wonder woman is a coal burner now. she's a jew in the new Wonder Woman Movie. Wonder woman is slowly becoming more powerful than superman and any other DC comic character through plot device and new powers out of nowhere because she a female. oh and i think she's transgender now.
There's an angle here to instigate some sjw on sjw violence with the nog being objectivied (diana reachin 4 dat bbc) cucks are the real racists after all.
Julian Johnson
Caleb Reed
Luke Lee
ogga booga we wuz slaves once!
Xavier Ortiz
Holla Forums should really enable post delete, i uploaded wrong image.
Xavier Stewart
Isn't she a pansexual now too?
Lucas Adams
Logan Brown
earth one stuff is trash, their teen titans is garbage too. completely rapes the material
Julian Miller
You know you fucked up with the fat chick is more cute than Wonder Woman. Hell the fat girl at least still looks like a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if Wonder Woman turns out to be transgender in this. Same with CISbusters. When melissa mccarthy is the most feminine and attractive woman in the film. You know you have a flop in your hands.
Levi Johnson
I only read manga for superheroes.
Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san Onideka Boku no Hero Academia 8th Wonder One Punch Man
Nathan Bennett
You know earth one is trash when Batman earth one is the best thing too come out of the line. Harvey dent serial killer sister becoming a transgender Two-face & hipster Riddler aside. At least earth one batman still comes across as a batman story. Unlike Earth one superman. which it's drama base around not superman adapting in earth with amazing powers. But if Clark Kent will marry a hooker or not. Not even kidding.
Gabriel Collins
oh wait, I'm not eight anymore nor do I read comics carry on
Adrian Kelly
Why do faggots still care about comic books? They are all Jewish heroes and have been a tool of kike propaganda ever since they were created.
Alexander Sanders
When you realise that this guy is right. The DC universe and the Marvel universe both found their stride in the 1940s, fighting the horrible, evil Nazis.
Levi Williams
not sure how big an issue fiction is in the scheme of things. seems more symptomatic than cause of disease
simpler yet, r34 her whipping him with her lasso
Nolan Murphy
Comic books have an enormous influence on pop culture. Many of the most popular TV shows and movies released in recent years have been based on comics.
We should be aware of the propaganda being feed to society.
Andrew Powell
Benjamin Jones
I love Boku No Pico Academia.
Ryder Williams
you're a fucking retard or a sjw shill.
the REASON we don't like this is BECAUSE they're for kids. we're not whining about ourselves but about the indoctrination that's being forced on our children.
grow the fuck up
Tyler Rivera
my sides exploded
Adam Phillips
comics are for kids, manga for men
Zachary Martin
Eh, the only Wonder Woman that was ever tolerable was the DCAU version. Every other version of her has been akin to a mentally disabled child in a woman's body, embed related.
Gavin Flores
Children are getting fed degenerate shit like Steven Universe.
I remember an old interview with Church of Satan founder Anton Lavy stating that he wouldn't let his kids watch degenerate shit on tv because the stuff put on television can leave an impression on children's minds.
Comics, Cartoons and Games are a battleground for the minds of the young.
Leo Wilson
reminder that the fat chick (who was always one of WW's entourage) is named… Etta Candy
Kayden Barnes
Nig Lantern in DCAU was more tolerable than the niggerfied characters we have now.
Mason Richardson
Okay, so this isn't just regular libshit crap about how blacks were oppressed. This is full on WE WUZ KANGZ intersectional social justice garbage.
Grayson Morgan
Go home Anita Trump…
Juan Wood
All the comics readers I know have gone 1488, and have even gotten rid of all their comics. They were like dominos slowly falling, and hating the author.
One even told me: Gee.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Comics are for boys. Why would guys want to read this trash?
Jayden Sanders
Wow… And down goes wonder woman…
Nathaniel Fisher
This whole mini series is pozzed as fucking hell….
Lucas Fisher
i never liked american comics (and the animations, and live action movies and whatever), i always prefered manga what is funny is that most of my friends were the opposite, and now they're all SJWs or proto-SJWs
Parker Morris
It does get a bit tiresome no matter how you look at it. So many of these comic book writers just treat it as though it's a given that people are supposed to read the comics if they're fans of comics in general, so they shove in all their social justice inspired bullshit as though anyone will keep reading.
There's a reason so many people moved on and started reading manga and watching anime. There you get so much less bullshit that it's just refreshing. Just something like Boku No Hero Academia or Tiger and Bunny shows how much better the Japanese are at portraying western style cape heroes in comparison to what we get in the west itself.
Colton Roberts
Andrew Kelly
Same. Years ago I never imagined they would do a thing but instead of selling them for money they just legit burned them. And yeah, they noticed the whole Jewish thing too. Especially after the whole [Unsolicited Opinions on Israel] thing. How do you being such a far lefty loony industry and then support fucking Israel? Just read the names and the answer is clear.
Justin Walker
The kikes are so lazy now days, we have a point to create better comics with our ideals but not ham fist them in the way these fucks do, good writing is the key to this
Alexander Gonzalez
Ya know, this thread got me thinking. I am wont to say leftists should be sent off to the third world where they belong. Where does that leave nationalism? Do we go back to a slave/citizen system like in the old world? Do we set up a liberal utopia in Mexico for these people? We need a better solution because intellectuals and barbarians cannot coexist.
Jaxson Wood
Jonathan Stewart
Yeah I'd fuck Idris Elba too, knowhatimsayin. t. alt-right
Kevin Ross
w-wait… wut? where are you getting that?
Joseph Ramirez
no, robot/citizen. we have no need for chattel, not even for the military.
Wyatt Bell
These comic book threads are always shit.
We get it. We know the industry is controlled by SJW. It's old news.
It's too late to save comics, but look on the bright side.
Their constant agenda pushing has scared away their core audience and the shitskins aren't filling hole.
So now the industry is dying.
Michael Perry
Landon Green
Gavin Garcia
I thought we were done with this
Matthew Perry
Juan Richardson
Milo is wonder woman.
Sebastian Flores
We're reaching levels of bull prepping that shouldn't be possible.
Ayden Sanders
something about how she was born.
Brayden Richardson
Just ignore comics, they were always trash but now they're trash that has been completely subverted and infiltrated by SocJus and identity politics.
The only people who bought comics were nerdy white guys anyway so they're going to try and make them all cucks. If you're gonna read that shit just read manga or anime instead, at least that way you'll just be a regular faggot not some bull prepping San Francisco numale, although even the Japs are pozzed now.
Jason Cooper
I like both and I'm here.
Ethan Cox
On the bright side with western comics dying manga/anime are moving in to fill the hole. I remember in the last thread like this they posted the best selling western comic at like 500,000 copies, and the best manga at like 14 million.
Probably a good part of why sjws hate the japanese so much, they figure if they subvert the entire medium fans will have no choice but to accept the poz load, only for outsiders to come along and ruin everything.
Gavin Allen
That's great.
Noah Perry
Noah Gonzalez
People still read this shit?
It's only a matter of time until they make the same journey user.
Julian Parker
To be fair Milo looks more feminine than that Wonder Woman.
Andrew Evans
The comic is retarded by this artists makes her look pretty hot.
Connor Davis
That's a trannie.
Bentley Hughes
Welp, they got their stereotypes right
Luke Kelly
She reminds me of Xena and I had a huge crush on Xena
Andrew Miller
Lynda Carter is part Mexican, user.
Justin Ward
GOOD, maybe now you faggots will stop watching cartoons and read something worthwhile.
Justin Ross
Josiah Gray
Logan Ortiz
guess this would be the best thread to ask can any of you recommend comic books with Holla Forums elements? I've been reading some of The Boys and some months ago I finished Y:The Last Man, trying to develop more of a taste for the genre but I don't quite know where to start
Asher Sanders
I don't see how that can happen. At least not before turning so old that it doesn't matter anymore. Because the Left would somehow have to subvert every single genre and sub-genre in manga. That sounds like a thousand-thousand times more work than just subverting the single genre of Super Heroes in Western comics. And they still have to fully penetrate Japan for this colossal undertaking to even begin.
Aiden Baker
Isn't she the most blatantly jewish super hero?
Nicholas Morgan
Not necessarily. She was just fetish fuel for the artist and his wife.
Carson Brooks
It could happen by white people starting to write anime and manga in the US
When stuff like this becomes popular, imitators grow up in foreign countries. Anime was originally a Japanese imitation of Disney movies, and in more modern times we've had stuff like Avatar: The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra which are just western imitations of anime.
Jacob Wilson
The comic industry is owned by the criminal Bronfman syndicate.
Joshua Watson
I tried reading Y: The Last Man but there was way too much liberal shit in it for me. Bone is a pretty good read. Starts off as a kids story than shit hits the fan. Also I suggest you read the manga Hellsing, really good story involving Nazi vampires.
Henry Russell
Fucked a jewess last night, cucked her jew boyfriend. Not sure how I feel, do I celebrate or kill myself?
Oliver Flores
Hmm. IIRC Wonder Woman is just a normal Amazon bitch from their secret island of Lesbos. If they find out he has a penis I'm pretty sure he couldn't stop them from killing him. That place is literally filled with wonder women…
Cooper Martin
¿Por que no los dos?
Connor Cooper
we don't speak of that kike fanfiction
meh, Y kinda has that whole grill power feel to it for a while but it also shows how society collapses without men, in the end I thought it was alright aside from the blatant interracial coupling they were trying to go for which didn't happening, as far as I remember plus it gave us the gem in pic related
I watched a bunch of Hellsing Ultimate episodes, if that counts but stopped because Integra was such a dyke
Colton Ward
It's all about removing nazi vampires, though. And best Nazi didn't get enough screentime.
David Bennett
I'd fuck her.
Jason Edwards
Fun fact, American comic books were a the Jewish response to Japanese manga. Like everything Jewish, they rip off/steal from another culture then slowly develop it into PROGRESSIVE propaganda.
Jaxson Adams
Who fucking cares about your weeb bullshit.
Comics are a kike invention.
gas yourselves
Asher Powell
Jeremiah Lopez
Thomas Rivera
Let's just hope your semen has sterilizing effects.
Chase Roberts
Modern Manga was invented after WW2 based of comics brought by American GIs to Japan. Batman and Superman were made in the 1930's
Grayson Hill
oy vey
Zachary King
Nice try, but not everything originated from them west. Manga comes from the word Manhua, which were originally chinese comics. Of course though, everything chinks make is uncreative and shit, so they never got anywhere with that.
Stop reading (((western))) shit Hotwheels please you kike let me post
Jordan Watson
if dubs, trump uses d4c to eliminate all SJWs
Jeremiah Campbell
lefties truly are sub-human
Landon Evans
It's confirmed then. Trump will gather the corpse parts and Make America Great Again.
Connor Cruz
Whatever you do, don't read it to the end. You'll want to hunt down and kill everyone responsible for it.
Alexander Sanchez
no, reminder that superman is able to induce apotheosis in the earlier comics. He can legitimately will himself to godhood, create universes, walk on suns for keks, transmute phone booths, become the size of a Kaiju, become a human dyson sphere and absorb suns etc. He's basically Dr. Manhattan but he looks like a normalfag, also reminder that capeshit is inherently jewish and none of us should like it.
Jordan Smith
Did she run out crying like a little bitch AND dab on the way out? wtf familia
Christian Barnes
Everyone knows Trump's stand is 「The Wall」
Gavin Bell
everyone knows trump bought arrows from diavolo and has two stands
Hudson Flores
The Wall would also likely have three acts, given the Pink Floyd album. The Big, Beautiful Wall is just Act 1.