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Any proof that the kikebart account liked it?

This will be the end of Trump's campaign.

Reporting some nobody cunt's twitter account as sauce? The fuck is wrong with you.

Half his kids are married to kikes.

Mein sides

Is she a kike or just some sjw type cunt virtue signaling? Do these dumb fucks think such a thing will change a single vote? Because that would be amusing.

We should all tell her that we like the photo as well :)


Like by Kikebart and TYT? What?

Archive didn't work


jewbart is filled with jews and we're supposed to take this to mean what?

That quote makes me realize, that 8pol's hatred of TRS may be a Jewish thing.

So who is jewing who here?

Or, if you weren't autistic, you'd realize that the Alt-Right is a jewish led "revolution" that's intertwined with kikebart.

That is to say, TRS (& I think Red Ice) are the only sites that name the Jew, which aren't controlled by Jews.

I mean 8pol is run by Jews. & they are always saying TRS is the enemy, goy…

Not to mention constantly saying, fuck PR goy, it doesn't matter how shit you look to the goyim, you're not trying to win them over. hehehehe

trying to redpill normies was a mistake
it obviously isn't for everyone

Speaking of Red Ice, when TRS's buddy Dicky Spencer was on there recently, he talked about his admiration for Theodor Herzl.

Jews sick of jews jewing other jews who were jewing jews.

PR fag detected.

Alt-right is to today what neoconservatism was to the 60s.
Attempt to subvert and control natural opposition.

You are legitimately retarded.
No one is trying to win over the retarded masses. They are unnecessary, useless, and stupid.
Just pacify them.
And demonization and continued exaggeration that the kikes do desensitizes the retarded masses.
Therefore pacifying them.

I think I figured out why this happened.

It's to neutralize the narrative that we helped ISIS, we can't possibly have helped ISIS i mean they just bombed us.

thank you for correcting the record
$0.25 has been deposited.

Isn't it great how this CTR people are 100% communist. I wonder if the know about China's 50cent army? Ah the fruits of communism.

Can you link me to the show?
I really am trying to figure out exactly what is going on.

I feel like that was the strategy employed by the skinheads in the 80s. Fuck the normies were hardcore bro.

I feel like the only thing separating us from skinheads is that we have the internet, funny memes, and smart people…

But without strategy, what is that worth?

the only legitimate question in this thread.

Crafty kikes.

Good job, guys.

See they definitely like some anti-jew images, but so did The Young Turks,

I think you might be sperging out to much man,
See his name there?

It's a joke.
And either you're a moron or a newfag.

Long term strategy is unnecessary in total war. Especially in an environment of fluid information. Every opportunity to attack and weaken must be taken immediately.


(((They))) had (((Andrew Breitbart))) murdered. Just saying.

Being Jewish is like the mafia. Once you're in, you should never be allowed to come out, especially if you get really up there and if you go against the tribe, well, we'll miss you Tom.

that might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Long term strategy is everything. Most people are not capable of long term strategy, which is why the Jews are always able to subvert movements.
Notice how the Alt-Right started, and didn't explicitly name the Jew. & now it is being subverted. No long term thinking.

In the world of trading, the longer the history of the chart you draw upon, the more likely you can predict where it goes.


It's more likely that it was directed by Obongo and was just minor infighting.

But since you bring that up, is TYT secretly redpilled too?

Guys this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Trump needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for his campaign if he fails this test, it's over for him.

A major speech directed at his supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Trump supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!

Yea, this reads like a jew orchestrated job 100%.

Shut up fag.


Nope. Never back down, especially this far in the game. No losing momentum to what some random guy does.

Lel this guy keeps trying to concern troll with this exact post, everyone laugh at him.

nice copy pasta Moishe

who is this?

you really should request reassignment to an easier site
i don't know what the fuck they're thinking sending inexperienced shills here

TheRightStuff .biz

Seriously, i don't even know what is satire anymore. Is this is it? Is getting through 50 layers of irony required for being redpilled? Is this what it comes down to? Does free speech mean crypto-language and inside jokes of the people saying the truth? What if the inside jokes become mainstream and are quoted as proverbs? Is this how culture was formed? Just irony evolved to the level of circle-jerking? And it became a dogma?

Jews backstabbing jews because thats in their nature.

This is a copy pasted concern troll. Saw it word for word a few days ago.

Read Hoppe. Democratic governments do not and will not operate with long term thinking because they are merely occupying the space of power for a short period of time.

They are fully present-minded


Go back to reddit you disgusting piece of shit


You haven't been paying attention, Morty.

Considering it's Breitbart, they probably think it's homophobic for the Jews to get more recognition than the homos.

Nah, they're just pro-Palestine libs.

Lel nice name fam.

Yeah they are. Even if Trump was redpilled completely, he's not
going to forbid his adult offspring from marrying Jews.

A- He can't. His daughter would have told him to fuck off and the Jew in-laws would have called the New York Post or Daily News with a jewsee scoop on how the wasp Donald forbids his kids from marrying Jews. That kind of "muh PR" that you can't bounce back from when you are in the real estate business in Jew York.

B- You have no idea if he inwardly dislikes the idea of his adult children marrying or dating Jews.

Fake breitbart account: BREITBART_OFFICIAL
Real one: wearebreitbart
Progressives are too dumb to check things out. They also love to slander


How history repeats itself

Smells like a false flag


Hey, a copy pasta I've seen before.

Level 1: Sincerity
Level 2: Irony
Level 3: Dogma
Level 4: Magick


Just like all the fake Trump quotes.

the holocaust has been memed so hard that the jews are getting ready to holocaust their selves