What the fuck is up with all these The Boss Baby videos on JewTube recently?

What the fuck is up with all these The Boss Baby videos on JewTube recently?
Holy shit, half the front page is full of shit like "THE BOSS BABY 2017 FUNNEST CLIPS"
Some of these videos have 20,000,000+ views and they all have weird thumbnails like pics related.

The movie can't be this popular, can it? Not even capeshit gets this many views on YouTube.

some parents just leave youtube running for hours on end for their kid (raising children is too hard). it just goes from one recommended video to the next with no end. some chinese/(have fun suing us) companies output low effort kid shows to play to this. retsupraue did an episode on this stuff recently.

You know Youtube displays what you look for, right?

i've never seen any of those
actually, i never even heard of this baby boss movie until this thread

This is a sick world.

Link me to it please

Well, I don't watch SNL and Late Night Talk Shows but it keeps shoving that down my throat. Also Game Theory pops up even though I've never watched a single episode. Good thing I have the channel block plugin now. Clears out all that clutter.

have fun

youtube also tries to push popular things and channels that force recurring views (click bait)

Bots watching those videos to scam youtube on advertisement

I dont it a few times but it really isnt that profitable


This is nothing, search for "Frozen Spiderman" on youtube so you will see some shit

My son was watching those. Fucking weird crap.

That first one is actively a YTP.


is this related to the "hey kids" stuff on /x/?


Thats pretty hot fucked up

You should probably take better care of your son. Try introducing him to good entertainment.

enjoy your ransomware faggot


No, fuck the little cunt, if he gets jailed by 18 because of rape I'll laugh.

You're American, aren't you?

Anyways I'll raise him if barely just to make him bitter as he's made me.
Fuck him, fuck him seriously, if he was a girl at least I could rape her but he can't even make himself useful for that.

you're not funny dude

Who the fuck is making jokes.
I couldn't hate this asshole more than I do right now, of course I'm not gonna rape him, I'm not a pervert, I just wish I was.

Why didn't you abort him if you hate him so much?

Because I didn't knew I was gonna hate him, when my wife was pregnant we were so happy but the day I finally saw him… it was just a disgusting little piece of shit, and I hate it, and I hate my wife for producing such a thing, I wanna leave them but I didn't signed a prenup and I'm sure as FUCK he's not getting a dime out of me, even if I have to wait until he's out of child support age to leave.

Geez, stop Boeing so edgy, you're going to scarse the kids

I am a proud black man, sir. My son Otombe is first in his class at counting.


He's a baby, who's boss. Boss Baby.

its bots

Not if you're not logged in and have cookies disabled.
If you do that then you get shown a lot of music videos, comedy shows, trailers and weird shit.



Opposing the cleansing of the weak.
I'll do it myself but the (((jewverment))) but why though if the fucker can do it for me, if I kill him in self defense then everyone will see why we need the right to bear any kind of arms, even assault rifles, bazookas and ICBMS.

That still exists? Is it affiliated with Something Awful?

Retsupurae has sucked since around 2013 at the latest. Slowbeef is more interested in shilling his stream and doesn't give a fuck about the channel anymore, most of the videos from the last couple of years haven't been video game related and is just Slowbeef yelling over the top of kickstarters, because he considers himself a businessman now because he took a course.
Slowbeef always came across as a bit of a sperg, even at his best. He was at his worst during the early period of Retsupurae, where the point of the channel was for goons to circlejerk about how their talking over video games is much much better than other people talking over video games, and Slowbeef would literally scream like a retard into the mic about some kid playing Kirby. Its pretty annoying how because they're now trying to fit in with their SJW friends, they try and play that period of Retsupurae as just light fun when in reality they were Diabetus however is chill and a total bro, I still like him a lot.
The best period of Retsupurae was when they were doing riffs on werid shitty old games and shitty flash games, those videos were seperated from the bullshit internet drama from their early vids and are focused on the games itself, so the riffs have aged a lot better than their other vids. Slowbeef's spergyness is toned down a lot, and the comedic duo works well, with Slowbeef playing the straight man who can explain things and Diabetus being the funny one. Most of their videos between 2009/10 and early 2013 I consider very good and are still worth going back to rewatch, with their last great Retsupurae series being the Ambition series that they did. Dark Seed 2 is probably the pinnacle of their videos.

What the fuck is up with that shit?
I've seen those videos with 100,000,000+ views.
Fucking hell.