Did you know that on this board it is a bannable offense to say that it is ok to be a pedo? I didn't know that! I wonder what other rules this board has that we don't know about. I mean, do you think it is a bannable offense here to say that you believe it is ok to be bipolar or autistic? Because like pedophilia these are abnormal mental conditions. Or how about being gay? Or black? Or politically centrist? Can we be banned for saying that it is ok to be any of these things?
What are the fucking rules here, and how are we supposed to know about them?
Anything related to pedos children etc are not allowed in this board. It is what it is. If you see a pic with a child in it don't bost it. Bedder safe than zorry. Dond worry yoo will zoon ged used to eet
Samuel Russell
Easton Wright
Something tells me a certain overzealous mod won't be around much longer
Luke Sanchez
1) Without an admin tripcode, you are just another user shit talking. STFU. 2) You aren't even addressing OP's questions. STFU again.
James Reyes
8ch.net/b/rules.html Here are the rules. The new mods are just idiots who ban and delete anything they please.
Evan Cooper
Might as well go to facebook or twitter since they have far less strict rules there about what you talk about and what pics you post
Cooper Gomez
Justin Brown
Is that against the rules for mods?
And I understand that historically that has been the only written rule here, but what about rules that are not written and which only come from a mod (or BO)'s particular mood at the moment? How are we to know about them? I mean because technically this board is supposed to be shitposting friendly, and that means that spam and shitbumping should be allowed and tolerated because they don't violate the written rule. It just seems entirely arbitrary. I don't mind rules, I just want to know what they are and have them written down someplace so that they can be referred to so that I don't inadvertently run afoul of them.
Hudson Martin
Oh my, an ancient meme. How intellectual…and gay as it turns out.
Aaron Gonzalez
All these booty blasted pedos. Praise Jim
Ethan Jenkins
You do realize that not everyone who is getting banned is getting banned for pedoshit, right? I mean the whole point of OP's questions is that we all know that pedo content gets banned, but the mods are claiming that certain expressions of belief now qualify you to be banned apart from content. This thread is not about pedos, you hypersensitive tit. So calm the fuck down.
Andrew Lee
Let the child have his fun before the only power he ever had disappears
Dont even worry about that its not like animal cruelty is illegal in america
Look at the moment dys probably cares more about keeping the board online then dealing with the rogue mods so he wont deal it he'll probably just keep cycling them and passing the blame
This isnt even a pedo issue anymore
Leo Allen
The possession and distribution of animal cruelty media is in fact, not illegal.
Samuel Reyes
You are a dumbshit. Jim has allowed pedo shit this whole time. If it was him who was against it, it would never have been allowed to begin with. He doesn't like it but he wants to allow it. This is not his voluntary doing, this is the law intervening. How new are you, anyway?
Oliver Ramirez
t. mod
Sebastian Wright
This has gone well beyond dys now. The orders have come directly from the big guy. Apparently dys has to keep the board free of pedo content and do whatever it takes to achieve said objective. To that end if certain other posters get caught up in it oh well that is collateral damage. No use whining to dys, His hands are tied (by Jim)
Isaiah Perez
You have to stop smoking whatever you are smoking user
Leo Flores
8ch servers are in the US, meaning jurisdiction over content residing on them is the FBI's. Education is the purpose of school, user. Maybe you should go back.
Angel Morris
Austin Robinson
No I get that. Your implication that the crackdown 'was initiated by the FBI' makes me think you are smoking something funny which you probably shouldn't be smoking
Brody Morgan
In the immortal words of Hotwheels "Love it or leave it faggot"
Nathan Sanchez
shove it faggot
Ryan Watson
Look at it subjectively it could be argued that if dys stood down instead of wanting to be the last bo of Holla Forums it would have never come to this point and his replacement could have fixed it before jim got involved
Its actually bestiality which is illegal depending on your state
Lucas Robinson
Where did you get that info? According to Dys, Ron told him to get his own vols or the board would get reassigned. No mention was made of Jim by Dys at all, and the only content related issue that violated the board rule is the CP, which was efficiently dealt with in the past by one guy. So where this over-the-top complete blanket ban on posting young girls came from is actually unclear.
Which brings us back to OP's post: What are the actual rules here, and how are we to know about them?
Joseph Phillips
Bestiality pornography is not a federal crime and the Holla Forums servers are in the Philippines so it doesn't violate any state laws.
Thomas Robinson
Thanks remedy for stopping him trying to hide it
Easton White
Yeah, without addressing the issue, too. Looks like we find out what the rules are by breaking them and getting banned???
Brandon Anderson
Also the possession of said porn is only illegal in one state, Oregon, and Oregon is for GAY FAGS and they can go fuck themselves
Ethan King
Why do you think Ron told him? Look for answers here >>>/sudo/58261
Gabriel Wright
Um no. The site owner is in the Phillipines, the servers are in the US…thus the rule about not allowing anything that is illegal in the US.
Gavin Thomas
Its a federal crime in the orange and red states
Andrew Bailey
The only answer I see there is that Jim cluelessly banned Hex improperly. If all this is just an attempt to cover his ass from looking bad then I think even less of him than I did before.
David Ramirez
8ch servers are in CA, a yellow state. Beastie is NOT a federal crime.
Jordan Diaz
Not the possession of bestiality porn, which, unless you can fuck a horse through the internet, is all Holla Forums need be concerned about.
Dylan Russell
You can think as little of Jim as you want. The fact remains though that Jim owns the site. The banning of hex was awry but the underlying message is that Jim wants pedos completely removed from Holla Forums or it gets shoahed ie reassigned from dys
Chase Diaz
If you have a VR machine I can arrange that for you.
Daniel Bell
Yes, I know he does…but why, and why now? The only answer that makes sense is that he is getting new heat. If it was just an issue of him being sick of playing janitor for Dys, he would have just cut Dys loose already.
Asher Gutierrez
Isaac Ross
Its illeagl in VI
Christian Brooks
Lincoln Carter
Know your place mods dont have to follow the rules
Evan Jones
OP here. I still don't know what the rules really are. Is shit posting allowed? What constitutes shit posting? Can I bump a thread to keep it on the board? Can I bump more than one? How many can I bump? Do I have to state my intentions when I do so in order that those intentions are not misinterpreted by a mod? Can I voice my opinions on social issues? Any social issues? Which are allowed and which are forbidden? If I want to share my birthday photos do I have to crop out my little sister? What if I want to post a thread about Drew Barrymore's early movies? Do I have to post a pic of the alien from ET instead of a pic of Drew Barrymore?
I am not asking anons anymore, I am asking the administration.
What are the real fucking rules here, and where are they listed?
Tyler Hernandez
the only rule is dont violate dost and dont post CP but the vols will do whatever the want and ban whatever they want.
Jack Russell
Thanks, but I am not asking you for your opinion as I don't want to get you banned by accident.
Owen Martin
You know you posted a screenshot that validates what i said
Ayden Gutierrez
Keep posting whatever you like. When you will get banned, you will know that you broke a rule(You may not know what that rule was that you broked but you will know that you broke something). By the time you get banned enough times you will get a vague idea of what is and isn't allowed. Thats how Holla Forums has always worked.
Its like driving in the fog user. Don't worry everything will be fine
Jose Ortiz
the fact that you have to be worried about getting banned on accident is the problem here.
Andrew Hall
It is okay to be a pedo, though.
Adam James
Ryder Adams
First of all, no it doesn't because it was a screenshot of Virginia, which I deleted because I realized VI stands for Virgin islands. Second of all, it the chart doesn't validate what you said, because once again. Possession of the porn is not illegal. And third, Virgin Islands are a bunch of cucks and their laws don't matter.
Dylan Morgan
it's ok to be a pedo
Nathaniel Carter
Look, it's simple: I don't want to be even allowed on a board so faggy that speaking my mind is some kind of bannable offense. Do your worst. I'd be happy to be banned from such a hive of faggotry.
Jaxson Johnson
Ok Yes
Hudson Watson
confirmed faggot
Evan Ortiz
Move on with your life the mods dont give a fuck about you
Anthony Cook
Cameron James
…and besides, just a few hours ago I've compared pedos to angels, so I know that you're not getting banned for that anyway. Would Holla Forums start doing that, while still allowing nazis, then that would out them not as a freedom of speech board, but as a pro-nazi board. …and Hell would follow.
Jordan Reed
Still part of america, still illegal in VI
Connor Sanchez
Still not required to comply
Jaxon Anderson
It really depends on the vol, some will drop a ban for a girl in a bathing suit. I tend to be more liberal following the hotwheels "If its illegal" rule. Suppose the girl in the bathing suit was in a "suggestive posture" I.E arched back or open legs I would delete and ban because it could be construed as cp
"Notably, the legal definition of sexually explicit conduct does not require that an image depict a child engaging in sexual activity. A picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child pornography if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive." - justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-pornography.
Michael King
My original comment was that its illegal in america which it is
Aaron Harris
mods used to ban for whatever they felt like. the difference was they didn't have a political agenda like these sjw fucks
Daniel Kelly
No, your original comment was a graph mapping all the places where engaging in zoophilia is illegal, in response to a post explaining how the pornography itself is not illegal and therefore Holla Forums has no obligation to take action.
Cameron Long
This vol provides the clue. Over the next few weeks dys is going to assemble a team of vols that he can depend on to keep the board free of pedo content to Jim/Ron's satisfaction. Get on the wrong side of any of these mods and you will catch a ban. In other words it is kinda pointless to expect 'rules'
Now, the general rule is that more hard working the mods are the more hotpocketeering they tend to be(Exhibits: impkampfy, HotpocketX etc of Holla Forums). So expect a ban happy environment and plan accordingly. If you don't think you will feel comfy posting in such an environment then you better explore alternative options.
Xavier Stewart
The real rules exist only in Dysnomia's head, and change from minute to minute depending on the status of his bipolar brain. That is why he has had such a hard time keeping mods in the first place. They don't know what the rules are any better than regular anons do, so they don't know what to enforce or when. They get shit on from us for doing it wrong, they get shit on from him for doing it wrong, and they have no way to know what the right thing to do is at any given time because the only written rule is not to post anything illegal in the US…an ambiguous statement if ever there was one.
So don't be too hasty in blaming the mods, the BO has never established any sort of solid foundation for the board, which is normally the very first thing you do. Instead, he is winging it every day. The fact that it hasn't collapsed before now is actually a minor miracle.
Chase Peterson
You lost yourself trying to justify your fetish, bye
Jackson Myers
It's still okay to be a pedo, though. Pedophilia must be legalized, in order to free the children from oppressive tyranny. Sexual liberation now!
Samuel Ramirez
Pedos need to be gassed.
Angel Walker
Anti-pedos need to be gassed.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Leo Carter
This tbh
Easton Sanchez
Andrew Rivera
Rip free speech
Jaxon White
time to move to another board
Noah Hill
Im only here to text post and next time leave your capcode on
Samuel Morales
Woah there, Way, we don't shoot dogs in the backyard for digging in the trash once. Perhaps maybe just ban him for, say, a week. A slap on the nose for being naughty.
Jayden Brown
Then there is not a rule. If it depends on the vol, it is a grey area, not a rule. But let's for the moment hypothetically accept that the line is uniformly enforced as being "sufficiently sexually suggestive". That still does not account for mods banning anons for posting non-suggestive photos of girls, or for posting spam, or bumping threads, and certainly not for expressing opinions. Yet if you look over the logs for the last week you will see that these comprise way more bans than people posting "sexually suggestive" pedo pics. These unwritten rules are a huge part of what is driving the undermining of this site and the efforts of people like you to improve it.
I don't envy your position, mailman, I really don't. You are in the middle of a pissing contest and you are going to get pissed on from both side. And although I know Dys has promised you an umbrella, you won't ever see one. He has yet to live up to a single promise he has ever made to anyone on 8ch, mod or user.
Carter Gutierrez
Remedy will most likely remove it because hes the only mod doing his actual job
Jack Foster
I have already unbanned him, because he didn't do anything illegal or against the rules. Unless I missed some kind of meeting or notice from Jim or Dysnomia. Fucking stop with this banhammer baby bullshit.
Gabriel Gutierrez
fire in the hole IT’S OKAY TO BE A PEDO
Christian Mitchell
it's ok to be pedo
Ethan Robinson
Did you unban Hex too?
Hudson Campbell
Exactly. THANK YOU. Banning someone for saying something pro pedo says a lot about you. Way seems to be extremely trigger happy and twitchy as fuck. At most, I might ban a pedo for 30 minutes for saying something pro pedo. If they post pictures of child models, I will at most ban for an entire 24 hours. If it's CP, I will perma ban you.
Jaxon Carter
That implies that there are rules besides posting things that are illegal. What are those other rules, and where can they be found?
Henry Torres
That is not illegal in the US, and therefore not against the rule. Or are there rules we don't know about?
Michael Barnes
As I stated above, I wouldn't have cared. The only ones who've got anything to lose by banning people for their opinions, or for the way they were born, is you mods, and this chan.
Moral faggotry has no place here.
In fact, you're unsuitable as mods if you're even going to PRETEND that you'll be forcing opinion policing on us, because that very insinuation of a threat, sets a tone hostile to freedom of speech.
…so let me make this clear: If You Ban Me, I Win. If You Ban Me, You Lose.
Brody Ortiz
I think the other rule besides no pedoshit is no spam.Spam could be a lot of things, from derailing a thread with macro images, to making the same thread over and over again.
Levi Sanders
Carter Lewis
Nathan Powell
Thank you far actually addressing my question, Jim. Can you tell me where that rule is written or how we as users are to know about it?
Oliver Sullivan
Logan Long
Well shit, Dys removed the no spamming rule. 8ch.net/b/rules.html I still highly discourage spam, however.
Brayden Hughes
No, no. He's just covering his ass with flexible language in case he actually did miss a meeting.
Adam Brown
The Goddess must be aroused every day, however.
Noah Carter
See, are you beginning to understand the problem now? The issue is not with following the rules. The issue is with knowing what the rules even are. Users don't know. You mods don't even know, even when you think you do, because the rules change with Dysnomia's mood. That is why they are not written!
Honestly when it was just him and a couple others it was not all that problematic, everyone just did what they wanted. But now that he has gotten all of you guys in to try to create some sort of actual moderation team, there is going to need to be a static set of written rules, clearly spelling out things like what constitutes spam, what constitutes "sexually suggestive". etc. because otherwise you guys are all going to end up stepping on each others' toes and unbanning each others' bans, and looking to Dys for guidance…and the guidance you get will be different than the guidance you got the day before. It is exactly what happened before, and why he needed mods in the first place…because you can not work effectively as a team unless you are all playing by the same rules. And you can't do that if you don't know what the rules are or if they are changing all the time.
Ayden Williams
true tbh
Isaiah Harris
Shit, I thought I knew. I never though Dys would change the rules willy nilly on us for no reason. I will make sure Dys hears about this.
Adam Miller
You don't know him very well then. OK, but FYI he already knows. It is deliberate.
Nathan Parker
Thank you, btw. You are the only one who even acknowledged my question, and I appreciate it.
Jeremiah Brooks
I try. No problem, bud.
Michael Edwards
You're so thick it must hurt 18 months ago (was it?) when Dys found the sceptre in the gutter, to paraphrase Napoleon, he tried to institute clear and written rules agreed to by a majority. Users tested them to destruction immediately.
Juan Gray
pimple zit ice cream
James James
Congealed pus? I understand your affinity with it. It can't be easy having a cyst for brain
Daniel Richardson
only a global can since he got permabanned from all boards
Benjamin Taylor
Luis Young
William Gonzalez
Ethan Allen
yo honestly though why did that guy get banned? it was just a pic of a kid holding a flower up fully clothed, wtf? i hate pedo's but that seems a little harsh
Jonathan Kelly
kys censorkike. mod bootlickers like you you help make this place no different than cuckchan
Nolan Phillips
mailman permabanned me yesterday, because i hutr his feelings. Is this the oeple Jim wants for his site. I foresee a dark future for Holla Forums, if that is the case
Aaron Martinez
You tell me.
Jaxon Young
Yup, you´re right. This site will go down like the Edimburg
Jaxson Allen
hex did nothing wrong
Ryan Campbell
Sebastian Richardson
I suck cocks
Jayden Miller
That's not what the other pedos say
Tyler Russell
pedos are definitely not gay. females only
Leo Stewart
Gavin Diaz
og post was t. pedos
Ian Hill
Hex Was Right tbh
Hunter Martin
as a vol you can ban anyone you want for any reason or no reason at all, as long as you're inconsistent about it. this isn't a safespace for your moralfag circlejerk you fucking newfag shitstain.
Kayden Gomez
Greetings, newfriend! There are only one rules on Holla Forums:
Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content.
Other than that, you are free to make whatever rules you want on your board.
For more information on the United States obscenity laws and how they relate to Holla Forums boards, please click here 8ch.net/obscenity.html. For more information about the Dost test, please click here. 8ch.net/dost.html
In short, Holla Forums considers all nude images of children to be child pornography and they will be deleted and the posting address will be banned, if viable. Just who is this Holla Forums person anyway? 8ch.net/personhood.html
Samuel Watson
This. It was so brutal I never made a rule again.
Gabriel Turner
Posting Instagram models does not fit under this statement tbh. MODS ARE CUCKS TBH
William Scott
It's all about context. Some things that are legal to have are very illegal for groups that will misuse it.
Brandon Thomas
Isnt that called censorship? Repression? Think about it
Juan Smith
Blake Parker
Think about what? Let's just give Russia all of our Uranium for free!
Chase Carter
And while we're at it we can give the Mexican cartel our legal firearms and give ISIS all of our oil!
Blake Morris
(checked) You have me confused, tbh. I am not talking about Uranium. Unless thats a code word, wich in that case, no
Landon Hill
this tbh
Parker Carter
i want here legal instagram images to post, but mods still it don't allow. how much longer until I can it do?
Mason Russell
Nicholas Bennett
hex stop
Josiah Ortiz
Kayden Hall
Sucks. I can't do anything against it. I can't even lift a ban made by a global/admin. Truly the death of freecpeech and chans.
Samuel Richardson
Kayden Barnes
you should see some of the bans being handed out by new mod team today
Nolan Hall
Joshua Perry
Jose Smith
Hex did nothing wrong tbh
John Peterson
this is true
Dominic Clark
I can't help it if the globals do whatever they want, but traditionally that's how the moderation on Holla Forums is. No rule always applied to mods.
Shit wording. Traditionally mods on Holla Forums only follow the global rule and have no other rules or restrictions.
Nathaniel Mitchell
just kys fatty
Kevin Fisher
t. pedo
Ryan Nelson
t. normie
Blake Torres
So this photo should be okay right?
Josiah Morris
Nathan Perez
whew thanks mods that was a close one.
Elijah Cook
Jaxson Gray
what's really sad is the silence from codemonkey on the /sudo/ thread.
Bentley Thompson
Fuck off this isn't 4chan.
William Turner
Christopher Hall
remedy tongue my anus tbh
Alexander Edwards
Brandon Roberts
Leo Edwards
Liam Cruz
Austin Wood
Leo Allen
Robert Lee
Elijah Sanders
Brody Watson
Cooper Sanders
Anthony Rodriguez
Grayson Smith
Henry Bell
Jace Cruz
Aiden Torres
Cameron Garcia
Caleb Baker
Thomas Green
Eli Gray
Night Faggots.
Lucas Brooks
good lil faggot
Gavin Turner
If i get banned for this it's retarded I guarantee posting non-cp wont get you banned
Austin Gomez
thanks based mods. 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘
Lucas Wilson
Isaiah Hughes
Holla Forums follows cycles. The moderation changes frequently and the board swings from good to bad and back again. It is shit now, but in time it will become less shit.
The solution is to treat the mods like the mentally deficient trolls that they are. Don't engage them. When they're throwing a tantrum, ignore them and browse other boards/chans. Wait for them to calm down, then return. Arguing with them only gives them the attention they crave and rewards them for their behavior.
Sebastian Diaz
you should b banned for posting a gook
Camden Johnson
Juan Smith
Yeah it was bait
Logan Morris
Unless the dogs had their leash tugged on since yesterday people were getting banned over fucking text. Unless the mods want to repeatedly overstep they should just make a rule where making a post where the subject has to do with a little girl is a bannable offense. Because apparently that's where the line is now.
Jose Mitchell
federal laws are enforced on a nationwide level… perhaps you are confusing "felony" with "federal"… i blame public education, tbh…
Alexander Evans
Cooper Stewart
Hail btard
Christopher Reed
inb4 you get banned for cap
Jaxson Smith
he should be tbh
Leo Anderson
Why? because its showing how deluded this mod is?
Jonathan Robinson
This. Exodus needs to keep Holla Forums clean or get gassed tbh
Robert Parker
stupid dumb Holla Forumsa/b/oons BTFO
Daniel Barnes
How can you tell though? Because it sure looks and feels like 4chan to me. No, you know what it feels like? Not 4chan, but reddit.
pic related (it is everything on this entire board anymore)
Jayden King
No it's not.
David Moore
Josiah Wood
Apparently they didn't since i got perm for nothing but its not like i don't have vpn's anyway