Obama: Trump missed history lessons on slavery, Jim Crow. "We will educate him."
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Fuck you king nigger, you fucking ape.
Daily reminder that there are no good niggers.
Being dead or in Africa makes a nigger good.
An angry Obama puts himself on the ballot
Can he say anything in a non-faggy way?
Onigger missed history lessons on how to run a country properly
Progress? By being a race baiting nigger? Race relations are the lowest they've been in decades thanks to him.
He's not even a real nigger nigger and I'm not just saying that because he's a half breed subhuman but because his father is straight out of Africoon so his ancestors were never enslaved but he's trying to pin himself to Americaniggerdom.
Oh and Obama's ancestors owned slaves on BOTH sides.
checked and THIS
His father was Frank Marshall Davis, a big commie civil rights faggot/pornographer. It all makes sense. It's worse than him actually being foreign born.
Wow, King Nigger thinks this is going to do anything but alienate the blacks that are already sick of Hillary's plantation. It's amazing how the Nigger is making literally every wrong move, and loudly, but I guess that's how he ended up in this predicament in the first place.
Has a sitting president ever campaigned for a candidate before? Has this happened, or is Obongo just nigging things up?
it has never happened
That's pretty damn stupid, people would eat his shit up though. If anything, illegal immigrants are slaves while being illegal in the US due to how corporations exploit them for cheap labor below minimum wage.
His remarkable legacy of carpet-bombing the shit out of Syria and Libya to the point where he turned them into a third-world shithole. Those brown people are sure happy.
Does king nigger not have more important things to do than continually campaign for illary? And aren't sitting presidents supposed to mostly stay out of the election? Seems like he does something like this every day now.
Well, it's 2016 is suppose. Time to do away with those old white man traditions like having honor. Surprised he hasn't recorded a dis track on Trump yet.
His retarded speech writers know this is white person code for 90%+ white schools right?
Trump is actually polling huge numbers with blacks like 20%. The Electric Jew won't admit it, of course, but they have internal polling to tell them the truth. That's WHY King Nigger is sperging out for Hillary. He really is just the niggest.
I'll be honest Holla Forums - I'd rather side with the niggers against the kikes than vice versa. Without jewish gimmiedats, the niggers might make OK unskilled labor.
The THAS RITE niggers making fun of the Jew and the Holohoax are great to watch.
Lol the chimp is fucking terrified.
As it’s a total unknown, we have to continue to operate under the assumption that only 5% of niggers will vote red. I want to believe, but I’ve no reason to be optimistic.
Didn't the preacher in flint say "we will educate you"?
This is some 1984 shit.
Obama knows if Trump gets into the White House he's going to have investigations on EVERYTHING.
Obama will end up in prison with his husband.
This is the smart stategy we can't make assumptions in the direction of higher percentages
Blacks were undeniably happier as slaves. Gibsmedats were entirely free for them.
Yes, by tradition they generally do other than an endorsement of their party's candidate and perhaps a few low key speeches.
But this is a grandstanding nigger we're talking about. He's trying to save the party he's had a large hand in wrecking.
It's happened in the past, just not during the primaries and nowhere near as active as Obama has been with Hillary.
Some sitting Presidents would just give their endorsement and go back to running the country while others might give a speech or two. Reagan was pretty big on Bush in 1988, but then again Bush basically owned Reagan.
The fact that Obama condemned Trump during the primaries and continues to do so the way he is is expected at this point seeing how many of our nation's traditions he's trampled on.
I'm shooting to send his ass to Gitmo, personally.
Sure no (((assumptions))) should be made. Personally, I think we have this in the bag. This is the first time I've bothered to vote as a white man well into my third decade. I think there's a lot of similar stories out there, so polling isn't doing a good job of representing who's going to vote in THIS election. Hillary "preferers" will prefer to stay home. Trump voters will vote. I think this is going to be a donkey punch so extreme that the leftists won't know what hit them. Still, make sure to go out and vote you animals.
If anyone in Trump's inner circle reads this thread, WHEN TRUMP BECOMES PRESIDENT, turn the vast intelligence and surveillance system the corrupt politicians created to use against the people to protect their power and use it against them. CLEAN FUCKING HOUSE ON CORRUPTION and hang all the traitors on the White House lawn. This is very essence of poetic justice.
Fantastic idea, user.
I've had dreams that I was hired on to the sneaks who work on a secret floor in Trump Tower investigating Rothschild&Co
I held my nose and pulled the lever for McFaggot and Romfaggot to keep the community organizing gimp out of office, but this is the first time in my life I'm voting and will be proud to pull the lever for Trump.
Fucking Obongo
I agree I'm also confident in thinking we've go this election on lock down unless there's some sort of (((upset))) but I also think we need to be careful about getting complacent as we break down Clinton campaign I'd rather have over kill then be surprised in November.
Fuck off nigger
Wow dude, you're an idiot. McCain or Romney would have been a million times worse than Obongo.
Maybe McCain, that ISIS-loving chucklefuck wanted to actually attack Iran. Romney was just White Chocolate Obama - I was especially sickened in '12 because it was so obvious to me that Obamacare and Romneycare were the same fucking plan and it didn't matter which kike stooge took office
So I take it you voted for king nigger?
holy shit, he can't even say Trumps name because he knows he'll start stuttering again
Always the first post. Always.
Liberals have been threatening to "educate" their opponents for ages.
The WUO terrorists wanted to destroy America so the communists could take it over and then they planned to send most Americans to "reeducation camps". They also decided they would just kill all the people who refused to be brainwashed, even if it meant killing tens of millions of people.
By the way, some of these terrorists got off scot-free and got cushy jobs as professors teaching social justice
It's honestly cringy how much he's trying to sound like a native nigger pastor.
he needs to hang from the Lincoln memorial.
I hope he puts the entire Clinton crime family behind bars, including Chelsea.
Moshe, you're fired!
You're late, Chaim. Take over for Moshe.
Policy wise they would of been better but not by much, but Obama has been better for us because him being so shit has made many people go to our side, while McCain and Romney would of just continued the trend of people going more left the way George had done
He's afraid of the curse, the nigger is smart.
obama's father is a fucking kenyan. What the hell does he know about slavery? raised by a white family and with zero ancestors who were slaved
It's worse than that, it's Frank Marshall Davis
Trumps name has become the killing word.
Okay, nigger, let's!
I always thought there was a law in place that prevented in-office presidents from pushing/campaigning/backing their successive candidates.
It was never a law, per se, but its considered in very bad taste.
Sitting presidents should, and usually do, keep their fucking mouths shut.
Obongo is going full chimp in attempted support of Shillary.
If he doesn't, George Soros will have the First "Lady" bugger him again.
tbh that's the only good strategy he's done.
trumps name is in itself an ad
Put them in the dirtiest federal prison and send the guards on vacation.
Obama is just a kike slave, and hypocritical for wanting to enforce slavery on all americans.
The audacity of this fucking nigger.
Blah blah blah. I'm a jew puppet sent to destroy your nation through immigration so we can all argue about skin color and other dumb shit while our freedoms are slowly eroded
There will never be another black president.
Kek's vengeance is eternal.