U.S. warplanes hit Syrian army base thread #2

Previous Thread:

Updates: Syrian government says US-led coalition struck its forces, allowing Islamic State group to advance.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Syrian army positions were attacked by two F-16 fighter jets and two A-10 ground attack aircraft of the US-led coalition

WW3 going hot soon?

Other urls found in this thread:


Rolling for WW3 by Monday

Isn't this thread #3?

===As a result of the attack, 62 Syrian soldiers were killed and some 100 others were injured, according to information received from the Syrian command in Deir ez-Zor, he said.=


The other is a Syria general. It isn't relating to the attack specifically. This happened in 5:00 - 5:30pm Putin standard time

DUBS… sheeeeit

Don't let the shills derail this one you fucking faggots.



pretty weird timing isn't it? the bombings are all that's being talked about right now. It's dominating social media and tv. but the implications here with US directly helping ISIS and attacking Syria are much bigger.

I'm willing to bet they may never actually catch the (((bombers)))

Witnessed & confirmed….


Might be a distraction yet legit by sandniggers actually.

Considering we haven't even seen pics of the injured yet, you're probably right.

Archive of previous thread just in case…
You beat me to it by a few minutes OP

Just in case Putin is browing Holla Forums tonight:

As an American I completely understand if you need to nuke Washington DC for the same of world peace. No hard feelings.

Most of us consider DC to be the base camp of a hostile occupying force anyway.

I guess it worked by the lack of posters in the thread.




Wouldn't rule it out, that's for sure. Usually there's always a "convenient" shooting or bombing right after something really big happens to bury it. Can't have people worry about the risk of WWIII just yet.

Though hearing about this and Syria indicates to me that there's a new game-plan being hastily launched due to a strong chance Hillary is unable to win. So expect more of the shit (in Syria at least) escalating in the coming weeks. If I'm right, then it won't matter who wins anymore because conditions for WWIII would be so white-hot, Putin's patience with the U.S would be exhausted. That cannot be allowed to happen.

I think if Syria decides to close sovereign airspace to USAF & Allies (which it technically could) and starts painting everything with the S-400 & S-300 systems. It would probably actually get some traction on PBS

Pretty obvious. I am sure they coordinate Syrian attacks with their domestic attacks back on US soil at the same time.

Don't think a nuke is required on DC unless it is small yeild type targets. We have a lot legit artifacts there. They can hit all over Cali and NY and help take DC.

They are going to end up nuking the Constitution and Declaration among other things though.

Fucking nigger is fucking shit up and being such a ZOG slave.

Honestly it's probably for the best.

Neutron Bombs ftw


You know, if it was one plane accidentally dropping a bomb or two on the wrong side i'd say "Fine, mistakes happen in war." but == 4 == aircraft?

That's fucking deliberate and now shit's gonna happen.

Which will eventually become hot this time, the ABM system is the key decision factor in why it won't be the same as before.

Obviously deliberate, an A-10 attack. Those things fly so low they can see what candy bar a soldier on the ground is eating

No need to be a sandnigger about historical artifacts brah.

I doubt it'll end in WW3.

Uh trips, you realize China is now involved in Syria too right?


Thanks O'bummer.

"US is defending ISIS"
rt .com/news/359686-un-security-urgent-meeting/

I still doubt they'll rain nukes over Syria. I don't think anybody's that trigger happy.

An established ABM system means a loss of M.A.D doctrine, it's inevitable but that's a more future concern. But it's clear now the U.S is trying to goad Russia into a direct conflict over Syria. The idea is to force Russia's hand into engaging in a more active role with Syrian troops; then inevitably bomb Russian support by "accident". This recent attack is merely a warmup in what to expect.

Also as user said China has an interest in undermining the U.S and will join in the fray to help Russia. Then while the major powers are at it with themselves, all those truces/ceasefires in other regional conflicts globally will collapse and there's your WWIII right there.

It's actually all about Iran. The effort in Syria is strictly a means to undermine Iran's regional influence and weaken them (that and Israel wants more of Syria's territory but that's secondary). That's why there's great interest in it because everyone knows who's next if Syria falls. Iran is the key opposing player to Israel yet Iran has strong ties to Russia/China.

With this going on and the bombs in JewYork maby they are trying to do the smoke and mirrors trick. Also this to
I don't know how light the source


fuck off kike


It has to do with more than just over some arid sandnigger land. It has to do with other factors such as:

- FRN world reserve currency status being challenged seriously by BRICS

- A war with China in 2020 would be too devastating for the US to wage according to the Rand Corporation think tank, meaning we are going to lose our war bargaining chip soon against a coalition against the US.

- Globally US losing strategic alliances from the Philippines, to Turkey. Our global gambles are coming apart.

- China, Russia, and Iran (Norks likely are another beligerent) are now stepping up and joining together to curtail US encirclement of Asia

- US citizens are not satisfied and are armed up, upset, over corruption amongst other grievances and Russia even consider the US a rogue state. Big deal right? Well any civil strife is going to have Russia backing up anyone taking on the US if they have a pro-Russian bent such as the (((alt-right))). So any internal resistance isn't going to be left alone like it was in the Civil War.

- The longer the US waits to act, the more advantages we are losing.

- We are already in a Cold War through proxy wars. Russia has already ordered troops 50 miles from the border of Alaska and Spetznaz to Bolivia to overthrow the US puppet president official. China is preparing for a naval fight over the south China seas, Norks are always acting like Norks, and Iran is moving into Iraq and having to deal with Israel. We have the powder keg, something like this is capable of blowing it. What is probably holding anything back is the possibility of a Trump presidency as far as I can tell.

- The US ==IS MORE LIKELY INTERESTED IN WW3== rather than a civil war on American soil. A WW3 gives the US a chance to "unify" the country (AKA deflect and create a common enemy)

- Russia is also interested in a nuclear war as conventional war would be preferable to avoid.

All these are just a few of the reasons off the top of my head from what we have been seeing.


This. They know shits fucked and ultimately have come to the conclusion a civil war would be more devistating then just a war

Saved. Thanks user.


I'm gonna wait if Hillary becomes president before worrying about a global thermonuclear conflict, although I wouldn't be surprised if those fuckers decide to take us all down rather than lose power.

Implying hes not hiding behind 7 proxies

It definitely is. Trump opens a rare opportunity for diplomatic talks and refreshing change to U.S foreign policy. So if Russia can achieve that, then it could avert the worst case scenario while benefit immensely from it. It opens Russia to project increasing power through a more peaceful role in the region. An opportunity worth waiting for if Obama doesn't try and do a Hillary before November and start WWIII by any means necessary.

The homework assignment for you two niggers is to study the circumstances surrounding the Bank Bill of 1791.

In particular, look at which states had defaulted on their war bonds and which ones had not.

Pay particular attention to the how many of the bonds purchased via this bill were still held by the original lenders.

Also note the funding source for this bill and how it was received by the affected individuals.

All you "muh Constition" cucks have spend your life shilling for a scam. The Bill of Rights was a smoke screen to distract you from how your soul was sold off to the volcano god in Article 1, Section 8.

More importantly for us Trump can guide the US back to the role of being a "good guy" in the world instead of this zionist ogre. The way the US is heading now seems like the people in power want to completely destroy America. Because there is no other outcome to this currently. We would not unify for a world war. The most loyal supporters of government are also the biggest pussies. Is the army just going to be immigrants hoping for citizenship? What a joke.

Here's a homework assignment for you, when was the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States Ratified.

BTW if you want to rant about it, make a new thread. This is a news thread on the US attack on Syria

One thing's for certain, (((they're))) not going to make easy though. That's why I'm a bit worried, because cornered animals are extremely fierce and not to be underestimated.

You're not very good at history.

Never underestimate the stupidity of normies and moralfags seeing gay bay and jew york being nuked.

The wise thing would let out a sensible chuckle. You really think they have a clue enough to do that?

Meant for

for fuck sake man


i wanted to at least see who negan whacked

When you run into one of those normies, who him this:


Put 'bombing' in your search engine. Suddenly it's all about NYC+NJ, rather than Syria.

"Wag the Dog": still relevant.

Russia has all the advantages in a nuclear war. In Russia, the federal government largely draws it power from the entirety of the country and the loss of likely targets [military bases, large migrant-infested cities] wouldn't destroy the government's support base.

In the US, the federal government draws 100% of its support from overwhelmingly non-White, jewish, and liberal metropolitan areas. Nuking anti-White ZOG ratholes like Atlanta, San Francisco, Jew York, and Chicago would destroy the American government instantly and in not-insignificant portions of the country probably be almost welcomed.

if it helps the national guard were doing exercises in that area or some shit

fox said there was a national guard living in an apartment there and when he heard the explosion HE PUT HIS UNIFORM ON even before leaving his apartment. who the fuck does that?

So are there any technical details on what happened, like plane type used, one bomb or more, exact number killed, amount of equipment destroyed, etc…

Maybe the impression zog wants us to believe? Falls under the "were it so easy" category for me. But on paper that does seem the case of all the eggs being in one basket.


Unsubstantiated claims and disputes of small yield tactical nuke.

g'night nigger faggots




Has anyone had a poke around samantha powers past? Never heard of her before but really dislike the cunt now.

But seriously god damn it, I didn't ask for this shit. Our government is shit anyway, look at how frequently we vote to change it. We treat it like wearing underwear.

Its in the OP, are you blind?

I never read the OP in continuation threads.
Thanks for pointing it out though.

Fucking donuts. November any time now.

The unreal levels of multi-cult pozz are actually pretty recent, from a societal grand-scale perspective. Like, the last 20-30 years. I'd imagine they largely didn't anticipate such tension and hatred developing at just the moment their ability to remain the unchallenged global superpower was crumbling.

She's married to (((Cass Sunstein))) [look him up while you're at it]. She's an apex rope candidate.

This makes me want to get the fuck out of Portland but then again there are almost more ruskies here than wetbacks.

Posted this earlier but look at where the airstrike took place, a small enclave that is SURROUNDED by ISIS on all sides, and the US "accidently" hit the Syrians. really outrageous

Very well put.

It's pretty well buried on most news aggregators too.

You forgot to mention two things;

1. The US missile shield surrounding Russia, giving US a chance of winning a limited nuclear war against Russia. Or even worse, an illusion of a possibility.

2. I might be wrong, but as far as I remember Russia, Syria and Iran have mutual defence pact.

This is where the power of the internet comes into play. Arent those sjw faggots so selfish for ignoring the deaths of 60+ syrians?

I'm not saying it's not orchestrated but you have to also consider how self-centered everyone is. It's all basically social media at this point and you know how that goes. Shameful and shameless.

They're 60 Syrian Assadwipes. Dude's an asshole, the people who follow him are assholes, the Russians are assholes for sucking his dick, and you're all assholes for pushing some sort of SJW "Assad's unicorns and popcorn" spin.

Fuckers probably deserved it, and got rekked for doing some sort of stupid shit like lighting up our planes. The Russians do that sort of stupid shit all the time, and so do the Iranians and NK fucks. Well those shitheads aren't in a war zone. Enjoy your bombs dipshits.

CIA pls go

Fuck off muslim shit.

It's not surprising really. Lest Holla Forums forget, SJWs are not driven by empathy.
They use issues that they think pull on the heart strings of normies to gain power.
The normies are overly empathetic and can be swayed by such arguments, as well as shaming, which is why SJWs use them.
SJWs are cold and calculating in what they do, and they seek to destroy us.

Though I don't want it to happen, I honestly couldn't call Russia out if they nuked us into oblivion.

There are some good people here, but most of them (although "nice" on an individual basis), deserve to be dead.

The good people here have thus far proven completely incapable of stopping anything, or really even speaking out about it. I don't think there are many good people here at all.

Well fuck


Just me and you buddy, just me and you.

… and Assange.




Yeah, nuke the home state of America's last chance. Not to mention that even shithole NYC has plenty of museums to make it worth saving for a land invasion. Commiefornia is completely irredeemable, nuke away. Make sure you get Oregon and Washington, too.

(((Moderate rebel))) please go.

Honest mistake. Trust us, goyim.

Amerikikes every time

D&C every time

America has always been a cancer to Europe, colonisation was a mistake.

Someones jelly.

Envy. The term is envy. Jealousy means something different.

I'm 99% sure

This cat is crying because it cannot escape the truth any longer.


Of being the most Jewish nation or being a minority in my own country?

Thank you for correcting the record.

China will be the most jewish nation soon enough.

It was an accident goyim


"We express regret. Sorry. Promise not to do it again." :^)

"SIKE! i don't see why this is a big deal.Bashar bombs civilians,hospitals and child care centers with tactical nukes every second.I mean really ? really ?? "

The emotional appeal starts.
Protip: he doesn't. He's the government. He build the said hospitals and child care centers.

Surely this is some sort of jest. Surely you cannot be serious.

Also, it's a big deal because:

1. The USA is bombing a country without being at war. Those kind of aggression are not taken lightly by the foreign Governments.
2. The USA is bombing a foreign government's troops, which aids the cause of ISIS.

Is there any word from Syrian government?

Why am I always laughing when this shit happens and a pic of Obama getting a peace prize flashes into my memory?
Hope the nigger and all his government gets hanged personally by Trump for this.

This just proves, that there is only one rule in this world - the rule of strength, had anyone else done shit like this, the sanctions and threats would fly immediately, but because it's the kikes' lapdog, the US can do whatever the fuck they want and the corrupt puppets politicians keep quiet. I hate this gay earth.

This. I'd keep an yearly holiday for the Hanging of King Nigger.

is a nuclear war really to strike each others population centers?

i thought you would go for all the silos and command centers first

this is one shitty article

it doesnt say that it was aussie planes that did the bombing but just that aussie planes are part of the strike force (((america))) has at its disposal

It takes time for ICBMs to reach their targets. Why would they target, by then, empty missile silos?

here you go buddy

The video was disliked to deep hell for a reason. Most everyone is disagreeing with her in the comments.

If you want to give me a rebuke, at least give me a reliable one.

Is this another one of those racist meme photos made by those Chanters people?


Bad day for syria in this region


As a Norwegian, I wouldn't mind if Oslo went as well.

It's more than 50% mud among the younger generations, and rest are mostly cucks.

Aussie here, don't forget to nuke Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, thereby removing 95% of Australia's poz

The US created modern "terror" and now use it as their reason for invading any part if the Middle East they want. It's the perfect cover "oh we needed to kill a terrorist"

I didn't think an SJW homosexual would know how to make a proxy. nybomber.tumblr.com/

Please let this be real.

N-nice dubs, friend.

wasnt that proven to be isis/fsa?

what is Guantanamo bay

spends 30 secs talking about how they fucked up and 13 minutes about how evil Assad is. Even a dumb fucking liberal should be able to see how poorly she is faking her "emotions"

What a witch.



There are no fucking limits once the first nuke goes off.

It is used to describe a strike to eliminate someone elses capacity to nuke you. It is limited in the sense that they will stop nuking once the threat is deemed to have passed. Retarded i know.

Have you not been paying attention? They have been there since the start.

Since ISIS was created :^)

haha, this doublenigger thinks nuking dc even does anything. after 9/11 the machine never left all eggs in one basket. Most congresscritters arent even there. now they vote rarely, and most of them skip.

With video chat there is no real reason for them to leave their rent grabbing—err fundraising grounds anyway.

to elaborate, nuke the hamptons, chappaqua, and martha's vineyard. thats how you kill the beast.

You have to get the submarines as well for that to work. You will always have to accept that the enemy will retaliate. Besides the missile "shield" isn't up yet and Russia will probably launch a first strike before it becomes operational because if it does they loose everything.


US conveys 'regret' for anti-ISIS strike that killed Syrian forces, official says

The Obama administration expressed its "regret" Saturday for an airstrike that mistakenly killed Syrian forces [Ed: Thanks Obama.], a senior administration official told Fox News, as the U.S. awaited a response from the Assad regime.

The U.S. military halted its air raid against the Islamic State terror group in eastern Syria after learning it struck the Syrian military, a U.S. Central Command official confirmed. The CENTCOM official said the U.S. military was "certain" about the outcome of the strike. Officials had been watching these forces "for a few days" thinking they were ISIS.

This is absolute fucking bullshit. They had been watching these forces for an entire days but couldn't see the difference between military forces and terrorist niggers? Really? Fuck off son, that's not gonna fly.

Which brings us to the next question; why did they not communicate with the Syrian military to know who's who? Could it be that Assad has not given the US permission to fuck up his country and the US went to Syria illegally anyway?

Which brings us to the next question; since when is the US in Syria? I remember a while ago Obingbong and that bitch John Kerry were crying about 'muh gas attack' because they wanted boots on the ground, but luckily they failed because Americans started protesting in the streets.

How the fuck then, is the US now in Syria?! The media is now reporting it as the most normal thing ever: "Oh, they've always been there goy. What, you didn't know?".

What the fuck is going on…

No they haven't, black-ops and CIA maybe. Obama and Kerry wouldn't have been begging for 'intervention' had they 'always been there'.

No they haven't, black-ops and CIA maybe. Obama and Kerry wouldn't have been begging for 'intervention' had they 'always been there'.

Of course this happens shortly after the government forces manage to siege aleppo for a second time.
I remember the first siege breaking after the US forces set up shop in syria.

Also note the word gymnastics of these filthy kikes; they keep it calling it 'the Assad regime' instead of Syrian Government.


Samantha Power is a kike-tool:

On June 5, 2013, U.S. president Barack Obama announced her nomination as the new United States Ambassador to the United Nations.[37]
Power's nomination was backed by Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham,[38][39] former independent senator Joseph Lieberman.[40] Power also received support from U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross,[41] the national director of the Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman,[42] Israel's ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren,[43] lawyer and commentator Alan Dershowitz,[44] the director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti,[45] the director of the Israel Project, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs,[46] the President of the Rabbinical Assembly,[47] the Eastern Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center,[48] the National Jewish Democratic Council, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach,[49] publisher Marty Peretz,[50] and military writer Max Boot.[51][52][53]

She may be a chosenite herself for all I know…


Wow, that is a 100% kike-approved shaboz goy.

It also looks like a man.

She's irish so might as well be one of gods cohens.

Her mother's name is Delaney, a lot of Jews with that name… and her nose is oven-worthy…

Disgusting speech…

It's not a typical kike nose though. It's probably a shaboz goy, literally the worst traitor the human races have to offer.

No, she's probably a shiksa… but her supporters are VERY Jewish…

And by the way; there is no way in hell this was an accident. There is only two groups in that area, SAA and ISIS, and USA would never help SAA by bombing ISIS. Never happened before, and will never happen. It was intentional, testing the waters, and putting Putin in a difficult position…



well, got my raifu, so fuck it… LET'S ROLL!

This. it wasn't the average american fighting against the axis! oh wait.

Then why even fucking be in Syria you fucking retards?! The Syrian Government doesn't doesnt want you there.


Exactly. They had been observing these 'forces' for entire days but somehow couldn't see that they were Syrian Military.

Absolutely unbelievable.


FUCK! This thread has me absolutely beside myself.

That spokesperson tranny said they're waiting for a reaction from the Syrian government.

Friendly reminder that the Syrian government never gave the US the green light to invade their country, so i don't know what the fuck the Goodest Goy is even doing there.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Fucking kikes.

Fuck, this article is from 2010…

t. Swiss with the same attitude. We're the island of Europe and noone here wants to hear the truth.

They really can't help themselves can they?

best post in the thread, the US is about to lose our global position due to a wide variety of factors and the "people" who control the nation would rather see it go down in flames

Explain to me why you are making a distinction between the CIA and america. Your argument is retarded, they were vying for intervention because they want full intervention with boots on the ground and full warfare in effect. They are there in this capacity now and have been but its special forces with the thinly veiled black ops being ignored by the worldwide community. Instead of the normal army they would have if they got the "intervention" you are talking about.

is shit. All missile shields are shit. I know that, I spent several years working on these. It's just too hard to do properly in the little time it takes for the warhead to travel: detecting a launch is very complex, tracking it is even worse, and then there are those huge jamming clouds inside of which warheads travel, warheads which are mostly decoys so you never know which one to intercept.

They "may" stop a single warhead. Don't expect anything better though.

I am making a distinction between alphabet agencies stirring up shit and full-blown air strikes with A-10's.

Since when did the US have military presence in fucking Syria?!

This is why Putin responded by saying that they'll just develop technology that defeats missile shields. It's cheaper, easier and more effective.

Thank you sweet kek.

Also don't forget they can stage false launchings, occupying the missile shield even further.

Russia already has anti-missile shield technology. Their nuclear missiles have a number of intelligent decoy RV's as well as the real RV, so the USA will expend a dozen missiles trying to shoot down one nuke.

How are you this fucking stupid? Do you think the "moderates" are being trained over skype?

Ill ask again since you are dumb as shit. Why do you not consider CIA intervention to be american intervention which was the original point.

just a small thank you.

Quick question:
Why aren't you twitter faggots sending this shit to Trump?
Why not get him to talk about it?
The MSM won't cover it, that's for sure.
But they'll cover "Trump saying something dumb about our GREAT MILITARY" only to realize they spread the truth around and it's too late.



well really it was proven to be US/Israel, with the cooperation of a British Private Military Contractor know at the time as Britham..

But who's keeping track anymore?

I am

More like a distraction for (((them))) to give the media a way out from covering the Syria bombing too much.

Fucking unknown error kept me from posting this. Noticed the captcha message was different too, hopefully it's fixed now.

Because the CIA stirring up shit is not 'intervention', that's what happens after they're done stirring shit up and it has hit the fan. It's what gives them their excuse to send their navy and airforce over as if they're some kind of World Police. Just like in Libya with Gaddafi, the US was stopped moments before the invasion but NATO giddily took over for Uncle Goy.

They also found fragments of NATO shells. Serial numbers and the whole thing.

When first anti-missile defense treaty reached, red team and jew team had to pick locations for ABM. Red team picked to defend population centers. Jew team picked to defend their offensive silos. Draw your own conclusions.

Can't have that Samson Option taken away from us now can we goy?

It's way easier if you can shot the missile in the ascending phase…

Why the fuck do you think the US are getting the launching sites so close of Russia.

Depends who fire first.

First to strike aim for the military concentration, strategic industries and silos.

The one that react tries to do has much damage as possible knowing that if he doesn't he's lost the war anyway.

Actually in the ascending phase it can still take evasive maneuvers.

And the answer to this is: so they have more time and opportunity to take down nuclear threats since missile shields are absolute shit, they need all the time and opportunity they can get because chances are so high that they aren't going to do jack shit about it.

Jesus, good find user

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as America, is in fact, the jews, or as I've taken to calling it, jews plus US.

The US for instance has a central bank that is privately owned by the jews. The central bank prints money and the US borrows it at interest. The US has to ask the jews for money if it wants to do anything. This is one of the main ways the jews control the US.

Russia's economy is largely based on oil so the jews had the US crash the oil market. Russia is currently hurting but still surviving. The jews want to run an oil pipeline through Syria to bypass Russia and crash their economy… to force them under their control like the US is under their control. Iran, China etc etc all of these people are future targets of the jews and why the US calls them "evil" just like how Germany was supposedly "evil" because Hitler wanted to create a new German economy.

[So it should be no surprise at all that the US and Israel back ISIS in Syria, they have no considerations for what is right or wrong, morality. The jew and it’s owned states are consumed with a blind, satanic thirst for money and control.]

That's very basically where we are, the jew controlled world vs the independent world

Welcome newfriend. Use ZOG for short. "Zionist Occupation(al) Government'

Yeah, especially since we have no evidence who did the bomb and might never get any, nobody's claiming credit. Both a smokescreen, and an excuse for surveillance.

Since the very start, training, supplying, funding, arming, protecting ISIS and all the other groups, such as FSA, Al Nusra, and so on as these groups take 'their' orders. True Muslims working as mercenaries.

I bought a new pair of shoes on amazon with a free trial of Amazon PRIME…

I'm not a shill unless I genuinely experienced something worth sharing. I'll speak exactly what I did and how I did it. The shoes are leather boots. They're beautiful, perfect, the soles have swastikas on the bottom. Completely unexpected but completely and wholley appreciated. Thanks China

inb4: ground troops were lazerpointing Assad's troops for smart bombs "by accident"

It's a reference to this lurkmore.com/view/GNU/Linux_interjection

from this delightful nerd en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman

his autism overpowered his judaism

Dubs will not suffice.

Third time's a charm needs trips.

There you go, lad. Enjoy your world war.

lol wew lad thx for correcting my record.

I'm so fucking sick of jews wrecking this planet with their tikkun olam.

It's Zionist Occupied* Government - a ZOG.

friendly reminder we got a Syrian general here




Oy vey it never fucking ends.

ISIS are homos and terrorists already so…

yep its cancer

u r cancer

you know nothing about history

Attempts to, anyway

"Second Independence Day"

I don't know why everyone here is all "shocked" by this development. US has been helping Muslims directly with military force since the 90s.

Fucking wow

Russia representative to the United Nations Response
Holy shit

Russian command center map also tag two USAF combat drones, US admitted they had been observing the area "for a while" there is no doubt that was precision bombing, the USAF barely does anything else these days, on the /k/ topic there is sat photos of the bombed area from google maps from this summer, you can clearly see combat position oriented (half circles dug out) AWAY from the airbase.

Plus it's actually in the south desert part of the base, there is a clear no man's land between SAA positions and IS position (unlike in the north/east of the base where is urban build up and combat positions can be on each side of a street) and that area has been stable and not from where IS send troops (as this is basically flat lands all the way to the air base, so even if they overrun those position that doesn't really help them), the SAA holding the ridge line to the S/SW (where the attack took place).

Anyone could tell that was a position defending the airbase and not pressuring it.
So there is no doubt it's deliberate.

shes a disgusting women who hates her life after having to settle for a balding jew

Is much known about this Amaq news agency? If IS is working in coordination with the US it would be in their interest to report casualties from the US bombings that were supposed to be targeting them. On the other hand if IS really was bombed in the same raid it would also be reported sincerely by their network Amaq


haha holy shit, can't make this up

It's becoming increasingly obvious for everyone involved that the USA desperately wants to escalate the war in Syria.

Sounds about right, escalate conflicts with Russia, hype up them being evil, and then slam Trump for him and Putin mutually saying good things about one another. Even if he wins his hands will be somewhat tied if he gets World War 3 dropped in his lap when he's going in.

Crazy guy is on point

Guys, I've always been a fond believer that history has a tendency to repeat itself. Think about it for a second, in only the first 40 years of the 20 century, humanity experienced not one but two world wars.

We are long overdue for the Third

I truthfully believe that I will see it occur in my lifetime.
I only pray to god, that if it goes nuclear, that it is a minor exchange so humanity could recover a lot quicker.

new meme
same meme

h a h a


Nice way of saying "kikes trigger another phase of their plan, a world war to create chaos and out of it their own order"
It's almost as if you haven't read the Protocols.

Proofs Assange knows how to handle pussy and that rape charges were made up

I don't get it? Why bomb the bakeries?

Where they going to cook Juden?

It's definitely a false flag I think.

It's to prepare NYC defenses against "nazi-frogs"

This is it. It's war people.

I really think I need to get away from this city… now.
Especially if nukes are about to get involved.

It's like they know it'll create backlash.

Fucking jews.

The misinformation is unbelievable.

No mercy for the media, they need the rope.


Brits were also part of the strike force that hit the Syrian troops


Also, I can't help but think of the firestorm that would occur if Trump attempted to make the comments she does.

Holy fuck, did not occur to me. Dubs confirm dog waggery.

what ? is that human

This all seems so familiar

bbc.co.uk/news /uk-37409236

the UK forces had a drone involved as well:

The UK took part in a recent coalition air strike in Syria that killed dozens of government troops fighting the so-called Islamic State, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed.
Russia said at least 62 Syrian personnel were killed in the Deir al-Zour strikes on Saturday.
The MoD said it would "not intentionally target Syrian military units".
The US has already expressed "regret" for the "unintentional loss of life".
The British aircraft that took part in the operation was an unmanned remotely piloted Reaper drone.

Imagine being Daesh and having that guide of (((accidental))) air support.


Sage for OT .

Is anyone else being forced to watch Fox news at work?

If so did anyone else hear Shepard Smith say "they don't give a shit…" like 20 minutes ago?

Also like 2 weeks ago Geraldo Rivera let "you can't just deport 45 million Hispanics" on live got vision.

Good job!

The definition of OT would be appreciated.



(((Kenneth Roth)))



No one cares what U.S. journos say anymore
Fuck them

Off topic, newguy

Holy shit, the cease fire ended and the UN sent the food trucks in anyways-all blown to smithereens by russian-syrian airstrike

atleast the children got to celebrate whatever holiday they had before they went to war again

Nihil novi sub sole

Would you let in UN aid trucks in your country if they don't let you inspect them?

These are the UN we're talking about that would imply a worldwide conspiracy :^)

Of course they sent them in. They still need a few more outrages to pin on Assad to keep the war going.

No, even better, it was Russian planes who bombed them.
Now the blood of every red-blooded American will scream for vengeance! To war, by Jingo!

Are you even trying?

also, "aid" trucks

(((Moderate rebel))) PLEASE GO.

sigh. i already got banned for this but remember, true pol is always right.

now imagine the commie negro suspending the election and going all ww3.

i always said this would happen, but go on… keep playing the election game.

the chances are 50/50 now. it is decided soon

GTFO faggot

This begs the question how they can keep Russia from inspecting them as last I checked they're part of the UN.

Smuggling food into a siege makes you a combatant. It checks out.

piss off to plebbit

while you niggers jerk off over trump this is happening


(((un))) gets it's kike ass kicked, finally!
i never thought to see the day.
sadly, this is the only good news today.

they had elections during the american civil war idiot

Fuck it's monday already and neither Russia, Syria or Iran have done anything about this… What the fuck? Are they really going to let this slide like if nothing happened?

"Here friendly "opposition group" of Assad, take this breadroll that we smuggled in. It is equipped with MANPADS to help you shoot down Russian helicopters."

pls go back to oven pls

Is English not your first language you stupid mother fucker? Thats what smuggling is "moving (illegal) shit illegally"


All eyes are on November, that's why.

Sorry, I may've misinterpreted your comment as sarcasm and thus thought you were bake-able.

WW3 with a mentally deficient shoeshine boy for a President and at least a full third of our civilian population too stupid, too criminal, or outright physically incapable of military service…well ain't that just a happy thought.

And this time our opponent not only WANTS nuclear weapons, they've GOT them and three times in recent history came close to launching. In fact the last time they got spooked Yeltsin actually had the Cheget (Russkie 'nuclear football') brought to him, opened, authenticated and armed.


The last aid convoy bombed by Russia turned out to be a Turkish weapons smuggling operation disguised as a UN convoy. They asked the other UN convoy whose trucks they were and they said they didn't know.

And Russia is the opponent why again?
Becouse the US ZOG wants to destroy the West?
>brought to him, opened, authenticated and armed
fuck off kike with your copypasta, this isn't 4cuck

Also for on-topic:

Russia is retaliating for the US attack on syrian army.
And showing the glaring hypocrisy of the King Nigger government.
Also, why should they let a convoy through that can't be checked? One wonders what could be in it.

“We have come to the terrible conclusion that the White House is defending the Islamic State.”


War Nigger is dead soon.

Looks like US just signed it's death warrant.


>Real Moonman hates white women and thinks we are his personal army
Stock photos just don't cut it, user.

people used to think that seriousness was what made rituals work

Turns out humor is more effective

Those poor bastards.

This is beyond stupid.

However war may need to warm up a little. Russia is in the process of big army modernization till 2018 or something. This was also the reason why Putin only returned Crimea to Russia instead of all east of Ukeland.


Been here since first exodus.

They were never there to help the Syrian government deal with ISIS.

could be

“We have closely studied the video footage from where the incident took place and we did not find any signs of any ammunition having hit the convoy. There are no craters, while the vehicles have their chassis intact and they have not been severely damaged, which would have been the case from an airstrike. All of the video footage demonstrates that the convoy caught fire, which strangely happened almost at exactly at the same time as militants started a large scale offensive on Aleppo.”


"UN suspended aid convoy"

which was the plan all along. despiccable jews. the day of the rope draws ever near. good thing is that once the nwo is operational israel will be nued and gone, bad thing is…well, we are all fucked.


(id dubs)
(id dubs)

truth czeching


lmao, the durkas want to get surrounded again?

I'm with this guy.

The constitution got us where we are today, and as an artifact, it's been measured and analyzed and recorded every which way. We know what it says, and guess what. It didn't fucking work. The government uses it to control the people who believe in it, while it does nothing to stop them because they don't give two shits.

I would hate to see many things in museums there get destroyed, but on the whole, I don't care. The only downside I really see is that people would be even easier to manipulate in the aftermath.

probably best would be if

The constitution relies on the people to defend it and overthrow the government when they transgress. The reason it has failed is because the people are content cowards with no higher obligation. Which makes them even more unlikely to ever support National Socialism.

Give them their Breads and Circuses and they won't revolt.

Brave New World for most, 1984 for the rest.

Or for me

"…panem et circenses" - Juvenal (Satire X)



==headline== Test



Brown people only matter when they're in the US.

Jesus this is so fucking blatant, the trucks are on fire in the video during the night… they have plastic bags and cardboard crates on them in the morning photos.


Besides even if it was a real UN convoy really carrying aid it was still a legitimate target.

None of the trucks are marked, none of the trucks were inspected or authorized by SAA the syrian government.

It's a war-zone, don't respect what has been very carefully negotiated = get lighted up. What part of "war-zone" isn't clear?

What you think is cardboard is actually steel beams.

lol, can anyone seriously, without a smirk make believe they will ever fight russia? they are going to shit their pants before they even get there ahaha. iran v3 * 9000. these keks would not fit into the known universe :D

US State Dept kike on Fox News right now blaming it on Russia
