White people are facing genocide now in their own countries. Our white countries (America, canada, Europe, UK, Australia, etc) are being invaded by millions of 3rd world immigrants who hate us and want to destroy us and our way of life. My question to you all- WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT? Are you just sitting on the internet complaining about it? Now is the time to start organizing ourselves. A very good first step is to join a nationalist organization in your local area such as the American Vanguard, Traditional Workers Party, American Freedom Party, Blood and Honour, Council of Conservative Citizens, The Right Stuff, Sons & Daughters of Liberty, White Boy Society, Wolves of Vinland, Anti-Communist Action, Identitarian, etc. There is strength in numbers and it's our only hope. Unless we get organized, we white people will LOSE our countries and our formerly glorious white countries will be turned into 3rd world hellholes. Stop wasting time. Take action. Join one of the above organizations and start fighting for white people's rights!
Other urls found in this thread:
I smell Schlomo tricks
Probably won't help. Niggers breed like rabbits and civilized nations are supporting them through foreign aid.
yea nigga
do you have a better idea? Start organizing ourselves is the first step.
Adolf Cuck Hitler. As soon as I learned that he DIDN'T kill 6 million jews, I rejected him.
You poor delusioned bastard. He killed way more
oh right, yea, i forgot. He killed six GORILLIAN jews
What are your proofs to say he didnt kill 6 million jews?
google "Did Six Million Really Die PDF"
the guy who wrote that was arrested and put in jail for 8 years in Germany
looks like the jews really hate the truth coming out
oh vey remember the six trillion who died!
this suns it up. Thanks user. Hail Hitler
People like you are too far gone. Nt even with hard evidence, you would believe it. Its no point to argue with you
actually you are too far gone if you still believe in the lie of the holocaust. There's zero proof it happened and yet retards like you still blindly believe in it. Go kill yourself faggot
Ther eis litterally hundreds of proofs that it indeed happen. Pictures, documents, videos. You are the one that is too retarded to see the truth
WRONG. There is zero proof.
You need to pull your head out of your ass and start using your brain, cuck.
Buddy. I'm not going to stomp on your ideology here. You wanna believe something idiotic, that's your prerogative. But come. The. Fuck. On.
did you know the confessions from the nuremburg trials were gained under extreme torture? No of course you don't. But if you had read the book I mentioned, you would.
READ. Educate yourself. Stop being a slave.
they deleted it because you're a fucking retarded cuck.
you are a total moron if you still believe in the fiction of the holocaust
White Nationalists cause "White Genocide".
white genocide is real and white people are starting to wake up to this and fight back
I voted for Marine Le Pen, and also her party in the legislatives. Also I made some memes. I don't wanna join any organization though. Their hierarchical nature makes them easy for jews to infiltrate and subvert. Also it's dangerous to walk around in big groups right now, when Soros just funded his NGOs with tons of money. It's like walking with a target on your back. Better to work in silence, alone or in small teams, with people you know well and trust.
You are schlomo
even if they are, the groups are still promoting white people's interests so i will still support them.
You and I both know it was a Googolquadraplex. More Jews died than the total number of humans that have ever existed.
it's a well known phenomenon that jews pay nationalist movements to turn into israel-first organisations
and miles and miles to go before i sleep
and they still removing my webm
cause ur a cuck
do you guys have any idea how cringey you guys are to everyone but yourselves?
didn't think so
do i look like I GIVE A FUCK?
When White people try to fight back White Nationalists threaten violence against them.
do you have any idea how racist you are to white people?
didn't think so
Bullshit cuck. It's white liberals that use violence
Kill every white nazi bigot
Try it faggot
Stop White Geno's Side
*teleports behind you*
*unzips dick*
*pulls down your pants*
nothin peronnel bigoto
Haha WTF
odds of white people not becoming extinct is like 0% at this rate. Your freedom of opinion has created psychos.
Maybe tackle white people watching cuck porn. No other culture has this issue.
Thinking your opinion matters
I fucking loathe the existence of that shit. Goddamn it makes me mad.
What's the matter with you cumskin pussies that you can't take a bit of everyday racism without getting triggered? Aren't niggers and jews subhumans with no valid opinions in your eyes? Aren't you a racist too?
It's pure hypocricy to complain that others feel the same towards you as you towards them. It's also deeply stupid, as evidenced by the fallacy of white genocide
The facts are simple: whites are outnumbered and disunited. Many are painfully ashamed of the expoitation of minorities which underpins their historical successes and sense of worth. The nationalist trope is just that, a trope.
i an trying to google but i don't know if i know how the keyboard works its hard
Interracial porn is produced for niggers, user. It plays into their desire to have what whites have and do what whites do but with a bigger dick. If you are upset by its existence, don't watch it. Simples
No, it's the men who get off on seeing their woman do that that makes me mad. It's fucking pathetic man.
hey bitch if you keep pushing us white people we will soon exterminate you all
Jim kicks ass at web design
Cuck porn doesn't even make sense, unless it's some guy's wife that's in the video, and then it only cucks that one guy. Otherwise it's just actors, and it's really stupid. I've even seen one where the "cuck" is supposed to be the girl's dad. Now that's fucking cringey! I can't believe this even exists, but apparently there's also videos about people fucking cars or pissing and shitting, so whatever.
baby boomer cucks
almost no GenZ men are cucks
There's no shortage of verbal testimony, bogus 'studies', sensational headlines. What you need is physical evidence. Physical evidence of bodies, or the remains of bodies in the ground.
You cannot murder and dispose of millions of people without leaving tons of physical evidence.
goddamn nigger farm
The millions of Jew bodies we're just vaporized into thin air
Only in peer reviewed historical testimonials.
Only "2 meters of earth" stand between silencing every holocaust deniers ever, and reality.
We've been waiting 70 years.
We know exactly where they're supposed to be and as an added bonus with not so modern technology we can even determine if the alleged remains are that of jews.
someone needs to take their meds.
I am not sure any of you understand mathematics at all.
The chance (not odds btw, odds are a ratio not a percentage) of ALL people not becoming extinct is 0%.
We will all eventually be extinct simply because of evolution. Species come and go, they are never permanent. Arguing about whether it will or won't happen to any sub-population is therefore stupid. Arguing about when it will happen is equally stupid because extinction in any species happens over time and will therefore be observable and measurable with properly vetted scientific data, which will provide intellectual rather than emotional conviction.
tl;dr version
You dumb fuckers simply believe whatever you read on the internet.
white people will reach a critical mass of consciousness within 20 to 30 years, once that happens they will realize a race war is the ONLY solution and will literally genocide every last non-white person worldwide
Baby Boomers are truly evil. They sold out their own children and grandchildren's generation by outsourcing all the jobs and then allowing tens of millions of immigrants to come in and take whatever few jobs remained. Baby Boomers destroyed America and are the ones responsible for multiculturalism and mass immigration. Baby Boomers are selfish overgrown children who say things like "Young people are lazy and don't want to work". Nevermind that the Baby boomers destroyed the economy and thus there are no jobs left? Baby boomers are truly evil and have destroyed Western civilization within a matter of 50 years. Why can't the Baby Boomers just die already?
-Jamie Sanders
keep telling yourself that, jew. It may be the last mistake you ever make
white women are having sex with the top 5 percent of alpha males. The other 95 percent, the beta males, are getting zero sex.
I reported that post with the reason "It trigers me" and it got BTFO
that goes to show you the levels of cuckery around here
choose one
agreed, soldiers are nothing but white trash and pawns for the ZOG. We should boycott the military so we don't have to die for israel's wars
this tbh
only white trash and niggers join the military
and shemales
yes goy, go fight and die so these slut white whores can go jump on black cock
deport all whites back to nonexistence
try it faggot. If you provoke whites enough, they will react with genocidal rage and exterminate all non-whites
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
whew lad
Link to the vid nigger.
keep facebook meme son facebook tbh
So if I move to Japan, I'm genociding the Japanese?
& TBH if it really was genocide, it would serve you Amerifats right for what you did to the Indians.
Keep it up, retards. You killed Heather Heyer, that's one less white woman to breed. At this rate you'll wipe your own race out!
what? isn't europe the only actual home of white people?
Stop posting propaganda, yurop was a shithole untill a fundamentalist Catholic Spain expelled muslims and jews, conquered other yurop countries, put turks in their place, conquered America and part of Asia and allowed a christian europe to flourish. Do you know what christian religious art is? Do you know what victorian england was? do you know what kind of people colonized the first colonies in Usa? "the super white people" is just a meme, what you really have is a poor land that received Christ and that christian land conquered the world in the name of Christ, please tell me, brazilians speak turk? chileans are vikings? Filipina is a frisian colony? Please stop believing youtube videos and read a book.
fuck you, the white race was awesome until cuck christianity came along and cucked the white race.
Man will not be free until the last jew is strangled to death with the entrails of the last christian.
Amen Holla Forumsrother, Amen!!!
White trash nationalists are garbage. National socialists are good though.
We need to convince everyone else to fuck off
What? Globalism is ruining European and western culture, not to mention ruining the rest of the world due to everyone who is stuck in shithole countries being too stupid/poor to be able to leave the country and reap the benefits of globalization. Something called 'brain drain' that you can google
If over time many non Japanese people move there and the culture today disappears and there are no more people with recent ancestry that's entirely from Japan, then yes you will have played a part in the Genocide of Japan.
Why do you think Israel is so against immigration going so far as to sterilize the Africans and just assaulting any Arabs that date Israelis?
On that note, if what the Americans did is wrong to the Indians then what the Israelis did is wrong to the Palestinians.
And Heather Heyer got herself killed. When you are in a crowd that is 'protesting' with weapons then expect someone to get really pissed off at you. This wasn't 'white supremacists killing a liberal' it was one person getting pissed off that a bunch of hooligans are getting a free pass from the entire country to literally assault you with piss and etc
Fortuyn was an advocate for child sexuality, to his credit.
The faggots who post or upvote hitler did nothing wrong comments in Jared Taylor videos are cancerous retards.
but it's funny
It's funny if you actually think Jared is a Jew consorting peacenik. This means these comments are sabotage.
Jared is a kosher piece of shit that is subverting actual race realism. He's one of those faggots that gets retards riled up about blacks and muslims but completely ignores the jewish problem. I really dislike people like him because there is no way ye hasn't been exposed to this information so it is active,intentional deception. I guarantee you he is funded by ziokikes.
Hitler rehabilitation is as bad as leftypol Stalin rehabilitation. I've been watching this business for years and Taylor has my increasing respect while I'm suspicious of just about everyone else, including MacDonald.
Got any Lenin "redpills"?
He's a joke, have you seen the video of him playing sax and singing about the alt right? He also has literal rabbis speaking at his events.
He isn't putting anything on the line and he only goes for the soft targets that it is ok to hate in right wing circles like blacks, spics and muslims. Fuck him, he's a kosher clown dancing to the ziokikes tune. I think people like him are worse than the left, at least they are being deceived rather than actively deceiving others and putting all the blame on these designated target groups that are just as detached and brainwashed as white people are. Name some of his actions that make you respect him.
I don't think that's compromising though. Certainly nothing like being as intellectually compromised as Hitler rehabilitationism.
One day you'll notice that political corruption and the wounds of empire do not depend on the influence of Jews.
It absolutely is and it gives you an idea of his character, he has no problem with a jewish supremacist cracking jokes about blacks but if you take the stand and so much as mention jewish influence in American politics he'll break out in a sweat and ban you from future events. This is a problem because he is diverting, jokes and hate towards powerless minority groups are fine but criticise the people paying him and there will be trouble.
So basically the one race based political system that can save us should be discarded because jews have spent the last 60 years making it look barbaric and uncivilised? What is your solution then, cucked kosher nationalism where we can have semi homogeneous civilizations provided we are ruled by jews and willing to kill their enemies for them? Most people don't even know what National Socialism actually is outside of the jewish lies, you just don't call it that or mention Hitler but retain the main principles of it.
Obviously. That doesn't change the fact that they are a leading force in the push for white genocide and are the only group that really has anything to gain from it. Explain how it is ok for him to completely ignore this key aspect of the problem without mentioning "Hitler rehabilitation".
Holla Forums talks the talk about killing people and DOTR and yet only one guy with a dodge challenger ever does anything. And then everyone goes back to square one for a little bit.
You all waste energy on REEEE threads like the fucking morons you are. Oh, and the conspiritard threads too.
Actually creating an alternate society using your protected freedoms of association would be an actual start but that won't happen. Like a white man can literally fix a car for free and what will the feds do? Jail him for not doing the same for a black man?
Pol is contained and subverted morons tbh.
It's illegal in most white countries to do this. We don't have protected freedom of association outside of America and I'm pretty sure Americans don't have it in the sense that you implying. Like if they made a white enclave and the government decided to set up section 8 housing a mile away from it there isn't anything they can do to stop it.
If they can sue and ruin you for not baking a cake for the gay community then they can probably come down on you even harder for refusing somebody service because of race.
I agree that Holla Forums belongs in the trash though.
Yeah. What I mean by "freedom of association" though refers to every bit of free will the state can never illegalize without removing free will from man.
If you didn't want to break laws; you can charge blacks regular fees for your services. But nothing is stopping a mechanic from fixing cars for free, on his own volition, outside his business. The day the state keeps a ratio on the number of black to white "friends" you fixed cars for will be quite a fucked day indeed.
And then there's simply "disengaging." Not paying taxes. Doing things "outside the norm." Rule breaking.
How totalitarian would the state have to be to make sure that white folk don't receive favors from one another?
But instead pol is pol and they talk about 1) things nobody will risk doing while 2) expending all their energy while 3) looking like fringe lunatics.
If that isn't SHUT DOWN to the max I don't know what is. Calling out niggers and jews doesn't do much considering that uncucking begins with the self, not during a magical moment of violence that is unlikely to materialize.
it's time to fight back and organize ourselves
Good idea, mien nigger. Take the analogy and run with it. Spread it to ears that listen and minds that think.
I'll be in Canada, meanwhile. A stranger here is as likely to be brown or chinese than white.
Whites are the most efficient killing machines to ever walk this earth. In the civil war in Rhodesia between whites and blacks, whites had an 80 to 1 kill ratio. That is, we killed 80 blacks for every 1 white person they killed.
He cracked a quite funny joke about a Jew in a recent video.
NatSoc tries to make everyone conform. There's simply too great a difference in cognition between 90 IQ Evangelicals and 125 IQ liberal elites. The Evangelicals need laws for drugs, homosexuality, and marriage because a good part of their population can't behave kindly and nicely. The upper class otoh feel these social controls are a nuisance because they don't need them. This fuels rivalry between elite groups leading to destabilization.
The solution so far is a state which has the right to impose immigration and eugenic controls, but which allows the population the liberty of choosing the who they live with in their community, and what criminal laws apply.
I agree. However, NatSocs rarely express a firm hand on dealing with the billions of non-white idiots polluting the environment. We have a greater claim to demand India reduce its population to 20 million than we do to gas Ilana Mercer or Paul Gottfried because of Jewish radicalism.
Dude connect the dots. Talking on pol about specifics makes it way too easy for anyone to see. For what you are talking about you have to GET OFF THE INTERNET.
You explained it further right here. Most of the internet is for people who haven't entirely 'uncucked the self' because the moment you start believing in yourself you engage in local communities or start your own after making a few hundred friends IRL
If you could learn about any specific communities to join just from browsing Holla Forums then so could CNN
This place is for anonymous red pilling; sharing truth and cultivating ideas
dude where did you get the pic of Jamie Sanders? That was a fake instagram account that I CREATED. Holy shit. Is she famous now? Fucking instagram deleted my damn account yesterday tho
some user posted it, and i saved it
yea that was me
dont be a trumpgoon, reddit
How do we convince migrants to leave?
stop fucking up their countries
what? migrants come from every country
with a gun
Yes they will want to leave if they will die otherwise.
What other ways?
Mandated use of oversized novelty banana phones for nonwhites.
it's the only way. Force them out at gunpoint
genocide is a bit abhorrent. but you can see how drumpfcucks make it such a tempting proposition
extermination is the only option, brown people are cockroaches
we can either take away rights from 3DPD, make a method of asexual reproduction, or get rid of technology to the point where we are per-industrial revolution
remove white women from the reproductive process
white women are the reason why the white race is dying
true, and removing 3DPD from reproduction make sure this never happens again
Removing women from reproduction through artificial wombs would create a terrible dysgenic threat.
it's the only way to save the white MALE race. We abort all white females and only create white males thru artificial wombs
white women are the bane of our race
All the feeble and antisocial men whom women filter out would then have free license to beget undesirable children. If both sexes are unable to freely choose mates, beauty and secondary sex characteristics cannot develop. I think there is a correlation with the high dimorphism and novel phenotypes such as blue eyes and blond hair of whites and their relatively high status of women. There is no need for beauty under the paternal control of women and reproduction.
what if we used genetic engineering to create only the most intelligent white males?
white females are irrelevant. They will go extinct. White men are the ones who create everything.
I think whites should be made even more beautiful. For eyes, I want nothing less than large, mesmerising wells inlaid with irises like effulgent molten jewels of colour. Our skin should be so fair, tender, and delicate that our current skin is like tan cowhide. Women's pussies should be like elaborate lotus flowers, and the men like priapic marble statues.
well whatever but white men are the only whites that will exist. White women are now irrelevant. We will use artificial wombs to produce ONLY white males
I think you meant "start" not stop.
i know where youre coming from but that is not a compelling argument
3DPD vote themselves welfare, and welfare allows dysgenics to take place, then you get invaded by a low IQ niggers looking for welfare, making even more dysgenics.
at worst artificial wombs would make humans not change at all, at best it would give us control over our evolution
Your saying that women pick the best mates? That's flat out wrong when considering women pick mates based on what people tell them "whats hot" or in to date at the time. Women do not have a "biological radar" to pick the best mate to support them. This is why a massive problem is women date "alphas" then when they get older and the "alphas" cannot support them they look for a "beta". If you believe that "alphas" built society up then you have been watching to many movies and reading to many non historical books.
The most problematic thing I see with artificial wombs would be if cucks and women got a hold of the eligibility of who can use them. Instead of breeding white men they would just breed niggers that where deformed so that they can beg for more sympathy bucks and on top of that they wont have to import any of them. So to prevent this women cannot be in control of this technology. We will have to build a community or new government to outlaw cucks and women in higher positions.
males give 3DPD power and help them due to the value 3DPD have in reproduction.
With this technology, males and 3DPD would on the same level in terms of value, but 3DPD wouldn't have 100,000s of years of evolution of their side, so the second they start trying to fuck things up is the second men put them in their place.
If you're going to stand for something at least have the spine to admit you want violence.
in your defence the liberals/antifa are causing the most violence currently
I wish that was true, but look at the world today. Few countries keep women in their place because women have been given not just reproduction power but sexual power. This is why not only must we replace women with a better means of reproduction that is not just based on emotion but also we must replace them as partners with animatronics that have integrated AI that pushes men to better themselves.
Liberal parties in the U.S. are lead on emotion. The men involved are only there because of the women they are with. Women lead these kind of movements that destroy a culture and civilization.
The countries that keep their 3DPD in place are shitty places to live, so 3DPD must submit themselves, because without men their lives would be hard, and shit.
the places that are nice to live are also the places being fucked up by 3DPD, because the 3DPD can get by well without a man due to technology making life easy, and men let them fuck shit up because 3DPD still have their reproduction value.
Take away their value, take away men's reason to deal with them.
Yes, sexbots with AI would help with this also
I know, what I was saying is that you shouldn't dilute your message for the sake of making yourself look better, it ruins everything.
Psst. The world is flat: 8ch.net
We can do Turkish Genocide instead OP!
Some fair points, mien nigger. I will reconsider this.
How is this bad? In the great empires of the past you either conformed or died and this is what leads to great achievements. You are a small part of a single body and if you refuse to work in tandem with it you are a cancer cell that needs to be purged. That is how it was and should be again.
So they serve different roles.
So you find the middle ground and enforce the rules harshly.
90 IQ evangelicals aren't an elite group. Most of them are led by jews by way of their corrupt pro zionist preachers.
So the solution is balkanization? America is not a popular country, if you ever do that you will become a third rate power and the foreign nations that hate you (most of them) will be able to swarm and destroy your weakened nation before it ever gets the chance to enter whatever stage you think should come after balkanization. What is that stage btw?
You agree that jews are the main force pushing for white genocide but think we should just focus on Indian slave labour that pollute the environment instead? Tell me how that will help people understand that there are a group of people actively pushing for their destruction with the full backing of the media and banking sector?
Who is profiting and managing the industry that causes this pollution? This is why you people are trash, you totally ignore the illness itself and just blame the instantly visible symptoms of the disease, it's pathetic. You claim that Hitler rehabilitation is a terribly unpopular viewpoint that is a dead end but requesting the culling of billions of people is fine? You sound like a genocidal kike.
There it is. Nobody is trying to gas them you kike, the only people pushing that shit are subversive jews like you and the subhuman retards that fall for your bullshit. The gas chambers are a myth, they just get idiots to spout this line to make average jews more neurotic and make it seem like they are justified in their hatred of whites.
You are saying that we should care more about Indian serfs who are working with the terrible lot that they were born into more than we should care about subversive jews destroying our nations, raping our industry (nowhere near as badly as they have raped the industry of the third world though) and trying to wipe out our people, I am saying if we dealt with those subversive jews the problems in the rest of the world would actually be possible to solve. It's all mental masturbation but your "cull the third world" bullshit is a pure LARP, the jewish question can actually be addressed so why don't people like Jared Taylor ever mention it and just focus on non whites that have it worse than we do in many cases instead? They are shills.
Heather Heyer was a coalburner. Also, her own fatness killed her as she was surprised by a car running into another car next to her. None of this changes the fact that jews keep advocating for the importation of millions of third-worlders into white countries.
Around 50% of all black pregnancies are ended by abortion, tbh
>>>Holla Forums
IT'S SO BIG!!!!!!!!!
Fake news.
White women are the ones ruining the white race with their feminism. We need to replace white women with artificial wombs and produce ONLY white male children.
Yes whites, fight amongst yourselves as to who is more white so you can't unify. Oh and here is some cuckhold porn to wash that bluepill down easier.
Neat, thanks for the quote. Here's a video with similar information
You have the government to thank for that and the retards who keep voting for them
I dont think america is a white nation
never has been
delet this
make me
Why does this trigger leftypol so much? is it because the are racist and hate white people?
Thats exacty why.
How's that investigation into the Rotherham rape gangs going? Did you give the ringleaders some slap-on-the-wrist punishment yet, or did your women bitch about that being islamophobic?
white women deserve to be raped. They're the ones bringing in these immigrants and protecting them
White Nationalism and Alt Right are the cause of "White Genocide".
shut up Holla Forums
White Nationalists threatening Whites who want to meet up.
That is factually not true.
t. kike
Yes it is. Over and over.
Fake news dummy
Since you're an asshole, here's another one.
You´re just a kike trying to shill people into your bullshit propaganda. Fuck off
post fake news….gets called out….posts more fake news….wew
Are you mentally retarded?
Spot the irony?
No you are.
No, But you clearly are.
White Nationalists more dangerous to Whites than Antifa. WEW!
That's all you faggots can do when presented with the truth.
>the (((truth)))
There's a massive void of intelligence on leftypol go back i'm sure you'll fit right in.
And (((White Nationalism))) is the tool they use.
Let's just convince them to go back to their own countries.
Why can't everyone love the country they belong in? Nationalism is actually good for everyone
because you are terrorist
white genocide is based
lil bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to
It would help to fuck the blacks women
post about it on the internet
Controlled Opposition