Debate Rules Being Set by Hillary Donors


Campaign contributions from 'bipartisan' debate commissioners given exclusively to Clinton

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Have a bump.

I have a strong feeling that no matter what they do it's just gonna backfire anyway.

It backfired with the commander in chief forum, it will backfire with this.
Trump is preparing, so there's the possibility that he will absolutely wreck the debate.

Tweet this to Trump and have him comment on it.

This. 90 percent sure they tried similar kikery in the previous GOP debates and Trump still utterly schlonged the opposition. Even fucking rubot is a better debater than Shillary. Trump is going to go off script, throw curveballs in 88d space, and there isn't a goddamn thing they can do about it.

Trump should open up with a statement like this,

"I'm not going to be taking questions from the moderators this debate. I don't recognise the authority of the media to set the agenda for this debate and for the presidency. I will use my allotted time to make a case for myself for president and against Hillary Clinton."

Then go completely off script and bash that bitch in. Them feeding Hillary the questions ahead of time to prepare statements for won't do Hillary any good if Trump goes off script.

Can they be sued for lying about their bipartisanship? I mean, the evidence is overwhelming.

The moderators came at him from every conceivable angle during the primaries and were pushed aside like the weak faggots that they are.

I'd like to think they would know better than to try and overtly fuck with Trump unfairly. But they are desperate so I suppose anything is possible.

They're trying to slide this.

We got threads about sweet potatoes being made for fuck's sake.

Did they forget who she was going against?


And is Hilary even still alive? Do these kikes believe Trump will honestly play nice? He has never been stumped by the media before. It ain't going to start now.

All of the happenings in the current year has been culminating to this very moment: The Presidential debates. I'll be damned if it's against a hologram or body double.

Fuck this.

Its going to be a bunch of Correct the Record style faggots moderating who will ask baited questions and promptly correct Trump's 'lies'. Like the one they keep repeating, "He said he wanted to go into Iraq before we went into Iraq, so that means he's wrong and bad." Shit, they might even go as far as play the Howard Stren clip and have power point slides to illustrate the timeline. Meanwhile this cunt voted on sending young men to die for zog.
Then the question will be ask of Hillary "Youve been slightly under the weather for the past few weeks and youve been so brave continuing on with your campaign, how do you feel tonight?" Hillary will have some canned response that plays well with some group like "In the words of the immortal James Brown 'I feel good', the crowd, composed entirely of plants goes ape shit like it the second god damn coming.

This is going to be a shit show.

And you think a spectacle like that WON'T piss people off and make them upboat Trump in all the inevitable "how did they do?" polls afterwards?
At the very least.
At most, heads will literally roll.

Agreed. Let's see how Trump's 12D chess plays out behind the scenes. They will think they are getting a good deal, and "have him right where they want him", then get obliterated by something they missed that Trump installed.

It gonna piss a lot of people off, but you saw the reaction to the Matt Lauer show, he is going to be publicly punished for not going after Trump. These people setting this up are shills, they will take orders and do anything just shy of stabbing him on stage.

Ive got to imagine that the public reaction will be similar to the last republican debate on Fox, the one where they kept correcting Trump with quotes from 'experts' and presented slides/graphs. Just from people I know that watched it could see how crooked and one-sided it was and the online polls reflected that.

I hope they go hard because its only going to blow up in their faces. Trump has already had harder battles, he'll keep his cool and keep pounding the points of her corruption, they'll end up looking weaker for trying to prop up, so shamelessly, the rotten corpse of Illary.

As far as I'm concerned, this will give Shrillary false hope that she won't get slaughtered. Besides, what kind of rules can they make? Trump only gets 5 second answers? Bathroom breaks every 10 minutes? The debates will be held seated? Oy vey I don't like that last one.

Oh fuck me, after reading the thread I see it's actually worse. But with any luck, we'll still get
And their attempt to hype it up backfires.

no, he was punished for failure. he definitely went harder on Trump but it wasn't enough.

What were they fucking hoping for? Matt Lauer to pull a gun out of his jacket and shoot Trump on live TV? Good lord.


Also, what kind of parents name a girl who looks like this "Candy"? Were they trying to be funny?

How the doctor ever knew that was a baby and her Mom hadn't just shit the hospital bed I'll never know. Probably because it came out of her panooter, but still..

they sent the guy to die pretty much. you ever hear stories about people who's wives or moms bitch and moan at them to do things that are infeasible like doubling the space on their home or buying a boat after a swimming pool or whatever? it's the same shit.

the media is asking for something it can not have and will disavow anyone who either snubs their request or fails to meet their expectations.


this needs a bump for trump

27272 is an unconventional set of repeating digits, but an impressive set nonetheless.
Someone who uses Twitter cancer should get it out there.

Trump should just refuse to debate without it being Lincoln-Douglas. Any bullshit they pull AND THEY WILL PULL will just be a promotion for her.

Drudge has it now.

Probably a diminutive of Candace or something.

Looked up Candace, out of curiousity.

We WUZ K(((D)))KES?

Polite sage for off-topic waffle on my part.

Trumps opening line:

Hillary, the last town hall we had you were wearing an earpiece. Will you pull back your hair for the cameras right now so we know you're not cheating?

Good. I fucking hate Vice. Hated them ever since their bullshit videos on brugmansia and toads.

Brugmansia contains scopolamine, which is the antidote to sarin gas, and an amazing anti allergy medicine. Benadryl is modified from this. Everyone here knows a dumbfuck who got high on benadryl, and too much brugmansia has a similar effect… they made it out to be zombie dust that steals your will!!! WooooOOoooh. It's my gods damndd allergy medicine. Fuck you Vice!

Vice is one of these shitty clickbait sites that only exist because billionaire shitlibs keep them afloat with capital injections. Look at their Shrekli interview, the chcik looks like they picked up some methhead stripper to do it.

I think you're in the wrong thread, user

I hear they used to be pretty based, though.
You know, in the tame Gavin McInnes kind of way

What kind of parents give their kid a strippers name ?

Fucking checked

This, they can set all the rules they want and he can break them all and they won't be able to do a thing.
What could they do? Haul him off stage? That won't go down well, especially depending on what he might have been saying.
If they try to ask him shitty questions he could either blow them out with succinct answers or completely shove it aside and just start talking about something that actually matters. The moderators would throw a fit but the people would love it.

It's probably not gonna work anyway but what kind of tricks could they try against him?

There's a lot of people who will be watching and if it's too obvious it's going to backfire.

Get it to the emperor and spread it around twatter.Fucking dirty kikes always trying to get one over on us.


This is being slid. Bump.

Holy fuck the speed this is being moved to Page 2…


This should be a fucking sticky.



Nothing new but we do need to be very wary and prepare for the debate in all ways possible.

Hubris can kill us as easily as it kills them. We must remain vigilant.

Get him kicked out for defending himself?

Media shitstorm ensues, claiming he's not fit.

They did. Gavin McInnes was one of the cofounders of Vice. They sold out a while back and are totally cucked now.

* You earned 6,000,000 XP and 99 gold.
* Your LOVE increased to 1488.

It is a sticky, user

Underrated post.

People using there democratic right to donating to people they want to!

wtf I want Hillary to win now


i don't want Hilary to win, but come on political donations are a thing on all sides in all areas.
Get Rid of them or stop bitching about them.

Oh we will

not in non-partisan or bi-partisan committees though, you moron

spread the word you lazy fucks so when they do try to pull some bullshit the normies will all be looking for it

You know with what i am talking about that means the general public cannot donate to candiated as well.

Honestly when has that not occured in partian groups. iirc most debates have always favoured Republicans.

With shit like this being so commonplace and
widespread, I honestly wouldn't care if Trump ended up being everything the shills say he is. It'd be worth it just to see these fucking faggots try so hard for nothing.

Here's your $0.25; you worked for it buddy

Every debate commissioner supported and/or donated to the republican party in the past?

Not donated but questions loaded to favour them, heck most romney questions were loaded against obama

The debate commission claims to be bipartisan.

Donations =/= questions, numbnuts.
A donation means absolute loyalty.
The questions being loaded against barry might have just been because no one liked the cunt.

tweeted it to trump

Honestly not surprised, bipartian groups always lean to the one they love at the time.

and the ghost inner circle :^

Figuratively speaking, this is no different from putting illary in the ring with a 300lb wrestler and not expecting her to get shattered on the cold ground.

Damn shylock, this is some seriously low-energy shilling! Are you feeling nervous because you're out all by yourself tonight? Sad is what this is!

Genius move Clinton. Handicap the contest so that anything bright you say can be effortlessly spun as collusion and any mistake Trump makes just proves that he is right and "the system is rigged."

Win/win for Trump. Lose/lose for Clinton. There's no way to change that frame either. If they make everyone stand she looks short and weak. If they can sit, it looks like the poor woman needed a concession and shes still looks weak.

Worst of all is if she has prepared remarks for leaked questions. You have to be a very skilled actor to make it come off naturally; she's a sick old retard. The shit is going to "read" if she prepares and push her "honesty" metrics into the floor while making her look like just another tired politician (in a "change" election no less. ) Bet that Rubio syndrome is going to crush her pretty bad.

So they were.

Trump is a nimble navigator, he'll be fine. They'll ask him some bullshit gotcha question and somehow his answer will be perfect.


Just saying it how i see from a centrist point of view, were all fucked regardless of who gets in. The system will always be currupt regardless if Trump tries to chnge it.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

It's illegal to be this gay on the Internet, even if it's to shill. You should be very ashamed of yourself.

You had one job.

How many airhorns can one man use?

Who the fuck are those idiots? Who did they won to have the right to debate next to Trump or Hillary?

Holy shit its like the candidates never cease to spawn, its legal to them to run but its not fair to lose imagine to fucking strangers that didn't do primaries.

If I were Trump I did take that debate with a gram of salt. Also the DNC and RNC will try so hard to impose the 4 or nothing, in order to avoid a live debate between Trump and Hillary.

She is scared and afraid, no other words to describe this situation.

As many as it takes.

Steinberg and Johnstein are there for no other reason but to try to stump Trump. No question about it.
Nader and Paul didn't get to debate with the frontrunners. Why should they?



Most effective thing to do would be to ensure that the fact that the debates are already tainted reaches as far and wide as possible to undermine confidence in the debates. Trump will probably do extremely well, but the fact that the debates have already been stacked plays into Clinton's crookedness. This is a big opportunity to show people how corrupt shit is in Hillary's favor, specially the people who aren't aware of it or don't care yet.

Anyone who doesn't see this by now is never going to see it.

Remember, there are actual people who think the media is somehow in FAVOR of Trump and against Hillary. These people will never understand her corruption or crookedness. They'll probably cry to their grandchildren about the time we almost elected a brave stronk womyn as president but the bigoted sexist males stacked the deck against her.

Golems are not people, gas them all.

'centrism' means jack shit

modern centrists hold views that were considered communist in the '60s

"I'm too much of a pussy to have a strong belief in anything. Please fuck my wife."


Why can't I hold all these coincidences?

unchecked dubs with a fantastic plan
This cannot be allowed any longer

No, he's right. Democracy must GO!


What if they make the debates boring with boring questions


user they did have primaries don't you remember?

So is there dirt to be dug and skeletons to be brought out about the (((moderators))) that will be set up for the upcoming debates?

A pedo.

A dindu gibmedats.


A kike.

I thought that was about Ted Cruz until the end, honestly.

Can anyone have a differing opinion in this Trump world?

The ultimate bad boy badass that's who, Trump lives on the edge and doesn't play by nobodies rules but his own…
This man is a stone cold renegade and total dreamboat…

ily Trump *kiss kiss* teehee

He's like the 80's action hero we looked up to as kids.

Why are you here didn't you fags burnout a long time ago?
it's just bants, after all of the shit Bernie supporters did they deserve allot worse Bernie is also a certified cuck pussy.

I thought he was talking about trump at first but the rabid supporters bit through me off.

I was still dead in the 80s but yeah

We have 1 week to spread this shit far and wide so Trump doesn't have to himself.

Only one group makes the rules

Who's the guy next to Zimmerman, and why is he not Farage?

because of your dubs i will answer politely and not call you a fag

It's Ben Garrison the cartoonist. Probably just haven't seen his face before. he belongs

agreed that nigel should have a spot somewhere

Pretty sure he was talking about harambe.

Ben Garrison you retard.

I don't think so, unless english isn't his first language he would have said in front of.

There are 6 millions things that need to be erased



NBC: Political Leanings of Debate Moderators Shouldn’t Even Be Brought Up


fuck these people


I wonder if Trump will go for the throat by bringing this up in the middle of everyone or if he will play with them first and trick them into outing their bias.

Remember when he called out getting booed by the crowd of Jeb's people when he was shitting on Jeb! in that one debate? He will do it, and people's confidence in the media is so low they'll love to hear it.

At which point he shows he has no plans on how to run the country and is instead just looking to play with Hillary?
What a brilliant plan false flag CTR.
You're learning.

The real fun part will be the no clapping or applauding rule for the debate and how that works for Trump.
Most of his stuff is based on feeding a crowd the proper sylloquy, lines, and tempo of enunciation, where here its going to be as clinical as a court proceeding.
He is very, very different in the court room, somber, reserved, near corpse, but speaks the facts and only them.
Should be quite entertaining to see which Donald is here when he finally unveils policy or not.

bump for trump