Take the MILF pill and don't look back
Fuck Lolis tbh
Seriously, you deleted my text-only post? Jesus Christ you're fucking cucked.
How to kill a board 101
What are you talking about?
post nudes or gtfo
Ask your new janitors
What did you post?
this should be good
don't have any. she's a single mom with two halfiggers.
fuck off pedo
I'm not a pedo
Awww is the goon mad because the mods are finally cracking down on your fucking autism?
die a slow and horrible death, you gay faggot
welp, enjoy your trap threads, cuckchan
Welp, better than constant thread-sliding and board-flooding tbqhwyf
Can you imagine having a big dong and cracking an older women who was still a virgin? Talk about her trying to sit on it all day. Might as well televise it or something..
shit thread, everyone abandon
thread needs more MILFs
Female powerlifters are revolting
might as well call this place 8reddit
might as well call this place 8reddit with your cuckoldry antics
That is John Flynt OP. You're a faggot.
This. Not a single bit of femininity.
I much prefer an older more mature woman every timeā¦ so much experience to share.
lolis are life