She is a CGI generated image, and the CGI glitched repeatedly. In the video these frames were pulled from, Hillary, (AND ONLY HILLARY) glitches repeatedly while the rest of the screen stays clear. In two frames out of the video the glitches are so bad she vanishes entirely in one, and almost completely vanishes in another. This can only happen if she is a CGI drop in. FACT: Hillary is DEAD or IN PRISON. Take a look at this:

Other urls found in this thread:

FULL: Hillary Clinton first speech since 9/11 spill - North Carolina

How did this happen? ANSWER: It was only 2 frames, and "They" tried to squeak out a Hollywook quality production in only 3 days. They did not have time to view their own hoax appearance frame by frame, and the frames went by too fast to catch this at playback speed. This is the END OF HILLARY, she's dead or in jail NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS!!!

Yep Yep Yep … she did not survive

A poster on The Last Refuge posted and agreed:

Note that Hillary missed the party. I believe the ABC NEWS report about her death by Joe Torre on Sunday 9-11 was accurate. Aside from Torres report, the ABC NEWS website had a picture of her at the memorial service. The wording below stated, “Hillary Clinton died under care at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx.” The hospital is directly on the route to the Clinton residence in Chappaqua NY. My guess is that she was being taken there and went critical en route. It is highly likely that the democrats will try to run one of her body doubles, commit massive voter fraud and then of course put Bill Clinton back in the white house as the first gentleman with faux Hillary making the occasional appearance. He will be easy to control as he in the early – mid stages of dementia.

Imagine if she gets elected. The technology is there to fool the people for 4 years no problem.

Hillary Clinton died under care at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx

The news station mysteriously cut out seconds after it went on the air

Hillary’s health concerns have caused heated debates on both sides of the political spectrum. Over the past few weeks, the public has watched as Hillary’s health has gradually gotten worse.

Just a few weeks ago, her campaign staff notified everyone that Hillary was healthy and doing well. That narrative gradually changed as we all witnessed her excessive coughing fits and even seizures.

Yesterday is what really did it though. One man captured footage of Hillary seizing up and completely collapsing before being dragged into her campaign vehicle. And to top it all off, as it happened, the valet drivers of the vehicle quickly positioned themselves to block additional camera footage from being gathered.

The damage had already been done though. The entire nation witnessed what happened and there’s no way they can hide it.

Now it looks like the story has gotten even worse. Based on rogue reports, it is now our understanding that Hillary Rodham Clinton may in fact be dead.

Hillary Clinton Reported To Have Died Under Hospital Treatment At Montefiore Medical Hospital

wait…if shes dead and they're reanimating her in green screen, how are they going to do the up coming debate? Or is this going to be the first election WITHOUT a debate because Hillary declined to go due to special "circumstances"

using this time to prep the body double?
I don't know, this sounds a bit too fantastical to me, honestly they would have a better chance winning if she was dead, and replaced her with bernie.

Holy Shit. Even Alex Jones is investigating this now.

Relevant embed

From OP of other thread, before bailing

Blockbuster, sage for the same shit thread.


hillary died.
everyone knew she was sick, so they pre-recorded all of these "live" events. donald and the MSM are in on it too. its all pre-recorded. the plan is to get hillary elected even tho shes already dead, and then once elected, she'll be "poisoned" and Kaine (Qayin) will become the President. He's literally the Anti-Christ.

I'll be so fucking done if that actually happens
this country wont be worth it anymore, I could see riots happening

hail shub niggurath, niggurath.

seriously, mods can we get some niggas banned for this shit?
last week posting actual politics discussion videos was banworthy.

the fuck.


I watched another video of the exact same speech. She didn't vanish in this one. In fact, ABC's camera just looked like it was having a meltdown.

c'mon Holla Forums. don't fall for petty stuff.

The other slider thread melted down, even OP bailed.. so they're trying again.

Thanks to all the record correcters in here that taught me it was pure coincidence that only she was the only part that had video corruption while the background remained intact.



Vid related
Forgive the shitty antifa lyrics

Let’s start with the assumption that Hillary Clinton died in the van on 9/11. We saw, on video, her very last moments. Okay. What does that mean?

It means her campaign legally had 24 hours to announce this to the world. They did not do that.
It means the DNC had to pick a replacement and announce it within a specific timeframe (expedited, as well, I’m sure). They did not do that. So what do these things mean?

Since they did neither of these things, and operating under the assumption that she died, the fact that she died and the timing thereof will be released at some point in the future. Not of their choosing.

That means the following:
1. immediate arrest of her entire campaign and execution for treason of some
2. immediate arrest of most of the DNC and execution for treason of some
3. invalidation (obviously) of her “body double’s” such and such; automatic Trump presidency

It’s something that cannot BE hidden. No body double is that good. No group of people doesn’t have a leak–not for something that big. And no measure of reward is worth the consequences to the people responsible. Even the people of her own party would be out for blood. Covering up her death is a no-win scenario.

And if they really wanted to fake the rallies, they’d fake them with THOUSANDS MORE PEOPLE PER RALLY.

Fuck the goddamn site taking away my sage.

She just needed a day off, goy. Campaigning is hard work.

They might claim poisoning and say this large amount of time of covering it up was to preserve the integrity of the investigation.

Which will of course lead to all sorts of chaos, and a possible obongo 3rd term and civil war/war with whatever foreign power is the scapegoat.

so explain why she's using greenscreen and why the MSM is going along with the lie of being "live"

Guys, this is dumb.

This is the sort of thing Hillary's camp plants so that they can point at it later in order to discredit suspicions of her health.

It's like those bogus medical documents that were released - again, probably by her - a while back. All the media outlets treated it like all the suspicion about her health was based on those documents. This is just another dumb theory for them to laugh on TV.

It's like the stupid lizard people nonsense is for other conspiracy theories. A distraction.

Just how is it you expect her to do the debates if she is CGI, huh?


They've tried a 615 post thread already planting this shit.
You wouldn't believe the BPD in that fucking thread.
Now they're trying for round 2.
Have fun, I'm not monitoring this one.


21:14 looks like an inserted frame, or else some other kind of glitch.

Check out the upper right hand corner: there is a teleprompter there.

The teleprompter disappears *with* Hillary at 21:14.

Oh, I don't doubt this isn't the first time.

I've seen plenty of video on Youtube with doctored footage claiming cell phones don't match up.

The funny part is, if you check the hi-res live feeds, you can see that they match up. In fact, you can see Hillary speaking from another angle, thanks to the guy that yelled "PEPE!" who videoed it and uploaded it to youtube!

granted there was fucking noone even at the conference besides her own staff just like every other rally she's done but holy shit this is fucking nothing.