back to square one, faggots.
Try 'purging' pedos
t. pedo
As Allah' intended
t. double agent pedo
Top kek user.
if dys would give me powers I would burns all the pedos with the emprah's holy fire.
If you thinnk that pedos should be banned for text posts, you relaly should kys tbnh or just sgo back to hreddit or omsething?
Holla Forums history:
no pedos
no pedos
no pedos
No wonder this shit is dead
Degenerates who used to post it complain.
it wasn't about banning pedos, it was about banning those who violate the dost
pedos got it coming for them, they became too obnoxious and annoying.
you faggots literally just banned all tor users because of a text comment
Dysnomia did that
fuck off Way you think I am too stupid to check the board log?
im nt Way. Just a Tor fag, who can't post here since Sunday
Just back from a 24 hour ban over simply posting that pedophilia isn't a crime.
I don't get why truth is censored at this board.
Also, I don't get why you normies are here in the first place. You have pretty much the entire internet to yourselves. …but no, you want to be edgy. You want to be out there. You want to be cool and not give a fuck. …except you don't want to hang with pedos.
You kind of want a sort of kindergarden sandbox, where you can play around and call yourself cool, where your mommy can always be within hugging distance.
The only reason why there was ever a need for an Holla Forums, or a 4chan, is because pedos and other of societies outcasts, needed somewhere to go. Not allowing outcasts here, will kill the site dead. Then everyone will just move to Reddit.
…so this isn't even a debate. Piss off, anti-pedos. Go be fake-edgy somewhere else.
I just got banned for posting Jordyn and Lexee. Where am i?
…and it's not like you're melting from the presence of cannibals or shit eaters.
No, you're allergic to people who just love children a lot.
That's so faggy that you must have been born out of your dad's asshole in a shower of rainbows.
That is the very epitome of faggotry. Congratulations. You make pony-fags and christ-fags seem edgy and dark. I bet you'll just spontaneously die if you're ever exposed to the harmful aura of a random bus stop without the protective prescence of your mommy.
ITT butthurt pedos
I reported them all :)
good goy
Have fun with your dead board of pretense, once all the cool kids have left.
It's not ok to be a pedo.
Be careful where you step
what a (((coincidence)))
It's ok to be a pedo.
But some people need to censor what they can't disprove.
pedos should be shot in the alley like animals,
then skinned and eaten
The Dark Lord confirms. It's ok to be a pedo.
Deny your Maker.
pedos make the best fertilizer
I dont want to become a pedo from eating something
it's not ok to be a censorkike cuckchanner/redditor tbh
For the lolis, i agree(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Pedophilia is superior, divine love.
This is undeniable.
All the anti-pedos are covering in shame.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
the mods here are shit
They are based
instagram pictures and images of a girl's face violate dost now?
nice double dubs.
And yes, they now ban people just for saying they like lolis
t. mod
Hex did nothing wrong tbh
What's ironic is they think it makes them look tough.
It's ok to rape Way's children.
How many more hours until the Auzfag comes online to expose way?
this, I miss hex
die monster!
you dont belong in this world!
Hex can save Holla Forums
Mods deleted all my post through out the board, even tho i never mention midgets or whatever.
Posting a crossboard link is dost violation too
dysnomia needs to get his babies under control.
only if they are posted by pedos
I wish i was tbh
The new vols were a mistake tbh
any child does expect for the ones mailman posts
Hpw can you tell if an user posting Instagram models, is a pedo or not?
He is
you kind of answered your own question. only pedos post instagram photos
t. not pedo
Prove it
instagram is a pedo site
If they are posting it on 8ch
By that logic, Instagram is a big pedo scheme?
is doesn't matter if he's a pedo or not. The only reason someone should get banned is for spamming or dost
Thats not an arguement
A holohoax apologist got his posts deleted. Is one of the vols a Holla Forumstard?
that's not how dost works, retard. this isn't canada.
all the models post on instagram so… perhaps
Yes, i agree. Everyone agrees, even pedos. But the thing is, mods ae banning even face pictures. Just the face, of Instagram models
fuck the mods. I left 4chan so i wouldn't have to deal with this shit
pimenova might lead to CP tbh
14yo girl
Talking about CP leads to CP. Don't talk about it anymore.
Yes, and i have seen it. But are you going t make us all pay, for the action of a retard who cant behave? Its unfair
That was me and it seems Way is a Holla Forumsack
he's the worst of them tbh
hex did nothing wrong
this btw
He psoted pedoshit and got all his posts deleted.
hey Hitler
Hitler is pedo now?
i bet it didnt violate the dost
You lazy fuck. Delete posts individually.
i didn´t. I posted "Pedophilia is not a crime" meme
hitler/ox whatever you want to call him
yes, i think the age of consent was under 18 when he was boss
ox = an officer
did you get banned?
did you enjoy?
Someone needs to caal Dysnomia n these two faggots tbh
time to censor tbh
MODS this violated dost before !
AHAHAHAHAHAAHHA! That user got banned for saying he gave his 4yo gf a cunny. ahahahahaah fucktard mods
censoring cp does not make it legal
yes. it was fun.
did you give her the D as well?
you just posted a cp
more proof that the new mods are complete shit
my fucking god. The gif user was banned. This got to be a joke
save it and show it to dysnomia now
/ \
This is a drawing of a naked little girl
you should just have seen the previous posts getting deleted
2d lis allowed
Mods dont ban based on DOST anymore. Its based on their feelings.
it wasnt dost just random text posts
Thats what im saying. DOST is out the window now
This isn't cleaning up the board anymore. This is a moralfag jihad.
you would get banned for pedoshish and terrorism :)
burqa lolis with suicide vests strapped to them nao!
loli is not cp, faggot.
ugly lolis are cp too
ask canada or australia
Just forward the CP post and IP to LEA. It will then stop.
T. race cuck
AUS is run by a bunch of cucks and CAN still cucks itself by capitulating to Quebec's demand of making everything have to be in English and French. Their views are irrelevant.
i was still right tbh
I am not a pedo and even i use a vpn
nigger or not, its still cp
racist scum
big if true
t. butthurt pedo
if you wait 16 years it is
t. racist
.t swede
I like this new vol Way. Its been a long time since someone has been serious about removing pedos in Holla Forums. I just hope dysphoria will not remove him once the pedos start whining
way is one i guess you missed his slip up 9 hours ago
do not violate dost btw!
Never speak to me or my child bride again.
What? Who is 'one'?
this. haven't seen the site this clean in a while, pretty comfy.
Thank you.
When you thought other user was me? I told you to take your meds.
True but how long? The pedos are already howling. I hope Dysphonia stays strong this time and doesn't give in
way the vol
that word everybody is getting banned for saying
too comfy
like some fag is about to try to suck my dick
I don't know how you find the time and energy man. God bless you
FYI Way is a nigger who permabans anyone who says anything slightly pedo positive. Never take him seriously.
you're so incompetent you can't even look though my post history to see it wasn't me
btw Hex did literally nothing wrong. Can we agree on that?
t. pedo
But that post wasn't pedoshit. In fact, it's antipedo.
Fuck you, pedo lover.
all me
liar one is me
how did dysniggeria find these 2 pantywaists?
gook loving rulecuck, bluepilled moralfag
Free speech is one thing, but actual pedoshit is another. If I see a fucking midget thread with little girls in sexual poses, you better be ready for some permab&.
it is her name is ##censored_to_aviod_ban##
you're jealous because they actually accomplish something
I don't know about hex because I don't spend more than 1-2 hours on Holla Forums and have no idea what really happened but if he got a raw deal then I sympathize with him otherwise fuck him
He posted a public ad asking for vols and a couple of nogs who lied through their teeth to get (and abuse) mod powers
tiny dick spongebobposter
Second round of applications when?
yes, removing legal & non-lewd posts, and sometimes even text. kys reddit/cuckchan
a shame
hex was best mod
the text posts should stay up but otherwise it's the only way how to deal with pedos. remember how much cp got posted here during the past months? that happens when you grant them space.
I hope you can take what you dish out, friend.
they didn't
you mean Instagram photos?
the way to deal with cp is to delete cp like a normal website
it was hex
These mothrfucker dont know what CP actually means
no I mean actual CP you faggot
child photography
hex is not a pedo
why don't you post what you thought was cp
dys was the only mod then of cause when you post cp when hes asleep its not going to be immediately deleted, get realistic
lmao nice one
oy vey delet this
what a cutie but that violates dost. please remove it
t. yes hex
hahha seriously wtf fuck this rulecucked shithole of a site
It's already gone, refresh the page.
The only legitimate way to become a mod is the way hex became mod tbh
pics related
Are you cucks to incompetent just to delete the media?
based fucking mods
Motherfuckeing SJW got triggered with Zhenya. Y'all gay
CP is a sexualized image video of someone under 18, if a pedo post a non sexualized image of a child it becomes cp. tbqh
Failed logic right here
Hmm. That looks like some kerfuffle between Jim and hex. I'm curious about why hex got removed as Holla Forums vol which I think came earlier than that. I was under the impression that hex was doing a good job as a vol removing pedo. I missed the whole drama that led to hex removal and why it happened
porn is when you find an image sexy and the more sexier you find it the more porn it is
he resigned
He refused to tongue Jim's anus.
what did he mean by this?
he quit
It's ok to have sex with children if they're horny tbh.
RIP in peace Holla Forums
Adult-child relationships have an age difference greater than 5.
failed at logic again. A sexual depiction is a sexual deictin no matter who posts it, or wo sees it. Same goes for non-sexual depictions. I'll give you an examle.
For the sand-niggers an depiction showing an ankle is higly sexual. However, that isnt the case in the West.
this was never funny
hex is still a pedo
questioning mod motives should also be bannable tbh
t. pedo
Pedophiles like children
wtf hex? Its not the age difference that is the problem. A 13 year old is not psychologically ready to have or understand the consequences of a sexual relationship
only if you are a child yourself
says who?
he left off the rest of what hex said tbh
we can't even have a discussion about this because ill get banned for justifying pedo shit
Care to elaborate?
If you are an alpha male, its ok too
Anyone who says otherwise is a pederphile
show me proofs
pro-tip: you can't
being an alpha male and fucking kids is contradictory
Whelp, that does it. Free and open discussions even in a text format are officially dead here.
no. If you are an alpha male you has sex with a loli, you are only ensuring your bloodlline.
to summarize: he was only speaking about physical development, and how a person of that age can be physically ready to reproduce which makes being attracted to them not that big of a deal. the user left out the part where he said if it was legal he could see being attracted to a 13 year old when he was 18. he also mentioned psychological development and financial stability. then he said that it didn't seem to be a problem back before age of consent became 18, but he had no real opinion of where age of consent should be because he's not looking for girls that young.
The vnp owner is not going to jail for a pedo.
I just don't like """ironic""" snitches. It normalizes the behavior.
snitches get stitches
that makes no sense.
if you were alpha then you would realize lolis are the epitome of a female's life. when she is just a loli she's pure, innocent and goddamn hot. lolis aren't degenerate unlike used up grannies and if a so called 'alpha' goes for gold digging frannies over a loli then it is all a facade, he is not an alpha.
I use my vpn so i can seed without getting v& so i dont want 10kb upload
looks fake tbh
that proves nothing. I want peer review papers on your claim
yo stop seeding its a waste of bandwidth. Use your bandwith on cute lolis instead.
this tbh
you make no sense faggot. only a beta bitch would wake a wife that can't even take care for herself. in fact I believe pedos feel so attracted to kids because they aren't alpha enough to talk to adults.
i have unlimited bandwith
yeah don't ruin the board by deleting all posts shit
Alright that sounds reasonable and I will give hex the benefit of doubt but only because it was hex. Anyone that took that much time from his life to keep Holla Forums relatively cleaner from pedoshit, for those times deserves some appreciation and thanks. I don't really remember If I was attracted to 13 year olds when I was 18 though. I was too busy with studies during that time. No time for girls or anything during those days.
This user gets it. Anyone who isn't a retarded pedo knows that if there is even a 1 iq point difference then it's automatically rape.
even peods like Hex. He kept our board clean everytime
do you have a peer-reviewed source i can see to verify that you want a peer-reviewed source from me? until then i can't establish you actually want a peer-reviewed source
I have to fight off adult women who try to rape me tbh.
hex was definitely a very reasonable type of guy, and really seemed to like to get into discussion about things even if a bit controversial. he had to know anons would twist his words when he said that, but he said it anyway which is admirable. in the same thread he was telling us about the girl he likes, and was going to ask out on a date. she's actually older than him.
meep meep even pedos need to leave their meadows from time to time tbh but they should not bring their porn with them tbh
not true at all
shred of truth
big if true
t. pedo
whats that?
Nice malware you have there, faggot
thanks, i almost opened it
Well Jim thanks for looking out for the board and all. While i have a different opinion on this subject I do agree that CP needs to be deleted and the person who posted it banned for a time. We cannot have the entire site go down because a few people want to post CP just because they are edgy dumb asses. I think some people on Holla Forums forget that if CP gets posted here and the LEOs find out they'll either shut this entire site down or set up a honey pot.
i miss hex tbh
You are 100% correct, and if you wee here before, you would know that even the pedos hated, when someone would derail our thread with CP. The pedo community here, just wants to post Instgram photos and non-lewd models. We dont want CP, because we know that would ruin it for us too.
You forgot the part where dysnomia deletes everything
pedos are literally babysitters. only a cuck would go down on an infertile female whenever she demands it.
Wait wait so hitler is ox? So ox, lh and hex is the same person? What drugs are you on dude?
t. pedo
You're not wrong.
t. antipedo
I am noname ;-
t. pedo
seen it happen often enough to know you're a liar. get fucked
'user' dice la verdad, para ser honesto
Он говорит правду!
you can larp all you want but it stopped being funny when you started to post cp
Im didnt say it never happened. Im saying we dont like it either. Because we will get fucked, because of CP. Otherwise, we wpuld alll be posting CP
ox is the only who posts cp tbh
who's we? certainly not the /hebe/ or /lg/ people, because they sure as hell like CP.
wtf? I can't post what I don't have and I always report illegal content. stop telling lies
they actually don't. they're either trying to cover their asses or they genuinely don't like cp.
this. he is LEO tbh
dude the fact that they use masha as a meme speaks for itself. just stop trying to justify this shit.
exactly. Most pedos who are online know the rules and the risks. So whoever is posting the CP is either a idiot or some troll.
you are so wrong on this. Yes the stuff still gets posted but its mostly from guys like you trying to derail a thread.
exactly. If you want CP go somewhere else.
they may like CP but know that it shouldn't be posted on Holla Forums. I like smoking but since i know its bad for me so i stopped smoking.
some pedos dislike CP because they believe it to be abuse or made by abusing a child.
/hebe/ or /lg/ is my people exactly. Everytime someone would derail our thread with actual CP, we ourselves would report it
masha is a meme though. even russian "normalfags" know about her and use her name very loosely.
yeah i hate people who post cp too. Ox buddy you have to tone it down a bit.
all russians are pedos tbh
Refer to
This tbh. Child abuse is one thing, and its wrong and who dooes it should rot in jail. But pedo anons here are against abuse, i know i am.
we like it, but we don't see the point in posting it all over the place especially to people who aren't interested in seeing it
ITT VirPedos
speak for yourself, officer
we just want to post pimenova and zhenya all the other models
Checking my own trips tbh.
if a child wasn't abused in making it and doesn't feel ashamed that her videos are out there once she grows up, then its ok
but you're the one who started speaking for others. as if you really know any of the other pedos.
t. hex
You are just a degenerate trying ti justify child abuse. Get fucked. I am ashamed of you, you are not a pedo. You are a criminal
ban pedo text posts again pls
He makes perfect sense what the fuck are you saying? Elaborate on why he doesn't make any sense, faggot.
can you read? if there was no abuse then it's ok. if there was abuse then it's bad.
I already did you faggot, alpha males wife women who don't need to be taken care of because they have better things to do.
You know what I find amusing?
I find it amusing that Hex quit because Dysnomia disabled the D+ tool (the one that deletes all posts from a particular IP), yet the first thing Dys does when he signs up the new crew is re-enable D+ because he knows that Hex was right.
Only now you have a bunch of inexperienced mods who don't know when or how to use the tool properly and random crap is getting deleted for no fucking reason, which causes more frustration to legit users than the pedos caused. Now both oedos *and* antipedos are pissed because everybody's shit is getting deleted for no reason other than that the mods don't know why each tool exists or when to use one or the other….because Dys isn't training them. He is just saying, "Here tools. You go delete."
For the record, mods, the D+ tool is to use when an user is spamming multiple violating images across the board in multiple threads. If an user posts somethign over the line, delete it individually because it may have been inadvertent and he may have some really positive and contributing posts elsewhere on the board that don't need to be pruned for the sake of a single mistake.
In other words, the D+ tool is for content-violating spammers. Not regular users posting one or two violating images in a thread.
Spam, btw, is not by itself against the rules.
nice honeypot
it's not. /lg/ is literally the place you all want this to be. yet you rather stay here. why?
You can say the same thing about any fucking thread on this board….anime, traps, ponies, gore/rekt, memes…it isn't any different. People are just as offended by those images as by pics of little girls. If it isn't illegal, you are supposed to be able to post it on this board no matter how many people don't like it.
Translation: Fake alphas wife selfish, gold digging whores because they can't get lolis.
Calm the fuck down, Kate Sheppard. Not all women are useful and have "better things to do."
Nice brain tbh
To annoy people.
lh/hex go back to the pgt tbh
what is this pgt, you keep referring to?
good to see you admit it. now there is no need for any discussion about wether or not pedos should be allowed here. you are just parasites that want to destroy this board.
stop that. we are not the same people
based Hex. we missed you and you did literally nothing wrong
hex look what they did to this board we need you back mate
I think we've been pretty clear with our intentions the entire time. So you're either a nufag or a pedophile trying to bait other pedophiles.
i think someone unbanned both the ips that got banned globally, but i still don't like that i got banned for no reason. and codemonkey won't answer the /sudo/ thread.
i know, the board log is a mess.
Hex, lease save us from this madness
You all know damn well this has nothing to do with pedophilia.
There is not a Law Enforcement Agency of any kind anywhere in the world who is going to crack down on any website for posting pictures of little girls that were snagged from the swimsuit section of the JCPenney website. And since that is what most of the pedo spam has been, you really can't call it a pedo issue because it isn't. It is a spam issue, plain and simple. But spam isn't against the rules here. The only official rule here is not to post anything that is illegal in the USA. The rule is not "You can't post anything offensive". The rule is not "You can't post pics of little girls in skimpy clothing."
Now maybe Dys wants to change the rules, and that is fine, it is his board and he can do what he wants with it. But until he does change the rules the mods are in violation of their responsibilities according to the global guidelines for mods/vols if they are enforcing rules other than those set forward by the global policy or the BO.
So if they ban you for posting something that is legal, and Holla Forums has no posted policy against it, report them to [email protected] or on /sudo/. If enough reports come in that a mod is banning and deleting things that are not in violation of a rule, Ron will step in.
So do it.
there isn't much i can do at this point. i'll probably get banned again just for saying anything or posting Hitler since apparently that's a dost violation
the new mods seem to do their job well :^)
t. mod
I think you are a bit deluded there friend but best of luck
ty. so are you staying now?
this post is severely underrated
Ron won't even acknowledge I was globally banned for absolutely no reason.
I wish but I missed the chance
i dunno
Yup. That user looks kinda lost.
just got banned for pic related
I agree for the most part. Banning people for posting fully clothed, not even remotely lewd, little girls sounds like a personal vendetta tbh.
dubs of truth
I was banned for posting Zhenya
t. pedo
I don't think you are from around here tbh…
ooops…. i mean
Sieg Heil
t. Kike
reddit did nothing wrong tbh
another image added to my hex folder
ty. I continue to make hex memes
t. pedo
Hex should be the BO tbh
this tbh
ox pls go
baby Ox is asleep this be LH
what's the difference between him and officer ?
bruh check pgt in a few minutes
fuck u lh/hex
Pedophilia is superior, divine love.
This is undeniable.
All the anti-pedos are covering in shame.
plwase tell me what is pgt?
cut that shit out
same person just different agendas
kys reddittor
then fuck off with your anti shit.
antis- did nothing wrong
checked and check the pgt now
fuck off
nothings there?
i can post that shit here but ill stick to ig lolis now fuck off antis
mods are good people and actually remove it quickly
your life must suck so bad
will anyone tell me what is the pgt. Becasue the only pgt i know is no allowed here
its a honeypot
t. lh/hex
y you trying to pull this shit on me lh/hex
we wuz bros
stop involving hex. he has nothing to do with it
are you reffering to lolifox?
same person just a different name
yes. fbi makes frequent drops there
then don't accuse me of being Ox you fuck face tbh.
add me on that list too
leo ox
nice try hex
nice dubs but I'm not hex
i don't even know you, fuck off
you fuck off lh
you don't know me either.
dont worry i know
how do you know?
is one
hi pal. Havng a good day at the office, officer?
comfy ngl
Cat-Kike has them all fooled. we took out heart and anna user is next.
t. pedo
i'm virped tbh
what happened to the guy?
Nice dubs.
i'm an anti tbh
Don't forget about Dununt its been three weeks
cat did something wrong?
don't forget about FF as well.
no he's a good boy. :3
FF is his own worst enemy just like the Beta Roo everybody just seemed to forget about
he was mad about Vols mostly though. he hated that vols kept posting tumblrniggers and making cuck comments
heh it worked
vols is scum and a child rapist if i ever crossed his path he would be dead
t. pedo
you are a pedo
everybody is a pedo!!!
t. pedo
only you
t. pedo
t, pedo
All me tbh
big if true
T. pedo
t. pedokike
t. pedoshit
Oi vey look at all these pedos! Its like a NAMBLA convention here!!! (j/k)
stfu pedo
big if true
according to some people in this thread....EVERYWHERE!!!
kys pedo
they don't want me there as well. ;-;
all the anti talk is annoying.
what about viola?
its a popular thread
i don't get it. is this some sick joke?
nothing matters anymore, Holla Forums is falling apart
my guess is after what happened yesterday dys set rules for them to follow instead of them moderating with there feelings
It would be nice if we knew what the rules were as well so that we could follow them, rather than find out what they are by getting b&.
lurk more
"Lurk more" implies that they have to learn Holla Forums's existing culture. Right now the problem is that Holla Forums is having a new "culture" imposed on it by the mods.
don't post anything that could be construed as a child when jimmy and way are moderating or say good bye to one of your vpn ips or proxy.
they won't its like /lg/ where rule 2 also says a mod can delete your shit if he feels like it but yes the whole ig photo issue needs to be addressed
lurk more