Is this even reality anymore?
What the fuck is even happening?
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meep meep what a time to be alive tbh
and you know that people aren't going to do shit about it.
every time someone says "I've had enough, this has to stop" they get overwhelmed by the sheer number of people that just aren't willing to join them.
i wish movies were real life, where someone says "Wake up sheeple" and reveals the disgusting shit politicians do but that will never happen.
Ban atheists
100% of mass shootings.
What happens when an atheist finds God and shoots him?
does he shoot him before throwing him out of the place?
I don't know, Lucifer was kind of a big guy at the time.
yes, only you are detached
A christian redneck with improvised weapons owned the last one that had military training, real weapons, armor and surprise.
best comment ever
Yeah, it hurts, doesn't it cuck? Your precious establishment is going down in flames.
Flat Earth Theory is will turn out to be true.
And Satellites are a hoax.
Why launch a $1,000,000,000 satellite when you can make a $100,000 land based tower to do the same thing and pocket the other $999,900,000?
what's the matter, are you stumbling on your words?
you should go back to the youtube comment section, maybe they will fall for your obvious b8 there, it doesn't work here.
You forgot about the South Korean government being run by Satanists being overthrown.
Newfag detected.
you don't magically become an oldfag by randomly calling someone a newfag
Yes, but you also don't become a real oldfag by pointing out that someone doesn't magically become an oldfag by randomly calling someone a newfag.
This is easy. The source of the crazy is the kikes as always.
Most kikes are atheist, like mass shooters.
Close yet so far
And I thought you guys couldn't act even more retarded
Kikes, even if atheist, still are part of their tribe and act on it.
Nobody said the opposite, btw, yiddish is german, make you think.
Not trying to argue, just stating is all.
Same here, a lot of people talk about mental problems and if you check the amount of jewish people and their mental problems related to their bloodlines then you can relate atheism with them, more if you check the mental problems of whites mass shooters in America and their beliefs.
Is atheism a mental problem? is atheism a symptom of mental problems? mental problems cause atheism? atheism cause mental problems? Remember that all countries with a majority of atheist population dont breed and can be easily replaced by others, just check yurop.
the sorks werent satanists - just baby murdering man hating cultists…
Can you go and shill somewhere else, Christcuck?
I feel that atheism in yids is just them choking on their own manufactured waste. Don't know why they wouldn't want to stroke their cocks and LARP as THE chosen people, daydreaming about enslaving da goyim and all.
Dat echo chamber
Welcome to the current year+88… Strap up and hold on tight, we're in for a ride!
Because Kitos war happened.
no one goes on there anymore, faggot.
um i'm a strupid uneducated burger and im sorta failing to see the connection between ancient roman/kike conflict and (suposed) atheism in the modern yid…
could you please spoonfeed me like the baby that i am? thanks…
as for this post, i dont quite see how my comment about the south korean goddess cult relates to all the other comments about atheists jews, but then again im just as dense as lead arent i?
I stopped reading there.
yeah no kidding right?
as a satanist i resent being associated with jews and commies…
obsession about their cult makes them so blind they have to talk about it all the time, don't worry
how's your manichean world treating you?
Yeah, sure.
After that their religion changed even more including a very sophisticated version of taqqiya. At the end both fedoras and menorahs are divine beings in their minds, for practical purposes they are the same, but ones are more organized than catholics and the others more separated than protestants.
Whites are so fucked in the head right now that in their final moments when what they were led to create has a knife to their throat, they'll be euphoric thinking that they are finally free of their guilt. That's the most depressing thing I've realized. There's not even going to be a "you didn't listen" moment. They'll welcome the end.
The only path forward is lone wolf guerrilla attacks on the mind control and hope we land a lucky hit.
Intredasting timeline to say the least OP
Honestly I don't think the libraries have quite that tight a grip on the normiesphere just yet but yea white guilt is a classic example of Marxian brainwashing.
Donna Brazile states publicly that she thought she might get whacked after they took out Seth Rich.
How fucking crazy does shit need to get for the Democrats to realize that the Clintons really are completely fucking corrupt?
Plus the Saudi purge going on.
First there was all the pro Islam stuff happening, Paul Ryan with his wink/nod muslim beard. And now all the Saudi anti-Trumpers are having their assets seized and being jailed.
they are not satanic in the least, they are just jewish
people who throw around the term "satanist" are tards
Judaism is way more evil than any edgy LARP religion
I'm not going to go full thiest here but philosophers have been pondering existential topics for some time. The concept of "spoken ignorance becoming a new truth" before "the end" is a central theme in at least one of these works of philosophy. What's more creepy is a persons total lack of awareness towards such concepts renders them helpless in the same way a cow locked behind a wooden fence is helpless.
Ignorance has spoken and it will be given its own central stage, for a time.
Perhaps ignorance is right twice an existence.
If wisdom is currency evil is your right to go into severe debt. Consciousness becomes a witness against itself; it will recall perfectly and is not an abuseable system. If you can't even bend steel bars to escape an earthly prison one certainly cannot cheat that which arranged the cosmic platform. Debtors who swindle each other will find themselves living in increasingly scant conditions. Shitty company to be in, those who reap but don't sow, eat but never grow.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and you have become complacent.