An angry Obama puts himself on the ballot



it's actually really cucky and faggy the way he said that.

How plausible is it that this nigger could freeze the elections if hillary keels over?


At this point anything is possible.. they are frightened to death of a Trump win.

The major cities would cheer in glee.
Sage for not looking at the catalog.

The other thread beat you by 10 minutes.


Already a thread here

There's another thread already but nigger needs to know that saying more of him is a good way to get them to turn 360 and moonwalk away into Trump's hair.

We will strike your name from every record in existence once we get the chance your piece of shit.

This is amazing. If Obama has to take time away from his busy golf schedule to shore up the black vote then it means that Trump's critique of the Democrat party to black voters is bearing fruit.

Hopefully this is the first sign of significant fracturing in the Democrat bloc.


No we absolutely will not.

You know how normies react to the name "Hitler" today? That's how future generations will react to the name "Obama".

no one gets angry at Hitler except for kikes and boomers. every kid born after 1975 has made jokes about him and drew at least one swastika in school.

Yeah, but anyone who unironically supports his positions is ostracized hard. Also, he's the generic bad guy, which is what makes Hitler jokes so funny to most people; it's purely shock humor to them. Go ahead and ask a normalfag to name one bad guy for you; I promise you he'll name Hitler.

How fucking sad he has to shill for her to get the black vote.


fuck you OP and your click-bait faggotry

He has no idea what he's asking for…. I almost feel bad for him.

Damnatio memoriae: one of the many ancient and honorable traditions we would do well to revive.

The audacity of this nigger.

I'm okay with this.

Planetary/The Authority: Ruling the World.

The man with the gun is actually supposed to be H.P. Lovecraft. Unfortunately they portray him as ignorant and retarded.

stereotypes exist for a reason
you can take a nigger out the ghetto…….etc etc

It's like pottery.

It rhymes.

About as likely as you living to see the Second US Civil War tbh fam.

You've stumbled unawares on one of the Jews weaknesses.

Hitler will rise again. 100 years from now he will be remembered as one of the great men of history, a Napoleon to his biggest detractors, a Julia's Caesar to others. Never again as any kind of monster.

Obama will be denigrated into a ditch where his reputation belongs, then buried, then forgotten. He may get a footnote in history as a pathetic globalist pawn who scammed the world for a few years before the dawn of the new age. He may just be forgotten entirely, with history recording that the Republic of the United States of America had 43 presidents before it collapsed and formed into the American Empire.

Isn't it great?

Given all this doublespeak, i guess his name will actually be on the ballow.



meme it.

fucking witnessed

He's much more popular than he was 2 years ago. Making him a big part of Hillary's campaign is a smart move.

Sage because duplicate thread.

I wish killing this nigger was on thr ballot

topkek. me too.