikes (even those who don't care) against the common threat.

JIDF wants you to want to gas ALL the kikes because it fits their narrative. They don't want you to disprove the holohoax or destroy their mechanisms of control because it goes against their narrative.

Don't fall for their baits, some 90 IQ Israeli sandnigger is not a threat to us, as long as we purge our leadership from even the slightest trace of kike presence (personal, genetic, or ideological)

And more importantly, to purge it from "whites" who are mentally no different from kikes.

Nice ID. Gassing is indeed unnecessary. Starvation would seem like the choice. Burning them is a classic. Drowning? Don't want to poison the wells myself.

This is a bit like the problem of the homosexuals. If you take a calm rational view, these are problems of culture. Consider the difference between two ethnic half-Jews, one totally unaware of this fact for their entire life, versus one raised in the synagogues. These living parasites claim to be Jewish from birth, but in fact they have been corrupted after their birth, and indoctrinated into a degenerate system where they were taught to identify as such. The fact the identify this way is the proof of their corruption.

It is enough that no one will ever confess to be or to, in fact, be found to live a Jewish/Talmudic lifestyle. The eradication of the existence of people claiming this "identity" is all that is required. The actual admixtural relation of modern "jews" to ancient jews is also tenuous at best. There are likely millions more of muslims living in the desert whose ancestors were ancient Jews but ended up believing the Koran instead of the Talmud. At birth or genetically, these populations are very, very closely related (and, for us, both are problems of another kind to be dealt with altogether). The reason one Eastern population group of what we call "Jews" ended up in the Europe ~1000 years ago is due to their ideological differences from the Muslims. They are actually frauds to begin with– the Talmud was completed some time after the year 499 AD. The so-called "jews" of today have no right to claim they ever had a functioning civilization at any time.

In short, we should focus on eliminating the identity and make it clear such an identity has no place in our society. If this means measures taken to remove the identity, such measures are well taken in the interest of our own health and wellbeing. Once the Talmudic identity is stamped out on the ideological level, we can proceed to deal with the wider problem of the genetically semitic peoples in the West.

Oosh, I didn't even notice it at first, but it's obvious.

Lol, you pussy

Also, you can remove kikes from existence without killing a single one. Just dismantle their systems of control, and they will all drown like fish on the dry, or assimilate into other value system that completely denies theirs, thus transforming them.

A single comment doesn't do it. Try a narrative you hear from birth, from school, from every source of media possible. Even the porn is aimed against you. Well, at least the one not made by kikes.

At least the one made by kikes*

it is not

No one was ever gassed.

Of course it's unreasonable. I doubt anyone here would want an entire people to be gassed.

We want them OUT, gone, left to their own filthy desert wasteland they've done a good job of irradiating to extremes of self inflicted genocide.

We are at war with them. They are attempting to kill us off, in any way they can.

They poison our water
They poison our food
They poison our air
our blood,
our genes,
our culture.

They leave our land a desolate wasteland, they rob us of our forests, lakes and streams.

We can't own our own land, it's never really ours anymore. We can't own anything, everything can be taken should they deem it necessary.

This is a war for survival. The problem is, a grand majority of our collective European peoples fail to realize they have a war launched against them, most would rather fight us than defend themselves from extermination. Some welcome annihilation.

This is a hellish reality few can cope with once the scope is realized.

Despite all this collective evil, I have no desire to see them gassed. I would rather seem them cordoned off.

Why? Am I a coward? Am I not bloodthirsty enough? It's not that. It's that being merciful is a part of being Germanic, granting clemency, and second chances. But I am cold and hardened, like steel, to their cries and curses. Someone could call me racist, and I would only be empowered and amused.

My goal may not be the same as others here, but it is to secure the existence of my people whilst remaining true to myself. Not all Abrahamic cultists and Semites seek my death, but many would cheer for it regardless. Those that directly act, such as Soros and the Rothschild, to gas them would be a mercy, for the sentence in hell that awaits them would only be lightened by preventing them from committing even more evil.

To kill by gas is inhuman. The guillotine is far superior.

Can you objectively prove that your exceptions are not lying to be spared and will not continue to subvert you in secret until they can regain their influence? No? He has to go.

Of course it's not rational, you idiot. It'll be a nightmare to organize such thing.

There are many other methods we could use alongside gas to dispose of them.


This user gets it.

Let's say you're in a war (which we are), and there is a group of enemy soldiers shooting at you. Are you going to spare the lives of those who holds a gun, does nothing with it but still can propose a threat to you?

That's what the kikes are. They are our enemies, will always be.

Effectively yes.

Inherent in Jewish culture and identity is destructive parasitism. They, as a group, will ALWAYS see whites as a threat regardless of how those whites act towards them. Because of this they will always seek to destroy us.

Those who are not overtly acting towards our destruction are enabling the others. So long as there are any kikes left they will work as a group to subvert, weaken and destroy us, and everything that we consider to be good (community, family, strength, honor, etc) it is a part of Jewish identity to do so.

I think it is perfectly rational to kill every kike. Gassing of course is too expensive and humane to be rational (ie. Just).

this is the crux of the issue

Psychopaths are and always have been the real problem, it's just that jews as a race seem to be heavily predisposed towards developing psychopathy. Probably because of their inbreeding.

Whether jews or psychos, no, it's really not rational. The real solution is to figure out what causes psychopathy and how to prevent it from arising in the first place. Once we have a psycho-free planet, we'll have the utopia we want.

I say this under the assumption that a psycho/jew-free white culture can contain and prevent nigs nogging and muzzies snackbarring.

I don't think its possible metaphysically. Why? Because the Jews have been cursed to this earth for eternity by God for betraying him. That was their punishment.

If you wipe them out then they can no longer be re-incarnated on this earth violating gods punishment. Its like playing wack a mole.

Killing all Jew certain has been tried in history and they were never successful.

Deportation to Israel is the only answer.


Psychopaths are literally subhuman, as their brain doesn't have the higher cognitive functions developed (which are required for empathy), and have the "reptilian" leftover dominant.

Jews are heavily genetically predisposed for such traits, and their cultural programming is completely psychopathic as well.

that's great, but jews aren't the only psychos

No, they are what happens when you let phychos breed and worship freely.

absolute bullshit
psychopats are excessively rational>>7560584

Whites are waking up to you degenerates.

And you never "gas" anyone cowards.

psycho detected

>>>Holla Forums10752829

Yes, and your effort posting means nothing.

Say it with me boys and girls:

There are no good Jews.

you can try to kill all the jews you can find (and lots of people who think you're wrong, and probably lots of innocents who weren't actually jews), probably missing a bunch who then go on to breed in the future


you can pull the weed at the root



1% of jews = really powerful
9% of jews = power players
90% of jews = talmud believers
10% of jews = not that into any of that shit.

But how do you know who's who?

the only rational option is to oven the lot.

so, yes, OP.
it is rational, in fact it is the only rational choice.

Jews are different to humans in that they do not view helplessness the same way.

Notice how kikes always try to show bodies. They want a body. In their propaganda, it's always a dead body or an able body. They do not show the same things which white people react to.

By instinct, due to cuddling their children from the cold, whites focus heavily on the eyes of a being - a big head with big eyes focused on the viewer will grab a white man's attention.

A body will grab a Jews attention.

I don't have the means to experiment with it, so this is my prediction.

Photos like this sum up the Jewish mind - it's of a body. A lump of flesh. No soul. I don't think I'm alone in thinking that the body has very little effect on me, but it does seem to rattle the Jews a lot.

Hence why you never see Holocaust victim's eyes. It's always the body shot. The Pajamas or whatever.

Yet when we see photos that the Nazis took, the focus is on the head and eyes.

Us or them
That is all
It is that simple
Stop overthinking

Fuck off with your loaded question.

You might as well ask if a broken clock is right twice a day.

It's also my theory as to why Talmudvision doesn't take off here, with the exception of The Simpsons - and why Anime makes up the bulk of the reaction images.

And Pepe.

All gigantic eyes. Gigantic eyes convey a sense of helplessness and emotion. It's why kikes are always so confused as to why anime appeals to civilised people, and why our memes are of seemingly helpless entities armed to the fucking teeth, draped in Swastikas.

To us it shows an underdog fighting back.

To them it's a lump of meat covered in Oy Vey

Humanity isn't the problem.

When you've a weed in your uard, the answer is not to tear out all the grass and the weed.

You pull the weed.

And the grass thrives.

Cry more, kikelite.

And my counterpoint is that psychos and kikes are not mutually exclusive. How are you going to pull the weeds that are non jewish psychos? I'm not saying that I won't be smug as fuck the day Israel becomes world enemy #1, but there will always be individuals that will use subversive means to put us in a situation like this. The kikes were just well versed in this bullshit.

I believe most people on Holla Forums would be happy if jews somehow removed themselves and their influence FOREVER from every European country and from the US (Canada and Australia don't even need jews to sabotage themselves) or if they got exiled.

I'd be pretty happy to exile every jew forever and ever rather than go through the turmoil of having Israel launch 200 nukes on the western world and also pay for the gassings, the oven electricity, pay PTSD therapy for the killers etc.

lol no they didn't, the (((patricians))) controlled every dictator post Caesar, even if not genetically jews they behaved exactly like rothschild and soros

Predatory instincts are not rationality, and psychopaths, no matter how good they are in social manipulation and short term thinking, often get btfo wherever rational or long term thinking is required. They of course, believe that what they do is rational, because they are physically incapable of contemplating anything else due to having defective brains. It's like teaching an animal to do math or produce arts.

Of course, they will, just like Jews, consider themselves smarter than everyone else, until they find themselves taking a shower.

Jewish mentality turns entire society psychopathic. White people always had ways to deal with their defective (psychos), because their value systems were anti-psychopathic, so psychos often ended up in the bog. When Jews take control over the society, psychopathy gets promoted as the highest value, and you end up with them at the highest positions in society, even if they are not Jews.

Have you read political ponerology?

That's a pretty fair counterpoint actually. It's one thing to gas the retards that follow the religion but it's another matter altogether when talking about the blood and DNA of an actual full blooded jewish person.

It doesnt even matter. The eradication of every last juden is non-negotiable.

This whole thing is a quest for vengeance people.

Europa is raped, and they must be eradicated.

Also; they are an existential threat we can actually take are of.

If they won't get excuse themselves and keep fucking meddling, yes.

Another one bites the dust



There you have your answer.

Or just deport/exile them.
Easier, cheaper, quicker, faster, more simple.

It's war, a more than two-thousand year long war, if not much much longer.

It's us or them. No quarters will be given to us, so we shouldn't give it to them.

Let them completely submit to us after they're crushed. That's entirely fine. But the only answer after full public humiliation and admittance is execution for acts of war against Humanity (Aryans).

No, mind explaining it?

Let's eradicate every psychopath instead? Since the great majority of Jews are sociopathic/psychopathic, they get gassed without the right to complain about anti-semitism (or whatever), and we get rid of jewish souls in the defective bodies of white people as well, so they don't step in where kikes have left.

Most SJW's (and degenerates in general) are actually psychopaths (wolves in sheep skin) so we could kill three flies with one hit.

Bullets and landfills.

Far superior economics then;

basic medical care,
police round-up costs/ resistance

Better to just kill them all, dump the bodies in a landfill, and plant a garden.

There exist jews with empathy, and child-kikes as well.

We have to eradicate those as well.

Gas the kikes, even the tykes, is more than a meme.


It's a book written by a Polish (I think) guy who wrote it 3 times. He was a psychiatrist during the USSR and his book is essentially the thesis that psychopaths control the world and get to positions of the top and then ruin society by infecting it with their mentality and way of thinking and way of behaving. Normal people are then at a loss as they find themselves in an abnormal society despite expecting normal people and a normal society.

No, more simple than that:
There you have it, in 2 weeks they all leave the country and then you pass laws forbidding jews from ever entering the country.
You teach kids in school NatSoc and voila! If you manage 20 years, jews are forever gone.

being this illiterate in psychiatry and psychology
someone should check their clinical definitions
shiggy diggy

How do you ensure that future generations won't be cucked later down the line and let the jews right back in, as has exactly happened time and time again?

Then what happens to the juden?

The filter into other cultures and try to turn us into a new nu-germany.

I for one am tired of half-measures.

This time every one, including the children.

No. Using bullets is much cheaper and much more efficient.

Europeans tried exiling them. That worked… For a century until they regained all power in EE and fucked over every country there. There is no half-assing this problem. Kikes are a parasite. The only answer is to get rid of them permanently or die off. Take a pick, "not" kike. I know what any self-respecting WN would say

Yes there are some jews who through raising may more or less be "stable" in a society.

These need to be killed as well.

Both the religion, and the racial group.


Although brain scans for psychopathy do exist,
sociopaths are functionally the same and completely undetectable.

The mere fact that we are able to maintain thoughts without holding emotional value to them, leads me to believe most on Holla Forums are either sociopathic (aspd), psychopathic, or on the autism spectrum.

Life is both nature and nurture.

I signed up to eradicate the juden, not go chasing after boogeymen that hide in the shadows.

Your personal crusade against moral insanity is very childish and somewhat meant to dnc.

Do you hate our god-emperor as well?

The thing is that Jews at the top have knowledge how society works and have knowledge how to influence said society. Once you have knowledge how things work, you have the ability to influence it. That is all there is to it. Remove the knowledge and you basically removed the essence of Jewish control But the question remains, are Jews better at attaining the knowledge on how society works by their biological conditions, ie, their IQ is higher, their brains are more capable to acquire the knowledge on how to control society? If this is true, than by all means, they should be exterminated, because they are parasites, harmful to the society.

Well we never had 20 years of NatSoc education (and indoctrination tbh).
National-Socialist Germany had, what, 6-7 years? And then they got occupied and have been since today.

You get kids and you teach them what Holla Forums knows and you ensure every kid generation is taught the same thing.

How do the space marines keep in shape and the society is a inquisitorial theocracy for 10,000 years?

We on Holla Forums are most likely autistic.
Most people here have A LOT of emotional value attached to their thoughts. See: Trump cultism, the blackpill, hatred for kikes/niggers etc.
Sociopathy doesn't even exist.
There are psychopaths and there are Antisocials (Antisocial personality disorder).

shiggy diggy

Holla Forums is made of all kinds of different people, just being edgy and mostly amoral does not make someone a psychopath. We do sympathize with each other (even if on a completely obscure level), psychopaths are not capable of that. Holla Forums is mostly retaliators (the anti-psychopaths). Think of it as an immune response of a body (society) to a virus. We share some traits with them, but have many key differences.

And one of definitions of psychopaths is that they simply cannot stop. Every definition Holla Forums has made of Jews fits that condition.

The big favor the kikes have unknowingly done to us, is that they have pulled all the rotten people at the top, where they are easily recognized. That's why every shabbos goy and white social predator needs to go to the ovens before any kike. They have practically concentrated the very scum of society for us to purge it more efficiently.

Interesting, got a version in PDF/english?

No, I got it off Amazon kindle (that's how I get most books).
You could try asking in /pdfs/.

I also mentioned aspd.

shiggy diggy

So you are against our communal gestalt then?

Heretical scum.

Better response than the above however.

We must kill them all this time though.



You leave too much up to chance. It's not a pretty picture, but I've concluded eradication is the only insurance that this whole planet can move forward at this point, and I think it's bound, as a universal law, to happen to them anyway. Maybe it won't be every last one is hunted down, but they're going to get fucked up in some sort of wrathful retribution.

Well we could move to Mars or to the Moon and leave niggers, kikes, mudslimes, asians and hispanics and - most importantly - white traitors back on earth.
Then we can install defense missiles on Mars or the Moon and blast anyone who tries to come to us instantly out of the sky.

We stop when we reach the equilibrium and restore the natural order. They stop when they die.

No chance to somehow save/extract it?


Its mostly when we get bored.

Cuck. Equilibrum and natural order is white prevalence, not letting kikes go free for their crimes.



say that to my face faggot not online


Yep. One of the biggest problems with the NAXALT narrative.

You keep twisting my words Chaim.

I haven't said anything different from what you did in that post.

Now keep LARP-ing le right wing extremist (from the FBI manual), maybe good goys follow your example.

Good question, But you should know that you will not find a rational response in this board There is decent and very vocal amount of users that are psychopathic / autistic individuals /They cant grasp that there is indeed a certain amount of people who are functional and still have a moral compass that its not bind by any chains , those people usually delve into a pragmatic approaches and are able to contemplate the need for solutions without sounding like an edgy amoral kid or a psychopath.

Leaving that aside this is a more complex question , many people who want to gas the kikes have different motivations, Vindication,Natural Obligation etc

Genociding a race , a crusade against blood is different than a crusade against ideas or religion, and at the same time a crusade is different that building a functional society and a healthy nation.

This ideals are bound to interlap with each other but make no mistake because the nature of the board you will never be able to create a general consensus about such matter using a rational approach.

Well said and to the point. They are trying to kill us all and what concerns people is their survival.

You don't have to do jack shit faggot, just get out of the way.

Yes it is.

go back to Reddit.

It's funny how when you put Holocaust deniers in solitary confinement for long enough they either change their mind or go into retirement.

I have deep respect for David Irving as a man and a historian, but he's changed his mind under social pressure before. He was right about the Hitler diaries being fakes. When everyone but him kept accepting them as real he changed his mind. Then they turned out to be fakes after after all. As with the diaries, so with the Holocaust: he was right the first time.


They are weak, user.
The strong ones are Hitler and Goebbels and others.
Tbh I would rather die in prison than change my views.
Plus, my life for the past 3 years has basically been solitary confinement anyway.
Also, as much as I hate him, Mandela didn't change his opinions for 20 years. After that, he got what he wanted and what he believed in came true.
If a sadistic nigger can survive under pressure then us whites can too, no matter how difficult the pressure is.
Also Zundel and Irving are in Canada and UK.

The opposition seeks Utopia. Utopia in greek comes from "unreacheable place".

They value more fantasizing about something linguistically admited to be possible than solve their real problems.

There is NO rational side in politics. Trump understands this, and basically keeps fucking winning.

*linguistically admited to be impossible

Think of all the bad, destructive jews who had parents who had parents Whites considered "good."

Get it?

jews are a problem collectively.

Moral questions immediately present themselves as questions whose solution cannot wait for sensible proof. A moral question is a question not of what sensibly exists, but of what is good, or would be good if it did exist. A social organism of any sort whatever, large or small, is what it is because each member proceeds to his own duty with a trust that the other members will simultaneously do theirs. Wherever a desired result is achieved by the co-operation of many independent persons, its existence as a fact is a pure consequence of the precursive faith in one another of those immediately concerned. A government, an army, a commercial system, a ship, a college, an athletic team, all exist on this condition, without which not only is nothing achieved, but nothing is even attempted.

This is the reason why we create imaginary problems instead of attempting to solve the real problems. The Jews know this and laugh at us.


We gotta kill all semites, where have you n00bs been?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Jews have been kicked out of nearly every country they've ever been in in hopes of getting rid of them but they keep sneaking back in. It is literal insanity not to kill every last one of them.

Just remove them and you put them in the shadows, once the sun goes on it's 550 year down cycle they will strive because darkness is their home.

if there are physical differences in the brain that are supposedly indicators of leftist thinking then how the fuck does the redpill work?

Does someone who starts out as a modern pozzed leftist but become a staunch pro-white race realist right winger who hates niggers after a few years spent on Holla Forums being exposed to harsh realities and infographics and pie charts about crime by race change the physicality of their brains in the process?

this shit gets thrown around occasionally and it all seems like fucking pseudo-scientific nonsense to me