So I have been watching this guys videos. John Maus after he was on World Peace.
He is a total autist but he really makes a lot of sense. He explains Leftist thought in an easy way to understand it. In the embedded video he basically says what everyone is thinking but only Right-Wingers say in a dismissive way.
At 8:17 he basically says that emancipation (a word you will see often if you listen to Leftists like Zizek) is really just the caricature Right-Wingers often make about utopian, crazy leftists theories about a moneyless, classless, stateless, raceless society and whatever. This is the end goal.
In my opinion the Right-Wing response to this is really lacking (if there even is any).
Anyway this guy is pretty interesting. Totally a leftist that I can't hate.
What do you think of him and Leftist "emancipation." Why aren't there more leftists like him that make Leftist thought interesting and not based on Colbert/Stewart ridicule, pompous academic bullshitting or SJW multicolored hair freaks?
so basically what he is saying is: -memes guarantee inequality -memes cannot be controlled because everything is disjointed from reality or Kantian awareness -inquality guarantees there will never be utopian reality -there is a primordial source and origin to all memes which Hegels did not account for in his dialectics -once the process started, there was already a point of no return -the ride never ends
Lucas Sanchez
As a former liberal, I can firmly state that the liberal mentality originates out of a failure to understand economics.
Liberals whole heartedly believe that wealth comes from having "money" (and Living in Ahmerega). We can see this when dipshit dindus say shit like, "Dey have all da money and won't give us none". Liberals have never been exposed to the following basic reality.
You need to remind them of the basics of economics. Which is: Currency or Money is not wealth. Labor and skill are wealth. If you print and give 10000000 dollars to each person, yet no one works, they will be broke shit poor. If you give people great genetics (skill / talent / brains) and work ethic, and no currency, they will still barter goods and services, and be rich and wealthy.
It is no different when we scale up to Nations: The collective talent / skills / brains / & work ethic of a nation, determine its "wealth". So, if currencies are worth nothing, Why does sending our money to Africa help it? Because our currencies are backed by OUR labor, ingenuity, and talent. Africa currencies are backed by African labor, ingenuity, and talent.
This is why African currencies are worth shit compared to White currencies. Could this faggot even name 1 African Currency besides the Rand or theoretical Dinar? Nope.
When I was a liberal, I did not understand this. I thought Africa was disparaged b/c they were in Africa and didn't have any money. The only thing that went through my head was pity - nothing else. I didn't understand that they poverty came from their inability to provide value in a functioning economy.
Christopher Myers
you've never read a page lad the evola cancer gives it away
Hudson King
I agree with your stance on why liberals do the things they do.
But I disagree with why you think Africa is shit….and we both now how deep the root of the problem really goes not just culturally…
Ayden Baker
The "right wing" responses to this idea as it's pitched from the left make up the majority of what's up on Holla Forums at any moment. You should just lurk moar or something, or honestly just go read any thread from the catalog since they basically all address the question you're asking.
These are deepley intertwined so I'll adress them at once. A classless society (if you're defining class by some objective measure of material wealth and not by a subjective social perception) can only be done away with if everyone has access to the exact same amount of resources. This is only possible in two ways, firstly, the government claiming ownership to literally everything and doling it out to people in equal shares (i.e. Communism), note that this option eliminates most classes but there is still the whole of society making up an underclass below whoever runs the rationing system, so this is essentially a hyper-concentrated dictatorship (note the utterly authoritarian character of all major communist projects ever). The second solution (and the one that makes things work in Star Trek, which this guy mentions as a positive example) is to remove material scarcity, either absolutely or at least to such a degree that it's practically done away with. If everyone has access to unlimited energy and there are means to make any and all goods from energy (replicators in Star Trek), then there are no more classes in terms of material wealth. The first option is horrible and has happened many times as I've already noted, the second option, unless you believe the technology is all being hidden away in black projects and underground military cities, is not currently available.
I'm not sure what the benefit of getting rid of money in itself would be. It's just a tool for making exchanges. The kind of goods a leftist is thinking of when he talks about a moneyless society are exactly the same as what I've described above in terms of class, and are more accurately described in those terms than in terms of money or no money.
States are incredibly advantageous for the well being of human beings for a lot of reasons, chief among them being that they, as compared to a single global state (which is what a leftist really means by stateless, except for ideologically pure anarchists), they are infinitely less tyrannical and authoritarian. Globalism "one world, one people, mannnn", is the apex of the centralization of power into the fewest hands possible. In a world of nations, even one in which every single national government is corrupt to a substantial degree, there are always opposing forces, allowing you to, for instance, seek asylum in a foreign embassy if you upset your government, move to a different country if you find the one you're in lacking for some reason, etc. A global state is the ultimate authoritarian dream and it's frankly laughable that leftists somehow fail to realize this.
Read literally anything in the catalog please. Mixing certain culture and races in close proximity causes social problems. And even leaving that undeniable fact entirely aside, the mingling of all culture and races into a single beige mud puddle would be an act of cultural destruction greater than the censorship and book burning of all the despotic regimes in Earth's history combined. Seperate cultures preserve and develop in novel ways from one another and this novelty (genuine "diversity" as opposed to mixing everything together into an indistinct brown colored blob, i.e. leftist "diversity", i.e. the exact opposite of "diversity") has tremendous value and is a primary part of what's good about humanity at all. Why is Japanese culture in particular so interesting to many outside cultures? Because they intentionally isolated themselves for long periods, and as a result have wandered extremely far down a unique road of cultural and racial development making them wonderfully distinct. Just one example, but there are examples all over the world, and really, even the worst cultures have small things that are unique to them and positive.
Sage because if you don't think Holla Forums has a response to these ideas you are clearly an outsider LARPing le nazi frog and haven't made literally any effort to figure this out on your own.
Jeremiah Green
My comments included:
You might wanna reread that.
Angel Butler
Is this the same john maus who makes awesome music? Please say yes.
Jackson Barnes
oh shit it is
Josiah Phillips
Yes it is
Justin Johnson
*forgot to delete this sentence. ended up going into money and class separately.
I have read Hegels I am just telling you exactly what this nigger in the video was sperging about. also: >>>Holla Forums have you ever finished a single book written by him or are you just content on being a manifesto-thumper like the retards over at /letfypol/?
Bentley Williams
also forgot to sage and report
Carter Miller
Nathan Hughes
No tolerance for the left. What you call dismissive I call "extreme" which translates into "clear". A clear yes, or a clear no.
The more murky you leave things, the more of a wound canal is created, the more nooks and crannies parasites have to live in.
Leftism is an ink gland, always filled to squirt into your eyes when something undesirable wants to slink into a corner of your mind, or your people.
The left is not needed.
Wyatt Cruz
Does 752-752 outdo trips?
Luke Thomas
The foundation of all leftism is nominalism. They just invent words that are in actual fact, meaningless. Then they construct languages of meaningless terms and then debate them forever, usually without even having a shared understanding of the definitions. In short, leftism is pure autism.
William Stewart
modern regressives (leftists) are mentally disabled and incapable of counter-intuitive thinking and are on par with a description of insanity in which someone is locked in a mental trap of doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different results.
Andrew Young
Even when I was on the left, I never supported the fags.
If you don't hate leftists with a burning, violent passion, then you are a race-traitor. They want to DESTROY OUR RACE PERMANENTLY.
They do not deserve a single ounce of respect.
Jason Walker
no, leftist thought does not come out of an understanding of economics. It comes out of a flawed believe that all people, regardless of race or gender, are inherently equal, interchangeable blank-slates. They believe in either literal equality, or metaphysical equality (in the way that each abstract human is of equal value).
Asher White
If he was a shit tier person like most lefties, why would he agree to work with Sam Hyde, the defacto leader of the Alt Right?
Evan Ward
I think that you should either engage with my response or let us know that you've seen the error of your naive imaginings OP. If you really just couldn't think of any flaws with the idea "why aren't we just literally Star Trek", they've been provided for you.
Mason Bell
I think that he is correct about "singularity" or whatever you want to call it. There is a very ancient belief that the "One" bornless, immortal consciousness of this universe, shattered itself into trillions of pieces as a game. A combination of hide and seek and lego. As it builds itself back towards completion, consciosness arises and over time tends towards unity again. So in a sense the leftys are right when they say "we are all one" And the right are right when they discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad. If the left has their way, the end result is singularity, and the game ends where it began, unity consciousness. As an analogy, imagine a group of kids that are out playing together in their neighbourhood. We are the kids that want to keep playing, because it is fun and exciting, and invigorating, the leftys and the new-agers are like the fat kid with asthma that wants to go home because he's tired so he can sit on his fat ass, eating cheetos and playing vidya.
Ian Hernandez
Mason Reed
Liberals exist because of tv and college brainwash and also christianity brainwash. Libs also exist because our society isn't in a war. Imagine a muslim living in iraq being liberal lol
Brayden Baker
He's actually a postmodernist. If you look at his PhD advisor, he is some PoMo kike.
MDE is pretty post modern, though in a right wing way (traditional Marxists really hate postmodernism because they think it's fascist, and they are sort of correct on that point).
Jackson Jones
Have you read Reign of Quantity by René Guénon? There is a chapter on "unity and uniformity" where he talks about this. Traditonalists believe in real unity, which is that everything has its place but are all part of the bigger picture. Leftists believe in uniformity, that the only way to have "unity" is to reduce all differentiation and make everything "equal."
Angel Green
If you see something on fire do you muse about it philosophically or put it out? At what point in the political process when an obstacle presents itself do you put down your idealism and take action?
Bentley Turner
Leftists aren't interesting unless they're in recovery. Most of them are irrevocably indoctrinated and spew the same shit and aren't worth 2 seconds of your time.
Landon Murphy
Because of that bennington girl song?
Jayden Howard
his singing voice and look I guess.
Liam Wright
Typical leftist. Talk much. Say nothing.
Ethan Taylor
I can only understand about 1/3rd of what this guy is ranting about. Am I a minority here?