Fuck you

Go fuck yourselves. That's right. You are all honestly trash. I have realized that I can't invest my life into a website that you awful shitters have ruined.
I could make a VERY long list of all the shitty things people have done. All the disgusting betrayals. All the swattings, doxxes, and attempted firings IRL. All the shit people have done to make this website by far one of the most hostile, mean, nasty, and godawful I've ever seen.
The people who doxxed and harassed hobbyist to the point of him almost getting fired: I mean, it was almost funny. Hobby took himself too seriously. But sending naked kids to somebody's computer knowing it's monitored is fucking irredeemable. Every one of you should be excised from the community utterly. You guys also shit up every discord and have basically ensured that no nation is able to recover from the constant alting, raiding, meming, shitposting, doxxing, and harassment from you guys. You have done more to ruin this community than probably any other group.
This doesn't even touch on the dozens of little weasels, traitors, and scummy manchildren who have written a legacy of distrust, hostility, and toxic behavior across this community in cheeto dust and cheap liquor. All I will say is that your stink has overwhelmed whatever else existed here, and the entire server is just a good 3-4 dozen manchildren circlejerking in a sweaty, funky mess across every platform. The chan genre is looooooooong dead and any drive to replace it or reform it has gone a long time ago because the people who ruined this community are having the time of their god damn lives on a genre that has finally given up and just declared that if the rest of us can't have even minor victories at least the genre will live on.
I despise every one of you. You know who you are. When these servers shut down from how awful it is and how few people want to post, we'll see who gets the last laugh.

Pic related: It's me

Other urls found in this thread:


If you are pic related that's a nice style no homo
Just curious abt the cane tho…

I think you should've lurked some more before being a Board Vol idiot.



who's got that screencap of someone saying "i hate dysnomia because he's fat"

t. pedo
didn't read lol



Dysnomia is a lazy retarded fag, who didnt want to do any work, so he passed that job to a couple of autistic vols, who think they are special. Well, you´re not. You are just snowflakes, with a stick up your ass

kys dysnomia

are you stupid?

i think so

Since when is dysnomia a board volunteer?

No one's making you feel that way & you have baseless opinions that no one gives a shit about.

I don't even think you know what the hell's going on in most of the threads you post.

general shitpost


What the hell is on your mind, nigga?

Fuck you! You get the "community" you deserve. No, you're not a leader.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

probably goons out to destroy everything and force people to go to reddit.

For those of you taking this seriosuly


Go fuck yourselves. That's right. You are all honestly trash. I have realized that I can't invest my life into a website that you awful shitters have ruined.

I could make a VERY long list of all the shitty things people have done. All the disgusting betrayals. All the swattings, doxxes, and attempted firings IRL. All the shit people have done to make this website by far one of the most hostile, mean, nasty, and godawful I've ever seen.

The people who doxxed and harassed hobbyist to the point of him almost getting fired: I mean, it was almost funny. Hobby took himself too seriously. But sending naked kids to somebody's computer knowing it's monitored is fucking irredeemable. Every one of you should be excised from the community utterly. You guys also shit up every discord and have basically ensured that no nation is able to recover from the constant alting, raiding, meming, shitposting, doxxing, and harassment from you guys. You have done more to ruin this community than probably any other group.

This doesn't even touch on the dozens of little weasels, traitors, and scummy manchildren who have written a legacy of distrust, hostility, and toxic behavior across this community in cheeto dust and cheap liquor. All I will say is that your stink has overwhelmed whatever else existed here, and the entire server is just a good 3-4 dozen manchildren circlejerking in a sweaty, funky mess across every platform. The chan genre is looooooooong dead and any drive to replace it or reform it has gone a long time ago because the people who ruined this community are having the time of their god damn lives on a genre that has finally given up and just declared that if the rest of us can't have even minor victories at least the genre will live on.

I despise every one of you. You know who you are. When these servers shut down from how awful it is and how few people want to post, we'll see who gets the last laugh.

Pic related is the real Dysnomia

I bet you are a very lonely little man, aren't you?