Armyfag story time
Armyfag story time
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Didn't read
Haha holy fuck.
Looks like half your platoon were fucking faggots, taking it in the ass is clearly gayer.
Well if you want to fuck another man in the ass, it's gay, but if you get fucked that could just be prison sex i.e. buttrape
isn't the act of consenting to gay sex gayer than having violence committed upon you against your will? consenting to get fucked is another thing though…
israel thanks you for your service.
just kidding, they don't thank anyone for anything.
OP took advantage of their support, he didn't die for Israel, he lived for himself. You wouldn't understand that.
then explain it then aflred einstein
No it isn't. How weak are you that you can't carry something that barely weighs more than the fucking M4? Or did you mean to say the M240? Which is still not that heavy
decent story though
Quality thread, bumping for more.
you should show them your yaoi collection
GTFO 4chan greentest faggots
t. someone who scored too low on the asvab
http s://
guys guys, traps aren't gay.
we need more anti war anons on Holla Forums tbh
the army has esoteric (((nukes))) they are trying to use to kill our population of esoteric immigrants, they must be stopped before they destroy the vision we have of being self-sustaining creators
that would be a natural and organic way to go… tbqh
A nigger could score 90+ on the asvab. What the fuck is the point of it?
you earn your spurs yet, boi?
fuck off pepefag
kek guy pepe? lmao based
if you ain't cav