How's your no fap november going lads?
How's your no fap november going lads?
still failing to think of a reason to start
just fapped today, felt pretty good
That nut at the end of the month is worth it.
I prefer doing no wipe november.
Nofap is for low testosterone beta males.
I lost yesterday after watching a documentary about an animal that uses pheromones to mate, thinking about what it would be like if a chick breathing on me could make me cum.
Jokes on you. By the end of the month I'll be flowing with enough testosterone to make Chad Thundercock jealous
No fap actually lowers t levels after 7 days of no fapping.
I haven't fapped for 13 hours
Congrats user you're only slightly a failure
I haven't fapped, but my boyfriend has fucked me a couple times already ^-^
Women can't fap.
Forgot my downvote.
Hehe~ i'm a sissy faggot…
I want to be a trap haha
i jerked off 8 times last night
I'm a heavy cummer, I can't jack off more than twice.
had a shitty day. put the energy in whacking my penis. i had a 5 minute water break after the 4th round.
No, sweetie
Begone thot
I'm no thot, cutie
Whelp, I'm out.
Spoken like a true thot
Never heard of it.
It is going well. I have not fapped in 11 days.
Good job user. Good to know I'm not in this alone
since nobody but your circlejerk has heard of it, maybe you should have memed harder fag
I cum once a week in a faggot, what's the point of fapping? Can't straight guys just use all the date/hookup app whores hanging around?
Also ain't worth the risk of getting aids via roastie