Taking bets that it was the Religion of Peace.
Texas Church Shooting
Other urls found in this thread:
meep meep was it a mexican degenerate tbh
revenge for dylan roof tbh
I heard it was a white guy. Population (about 500) in that town is almost 100% white. We haven't seen Islamic scum seek out a small white town yet for a mass shooting, but it's possible. FBI is in charge of the investigation now so we probably won't hear anything substantive for a month.
Dubs confirm. They’ll wanna wait until people forgot about it, then quietly release it.
What do all these mass murderers have in common?
Yeah, them there evil Muzzies are definitely r biggest problem. Good think Lord Trump b& those 6 countries, huh?
We've always had homegrown mass shooters and bombers. We shouldn't be importing more from the Middle East who have a religious mandate to murder infidels.
The point is, since 9/11 there have been more people killed by right wing radicals and random mass shooters than Muslim extremists. I'm not saying we start importing Muzzies en masse, but you shouldn't buy into the right wing hysteria.
wudever ahmad yuroboor :DD
They're not like us.
actually, I'm American tbh
America was a mistake
bet that it was a Jeebus goy who lost his shit and knew how to actually aim a fucking gun (unlike niggers)
i am too i was just giving you generic shit response of typical burger
looks like good time for america hate bread
its always'' a good time for that
Correct me if I'm wrong but Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter enacted the worst mass shooting in American history, no? You seem like a history professor, so let me know what you think. Oh, and let's not forget Tashfeen and Syed in San Bernardino. Both parties were Muslim and both pledged allegiance more or less to ISIS. Collective body count: 67
Bottom line: Islam is wholly incompatible with Western culture.
I would like a balance between those burkas and that short skirt honestly. One is too little and the other is too much. Why can't women simply dress more modestly?
Islam is right on that issue
Yes, and it doesn't change what I just said.
Funny, the vast majority of Muslim Americans seem to do just fine.
You know what REALLY seems to be incompatible with America? Guns. But whatever, keep killing each other lol
at least it made an interesting story
I wouldn't disagree, but that image to me just illustrates the dichotomy of Middle Eastern Islamic culture and that of the West.
He're in the West, we love things that they hate, and we hate things that they love.
tbh the dude on the right looks like Postal Dude
That is one of the best cute faces I've ever seen.
Modest but not slutty.
Yes, and the vast majority are all too happy to turn their heads away and not report sketchy shit they see the violent minority engaged in. The recent shitbird in NYC had Islamic neighbors who said (in essence) "He seemed like he was up to something."
When's the last time a bystander of the Muslim persuasion blew the whistle on a shooter or bomber? These attacks don't occur in a vacuum.
is western culture really something worth saving in its current iteration? islam will help us purge the degenerates and then we can deal with them after
I wouldn't disagree, but this country was founded with the help of guns and it's engrained in our culture. How do you turn that tide exactly? Especially when Americans actually benefit from gun ownership? In fact, I believe more lives are saved from assault and murder than are murdered by people with guns.
A member of the Orlando shooter's mosque called the FBI to inform them he was becoming radicalized. The thing is, the violent extremists tend to mainly associate with other extremists–and they water down their radicalism if they're interacting with a moderate.
Yeah, nah, that would never happen, unless you want to learn Arabic and start praying 5 times a day with your ass in the air.
We don't. I think we've been past the point of no return for quite a while.
That is utterly ridiculius.
Killing someone with a gun is very easy compared to stabbing or bludgeoning them to death, and you can kill a lot more people. One of the main reasons our homicide rate is higher than the rest of the developed world is because of our obsession with guns (and the fact that we have more guns than people). It also has to do with gangs and niggers and poverty, but it's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that guns have saved more people than they've killed.
All the more reason to keep them ALL out of the West. Isn't it inherent in their holy book that they can and should lie to infidels?
And one secular Muslim family surrounded by 10 American white families isn't the problem. As soon as their numbers reach a certain point, they start exerting their Islamic/Sharia preference on their respective communities.
Discgusting libtard. I’d love to see the thrashing you’d get on /k/
You might think it is, but crime statistics suggest otherwise. It's no coincidence that James Holmes drove past multiple movie theaters to walk into the one he did. People save themselves and their families with guns ALL time time from unwarranted attacks.
And then there's the Switzerland example where every single man owns a rifle and 75 million rounds of ammunition are fired each year during military and civilian target practice.
This guy gets it. So what does everyone think th odds are? I’d say 50/50 either the Religion of Peace and/or Leftist.
No idea
Unfortunately this tends to be the case.
Don't get me wrong, I think their religion is stupid and dangerous, but Islamic radicalism just isn't very high on my list of concerns.
Why, so they can just launch the same rhetoric and image macros at me.
>but the 2nd amendment says __
Notice how the study says "stops crime" not "stops murder". And I wonder how many crimes they stop where the criminal is also armed.
They have around 20 guns per 100 people, compared to the US which has more guns than people. And Switzerland isn't filled with niggers and and gangs and nutcase radicals like the US.
I'm more concerned with having to kowtow to Islamic peoples as per Sweden, Germany, London, Paris, etc. THAT'S my main concern. We have a right to maintain our borders, language, and culture as does every sovereign nation. WHY Westerners believe that we somehow MUST take in literally anyone who wants to emigrate to our countries is baffling to me. WE don't owe in any way shape or form, foreigners entry or citizenship.
I think we're pretty much on the same page
The last thing we need to do is start accepting thousands of Muslim refugees; that would be incredibly reckless and irresponsible.
I couldn't care less. ANYONE who wants to gain entry into my house against my will deserves to be shot in the face. They shouldn't be allowed a chance to prove that they were never going to murder me or my family, thanks.
The more compelling overwhelming issue is - mental health. There are MANY communities where citizens posses guns but gun crime is low. As for criminals, the only way to keep guns out of their hands would be an outright gun ban and I shudder to think what would happen if we took guns away from law abiding citizens.
That's the main thing that made me vote for Trump. Given the fact that probably 90% of EU "refugees" are actually opportunistic invaders, no thanks. We have enough dead weight already.
Well, if we didn't have a fuckton of guns, perhaps you could just beat the shit out of them, stab them, or bludgeon them to death with a baseball bat. But let's be honest, if you live in a non-niggerfied area, the chances of a home invasion are very very slim.
I don't think having 350,000,000 guns in circulation is making you or your family safer tho.
Oh, it's not going to happen–at least not in our lifetimes. As I said earlier, I think we've been past the point of no return for a while.
Why even bother living
Also, why are none of you faggots talking about the shooter, which CNN reporters have actually live on air confirmed as being known terrorist Sam Hyde
Exactly, our rights. Guns save lives. Far more than they take in our country. Saying they don’t is arguing from a position of (likely willful) ignorance. It’s also funny YOU would talk about how spouting rhetoric is bad.
Also, you prove your willful ignorance talking about Islam like we’re all ignorant while not knowing one of the most commonly known things about the Religion: it’s ok to lie to infidels.
kek, finally someone understands
He can't keep getting away with it
Doesn’t even TRY to not look like a beta Leftist faggot.
I understand the logic, but guns are an equalizer and not all of us have the physical ability to engage in hand to hand combat with some asshole. I see news reports all the time about single mothers and seniors who thwarted a home invasion with their gun.
Do I think people should own 20 guns? Probably not, but it's a free country after all. If cops engaged in stop-and-frisk and were allowed to profile everywhere, I'd imagine violent crime would drop like 80%, but I'd say it's our liberal policies and overall sketchy mental health that makes us unsafe, not our guns.
Absolutely, but what lefties don't understand is that cops will never go door to door to take people's guns. Cops are pro gun and they actually like it that citizens own guns.
Yeah yeah no source, no proof… as usual. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think we wouldn't be better off without guns. I'm not saying it's remotely possible, but if you could press a magic button and eliminate all guns from the US, our crime and homicide rate would plummet.
When it concerns gun control, they certainly are.
Ok, great. It still doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of Muslim Americans are not violent. In fact according to intelligence reports, only around 1% of the Muslim world is involved in some kind of jihadist activity. And please, spare me the image macros about their support for Sharia law and the various punishments–I'm well aware.
We'll never know, but my money would be on a significant reduction in violent crime if we got rid of guns. I don't deny that guns have saved people, but I'd bet my life that they've killed more people than saved.
Guns don't kill people, niggers do.
True. Even white niggers.
Yeah, it's been confirmed
What the fuck.
another one of America's 'heroes' ?
jesus christ
It's an American thing …
Speaking of Hitler, I hope one of his grandkids from south america would rise as the fuhrer and fix all this. Then again they are probably esoteric immigrants like the redpilled Germans after WW2, so I hope he doesn't get (((deported))) when DACA completely expires.
I'm pretty sure those are reserves. Going into Navy and they won't let you in if you're more than 18%ish bodyfat, but you can be up to 27% bodyfat if you go into the reserves.
who are those aryans?
((( )))
triggered bro?
t. anglokike
I eat one meal a day, checkmate europoors.
mep mep I think you're the one trigered at Hitler's esoteric immigrant grandchildren tbh
LOL cucked on national tv can't even stop them from airing shit like this cause diversity.
Name them.
Sutherland Springs, Texas Killer Devin Patrick Kelley is being said to be a Radical Alt-Left Antifa member.
t. anglokike
Yes its called Taqiyya
Twitter… (just throwing it out there)
Soon Antifa will be considered a terrorist group and will be hunted down. That will be a great day!
Yes, and there's also a word for the sexual jihad thing they do. I should really try to read the quran sometime.
who is posting this on twitter? because it's something a 4/pol/'er made, i wanna see inevitable sperg out by lefties
Guy seems less like a real person than the Vegas shooter and it's super convenient that he's the visual archetype of the internet political activist and uses a picture of some shitty Walmart AR variant as his cover photo. Then people on Holla Forums asking around his friends list and nobody seems to actually know the guy. Then it supposedly happened at one of these rural churches here in Texas? Bullshit, anyone around here knows those places are either abandoned or get very few attendees. They're expecting me to believe that this tiny side of the road church was packed enough for this many people to die?
This kind of person doing anything is a meme, and that location makes zero fucking sense. So sick of this shit.
Can't remember who. I'm sure I'm twitter buddies with 4channers.
So you admit to being willfully ignorant. Serious question, how much are they paying you to come hear and shill your bullshit? How many other threads are you shilling on simultaneously? Do you get payed by the hour, a flat paycheck, what?
Also, too lazy to look up the statistics as well? Tsk tsk.
That was posted by @RedNationRising
People like him give atheists a bad name.
That's for sure. Pretty rare occurrence, it is…
that is one hell of a shill twitter account, lol
what the fuck is this, it's like a scene from Reno 911 from the thumbnail and then he's as articulate as any swpl faggot from the city
Shilling for what exactly?
They're both articulate. What's the problem? It's Texas, not Arkansas.
haha shill XD
propagating fake news without putting any effort into verifying it, all of which to fortify conservicuck narrative for their followers. it is the equivalent of doing what vid related talks about just in the arena of news
Devin Kelley is already being described as a "Democrat Antifa Domestic Terrorist"
Lefties are gonna have a lot of catching up to do tomorrow.
meep meep problematic tbh
Delete this. You're a Holla Forums shill kike
retarded commie faggot connected to antifa shoots up church giving Trump an excuse to aggressively go after the commie faggots….WINNING!
Meh. I see that on both sides. Some of us just filter out the obvious fake shit.
stay woke
wait, who is that guy at the bottom of the photo?
Devin Kelley's Linkedin page:
Why would I want to hire a murderer?
sam hyde
At least they get shit done lol
how do you hire a dead person?
What did he mean by this?
Wtf I love the Air Force now
He apparently taught kids bible shit in church. Hey, I like children also. Everything seems to point to him being a lefty either way.
Me too user.
I believe he was court martialed from the AF reserves. Must have been an epic fuckup.
Another good Christian strikes again.
Yes, a Christian Atheist.
everything is a conspiracy false flag mason reptilian government Clinton pizzagate aaaaahaaaaaahHHhHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Yeah, I think he may have been a little confused
yeah he taught at a bible school
Good one
Just a little. His writing illustrates his level of intelligence pretty well. I can relate. I was a retard at 9 years old also.
They can never get their dates straight when they make these predictions. This one was pretty close tho.
Looks like a false flag.
Ok, now look up attacks/murders by right wing radicals.
Or you could just cherrypick…
It's just niggers killing each other. Who gives a fuck? Remove gang violence from the statistics and less people die from guns than crimes are prevented.
The plot thickens…
damn he looks a lot worse in this pic
what a qt
I looked it up… some guy named Timothy McVeigh?
Looks a lot more Islamic also.
People keep saying this, yet the only sources you provide relate to CRIME prevention, not necessarily MURDER prevention. It's impossible to prove whether we would have more or less crime with or without guns, so it's pointless to bicker about it. Common sense tells me that eliminating all guns would drastically reduce the homicide rate.
ya played yourself
Except that in many, possibly most cases of gun crimes, the assailant had an illegal gun. Including Devin Kelley who was not allowed by law to posses a firearm. If anyone could figure out how to purge 300K+ firearms from all 50 states, they'd be a wizard for sure.
In the leftist fantasy land of no more guns in America, it would still take someone about $10. and a few hours of dicking around in the basement to make a gun or a portable canon.
i'm actually pro-gun but here's some stats
Perhaps, but most wouldn't. And the weapons they'd make wouldn't be nearly as efficient and deadly.
Obviously we're not getting rid of guns, I'm just speaking in hypotheticals. We're fucked.
i'd rather live in dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery tbh famalam
Remember the boston marathon bombers who used bombs? And the unibomber? And the thousands of people who get stabbed with good old fashioned knives every year? Christ. All getting rid of guns would do is take away a law abiding citizen's peace of mind, and not make it any harder for a murderer to get his murder on.
The biggest problem is just the argument that shootings shouldn't happen at all. Imagine the retarded logic of people who think shootings can somehow be stopped in a country of 324 million people.
There's ONE weapon that causes people to attack other people en masse, and that's really just the brain of the attacker. Many are disenfranchised, depressed, unhappy, and disconnected. We can easily say fuck 'em, but they are the ones who will show up at the mall with six 30 round mags and an AR15.
You know what they say about necessity, right?
And yes. I for one don't ever want to be victimized. What lefties fail to understand is if there's ever a natural disaster or mass unrest and we're all left to fend for ourselves, SO many will be victimized in a hurry by opportunists who are only out for themselves.
Not to mention ISIS, Islamic fundies, ANTIFA, & BLM, who ALL hate Euro-American whites.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Uuhhh, yeah? And what can guns do to protect people from that? Or are you honestly suggesting that everyone would all of a sudden start making bombs?
Speak for yourself. That "peace of mind" you're referring to is based on the illusion of control. And yes, it would absolutely make it more difficult to murder people when you don't have easy access to weapons where all you have to do is pull a trigger.
Is that why countries with heavy gun restrictions have such a problem with people making their own guns?
People who want to inflict mass casualties and injuries will find a way to do it, every-fucking-time.
Knives, cars & trucks are all in play as of late.
Bombs are easy as fuck to make. Fire is easy to make. Even enough smoke in an enclosed space full of people would cause damage and possibly death.
Because *criminals* can ALWAYS get their hands on a real gun. Always.
You do not know that. You can't tell me that we wouldn't have less mass murders without guns. Period. You're speculating. I'm speculating. We're both speculating.
But hey, keep shilling for those gun manufacturers, I honestly don't really give a fuck. The more dead dumb Americans, the better.
I am suggesting they would start getting creative. Probably go back to serial killing.
Not to mention illegal guns which are easy piss easy to pick up and import in from other nations, leaving caratelized crime in their wake the same way the drug war does, allowing criminals to continue having easy access to firearms and again taking away a means of self defense from citizens who follow the law and don't possess guns, which as you aptly put it, make self defense as easy as pulling a trigger
It's been confirmed that the shooter was a Holla Forums-tard. Before shooting, he shouted "Heil Hitler!" and something about the white race.
Well… if you look at the lengths mass shooters and bombers go to, then you have some idea of their resolve. Geezus, go watch that Unabomber series. That guy was committed as fuck to blowing people up and not getting caught.
Brazil has mandatory licensing, registration, and maximum personal ownership quotas. It now bans any new sales to private citizens (as of 2004). Their homicide rate is almost three (3) times higher than the U.S.
Every 4th or 5th video on LiveLeak is some Brazilian getting executed in the street.
No wonder you hate freedom. You live in a police state. How's Sharia law workimg out for you, Benedict?
Some of them. And I'm guessing it wouldn't be enough to keep the murder rate at the same pace it is now.
There's always a defeatist excuse with people like you.
Whatever you say, pal. You're too far gone to be reasoned with.
I should note: I'm being a bit hypocritical, because I have a defeatist attitude about it too. However, my attitude is largely predicated on the fact that there are so many obstinate gun lovers like yourself who are ALWAYS making excuses to justify the insanity.
meep meep you can never get rid of guns in murica tbh there's just too many of them tbh
People like the Unabomber and Timothy McVeigh are extrordinary cases, and you know it.
I live in Pennsylvania lol
That was me. And it's all true. Hate is a powerful motivator. It could be any of the above, or it could be even poison. Guns make it easier, but again - cars, trucks, and knives.
He was dishonorably discharged ,,,hence the gun he had was ILLEGAL please do tell how new laws would have stopped him?
Why do white people and muslims like mass murder so much?
Yeah, motivated by hate. I fully believe any of the recent mass shooters would have found another way in the event they could not get their hands on guns. You think they're just going to go take up basket weaving instead just because they can't get guns?
1. I don't think it was illegal, given that he posted the gun on his Facebook homepage.
2. I'm talking about a completely hypothetical scenario in which we get rid of all the guns. Impossible, I know.
Hey, when you have a minute, go look up black-on-black murder rates and then subtract total of all deaths by white mass shooters and get back to us.
I wasn't saying otherwise. I did say this tho…
Meh. The decrease would be negligible, but that's just like my opinion man.
It's a good thing people don't apply this same defeatist line of thinking to every problem we face.
There's actual nofuns fags on Holla Forums? What the fuck? Even the /leftycucks/ are pro-gun.
It's called realism, user. Look the fuck around you.
Obvious bait. White churche was attacked. BTFO.
Anyone got that webm of the gay club in Thailand that caught on fire when they accidentally used flammable metal confetti?
Statistics show greater CRIME prevention relative to MURDERS, but here's the CATCH. If you remove NIGGERS from the STATISTICS then the number of crimes prevented RELATIVE to murders increases BY A FACTOR OF ONE HUNDRED.
For every TEN THOUSAND crimes prevented there is ONE murder after adjusting for GANG VIOLENCE.
Yea, this guy’s just trying to bait arguments with his bullshit. He’s not made any arguments that don’t include “I believe…” or “I don’t know for sure, but…” and things of that nature.
I own a 9mm and enjoy going to the range. In fact, if I had more money I'd probably have a lot more guns, but I'm poor. But that doesn't mean I'm going to shill for the weapons manufacturers and act like we don't have a gun problem–nor am I the type of person who buys into the "DEMS ARE GUNNA TEK AWAY ALL THE GUUUNZ" hysteria that gets stirred up every single fucking election.
Nothing will change. Ever. Americans are too obsessed with their firearms.
It would be so easy.
What are you even saying? You remind me of my mother, she's a passive aggressive fuck aswell.
So, we should never regulate any industry because corporations are just shady and that's the way it is?
What's his name again?
The problem is not the fact that killing tools are readily accessible, it's that there are people who develop a desire to murder others. It's pretty easy to kill people. You could kill someone with a fucking hatpin.
So, the fact that we have more guns makes us more "free" than places with stricter regulations. I'd say we're slaves to our fears and criminal impulses.
So, you're acknowledging that countries with stricter gun control are more peaceful. That's good, it's a start. But yeah, it must be terrible to be one of those French slaves… or the British slaves, man, they really have it bad.
Eh, I think that's part of the problem tbqhwyf. You won't get too far with a hatpin.
It was me. I'm the Church shooter.
No, you're not getting it.
If I were given the choice being living in dangerous freedom, or peaceful slavery, I would choose dangerous freedom.
This is not related to gun laws at all, take brazil.
True. And everyone else is claiming to have absolute answers regarding the results of a hypothetical scenario that they can't possibly have knowledge of.
this guy could've survived if he had strong will
Ok, you're right, I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Sorry, I'm not even going to waste my time looking up this bullshit that you probably pulled from the NRA website.
Did you know that nazi germany first disarmed the jews before gassing them? I wonder why they did that.
You don't want jews to get gassed, do you now?
Devin Kelly
Do you know why the second amendment was written in there in the first place?
Our troops are very patriotic and have a very strong sense of constitutional values. And the thought of the US turning into a fascist dictatorship is paranoid and laughable.
oh oh, me me.
To defend oneself from a tyrannical government?
Mr an Mrs America turn them all in
t. glow in the dark CIA nigger
Deduct gang violence from gun related crimes using official statistics.
Yes, mostly because we didn't have a standing army and needed to protect ourselves against foreign armies (namely, the British)
I'm mostly talking about the "ten thousand crimes prevented by heroes with guuunz".
All on a civilian populace that had no arms to defend themself with.
Yes those are very different countries with very different economies in very different times. And I never said it couldn't happen, just that I think the chances are infinitesimal.
Although, I must say, Trump is making me reconsider that position.
That was part of it, but it was mainly because we didn't have a standing army. A gun could also fire about 3 shots per minute back then.
If guns are not available, a person that is hell-bent on killing a large group of people will still likely take the path of least resistance. They will not resort to using a knife or a vehicle, these are not practical method of mass slaughter, unless we can account for other variables that may aid the would-be murderer, such as the availability of more than one murderer who will run about with intent to kill. They will only use a bomb or a chemical substance like Sarin if they have the technical expertise with which they can produce said items, and they must also have a way to procure materials with which they can produce said items.
People are limited by their environment. If they do not have access to an incredibly easy to use and effective means of slaughter, then they will simply not be able to carry out their schemes. This is not to say that incidents will not occur, I'm sure that people will find ways to murder one another. However, their ability to effectively kill dozens of people in a short span of time will be severely diminished when compared with the effectiveness of firearm killings. Mass killing will move from a common occurrence to a rare event.
Good point, but what if the American government made it a priority to seek out illegitimate vendors, seize their wares, throw them in prison, and destroy the products in question? The DEA does this with illegal narcotics, why can't there be a government task force that exists for the sole purpose of confiscating illegal firearms?
I don't not believe that it is even possible to acquire all the guns in America. I also believe in personal freedom, so I would not want such a mandate to gain traction. However, it is silly to assert the idea that America would not be a safer place if there were no firearms.
You were just baiting all along, fuck you. Made me type all that shit for nothing.
It is funny though, all the libs screeching about guns, but when Trump comes in they call for revolution. What do they want?
1. more crimes are prevented than there are murders, before factoring in niggers
2. gang violence accounts for most gun related murders
3. after removing gang violence from the statistics, the ratio is now one hundred times better than it already was
also pic
Baiting? I'm sorry if you can't decipher my positions on guns, but nothing I've said has been b8.
Jesus fucking Christ, you faggots are dense
this is a distraction piece. all these tragedies (((that the globalists make)))prevent trump from getting anything done around here. ==#INSIDEJOB==
Governments have an abysmal track record of going tyrannical and killing alot of people. The second amendment is meant as a deterrent against that kind of thing. A leader is not going to attempt to slaughter a large group of people if they are armed.
Wow, finally some help arrives. I've been taking on about 7 gun shills at once.
pic relatedits me reading your post
Well, you let me know when Australia becomes a fascist dictatorship.
it was already posted in this thread. find it you lazy fuck.
It wasn't part of it. The purpose of it to ensure the civilian population has arms, to defend against a tyrannical government. That's the sole purpose.
Oh, you mean this piece of shit from 1993?
Read this…
It's much more extensive and up to date.
Read history.
Do you still not understand? It's an insurance, that if there is a threat of it happening, it won't, cause the civilian population is armed to the teeth.
"second amendment blah blah"
"Well, you let me know when Germany becomes a fascist dictatorship."
"second amendment blah blah"
"Well, you let me know when Russia becomes a communistic dictatorship."
"second amendment blah blah"
"Well, you let me know when China becomes a communistic dictatorship."
"second amendment blah blah"
"Well, you let me know when Cambodia becomes a communistic dictatorship."
As long as there are governments with the ability to get lots of power, they will, and they will use it to kill people.
Do you now atleast understand what my reasoning is?
that also doesn't factor in nigger on nigger violence
also nice use of (((current year))) kike faggot
At no point, have I ever not understood what your concerns consist of. But I'm not so sure that preparing for the infinitesimal chance of a government/military gone rogue is worth all of the deaths that happen in the meantime.
You've named 4 countries in recent history. Compelling!
These are main concerns. Secondary is the unalienable right to self protection. I don't want to be dependent on police with the guns to defend my own life.
itt Holla Forumsshit
What did he mean by this?
The evidence you've provided isn't new to me, and it hardly makes me more paranoid about the US government–with our system of government and constitution–becoming a fascist dictatorship and slaughtering us if we didn't have guns. And I'll say it again: All of those genocides were extremely different countries in extremely different times.
Ok, Rambo. Trust me, you're life isn't that valuable anyway.
Again, you provide the same argument. "It's not gonna happen pal don't worry bout it :DDD"
(((Them))), and all the other people have died in the pictures that I have provided, thought the same. And see where they ended up.
❨✝︎✗❷❻❩= 🇧 🇦 🇸 🇪 🇩
ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ (ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ ıı) ʇo ʇɥǝ nuıʇǝp sʇɐʇǝs ɔousʇıʇnʇıou dɹoʇǝɔʇs ʇɥǝ ɹıƃɥʇ oɟ ʇɥǝ dǝodlǝ ʇo ʞǝǝd ɐup qǝɐɹ ɐɹɯs ɐup ʍɐs ɐpodʇǝp ou pǝɔǝɯqǝɹ 15' 1791' ɐs dɐɹʇ oɟ ʇɥǝ ɟıɹsʇ ʇǝu ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇs ɔouʇɐıuǝp ıu ʇɥǝ qıll oɟ ɹıƃɥʇs˙[1][2][3][4] ʇɥǝ sndɹǝɯǝ ɔonɹʇ oɟ ʇɥǝ nuıʇǝp sʇɐʇǝs ɥɐs ɹnlǝp ʇɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɹıƃɥʇ qǝlouƃs ʇo ıupıʌıpnɐls'[5][6] ʍɥılǝ ɐlso ɹnlıuƃ ʇɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɹıƃɥʇ ıs uoʇ nulıɯıʇǝp ɐup poǝs uoʇ dɹoɥıqıʇ ɐll ɹǝƃnlɐʇıou oɟ ǝıʇɥǝɹ ɟıɹǝɐɹɯs oɹ sıɯılɐɹ pǝʌıɔǝs˙[7] sʇɐʇǝ ɐup loɔɐl ƃoʌǝɹuɯǝuʇs ɐɹǝ lıɯıʇǝp ʇo ʇɥǝ sɐɯǝ ǝxʇǝuʇ ɐs ʇɥǝ ɟǝpǝɹɐl ƃoʌǝɹuɯǝuʇ ɟɹoɯ ıuɟɹıuƃıuƃ ʇɥıs ɹıƃɥʇ dǝɹ ʇɥǝ ıuɔoɹdoɹɐʇıou oɟ ʇɥǝ qıll oɟ ɹıƃɥʇs˙
ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ ʍɐs qɐsǝp dɐɹʇıɐllʎ ou ʇɥǝ ɹıƃɥʇ ʇo ʞǝǝd ɐup qǝɐɹ ɐɹɯs ıu ǝuƃlısɥ ɔoɯɯou lɐʍ ɐup ʍɐs ıuɟlnǝuɔǝp qʎ ʇɥǝ ǝuƃlısɥ qıll oɟ ɹıƃɥʇs oɟ 1689˙ sıɹ ʍıllıɐɯ qlɐɔʞsʇouǝ pǝsɔɹıqǝp ʇɥıs ɹıƃɥʇ ɐs ɐu ɐnxılıɐɹʎ ɹıƃɥʇ' snddoɹʇıuƃ ʇɥǝ uɐʇnɹɐl ɹıƃɥʇs oɟ sǝlɟ-pǝɟǝusǝ' ɹǝsısʇɐuɔǝ ʇo oddɹǝssıou' ɐup ʇɥǝ ɔıʌıɔ pnʇʎ ʇo ɐɔʇ ıu ɔouɔǝɹʇ ıu pǝɟǝusǝ oɟ ʇɥǝ sʇɐʇǝ˙[8]
ıu nuıʇǝp sʇɐʇǝs ʌ˙ ɔɹnıʞsɥɐuʞ (1876)' ʇɥǝ sndɹǝɯǝ ɔonɹʇ oɟ ʇɥǝ nuıʇǝp sʇɐʇǝs ɹnlǝp ʇɥɐʇ' "ʇɥǝ ɹıƃɥʇ ʇo qǝɐɹ ɐɹɯs ıs uoʇ ƃɹɐuʇǝp qʎ ʇɥǝ ɔousʇıʇnʇıou; uǝıʇɥǝɹ ıs ıʇ ıu ɐuʎ ɯɐuuǝɹ pǝdǝupǝuʇ ndou ʇɥɐʇ ıusʇɹnɯǝuʇ ɟoɹ ıʇs ǝxısʇǝuɔǝ" ɐup lıɯıʇǝp ʇɥǝ sɔodǝ oɟ ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ,s dɹoʇǝɔʇıous ʇo ʇɥǝ ɟǝpǝɹɐl ƃoʌǝɹuɯǝuʇ˙[9] ıu nuıʇǝp sʇɐʇǝs ʌ˙ ɯıllǝɹ (1939)' ʇɥǝ sndɹǝɯǝ ɔonɹʇ ɹnlǝp ʇɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ pıp uoʇ dɹoʇǝɔʇ ʍǝɐdou ʇʎdǝs uoʇ ɥɐʌıuƃ ɐ "ɹǝɐsouɐqlǝ ɹǝlɐʇıousɥıd ʇo ʇɥǝ dɹǝsǝɹʌɐʇıou oɹ ǝɟɟıɔıǝuɔʎ oɟ ɐ ʍǝll ɹǝƃnlɐʇǝp ɯılıʇıɐ˙"[10][11]
ıu ʇɥǝ ʇʍǝuʇʎ-ɟıɹsʇ ɔǝuʇnɹʎ' ʇɥǝ ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ ɥɐs qǝǝu snqɾǝɔʇǝp ʇo ɹǝuǝʍǝp ɐɔɐpǝɯıɔ ıubnıɹʎ ɐup ɾnpıɔıɐl ıuʇǝɹǝsʇ˙[11] ıu pısʇɹıɔʇ oɟ ɔolnɯqıɐ ʌ˙ ɥǝllǝɹ (2008)' ʇɥǝ sndɹǝɯǝ ɔonɹʇ ɥɐupǝp poʍu ɐ lɐupɯɐɹʞ pǝɔısıou ʇɥɐʇ ɥǝlp ʇɥǝ ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ dɹoʇǝɔʇs ɐu ıupıʌıpnɐl ɹıƃɥʇ ʇo dossǝss ɐup ɔɐɹɹʎ ɟıɹǝɐɹɯs˙[12][13] ıu ɯɔpouɐlp ʌ˙ ɔɥıɔɐƃo (2010)' ʇɥǝ ɔonɹʇ ɔlɐɹıɟıǝp ıʇs ǝɐɹlıǝɹ pǝɔısıous ʇɥɐʇ lıɯıʇǝp ʇɥǝ ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ,s ıɯdɐɔʇ ʇo ɐ ɹǝsʇɹıɔʇıou ou ʇɥǝ ɟǝpǝɹɐl ƃoʌǝɹuɯǝuʇ' ǝxdɹǝsslʎ ɥolpıuƃ ʇɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ pnǝ dɹoɔǝss ɔlɐnsǝ oɟ ʇɥǝ ɟonɹʇǝǝuʇɥ ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ ıuɔoɹdoɹɐʇǝs ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ ɐƃɐıusʇ sʇɐʇǝ ɐup loɔɐl ƃoʌǝɹuɯǝuʇs˙[14] ıu ɔɐǝʇɐuo ʌ˙ ɯɐssɐɔɥnsǝʇʇs (2016)' ʇɥǝ sndɹǝɯǝ ɔonɹʇ ɹǝıʇǝɹɐʇǝp ıʇs ǝɐɹlıǝɹ ɹnlıuƃs ʇɥɐʇ "ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɐɯǝupɯǝuʇ ǝxʇǝups' dɹıɯɐ ɟɐɔıǝ' ʇo ɐll ıusʇɹnɯǝuʇs ʇɥɐʇ ɔousʇıʇnʇǝ qǝɐɹɐqlǝ ɐɹɯs' ǝʌǝu ʇɥosǝ ʇɥɐʇ ʍǝɹǝ uoʇ ıu ǝxısʇǝuɔǝ ɐʇ ʇɥǝ ʇıɯǝ oɟ ʇɥǝ ɟonupıuƃ" ɐup ʇɥɐʇ ıʇs dɹoʇǝɔʇıou ıs uoʇ lıɯıʇǝp ʇo "oulʎ ʇɥosǝ ʍǝɐdous nsǝɟnl ıu ʍɐɹɟɐɹǝ"˙[15]
pǝsdıʇǝ ʇɥǝsǝ pǝɔısıous' ʇɥǝ pǝqɐʇǝ qǝʇʍǝǝu ʌɐɹıons oɹƃɐuızɐʇıous ɹǝƃɐɹpıuƃ ƃnu ɔouʇɹol ɐup ƃnu ɹıƃɥʇs ɔouʇıunǝs˙[16
Also remember, my concern is not only with genocide. It is with tyranny in general. A populace must be able to challenge a government that is attempting to opress them. History is riddled with governments going tyrannical. It happened in France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Japan. You can go on.
p o ƃ p ǝ s ɐ q
Well, guess what… we'll never know, because dumb American Freedum Fetishists are too obsessed with guns and there are just too many of them.
Anyway, there's no point in bickering about this anymore. I'm going to bed
Must have slept in yesterday. Today is the 5th.
Call me when there's a tyrannical government in the US.
there already is one
p o ƃ p ǝ s ɐ q
He was definitely an underachiever.
California is a warning to the rest of us tbh
Lol, I guess those thoughts and prays didn't actually work. I wonder why.
That's a good goy. Keep sucking that jewish cock. Submit to your masters. Your life isn't valuable. Only we are valuable, goy. We are the chosen ones and you are not.
When's the last time you reported your dodgy neighbor to the cops? Not involving oneself in dangerous business is a human problem, not a Muslim one. Everyone assumes that someone else will report stuff.
i call the police on my neighbors any chance i get. call police on skateboarders i see ruining property. call police on people trespassing, being obnoxious, drunk in public, fighting, looking suspicious, if there is a lone fanny pack in the middle of central park, shoplifting, etc
First mass shooting that ends in pro gun lobby.
Trump rejects stricter gun checks