All top tier actors are either gay men or closeted gay men. Straight men and women can't act on the same level.
All top tier actors are either gay men or closeted gay men. Straight men and women can't act on the same level
big if true
true if big
Acting has always been the realm of the morally suspect. In the past it was, quite rightly, looked down upon as a profession.
It's never been a profession determined by talent, only nepotism. In a normal world Nicolas Cage would be an eccentric janitor except that his uncle is Francis Ford Coppola
Is there proof that Daniel Gay-Lewis is a fag though? Haven't heard of it.
You forgot to say child molesters. They're also all child molesters.
guess what? you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
it's threads like these that remind of the caliber people i'm dealing with on this board nowadays. good shit, guys.
t. straightboi without a single acting cell in his body
The fucking Holla Forums-tier "I only leave my house for food" autism is off the charts.
Duh, that's becasue you have to get casting couched if you want the real hollywood dosh.
Nobody mentioned Holla Forums
But I'm sure they appreciate you letting them live in your little noggin rent free :^)
Every discussion is littered with their rhetoric nowadays. You can't even discuss physics without the thread turning into an Alex Jones episode about the Jooz and masons.
it's been like that for a while, user
I've been here since day one and it's never been this bad.
tell us something we don't know OP
is this a new 4cuck meme or something? It's pretty fucking lame tbh
No, they arent, they get roles that fit their characters, they are basically themselves.
Ask the guy that sued Travolta or pedowood.
lol it's fucking BIG if it's true kys you fucking autist, i'm so sick of seeing this forced image
Na they be pulling the im gay faggot card
ok so this has been a pretty normal problem for me i think
do colors fuck up when expanding this for others?
Thanks doc
no seriously like
Same thing could be said about Holla Forums. Every discussion no matter what OP says turns into a pedo shit storm. It is just how things are. Holla Forums is about kikes and Illuminati while 2017 8/b/ is about pedophilia and the rationalizing of wanting to have a sexual relationship with an 8 year old. I don't like Holla Forums and Holla Forums doesn't like us but at least people hear aren't as brainwashed as them.
(non-expanded is img related)