NJ/pol/: aka Why New Jersey Is Going To Shit

Since NJ is in the news yet again, figure it's about time to have a New Jersey thread to discuss why my state is getting infested with Muslims and Dindus every single day

Anything New Jersey related is welcome

(Camden, Trenton, Atlantic City, Newark, Jersey City need not apply.)

Friendly reminder to all non-New Jerseyians ITT: Fuck off, we're full.





Other urls found in this thread:


Add New Brunswick, Iselin, Paterson, Lakewood to the list.

surprisingly accurate

And Puerto Amboy.

I used to live in princeton, now I live in the part called "Russians, Polacks, and toxic fumes". And truth be told, i've seen more spics and niggers than slavs. I wish the gun control laws would get fucking fixed.

The map also has Sayerville lumped in with "old people and asians" but it is about as nigged and spicced up as it could get.

NJ has always been shit.
You require a firearms license to own a fucking BB gun and will imprison children for having one without it.
Meanwhile, us people in free states, can plop down a handful of cash at the gun store and walk out with an AK or AR two minutes later. If I wanted to open up shop in my garage I could crank out AR's without serial#'s all day as long as I don't sell them for profit.

With all due respect, the last thing we need in this thread is a barely racially-aware patriotard.

I lived in this area up until 5 years ago, can confirm. The pink strip on the map that covers Pleasantville through Absecon should not be there. Pleasantville has insane crime rates, one of the worst places in New Jersey period.

Bridgeton is another crumbling shithole. Burlington, too.

The ghetto in the woods region is 3 time larger now.

Map needs updating

Who here /bergen/
Westwood reporting.

Literally little israel.

I'm wondering if trump would do anything for this horrible little state. All I want is just a fucking red ryder and AK.

Toms River here, that map needs a shitload of revisions. Lakewood needs its own marking, "Jews, gangs and illegals," and right where Red Bank and Asbury Park are should be "slums on top of tourist traps." Toms River and Brick combined should be "urban spawl and bad drivers."

Part of the joint base is actually where the New Jersey label is. Starts right at Lakehurst.

It's overrun with pajeets.
He's taking money from shitskin dothead Shally Kumar at his Holmdel mansion, rents to all kinds of ragheads in Jersey City, and seems perfectly content to just dick around on his Bedminster country club.

What a heroin-infested shithole. Cross the tracks and you're basically in Mexico.

this is the only pro gun group that has any traction in jersey, they deserve your time and effort.


You silly faggot. When wasn't NJ pozzed? It's either the spics in Camden. Or the niggers in Newark and Patterson. Or the Jews in Cherry Hill. Or those loud obnxious Wops spread all over the place.

Seriously, when the fuck has NJ ever been great? I moved out of that shithole state a long long time ago. You would fair well to do the same. You have no idea how much better it is outside of that overcrowded pozzed liberal shithole.

True story: The first time I've ever seen a Hilary sign in a yard IRL was when I visited family in NJ a month ago. Fucking. Pozzed.

It's practically Lakewood when you take two steps from downtown. Thinking about it makes me wonder how those little shops and restaurants are still there.

I stand corrected.
Surely he would loosen up this state's gun laws?

And how would the president do that? New Jersey's problem is that it is terminally non-White. Literally half of the state's population needs to be physically exterminated with no respect to any authority's laws.

NJ can't be fixed with better gun laws. It needs like 5 million corpses.

I've always been wanting to move to pennsylvania; the only good memories i've had of this shitty state are all gone.

Yeah, I'm looking to fuck off too.

What's the difference between a New Jersian and a dumpster?

People care when a dumpster gets blown up.


Sounds like a /meadhall/ matter. Always knew there were a few likeminded volk nearby but never actually met one.

And would I!

Feel great.

You've got 10 years, tops.

I would guess in the 1920s. Yet it was still ridden with crime. But what would I know, I have just been watching this show, it's quite enjoyable.

God dammit I hate this fucking shitty state Car insurance and taxes are raping my ass, I only own a double barrel that hasn't seen action since ww1, I'm surrounded by nigs and PooLoos.

anyone from PA please smuggle me out the gulags are right next to my home please

I would say any state on the coast or border has 10 years before it becomes a total mudslime/pajeet/spic shithole. At least if nothing is done to ship illegals out and stop terrorists coming in.

Also in Toms River, user.

I might be getting out of here, lads. Crime isn't an issue where I am but these property taxes are killing me.

Becuase the majority of the population is suburbs of Jew York and Niggerdelphia…That's why.

What highschool did you go to?

Heroin High aka High School North

Anyone Middlesex?

you get used to the smell of curry lingering everywhere

Shit, me too. What year? I'm 20.

Niggadelphia is better/funnier.

Lol are you the guy who get's attacked by heroin zombies?

Whats up middlesex guy

The center of the town I'm in looks more like Mexico than USA

New Jersey sucks
t. Somerset County

I've noticed the Pajeets have nearly taken over certain areas, too




Yes, I grew up in Middlesex County, but I'm living in Ocean county now.

Middlesex is the single largest epicenter for Asian/Indian immigration in the entire United States – proportionally, not in total numbers.


Welp, looks like I know you then.

Holy shit, top kek.

Can't get much more /meadhall/ than that.

It's pretty fucking crazy.

Fun Fact: If you ever wanted an Asian waifu, Korean or Japanese, Middlesex county is literally the best place to find one outside of California.

You were probably in North Jersey, in one of the more cucked counties like Morris, Somerset and Union. Down in South Jersey we're all on the Trump Train


Dude most of every Asian I've seen so far are old bags pushing shopping bags.

All though some of the younger asains are cute as fuck.

Burlington Township here.

Been seeing a lot more Muslims lately, and I've been living here for almost 17 years now. I must have seen like 5 or 6 of them walking in a nearby park wearing full on burqa's. I have no idea what the fuck is happening, but they're starting to spread.

Other than that, its very comfy here, nice and quiet. Most of South Jersey is laid back like that so long as you avoid Camden. Piney's may be a bunch of hicks, but they know how to have fun

I thought that too user

In "real" north (west) jersey, we're real trump fans

It is an enjoyable show.

NJ is where the floodgates lead from NYC. So you get tons of city trash and immigrants flooding in to live in the "suburbs" or can't afford NYC.

At least PA and NY are ok states in some parts once you leave the major cities. But NJ is 100% pozzed from top to bottom. There is no escaping the diversity.

The reason their gun laws suck is the same reason Philadelphia closes all of it's shops at dusk: Niggers and not enough whites to keep order.

As far as I'm concerned, every county north of Mercer is North Jersey. New York just needs to take them over, North Jersey always manages to fuck South Jersey over.

Well no shit you're going to get the old Asians, its inevitable. But I do agree that some of the cutest Asians girls are from Middlesex, Cherry Hill has some cute ones as well since there's a large Korean population living there

Right, it's central Jersey

Far Northwest NJ is not as bad, is it?

If you want to talk drop me an email at:

[email protected]/* */

Stopped reading right there.

Correct. And it used to be based before the spic and pajeet explosion.

apart from some parts like phillipsburg and hackettstown, warren county is just about completely white. Sussex isn't bad either. Hunterdon is fairly white also but pozzed with liberals.

Its the truth. Once you go past Mercer its a completely different state.

This. South Jersey is the last bastion of freedom left here save for some parts of Northwest Jersey.

I've been wondering something for the longest time. Is the reason my state keeps voting for Democrats all the time because of North and Central Jersey being so cucked?

I want to leave, but my family is here and I just can't leave them.

Mercer is Central New Jersey. Middlesex, Somerset, Mercer, and Hunterdon is all central. Some people include Union – I'd rather not. The old King's Highway area.

anyone go to Old Bridge High School?

Union's properly taxes are absolutely insane, I don't' get how anyone can survive there. I mean yeah its like mostly white, but still the taxes just drain you.

Are the pajeets a more recent phenomenon?
The beaners I can remember already being here when I was in Kindergarten (early 90s).

Interesting. I figured it was far enough from Killadelphia and Newark that it would be kept from the rest of the corruption.

Same situation here, stuck. At best, I'd go to Pennsylvania as it's still pretty close.

Same here, shit sucks but I gotta protect my family

Can confirm. If you look around, most of the bumper stickers/hats/signs are pro-Trump.

That's news to me. You think they're coming from Philly? Burlington County in general always looked like a nice place to live, at least from where I'm standing.

I'm [email protected]/* */

Sounds like New Jersey needs a dose of RWDS.

And Elizabeth, Irvington, North Bergen, Union City, Guttenberg, West New York, East Orange, Vauxhall, Roselle, Linden, etc. the list goes on and on. NJ is a spic + nigger paradise.

In a way, I think New Jersey is finally waking up a bit. Trump support here is growing, the fact that Hillary is only leading by like 5% here tells you times are changing. People are getting sick of the Democrats destroying our state and our cities. I just hope to god the GOP nominee for our next Governor is actually a based guy who knows what the fuck he's doing. From the looks of things, and hopfully this is the case, Randy Brown, mayor of Evesham, will be the nominee. I'll take Guadagno as well.

Bayonne reporting in

Our town is truly the saddest story. Once upon a time, Bayonne was a beach town with a great economy, cutting-edge manufacturing, a boardwalk, a busy trading port, and happy white people. We even have a library that was built by Andrew Carnegie, and we were one of the prime targets in the country for atomic bombing during the cold war because of our strategic location, industry, army barracks and the fact that our fire department was also the reserve fire department for Manhattan.

Then it all went to shit, the business left, our water became polluted because of all the byproduct that got dumped into the bay from Agent Orange production, property values plummeted and niggers from Jersey City moved down and started pillaging. Now our town is 50% arab, 50% nigger and 50% hindu with a few Italians and Polish still praying for the race war to come.

The pajeets have been just exploding over the last decade. They all buy into North Brunswick, South Brunswick, Edison, Iselin, Woodbridge. I'm sure they've all slithered into like Hillsborough, the Windsors, and some other Princeton suburbs.

You and I seem about the same age, but there really weren't too many beaners when I was coming up. Though as I got into high school the classes underneath mine really went to shit and now North Brunswick is basically a criminal Mexican cartel outgrowth of New Brunswick.

Down at the shore, people are buying up Trump novelty shirts like crazy

Give it about 3 more years. It's already about 25% nigger and 20% spic. Was 0% spic when I was little. All my family moved to greener pastures down the shore or to FL, CA, PA, etc. Union Center was great when I was a kid, it looks like Little Haiti now, avoid at all costs.

Ocean County is entirely Trump…

Don't forget the ((people of color)). Like , , and are saying, there's so much ((diversity)) we're practically Brazil.

Yup. Irvington also pollutes absolutely every other municipality around it.

Don't get me wrong, Burlington County is still nice, but yeah I have no clue where they're coming from. I work at a Grocery store and in the past few months I have been seeing more and more of them. Its weird, and also concerning.

Ocean County is also ground zero for the kike infestation. I'm not sure how to take the Trump support.

Do you guys know Marc Pagliarulo? Kid with huge gauges who beat up his vice principal and pushed his grandma down the stairs

Yeah, that's more of the "coal miner" country. Kinda close to Scranton, PA. I can see the folks up there being based.

In parts of Newark, we're actually Brazil.

I'm not optimistic. It will probably be another dirtbag like Corzine since Christie is not too popular right now.

This I've seen with my own eyes driving through. They were all over.

And only going to get worse. The Whites are moving out and the muds are moving in. I notice the 'For Sale' signs everywhere in my own town. You know damn well who is leaving and who is coming.

I'll add Plainfield/North Plainfield, perhaps South as well, though not as much as the former.

This whole thread is sobering and cozy at the same time….

it's gone

Don't remind me of fucking Lakewood. The kikes are everywhere.

I have no idea how we all forgot Plainfield. Plainfield is like one of the original fucking shitholes of NJ.

I'm on the frontline.

Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry.

My area is bound to get worse. Condos have been popping up, and muds are already moving in.

Guess who's taking over in a few months?

After Corzine got arrested on corruption charges, and McGreevy got caught cheating on his wife with a man, I'm somewhat confident we'll have another Republican in as Governor. There inst a single Democrat in this state who doesn't have any star power. Booker was the only one and he's in the Senate now.

The only ones declared so far are Philip D. Murphy, a Democrat who's a Goldman Sachs puppet and who just so happens to be Ambassador to Germany during Obama's time in office. Chances are he's mentioned in the leaked DNC files.

On the GOP side, we got Joseph Rudy Rullo who's basically our version of Donald Trump. Most likely though its going to be Kim Guadagno who gets it

I'm kind of beyond giving a shit about politics in this state. I'm 100% RWDS.

Right next door to me. I know it's like 50-60% negro, but it's not quite as bad as Newark or Camden.

And you're right. It went to crap when the blacks came in around the Civil Rights era. There were race riots in the 60s and it's been crap ever since. The rich Whites moved out.


I almost don't care as long as it's any Republican.
Even just to hold off on new gun laws or holding back the leftist legislation a bit.
The demoncrats in this state are so corrupt.

Never heard of him.

He might have gone to East.

Where are from?

That's always the pattern.

Funny enough, there're Somali/black apartment condos by a grocery store where I live.

I think you're working at ground zero.

polite sage

Piscataway and Dunellen are two other pretty fucking nigged up towns that fly under the radar.

Fuck, I think I know what you're talking about to

As bad as New Jersey is, at least we're not Ohio

Outside of the larger cities, Ohio is actually basically Whitopia. In New Jersey, if you don't have real money you're basically fucked.

I think Piscataway is full of Pajeets now, right?
And Dunellen seems to be getting beaner'd.

used to live in a little town called lindenwold. the patco goes from philly to camden, and through some nice white towns, and then eventually ends in lindenwold. nothing but blacks, spics, and muzzies. most whites moved out a long time ago. i pray for those still left.

This is about where I'm at too, I give no fucks about NJ politics, hoping the niggers and spics will make a good choice for us, lel. RWDS or bust.

And, fuck, if this thread doesn't make me sad. I grew up in Union, I remember grandpa taking us to Union Center for a haircut, hotdogs, and maybe to the card shop for magic cards. I remember Christmas Day running outside with my new remote control car to show Chris across the street, and the playing in the snow for hours with all the other kids on the block. 4th of July every backyard had a BBQ and fireworks, all the kids from the neighborhood would hop one to the other for hotdogs, burgers, and fireworks.

Now? It's fucking desolate. Not a white child in sight. The only whites you ever see are the 80 year olds still barely hanging on at the St. Paddy's Day parade. Christmas Day - empty streets, not a single kid outside playing, 4th of July - nothing, dead. Just a spic walking his dog. No community, no culture, our world taken from us. At the time, we didn't even realize how great it was, it was just normal life. Fuck, if it isn't depressing to think that would all disappear so suddenly.

Is Piscataway full of Indians? Probably makes sense with Busch campus and that whole business complex that bleeds into Somerset county.

that cyan area, happy white families, should be a lot smaller than it is. pine hill, lindenwold, berlin are all minorities, collingswood is getting there.

Yes. confirming piscattaway is full of pajeets. When I go off campus there's not a white person in sight with the exception of myself.

There isn't a single non-White in this state I wouldn't pull the trigger on. I hate everything about them.

What explains their sudden appearance, and in such large numbers?

They can't all be IT and doctors?
Or call center or scammers

You're not only brother, and not only among our generation, but I have found my father's generation is even more RWDS than most of us. They're fucking sick of it.

Ohio has one hundred plus mile areas of totally white rural areas. You might be lucky if you go 20 miles without running into an "enriched" community in NJ.

Just think of all the Pajeets working in NYC for various reasons (finance, IT, engineering, little electronics stores, etc.) Most of the ones living in the Edison area work in NYC if the Path train is any evidence. Wall to wall Pajeets, and it fucking stinks that's not just a meme.

As a student I can't comment on their growth. A dark society is all I've come to know here. Just like the children of today who will never remember what a white community is like.

who /Edison/ here?

Anybody in woodbridge here?

Edison here, live less than 5 mins from "Little India" its not little . Feels like I live in New Delhi. Hell, we're even twinned with a city in India.
White people are an almost foreign concept to me.

Since you both seem to be near me (Toms River), shoot me an email at address in:

If you want to talk..

you know your state is shit when the only things to come out of it are james rolfe and those dumb dagos on mtv


wow. I lived in jersey for decades and this map is actually very accurate, barring the south which I can't confirm either way.

sage for no contribution.

Forked River here,

Shit's getting fucked for the working class here; we're lucky we're not infested with Pajeets, Dindus, and Towel Heads yet.

Also fuck Lakewood

Lollin hard at this map. Only been to New Jersey once, visiting ex-gf's mom for Thanksgiving. She lived in Rahway. She is Russian.

Didn't know that was a thing up there. What I remember most vividly was how all the whites we met were wiggers and there were tons of nigs and shitskins milling about.

Jersey: Not Even Once.

Wanted to update. We got Pajeets showing up more and more it seems.

Believe me it sucks living here. If it wasnt for my family I would have probably moved down to Delaware

Contact me at

If you want to talk or /meadhall/.

Just a warning to anyone new to New Jersey or anyone who hasn't been down South: Please avoid the following towns. They are infested with Niggers:

-Burlington City
-Browns Mills
-Edgewater Park

What's a good place to live in New Jersey if you're poor?

out of state

PA is your best bet. otherwise maybe Warren county or something similar. Warren county still has a majority white population. they're also far more conservative than the typical NJ white.

Salem is another one.

almost #148800

A… a sub-board? For my state?
I'm flattered… Holla Forums…

G-Gloucester County reporting in.

Wealthy suburbs in Union county like Summit, New Providence, Chatham, and Millburn aren't pozzed. Unfortunately all our tax money goes to keeping Elizabeth afloat.

i grew up in the executives living in mansions part.
moving back there next year too.
white people paradise.
terrible for teenagers though.
because theres no crime the police pull over and illegally search anyone under the age of 25
and bust them for weed and paraphernalia. to rationalize their multi million dollar budgets for stations with under 12 cops in them.
also best part is if your black, the moment you cross the line from morristown to mendham you instantly get pulled over for being a nigger.
cant wait to go back now that im older and wont be pulled over for bullshit reasons.

I live in south brunswick and I can most certainly confirm, pajeets here are about (not kidding) 40% of the population in town. And all the brunswicks (south, north, new and east) are all fucking libshit failed multicultural shitholes. Do not move anywhere remotely in middlesex county. Its pozzed to fucking hell.

Ridgewood fag here. Things are pretty comfy here, although gooks (and even a few pajeets) are coming in at an alarming rate. Also, we're supposed to be getting "affordable housing" soon. In other words, even the richfag neighborhoods are going to be invaded by nonwhites. This state's pretty much fucked.

NJ was always an insufferable shithole.


I still still still still still don't believe any of you are from New Jersey.

Disagree, has Hudson County as hipsters and neighboring counties as poor minorities, when you will never find a white person anywhere in Hudson County.

Most of us are from NJ. Only we know what hell is like, and were living in it

I know its pozzed as fuck and i'm moving out of this cucked state as soon as I can, but my parents picked a good place. Every other house has a trump sign up by me (Hunterdon)

Do you? Because if you don't, I dare you to come to central jersey. You'll see how fucking bad it is down here.

Thank god I'm in South Jersey. At least its decent save for a few towns

We need more than a dose tbqhf

Is that a Trump tower?

No, it's a hotel or casino. Has to be Atlantic City because it's overlooking a boardwalk and is behind what looks like a Caesar's branded building.

Trump has apartment towers in Jersey City that he rents out to all kinds of Muslim trash.


That's Trump Plaza, it was a hotel/casino in Atlantic City that shut down ~2 years ago. The building is currently abandoned. The Trump Taj-Mahal down the road from it is still open, but is closing down next month. (It hasnt been owned or operated by The Trump Organization for a while though, so it was a Trump property in name only.)