What do you think Holla Forums should I trust my friends on this, or go for it?
Need advice
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go for it
You have to go back to 4/b/ with this shit.
meep meep you should shoot up your school tbh
where they teach you about jewish medicine and jewish remedies to stay fit. You are a loser for going to public schools. People in public schools are jewish puppets. You should drop out and stop communicating with any of your peers from that school.
is she a scorpio
Most of the people here are redpilled af. A few libtards here and there but for the most part it's not very goyem
I don't fucking know
this tbh
i don't think you know what that means tbh
You're right i didn't just looked it up. Now realizing how retarded I look.
put a baby in her
You're way too old to be in high school you sick old man. Go to a retirement home
Why not both? She may very well be a bitch or, more likely, just crazy. But you're in high school. As long as you use a rubber so you don't knock her up, nothing you do matters. You're not going to marry her. If you can get her to put out, go ahead.
You're in for a lot of disappointment and hardship in life. Life sucks for well over 99.99% of people. If you can wring a little enjoyment out of your days before you realize the meaninglessness of it all and start drinking yourself to sleep every night and wondering whether you could manage to shoot yourself in the head without turning yourself into a quadriplegic vegetable, you should.
Just don't believe your stupid brain when you "fall in love." That's just a neurochemical process akin to opioid abuse that survived in our species because short periods of pair-bonding increased the survival chances of offspring in early Homo sapiens.
Kill yourself, my dude
It's not voluntarily if no girl wants you.
posts pics nigger
grow up
best advice ever
just Holla Forums yourself.
Fuck as much pussy as you can when you can because later you're just old and it's hard to come by.
Thanks for advice user
pepe #based
grey peepee
Choke her until she screams like bald eagle my dude