alright lads, get rolling. i wana see some serious gets in here. no if/and/but, start rolling right no motherfucker.
Alright lads, get rolling. i wana see some serious gets in here. no if/and/but, start rolling right no motherfucker
Go back to halfchan, also rolling.
go back to halfshit
y'all are mad cuz u got shit rolls tbh
AT least mine looks like a XX woman.
Roll, nigga
Juliana please and thank you. Also please do not give me that 99 murderer, I have a big fear of being murdered by women.
How is a 8 million bond even possible?
Rolling for 18yo Tyler
I can live with Linda
If I win, can I become a fan of Reddit too?
give me submissive looking kristin
oh fuck Kristin is a tranny.
Roll for Arianne, Tyler, Raquel, Linda
Go back to 4chan cuck this is shit-tier posting
[Actually annoys me that 4chan Holla Forums is 100% trap, sissy, etc threads]
Roll on roll on yeah, rolling rolling rolling, shake ya booty
34~36 is cute AF, even her crime is cute
Well, this is it. It took 3 years from October of 2014 and this place is finally just as much of a cancerous shithole as 4chin.
Mewch next I guess. Smell you later faggots.
Juliana is the best of them all.
Second place is Tyler, but she'll cut your phone lines and beat you up
But I'll never know any of them
Dysnomia killed Holla Forums
Threaten to leave Holla Forums
Fuck I want younger
Whelp, looks like the cancer is terminal.
qt get!
you couldn't handle tyler tbh
who has 8 mil? most I see is 1 mil (for #16-18)
somebody needs to make a new one of these, this one was fun but its kinda old
mebbe even do different big cities–LA, NYC, Detroit…
honestly, this is fucking hilarious. it's an image that screams STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE.
don't like roll threads? don't post in them, jackass. hide it and move on with your retarded existence.
Why don't people defend pedo threads like they do for roll threads?
It's easier for you to just go back.
won't happen lad, i've been here since the 2nd exodus or so.
your bring shame to everyone who came with you
original af
you fuckin came after me faggot, kill yourself.
can i has jailfu
kys tripfag
but well meme'd
only cancer i see in that image are the trap threads and hunger games.
How are these threads not seen as spam?
Cucks from 4cuck will say mods are nazis if delete this shit
i am usually all in favor of a good dice thread but i think this is a little disrespectful.
Jail isn't funny faggots. Also roll threads are cancer take that shit back to wherever you came from.