I need to tell my boyfriend that I'm not gay anymore. It breaks my heart because he's angry towards straight people. I love him for who he is but I don't want to do the gay sex thing anymore. How do I break it to someone I've been so intimate with for three months? How do I tell him I'm straight without making it seem like I'm disowning him? (His ultimate trauma triggered by what his family did)
Having you tried faking your own death to avoid confrontation?
Jack Myers
How can I go about doing that? Avoiding confrontation sounds like an amazing deal.
Dylan Williams
Read my OP a little more carefully next time.
Juan Reyes
meep meep you are not straight you will just have to break it off with him completely you cock gobbling faggot tbh
Alexander Rogers
Step 1: Fake your own death
Easton Williams
Bentley Morgan
Just tell him. Since youre a dumb sissy he'll have to fuck your mind blank for having wrongthink. Dont worry about it. Your boyfriend will take care of you.
Bentley Bell
Meep meep you stupid motherfucker love isn't binary tbh you huge idiot.
Landon Murphy
I want to start a clean life with a christian girl and can't even have that sort of thing in my memory banks if I'm to focus on making it work w/ her.
Brody Edwards
meep meep love is just a chemical process in your brain tbh
Landon Hill
SWuck DWICK>>7524856
Jordan Rivera
OP you can't not be gay
Noah Price
What made you gay, and what made you stop being gay? Genuinely curious.
Oliver Robinson
…by faking your death you dense motherfucker
Angel Campbell
then don't, i hear a lot of fags slow down and end up as basically roommates after they mature out of the rabid ass fucking phase
Aiden Thomas
you fucking wot m8
>ITT: how to stop OP from being a literal faggot OP, just break it off, ffs. Tell him how it is.
William Campbell
What made me gay: memes. marijuana.
What made me not gay: the texture of masculine penises
Bentley Ross
Have you tried taking your own life to avoid confrontation?
Jaxon Ward
Takes one to know one I guess.
Xavier Cox
Just smoke memes and watch marijuana then lol
Matthew Cox
I agree to disagree. Currently I am 100% heterosexual and wouldn't swallow your cream if it came on a silver platter.
Thomas Jenkins
If memes and marijuana made you gay, then I'd be gay. Tell me the truth. Did your uncle diddle you, did you have a single mother, or were you bullied a lot for being a little bitch? Also why don't you just refuse to touch your boyfriend's masculine dick, and just fuck him Roman style? You'd be less gay that way.
Asher Rogers
Maybe he just likes dick?
Owen Sullivan
Nobody likes dick for no reason. The most common reason is having a vagina.
Nathan Cruz
My mom is kathyleen wynn. Maybe that's why.
Ryder Green
He likes dick because its fun Dicks are fun
Jason Jenkins
My mom is kathyleen wynne maybe that's why.
Dominic Wilson
Fuucck that's a good idea.
Dominic Hill
Yes, that's the reason for sure. My condolences for the horrifying childhood you must've had.
Michael Garcia
Itll make you more gay Which is good
Thomas Cooper
It's actually you I pity not the other way around.
Joseph Smith
Fun fact her son is actual fag irl. Coincidence?
Bentley Gray
Grayson Campbell
I bet some fucked up shit happens there.
Nathan Brooks
Michael Allen
OP tells us more about your dyke politician mom and your basement dad.
Joseph Perry
My dad reffered to vaginas as "baby mixers". My mom would become livid, I've never seen her as mad as when she would hear that term. I think about that term when I'm porking my boyfriend. I'm a shit disturber, not a baby mixer. My dad drank himself to death and can be considered a ground dad, not a basement dad. I hope there is nothing after death. I hope the kids I molested at gay camp will join me in the nothingness.
Parker Williams
Good shit. Even though you're probably lying, I lold.
Evan Smith
No sir, no they are not.
Luis Kelly
How one mixes thy sperm in the great mixer, determines how one's child will turn out. Keep a rythm, and thy shall have twins; and so forth.
Nolan Wood
[citation needed]
Isaac Hughes
being gay is good for you
Jeremiah Nguyen
Do this in order 1. Tell him you are no longer gay 2. Tell him you can't do the gay thing anymore 3. Offer to suck his cock one last time so that he won't feel bad. This last thing will make sure He will not be traumatized because that will be the key difference between you and his family
Josiah Clark
I just cannot fathom anyone ever being attracted to a floppy, awkward dick, but I'm also straight so that might be why.
Wyatt Gutierrez
what the fuck am i reading here? how can this even be real?
Sebastian Perry
just shove him off a tall building
Owen Scott
you have a floppy, awkward dick
Daniel Taylor
Alexander Wright
i have a similar conundrum >can't kill him because people know i have him and they're not cool also getting another one of these is going to be a problem since the "trap" thing took off fags have self esteem now
Dominic Edwards
just kick him out you fuckin' beta dweeb, he's better off that way anyway
Cameron Watson
well i'd have to drive him to another state or something because i feel like he'd just come back and cry on my porch again
Kevin Stewart
then let him do that and get a restraining order you little nigger
Cooper Taylor
it would be a really bad idea to get the law involved in this
Gavin Wood
then beat the shit outta him tbh
Julian Bell
prolly going to have to tbh
David Brooks
I know. That is enough floppy, awkward dick for one lifetime for this cowboy
Does he live in a rape shed or something?
Logan Brown
he's lived in a sorta cage thing in my spare room for almost 3 years
Jose Phillips
pics or LARP
Ryan Perry
Is this from the onion
Mason Lopez
Please tell me more. How did this come to be? Where do you live? What does slave life consist of? Does he have family or anyone other than you? Your ages?
Luke Sullivan
No. Not from the onion. Throw something like
"Former Ontario education deputy minister pleads guilty to three child porn charges"
into google and see the very real results.
Surprise surprise Wynne's partner is involved in child education stuff too. Tried to introduce fag stuff to kids in grade 1 and failed due to parental backlash.
i made a thread on 4b where i posted some pics but i don't have those and don't like taking pictures in my house in general thb
Posting around imageboards looking for sad faggots inviting them to live with me, found one who was cute enough and scooped him up on day. I made it very clear that i was a sadist and would treat him more or less like an animal but i eased into it over several months burgerland He makes damn sure he looks good by the time i get up and let him out to cook me an egg, does laundry and shit while i'm at work. I fuck/abuse/spoil him whenever i feel like it He has a mom he hates and a sister, but he's not allowed internet access. he is currently 23 and i'm 27
Aaron Hall
Good stuff. Where abouts do you live?
Ian Stewart
what are you, a cia nigger? what does it matter?
Jayden Harris
Just curious. Slowly working on identifying you and giving SWAT your location.
Julian Miller
cool tell them to use CS gas so i die
Ian Ortiz
I can do that, you've been real helpful
Hunter Johnson
Joshua Reed
Are you the guy who keeps his boi under the bed in that corner-cage and started feeding him female hormones, or was that another user?
Anthony Robinson
pic related is not me but i was glad to see other people are doing similar things
Jayden Nguyen
Thomas Hill
Caleb Cox
Eli Lewis
gives a whole new (gross) meaning to the word "butthurt".
Andrew Rivera
all part of the plan, lure target in room with cute girl>break ankle>imprison
Why do you think the silly doll doesn't just use the ladder?
John Walker
you're OP you're a faggot, that is how this works
Daniel Jenkins
Parker Gutierrez
bumping quality tread
Lucas Jackson
This thread smacks of retardation.
Hunter Myers
Benjamin Collins
tell him your bi and start fucking pussy
Henry Barnes
urg ay
Carter Howard
In the dead of night, when you're wide awake, miserable in your refractory period and drenched in your own funk, ever feel the wqalls start to close around you, just a little bit?