Since the TRS forum is bigger than this board and I know that we all post here too it logically follows to say that this board is an extension of the alt right. You need to accept something. Gays are an integral part of the alt right of which you are a part whether you want to be or not. You're going to have to put your Semitic homophobia away and understand that the alt right will die without homosexuals and those who support our involvement. Greg Johnson, Jack Donovan, Ryan Faulk, James O'Meara, Richard Spencer, TRS etc are the gatekeepers to this movement and you're not getting in if you have some autistic obsession with the sex lives of other people. Compared to these people wtf have you done for the movement? And if you make yourself known to be autistically and violently opposed to us you can count on never having any level of involvement beyond anonymously posting memes.
LGBT is a part of the movement. Deal with it
Fuck off and die.
you'll go in the fucking bog, faggot
Lol no faggot
Is that Mac DeMarco?
Well, whatever just don't act like a bunch o fa-
The (((alt right))) is a kiked group of controlled opposition meant to subvert the growing anti-globalist sentiment in the west. We're not an extension of them, they're a kiked out extension of us.
This is Holla Forums you bog worthy degenerate.
We won't just bog you , we will oven you too. We will build bog ovens.
Homophobia is Jewish.
Yeah, I don't care as long as they fight for white rights, identity and separatism. Oh, and acknowledge that homosexuality is a mental illness/disorder and should not be encouraged.
We aren't afraid of you. We bloody hate you.
can't tell if plebbit or just bait
Um, no. Homosexuals have always been a natural aristocratic elite of the White race.
They're still degenerates
Fuck off faglover
Enjoy your poop dick
fuck off faggot, you are disgusting
Mkay. Still not normal and it's destructive to promote it.
Enjoy your MRSA and GRIDS you fuckin cunt.
And the East Asian race
And Hispanics
Niggers especially on the downlow spreading their aids
And don't forget that Jews are faggots themselves, especially the rabbis in the closet
Common filth is always right
Is Tel Aviv homophobic, Shylock?
it's a raid, you mong.
Your Judaism is showing. Look, the bizarre obsessive rejection of homosexuality stems from Jewish tradition when their numbers were so few and they were obsessed with birth rates so anything that did not result in babies was banned and punished.
This has filtered down to you through your slave morality known as Christianity. Even if you're not a Christcuck the tradition of homophobia has still made it into your mind through the saturation of kike ideals injected into the west through Christianity. You need to read some fucking Counter Currents.
wow OP you might have a point
you should kill yourself anyways, just to be safe
Yeah.. There's quite a bit of BitCoin waiting on anyone who can give me his dox actually.
Don't ask, don't tell. You aren't going to reproduce so you are genetic dead ends. Failures who poison everything they come into contact with.
God hates you. People are disgusted by you. You offer nothing outside of fleeting support that amounts to nothing and could be provided by a normal person.
The only reason a queer wants in is because they are insecure, want acceptance and attention.
how much?
So is this merely a raid or are you sincere?
You might as well kill each other. Someone get him that dox.
Faggots need to be purged.
The entire purpose of homosexuals in the aut-right is to soften the far right on homosexuality. So far it has definitely worked, but that's only because the aut-right is made of former leftists. It will never work on the true far right.
Your kind will hang.
kill yourself faggot
Stop lumping disgusting trannies in with us faggots.
When your own body is preventing you against reproduction you can't pretend to not be a mentally ill dead ed.
Did someone say bog?
Exploit the fags until they become even more uppity, then we can have a good old culling.
This is some hilarious bait. I want to learn how anons can manage to so perfectly emulate the speech and syntax of people who have never been here before and have absolutely zero understanding of us.
You're more than welcome to try. :^)
Here's your reply.
Kek has spoken, he will provide the tools to make it so.
how are you any better than an insect?
2/10 bait m8
you tell me
the shills are out in force today
At least I get to have fun.
Too bad this is only the lynch the faggots.
feels bad man
the "alt-right" is no different than 4chan… useful idiots who disseminate our memes.
have some dignity
You have four options
1. Become completely celibate and devote your life to helping others, never take a sexual action again to atone for your sins
2. Stop being a fucking gay faggot
3. Hang yourself, end your life
4. Sit down and wait for the RWDS to arrive you will be gassed you fucking faggot, ALL GAYS MUST DIE
fuck you faggot
I hope you die in a car fire.
Can we sign up for cannon fodder?
I don't want to die on my knees, I want to die on the battlefield.
your day of the rope will never come
epic D&C
let's end it with dubs
You're telling me that you don't read TRS, Radix, Counter Currents, AmRen, VDare, and don't comment there and you're not members of any of those forums?
You're full of shit. Almost everyone on this board is also a TRS forum member and avid reader of Radix and Counter Currents. The malcontents that are butthurt about that are batshit crazy Renegade flat earth tards and Iron Larp Uzbek worshiping purity spiralers.
what did he mean by this
Did you kikes never learn from gamergate?
You arent "part of our identity" we arent the "alt-right". We are National-Socialists, We are Fascists, and we are very very angry.
I have never been to a single one of those websites. I've heard of TRS, but that's about it.
what the fuck
To be fair are gays a problem?
So long as they're discrete and not promiscuous there shouldn't be any real issues.
The problem is faggots. The pride crowd who fuck around and turn themselves into living public health hazards.
Fags will be exterminated on the day of the rope. Deal with it.
Better stop sucking cocks then.
I've read some AmRen and VDare stuff, but I've never even visited the rest. I'm not a member or a commenter on any of it.
This is low effort D&C.
How so many of the retards here have taken it seriously remains a mystery.
Why don't you "unify" aids cock into your neghole bugchasing faggot?
You're in the minority there bud, you would be decimated.
forums are for social signalling faggots
you are extremely delusional. You can never prove that.
Kill yourself
die faggot
kek, okay
I can't help it though.
Then put a bullet in your head.
You forgot about the massive number of straight people who would sympathize with our plight. National socialism is a dead ideology in the real world.
Daily reminder that fag marriage had to be forced through the supreme court because it couldn't even pass popular vote in commiefornia. You aren't popular, everyone hates you, and you will be exterminated.
This is a new one, isn't it?
Fuck off and go back to Holla Forums
No mercy. No compromise.
There are no real lesbian women. Only damaged and/or delusional ones.
Bisexuals don't exist. It's a fad. Stop being a delusional fag.
Transexuals are very sick people. They need to be locked up and cured.
Homosexual men are less than 1% of the population, and they better stay in their closets. There are reformed fags. It works. Now shut up.
PS. I swear, Common Filth only visits Holla Forums when there's a troll thread like this on the front page.
You either made the choice to be gay or you're mentally ill. Both get you killed.
It is an ancient Germanic tradition to entrust all weirdos to the bog. Tacitus' accounts attest to this.
Another is, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Here is some advice for you homosexual, hide your degenerate ways and you will not find yourself in Helheim. If you cannot control yourself then we will help you.
Germanic traditions are all about helping other people, actually.
Anyone who makes the choice to be gay is mentally ill.
all gays must die, every last one.
You're good at baiting, here's a shekel.
You're no different from a race-mixer if you're want to promote faggotry. Both don't bring out white babies.
nice d&c bro
That's fucking retarded.
There's a jewish disease called "AIDS" user, even if they hide it they could spread their disgusting disease.
They must all be rooted out and killed
you mean the same people who are too cowardly to even learn anything that they would classify as "problematic"?
Okay sure, faggot.
Yes fellow Holla Forumslock it is D&C to say that jews need to die or gays need to die.
Based Milo the gay jew is king of Holla Forums my fellow jew.
Gas yourself
Not all :^)
If they are degenerate then nature will show themselves to be.
Holly shit fucking gas yourself OP you pole smoking faggot.
Check these, degenerate.
No, I mean normalfags like myself who only browse Holla Forums because of codemonkeys front page thread listings.
We don't even know what causes homosexuality.
An eternal purge would only result in paranoia and treachery.
And you were so close
so, all the gays are dead at that point. then you only have to kill the openly gay ones
Childhood corruption seems to be a pretty popular cause.
Mandatory STD testing
If you have HIV or AIDS a bullet to the brain
Even if you eliminated the cause you can't get rid of it. People can become fags. Though the reverse is true. A study did once make a fag straight through mental conditioning.
there's less of the people like you than there are gays
muh fracture points
Children of gays become fucked up too. It's (((media))) and pressure from libshits that aggravate an already in place thirst for attention and acceptance.
Not in the current climate, now a days it can be completely rational to choose to be gay since it's flat out encouraged by our fucked up society. It's still degenerate though and if they stop acting on it and actually put an effort into changing then I have no problem with letting them live.
Okay then we kill the jews and make being gay a capital crime.
At least then the gays will shit the fuck up.
The issue with attempting to "cure" homosexuals is that the cure is often worse than the disease resulting in severe psychological damage and/or mental instability.
You miss the point.
Lets say a rival of yours accuses you of homosexuality in order to get you removed.
What then?
They'll still abuse children.
Christ, get the fuck out cuck, really shouldn't you be campaigning for Hillary? Oh wait she's paying you right now
You don't jump the shark and be a whiny bitch, half this fucking board are probably /cuteboys/ crossposters, but none of them are whiny bitches
go hang yourself faggot
t.crossboarding trap
How often do you leave your house? Gays have fathers, mothers, and siblings, as well as friends of their own. Do you really think all that would amount to less than the puny few thousand on this shitty site? 3% of the population is more than this entire site, so you'd still lose.
Not enough fag killing
TRS/cuckchan faggots like you are getting purged the minute we attain power, like the SA.
No I got it but I can't help myself.
Please kill me.
No they don't
Make child abuse a capital crime and enforce that children can only be raised by a coupling of a man and woman.
Oh and you forgot the Q, even Trump remembered the fucking Q so don't pretend to be some lgbt member from outside of Holla Forums
I'd back the gay mafia over you. Shit, they probably already got your name on a list.
It would still happen. Extermination is the only logical solution.
This board isn't the alt-right and the alt-right isn't gay.
The question is how we find the faggots if they stay under the radar.
0/10 for even getting me to reply to what is essentially bait…
They can be "cured".
People are not born faggots, even faggots themselves admit this.
It works like any other acquired sexual fetish, and as such, it can be removed through conditioning and habit-forming.
face it, they're weak
you're weak
they'll die, easy
You're wrong, nobody will side with you in that war besides this puny site. You'll alienate any non-white, as well as women with your rhetoric, even those who have nothing to lose by saving gays would stand against you. You're up against the majority of the world here.
But why do that? What does it matter? How does it affect you?
Also, at least in Spencer's case, his position is he doesn't care if gays call themselves alt-right, he will never consider them alt-right.
The Day of the Rope is nigh, fag
Your thread means shit
Suffer not a faggot to live
Either you repent of Sodomy and become a healthy adult or you die.
Great b8 m8. Now fuck off and die.
We are right. There is no alternative to us.
Would you mind stepping into the oven?
Someone post that WebM of that tranny getting his shit stomped in by a nigger
Faggot. One breast exposed sure looks familiar….
the majority of the world kills homosexuals
how can you be so fucking stupid?
you must be from reddit
literally all three major religions in the world tell their followers to shit on gays.
homosexuality is a disability and a mental disease
it's not worth culling, but actively 'supporting' it and promoting it only dilutes the attention needed for serious problems and hurts actual faggots
trannies and anyone further than homosexuals are seriously demented and should be excused from modern society via hallucinogens or bullets
go be gay somewhere else, this board is for tinfoils and shilling
good work on the bait tho
No cure for GRIDS, and anybody who had another man's cock inside them (or vice versa) is tainted beyond redemption.
This is D&C, nobody on TRS forums aruges for homos. Even the Richard Spencer quote was taken out of context, he said it was implicitly white to accept homosexuals because no other race does, not because we should like it.
Are you saying he doesn't consider himself Alt-Right?
reported for d&c shilling
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
This thread is just another shill trying to push the false TRS IS GAY narrative.
Why hasn't it been deleted yet? It offers nothing to this board
Seriously someone explain to me how homosexuality is a big deal? Its less than 3% of the population. Its basically fucking irrelevant. Although we tend to rise to the top of whatever we embark on which again highlights the natural aristocratic nature of homosexuals. Look, we're pro white and we're on your side. WTF is the problem?
look, if you're on the winning side, why have you been pushed so far out of the mainstream and onto chans? Oh I know, its the jews right? You can't seriously believe that billions of people can be controlled so easily by what is less than 1% of the worlds population?
Because therealmoonman is working his best to Correct The Record and bring us to harmony with the fags.
Not for the goyim who watch TV.
Funny how the "real" meaning of that tweet changes every few months.
Finding them all is impossible but simply minimising it is a yuge improvement
I bet you think the ovenmen or now zincmarch is being ironic . That's cute.
I don't think so, TRSIDF.
I haven't
gosh, user, that's awful bigoted of you
All faggots must die
All non-whites must die
All rapists, murderers, and pedophiles must die
All mentally ill must die
All retarded must die
Anyone infected with AIDS or HIV must die
Anyone of mixed race must die
assholes are designed to be exits, not entrances for cum to sit in. wanting to dip your wick into a shit hole isn't natural, it's a perversion of nature's design.
something isn't quite right with your brain. you're just going to end up dying without reproducing, so what's the point in fighting for something that will just bring you nothing but cum in the end.
is getting a good nut really worth the possibility of aids and never creating a family of your own? never carrying on your family name? being that one relative that future family members will forget about because they have nothing to remember them by other than being that faggot in the family?
not even to mention 90% of queers infect children, spreading their own twisted ideals, brainwashing them to think something like this normal and ~express yourself~ individualism leading to problems later in life.
i don't fucking get it.
D&C bullshit TRS hates fags, they just don't want to fight with Spencer or Faulk about it
You're perfect. You're exactly why this thing needs us and why if left to your own devices you'd never get anywhere. Keep being you. Thank you.
Not all of us are irrationally against gays for being gay. Just try to keep it to yourself (unless it can be used through the 'progressive stack' to help us out, I guess) and uncuck our countries.
idgaf about faggots unless they have to push their faggy memes
Daily reminder that autists from the TRS forum are shilling here
So I suppose you can live your life being completely open about your beliefs that fags need to die without, say, worrying about your boss canning you?
What's TRS?
More D&C trying to push the "alt right is gay" narrative. Fuck off.
On a kinda related note, maybe we wouldn't have fags if Holla Forums wasn't so anti-christian, don't lynch me, just sayin'
thing that pisses me off is that their forum is cancer but TRS imo is fine, the people on the forum are likely D&C shills,
Go away Common Filth
nigger, you think every location in the world is the same as where you are? I come from a place where the majority would loudly agree with that statement.
where the fuck is that?
Doesn't work.
id accept muslims before faggots
The shows are pretty bad too. Did you listen to the most recent Daily Shoah?
Lolbergs don't have a place in the movement, regardless of how "fashy" they are.
He basically said that the context was that [the struggle against] homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity.
Also, we all know that Spencer is kind of a silly dork.
Anyway, if Holla Forums is strongly anti-fag, and the TRS forums are anti-fag, and the majority of the alt-right spokesmen are anti-gay, where is the whole narrative of "alt-right is gay, tradcon waifu 4ever" coming from?
It's OK, Jesus loves you anyway, user!
Have a good day.
Honestly the new testament is fine because it demands absolute surrender and servitude to everyone and everything except your own interests. So if you're some kind of militant homophobe you need to adhere to new testament ideals and bless me and forgive me as I saw your homophobic head off.
There's literally no way you could possibly get that out of this exchange.
I don't even watch Common Filth cause he's anti-white.
I don't like all Christians, just the ones that are anti-gay and conservative. If you're Christian and you hate Jews that should be accepted. (As it was for 2000 years before the poz load of Vatican 2 dropped).
From the Aut-Right.
Real Holla Forums hates fags, christians and pagan LARPers agree to leave each other to their faiths as long as they are pro white.
This is a D&C bait thread, anything promoting fags, anti-white common filth, faith D&C, Holla Forums vs alt-right should be locked, b&, and gassed
Also, please remember Pope Pius Forget which one who said the Church was susceptible to being overtaken by the anti-Christ. Jesus Christ's whole schtick was basically "be less Jewish". The greatest con the jew ever played was corrupting our churches.
Thank you. Being Pro-White and anti-jew is all that matters.
nice bait op.
when it is time for your execution, would you prefer the gallows or the guillotine?
Day of the Rope
WH40k thread?
Quit LARPing retards.
Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods. Kill yourself. Kill the mods.
I actually like the idea of exile to some remote island. Faggot island. You can do all your nasty gay shit over there.
These people have no fucking idea who they're dealing with.
Might as well nuke that island from time to time.
*Homosexuality is jewish.
you know you don't have to be gay right? the idea that it is out of your control is a jewish meme
This, what is a man if he has no will to shape his destiny?
Sage goes in all fields.
Slide Thread, alt-faggot thread
Why am I not surprised that the mods let this shit thread stay up, but anchors/deletes good threads.
They're faggots
Common Filth is right in that people today consider their identity to be what they like to cum to.
Being "gay" means you like degenerate porn and repulsive sex acts. Life is much more than that, and identity is something else altogether.
you're such a cuck faggot
Mods have been fucking neet queers for a decade, this isn't suprising.
Regardless od what the subversive Richard Spencer says about faggots being part of "society" for millenia, the proper attitude toward them is to regard them as flawed and dysfunctional. They are genetic errors not to normalized. Normalizing faggotry by telling people on the right to "get over it" is fucking subversive and degenerate.
Spencer is a closet homosexual afraid to admit it because he doesn't want his e-fame to evaporate overnight.
Nice sage bumpfag
What does Mac DeMarco have to do with any of this?
I agree tbqh. I can't describe this, but I've been a v-dare and Charles Murray reader since 2003 and yet have openness towards bisexuality and a true love of trans bois
I'm actually enjoying the threas because it is rare to see such unanimous agreement upon an issue and the whole board communitx coming together hating on the OP and other faggots.
It nicely shows where the majority stands.
I sense a fellow oldfag, or wisdom beyond your time. Well done.
Stop bumping this fucking thread.
We are truly living in an age of moral decline
Lmao fuck off, don't tell me what to do on a free board. I'll bump whatever fucking thread I want. You just triggered another bump.
Are you human?
So, a slide thread is okay as long as it amuses you?
this has been the mentality of faggot mods for a decade. This will lead to exoduses, as it has in the past, unless you check your faggotry at the fucking door.
Reminder that Stefonknee had seven white children before becoming a little girl (I swear to fucking God I'm not making that up)
Do you distrust the people on this board so much that you think any mention of a contrary view or opinion will incite a movement? Are you really that concerned that your brothers will backstab you? You're trying to censor something just like the left would, and it's worse than that, because nobody is going to look at this thread and see it as significant, you're an SJW that doesn't want anyone to see anything that goes against his views, even if it won't change anyone's opinion because the thread is fucking dull/dead/unconvincing/shitty
I'm not issuing commands you faggot autist. I'm doing two things.
1) educating you that this is a legit slide thread.
2) pointing out that you are part of the problem for not being a respectable and curteous member of the board by saging a slide thread.
If you want to "shit where you eat" then this boars will die.
tbh your unserious mentality is either that of a shill or a newfag anyway, so you are cancer and should be banned either way
You stopped being human when you started supporting queers.
I really miss the days when "teenage rebelling" meant drinking, smoking and being a public nuisance. Today's "rebellious" teens are just a bunch of cultural marxist millennial faggots.
I haven't supported or not-supported anyone. You're just mad.
therightstuff (dot) biz
has podcasts that focus on politics, science and shitposting through the lens of racial realism, white nationalism and truth.
science: darwin digest (my favorite)
politics: fash the nation
shitposting: the daily shoah
It isn't about a "movement."
This is a place where people obtain news they don't get elsewhere. By promoting slide threads you simultaneously "steal oxygen" from important threads that need to be seen.
You are effectively creating obstacles for people, as they have to manually filter theough shit threads like this… because you as a selfish faggot like to shitpost.
Holla Forums is politically powerful, and you are effectively fucking with that… in the same way weeb, neet, mgtow, etc… attempting to delegitimize the board simply because a soft mod won't instantly nuke your shit.
I'd gas you.
And now Whites are 9% of the world population, it's our turn to encourage breeding
You're overestimating the value of Holla Forums as a news source. If you think we're in such a desperate situation that we have to declare martial law on Holla Forums, you're a fucking faggot.
You're doing it wrong.
And for the love of got, don't focus on the word 'overestimate', that's the only possible thing I can predict you'll go to next.
Homosexual men who don't promote degeneracy are OK for the time being. Every other queer deserves the gas immediately. We can work on curing your mental illness or killing you faggots later.
Your argument is effectively "slide threads are fine and pol isn't significant" which not only completely misunderstands a decade plus of board culture, but also misunderstands authoritarianism, order, and fascism completely.
iow, you are an obvious shill at this point and need to be drawn and quartered on dotr.
Yes. This is common sense. Though I fear the majority of people on this board would happily gas Alan Turing for his being gay.
No, they go in the gaschambers too, fag lover.
You're just trying to censor shitposting. Which I don't agree with. Far too extreme, there aren't a million slide threads on this board that I've noticed. As an active poster, I easily ignore those threads, everyone else is literally the same.
You're insulting the intelligence of the people who browse this board if you think slide threads are so significant you almighty cuck.
Nah, bullet between the eyes.
Are you a muslim?
If all faggots spent their time inventing technology instead of being attention whores, promoting degeneracy, and buttfucking, I would be glad to have them on my team.
I'd mainly be in favor of killing him because he helped ZOG win WWII and thus holds some responsibility for the current state of the world. But if he didn't do all that, then yeah, the fact that he's a faggot would be a sufficient reason to send him to the gas chamber.
You are making excuses to defend shitposting and slidethreads. You are the same reason, personified, that cuckchan experienced multiple exoduses. Go shit up cuckpol with this queer loving degeneracy.
Censorship is valid.
Free speech is supported by subversive kikes.
The shilling is pervasive.
Quality troll…
nice ID user….on day of the rope we should get the niggers to help us string up the homos first
You're the one bumping a slide thread, fucking nigger queer lover.
fuck off and die
classic butthurt itt
Kill all faggots.
You need to accept something. Gays are an integral part of the alt right of which you are a part whether you want to be or not. You're going to have to put your Semitic homophobia away
Homosexuality is anti-white.
Transexuality is anti-white.
Anti-white is our enemy.
Enemy must be killed.
Slide Thread Summary:
anything because you're a shill
Misrepresenting peoples views
Hypocrites who act like SJWs when their intelligence is insulted.
Transexuals are an epidemic, LGBT movements are too. But I don't think these are the majority of gays or trannies. The very loud minority. So yes, kill the political gays and trannies.
whatever you say Moishe
They were Mediterranean, fag.
All these fucking newfags bumping a slide thread. I have no idea how you get through a single day without shooting yourself.
You are honestly worse than a fucking shill… you are bumping a slide thread…
I guarantee you that both of those men had a wife and children. Exclusive faggotry is a modern jewish subversive construct. Greek "homosexuality" is being grossly misrepresented by modern people.
I don't take Holla Forums Holla Forums as serious as some people, it seems. All I've said is that I don't think slide threads are that significant, though there's plenty of Justice Warriors/Extremist Pol-ists sperging out at the idea that I might say something so blasphemous.
look at all this d&c! You're earning your shekels, tonight, saul!
So, are you trying to say that completely collapsed previous civilizations that embraced faggotry and multiculturalism are the model we should be fine with?
pretty fucking obvious shill
Ask for a raise, schlomo, you clearly need better incentives
Alexander had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Greeks were white back then, not Turkish rape children like the people there now.
Don't you know we have IDs you silly degenerate? Four posts isn't enough, you'll have to correct the record harder for those sweet sheckles.
Trashing white history? +1 shekel has been added to your account
Telling… and degenerate.
Your attempts to abdicate responsibilty for failure isn't an excuse. If you can't contribute in a meaningful way you should fuck off to cuckchan or plebbit because you are cancer.
Quads confirm
So what comes next?
nice D&C thread
Anyone who falls for this shit and believes that trs is accepting of faggots belongs to the bottom of the ocean.
No it didn't you fucking faggot.
Kill yourself retard/shill
Nice bait my man.
I've already pointed out the difference between acknowledging the existence of faggotry throughout history, and NORMALIZING it.
It isn't normal.
It isn't healthy.
It isn't acceptable.
So you're fine with homosexuality and pederasty, asl long as it's practiced in a traditional Aryan fashion?
I swear, oy vey, the in-fighting in this thread is something you'd expect of leftists. Has anybody got some non-anecdotal evidence to support this claim? Because I've got evidence to support mine, just look at the fucking lack of unique ids in this thread.
"By promoting slide threads you simultaneously "steal oxygen" from important threads that need to be seen."
==Sure, if people had one fucking eyeball and were glued to the top of their screen, and didn't use the catalog.== Seriously, you're making the claim that slide threads ruin the board when we're the only ones fucking arguing about it or caring about it. Nobody is even in this thread, just look at the lack of conversation even relating to the topic.
This slide thread is insignificant, and my bumping it doesn't make a fucking difference either. Because we all have the ability to ignore threads, use the catalog, etc. What possible threat does a stupid insignificant thread pose?
It poses none, because they're a dime a dozen, they happen every single day, and the board hasn't imploded yet, and won't implode, nothing is imminent. This board has the capacity to hold many threads, all of which are accessible by the catalog, This isn't reddit, there is no expected etiquette you reverse SJW cocksuckers.
Inb4 attacks over failed redtext.
Shills pretend that bumping slide threads doesn't matter.
maybe you're just a d&c kike
We are not ancient greeks.
We are better-informed by nature and by God as to our true morality. a sin is a sin.
Common Filth Retweeted
James Futurist [email protected]/* */ 1h1 hour ago
@Common_Filth I'm almost proud of Holla Forums. Almost. There were a few anons who got it wrong.
Not surprisingly many Greeks are Jewish now.
I was referencing Greco-Roman civilization in general, see >>7525969
why am I even replying to you kikes
Yeah, Common Cucks reddit fanboys have been making bait threads ever since he was outed as a nigger loving cuckold.
Nothing. Holla Forums will continue as itself, despite the obviously approaching exodus. Where we continue on is irrelevant.
Go ahead and list all of your glorious faggot role models, kike. I can't wait to laugh at you more.
read a book, you ignorant nigger. I'd recommend plutarch.
Retarded modern classification. Most of Romes recorded history sets them apart enough from the Greeks that you can't call them Greco-Roman.
Bumping a faglovers slide thread.
so redpilled
He puts sage in the namefield
I'd rather hear that from someone that isn't you at this point tbh. I'm just doing this to make you mad. And the more it doesn't make a difference that I bump it, the more infuriated you get.
If not him, it is someone who listens to his podcast. The phrasing and the arguments OP uses is very reminiscent of CF's rhetoric. And it's obvious it's a devil's advocate type of troll.
It's a struggle for legitimacy that Trs is going through. They want so desparately to count Holla Forums in their list of allies… as a form of validation… because they acknowledge where the authority and creative force is.
Can the mods just ban this fag or what?
you might feel more comfortable at reddit
Banning does nothing, slide threads do nothing.
Why would our ancestors even have cum-gurglers among them? None of the bog-bodies were faggots and you know it, not a single ancestor of ours, prior to societal decay, even knew what a faggot was.
huh, well i guess commonfilth was right
Archive in the tweet is this thread:
To be fair, he hates all races, but he hates whites the most because it's his own race doing sick shit.
I swear, my sage fell off for one fecking post.
lol, admits trolling
It's fun when calling out a slide thread results in people actively confessing that they are trolling shills.
I find it funny that you think I didn't knew that this is exactly what shills do, from the very beginning. lol
I didn't set out to troll you, it just sorta happened. Sorry :^(
Didn't Thor go around chugging dicks for semen magic?
Them's fighting words, son.
We'll never accept you.
You will all be nailed to a cross some day.
Sounds more like lack-of-testicliclese
Too bad that fag lover couldn't stop is civilization from going extinct… what a great role model.
Fag Lover
how can jidf pay you for such sloppy work?
The Ancient Greeks, at least the majority, aren't our ancestors. In fact, I have a feeling the original Greeks became absorbed into the Roach.
According to a Jewish writer, yeah. But Thor isn't one of our ancestors.
We hold the keys to the right wing now. Deal with it. TRS, Radix, Counter Currents and even Breitbart belongs to us now.
Shut the fuck up, no normal homo cares about his sexuality so much as to call it a political creed. Any right wing homo doesn't care about his sexuality as much as this thread would imply.
Assuming you're just a degenerate white, and not an actual shill… this would mean you value manipulation of random strangers (or "trolling") OVER guarding one of the few spaces we have on the internet for… essentially being Holla Forums
Pretty redpilled
But, I guess me explaining that to you means I'm angry as fuck right?
Personally I don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt on this board, since there is no reason to, but it's an interesting viewpoint for the sake of others to show how absurdly fucking retarded you would have to be to actually be in that disposition, kike.
Are you getting off on this?
Anyway, let me know if this oven is pre-heated enough.
Oh fuuck offff with the holier than thou shit. Neo Nazi's aren't politically palatable, change your game.
You're just formulating conspiracies in your head, for real. You're labelling everyone a shill until proven otherwise, you need a blacklist, not a whitelist.
I'm just browsing pol and chatting with people, you're probably sitting over there sweating on your keyboard taking this far too seriously.
Every bump in a slide thread should be banned, that is the only reason I can think of for not just deleting a slide thread.
We only use one letter here D
D is for Degenerate
I'm glad you ain't moderating this board, it'd turn into 4chan or leftypol real fast.
If it's a raid, let them come; every time we get raided, our resolve and our power in the real world only get stronger.
Holla Forums is ten times stronger now than we were merely two years ago, and think about all the raids we've suffered in that time.