Saw this thread over on half Holla Forums thought it was interesting, because it may have been aussie shitposting but they would have to be a very longtime lurker or have detailed knowledge of what is going on to pull it off with this much detail. He also seemed like he was not interested in explaining himself too much while his posts were very particular in their breadth of knowledge.

I have also had thoughts similar to this, pic related. You have to think about this stuff from all sides.


Other urls found in this thread:




If we want half chan we go to half chan

How do we know this isn't just hardcore LARPing?

do u have a single evidence to back that up

Just stay there and stop shitting our imageboard up

im more interested in the picture thats in the first screencap, source?

he's larping 100%

100% shill from cuckpol

Definitely LARPing, but a fun read. A man can dream…

Sage for cuckchan posting

read the whole post

he uses terms like cunt and mate so he does not seem German, but he info on George Soros was accurate as I have suspected him to still be a Nazi.

The liberals and the EU types seem to be pushing TOO hard. You would think they would lay off a bit, its almost as if they WANT the people to go far right and get pissed off at shit skins.

They could still just be dirty commies, but honestly they would have won if they slowed it down a bit. Instead they are going full force which as we all know, for every action their is and equal and opposite reaction.

They may be hardening up whites because with overpopulation the west will need wars of conquest just to survive.

They need to bring the the problem close to home to wake whites up. They also have race specific bio weapons, so they probably are not worried about actually having the country taken over.

this. source plz

my sides


I take that back. Read more and it's gay.

←- OP

we all know Jews would never pass up a good shekel.

That worked for the idiotic left, who think they are fighting racists and for communism, but do the bidding of the capitalist banker they claim to hate. We are not so easily fooled.

I want to believe

A man can dream.

I'm not going to rest easy though. Keeping this thread alive won't help this hypothetical scenario either.

I was on that thread. I was about to dismiss that entire thing as Aussie trolling but the weird thing was that OPs ID on that thread changed mid-way.

He claimed he was using a proxy and had to switch IPs every so posts or not. That was the only thing that was suspect.

He keeps using the phrase "you cunts" which is 100% Australian. They're master shitposters


If it feels too good to be true, that's because it is.

But God, do I want it to be true.

i mean fucking trump probably has Teslas secret plans??? that is some crazy shit


how is this news or relevant

See, the reason why these never come true is because you don't put any meme energy into them.

Well considering these supposed nazis that are apparently recruiting people through their posts on imageboards (a place where shills run rampant and fbi specifically on 4chan) are using the same tactics that marxists use to get a marxist revolution, I highly doubt it.
op a faggot as always.


At first, it weakened us, but in fact, we were growing…stronger.

Sounds like larping bullshit to me.

That said, several "Illuminati's" do exist. Crowley labeled the masters "The Secrect Chief's". And their goal is the evolution of the species (and thus Universe). To them means DO justify the ends. (Worth reading Donald Holmes MD's "Illuminati Conspiracy" in this regard.)

The Universe itself is striving towards harmoniousness. YHVH is a blind God (nature at its most mechanical). Lucifer is The Light descending. And YHShVH (Jesus) is Lucifer ascending.

From Kether to Malkuth and back up again until YHVH (the blind forces of nature) restore themselves so that the cycle can repeat. Or: from before the big-bang ("God" as the Ain Soph - Nothingness) to the Expansion (Lucifer - Light Bringer) to the Return (Christ - the consolidator). Thesis -> Anti-thesis -> Synthesis.

(Note: The Kabbalah is a system of quantification. If a 'discrete' thing can be said to exist, the Kabbalah can describe it.)

The madness we see right now might be being used like an alchemical trick. Radicalize the Left, Radicalize the Right -> Collision/Transformation -> New Resultant Product.

Thesis -> Antithesis -> Synthesis.

Alex Jones was right all along. I guess I'm gonna order a water filter now.

what 3000 year old secret society was that guy referring to in last pic?

Forgot webm

There must be secret Nazi's in high places. I doubt they all just disappeared.


Halfchan OP is definitely LARPing, but the post does pose an interesting question. if the globalists were smart, they would take their time and gradually destroy the West. Instead, they've went for a full blitz with unbridled mass immigration and endless, increasingly worse, attacks on culture. Forget Jackson. You've got prominent people attacking the National Anthem now.


It's really stupid. They're helping us. Why? Are they on our side? It seems like it sometimes!

If I get trips, then halfchan OP was legit. Come on Kek!

Damn it.

right, if you want to get something done, you don't always use the group you actually want to win. You may fund the opposition in order to get the group you want to win, to take action.

Hence why George Soros is funding both the Golden Dawn, and the Nazi's in Ukraine, but then funding BLM in the USA. Different tools for Different jobs.

Autistic 4chan shitposting hoax. All of the stuff he's using to draw conclusions is Alex Jones level tier that anyone could logically make sense of at this point if you're woke.

I've thought about the Operation Paperclip scenario along with the Nazi refugees in the South America and Russia picking up their Third Reich members myself many moons ago. It's a clever tactic of using the information we already know (Assange already claimed he is going to release something to end Hillary) and then compiling that with a bunch of suspicion that plays on people who are prone to fall down the conspiracy hole.

We already have countless screen cap fails from 4chan to know this already. Saying it has no value, but the original shitposter used that in the typical manner to add legitimacy without fact checking (i.e. just like telling someone in a argument it's on record).

I do like a good fiction shitpost every now and then though.

What do does films have to do with Nazis?

"Trump is on board" HAHAHAHAHAHA

Fucking lost it, Good story though, Trump is a pure AIPAC candidate.

Well the symbol has a hidden swastika in it and all those films are Holla Forums favorite and full of meme potential. They are also all Hero's Journey films which are meant to awaken the inner self to the realization of the transcendent, much like Hitler was trying to do with all his rallies and such. The Jew does the opposite, stunts the growth of the human potential by making shitty memes.

The ruling Japanese party is literally considering restoring the Emperor, they have a super majority and may change the constitution.

Trump is way too kosher for my tastes but damn it to hell we'll make sure he never gets that second term if he crosses us. We've been with him every step of the way when they mocked him and laughed that there was no way Trump could be the candidate but we memed him to the candidacy and the vast majority of kikes don't even support or vote for him and it was only thanks to our memeing he wins without having to spend loads of money or tap into his own stash. In four years, we'll run someone against him and meme him as our man if he fucks up and proves to be another pussy that licks kike boot proving he isn't a man.

This is not how it's going to happen. I don't want to explain much so this will be a tldr.

You see, before the 21st century, jews have been cucking individual countries, and got forced to be kicked out or killed. Then moved to the next.

Fast forward to today, after WW2 and entering the new millenium, these greedy jews went all over the world now. We all know that there are "anti-semites" other than the white race. So when the next shit hits the fan for the jews, where are they going to run next to since they pissed off the entire planet, not just one country like it used to be in history?

Their years are numbered.

We know he's right because the evidence is just rock solid. I mean just look at all of it.


What I've noticed so far with even far-right movement leader in the west is a ZOG shill. You have to play along until bagel is removed.

One thing I've seen a pattern to is that you generally want the children or relatives of those far-right leaders like LePen's or Donald Trump's son.

They know what's going on and why they have to be the hero western civilisation needs.

Shame you can't post with a leaf next to your name OP. but thanks for the lulz

The real situation is don't wait for it, make it happen

National solcialism is a slow pill normies have to take, and won't happennext year

Although on the upside Hillary accused Donald of trying to assassinate her again today, which helps with the challenge that she is mentally ill. so there is some good news today

I love autistic shitposting and top aryan conspiracies as much as the next user, but 4cuck crossposters need to get the fuck off the board.

without 4cuck you wouldnt have a board

nice larp. interesting larp but still larp

Thats a lot of words for someone already made into one.


Starting threads based around 4cuck shitposting should be a bannable offense.

P.S. I'm actually reawakened Adolf Hitler, post your emails ITT to join the Ultimate Battalion.

What an awful thread.

holy shit so many shills in this thread.

whether or not it's true, the story itself only contributes towards it becoming true. we know the memetics games now.

bumping because its a interesting story and a fun read whether its true or not

4/pol/ has began shadowbanning people.
I made posts linking to research articles about race and IQ and they did not appear.


What year is it? Most replies and threads on 4chan are now AI


I believe in the story.

You faggots I wrote in the OP it was probably shitposting but it had interesting ideas in it.

You faggots don't know how to war game?

This is What fascinates me so much about the Nazi's

No nation that powerful and capable flips on the head of a pin to become everything that they fought against. it's Just against natural law.

The fact that so many Germans fled Nazi Germany and regrouped elsewhere makes me think that there is bound to be some sort of esoteric Nazi influence still existing today, I mean why wouldn't there be?

I've interacted with some Germans on a quite intimate basis and they present a public face that is completely in keeping with the current progressive socialist narrative. When I challenge their professed views however they have, without exception, flipped on the head of a pin, expressing a really deep seated hatred for non-whites, homosexuals and all forms of cultural marxism.

The male German mind I believe to be a fortress under permanent attack and this is the reason they are considered distant and cold by their own women. They bare the burden of living a lie and having to live a life they know to be wrong.

I don't believe that the Germans will tolerate much more of this psychological punishment. They will eventually snap, and the true barbarian spirit that the Romans wrote about will be unleashed with the power of a thousand black suns.

Whether they win or not and how much the nazi secret state is able to help them in that endeavour, who knows.

I Just cannot see a people like the Germans snuffed out of existence without a fight.


Shit like this is why people think Holla Forums is a retard cesspool.

Leave 8/pol/, OP. Don't even go back to 4chan. Don't even go to Reddit. Just leave the internet.

Fuck off back to 4cucks

But a black sun isn't very powerful, user.

Think about it…

It's black, meaning it isn't releasing that much radiation.

The most energetic stars in the galaxy are blue.


Are you suggesting that it's completely impossible for German self interest to still be alive in some incarnation?

I Want To Believe

The is the best LARP thread I've ever seen. Oh well, too bad it's not true.

How the hell are you on Holla Forums and yet don't know what the fucking Black Sun is? I suggest you leave the universe entirely.

Kill yourself.

I know what it is, lad.

I'm just stating the fact that black suns are pissweak.


You don't know what the Balck Sun is? What the fuck user, did you join the board yesterday?

Piss weak in our observable dimension maybe.

You Just cannot into 4th dimensional suns.

Yeah … it would be interesting if it were true, but it's too full of the usual "soon" and "when X happens" nonsense to be believable.

If they don't name names and give an actual timeline, then they're just fuckin' with you and you need to stop believing them. They're hitting you in the feels and you're buying into it.

He actualy worked with the nazis in WW2, snitching on other jews, not sure if it was him or his dad, trhou, the guys is like a million years old.

I know what THE Black Sun is.

Real Black Suns (plural) are piss weak, however.

trips? wtf

Suppose this guy was actually v& and told this, what's to say that he wasn't targeted because he has a large online network while being a moron?

This is equivocal to the kind of CIA shit that is fed to true believer muds before they go off and blow up a rival mosque.

It's retarded, at it's core. It's literally Infowars-tier.

that being said, it's a beautifully comforting lie


I was actually wondering about Nazis surviving through their orders, and WLP's references to The Order, but hot damn, that just makes no sense at all.

Well that's what makes it all the more believable that they'd have a significant influence in the modern sense. The Third Reich only lasted 12 years and likely didn't have much influence outside of Germany's domain. Russia on the other hand had plenty of time prior to WW2 and plenty of time after to cement agents outside of Russia, and they did. Not only that but they had the financial support in the West through sympathizers and Jewish financiers to make it happen. Also it was apart of their plan the entire time (Communist International after all).

It's definitely within the realm of possibility that their are former NSDAP agents that made it and held onto their beliefs during and after the war, but remember the Third Reich also cut off a lot of limited support within Western nations after WW2 started. Britain and the U.S. two examples.

How many held onto their beliefs? How many worked deep inside institutions? How many reared their offspring to become NSDAP spies working from within? Who knows. This depends entirely on the scenario that every, single, German was fully aware of the JQ because that's the only way you'd secure long-term support to pull something of that magnitude off.

Plus all those hidden Third Reich diaspora agents completely negates the massive de-nazification and intentional slaying of countless leadership after the war. Whose to say those that fled were able to form any kind of meaningful resistance to modernity?

They were literally colonizing south brazil and argentina, man.

lol so did Trump make his daughter marry and produce 3 children with a Jew as some kind of elite cover up?

now that would be some 4D chess

And remember that it was abundantly clear from as early as1942 that Germany would not be able to win the war.

They had three years to put in place contingency and a plan to advance the Idea far beyond the end of the war.

Man it wasn't over until after operation Bagration and Overlord succeeded

At the absolute earliest you might be able to say after Kursk

The similarities between Holla Forums and the thule society do gets scary sometimes, especialy with the whole meme magick thing.

And there is other stuff that always got me think, for example:

How come Goring, Hugo Boss, Disney, Ford, Hering and so many other nazi founded companies still existend and, in fact, thrived after ww2?

If the NWO is so powerful, how come Holla Forums still exists?

They didint even need to change the laws or censor the net, just delete the place and kill the users, until recent years, there weren't that many of us, not nearly as many as there are now.

Then there is this thing with trump and nigel farage, who the fuck even were this people? Trump i can understand, but if you lived in the 90's, you remember he was never a serious figure, always a goof cool dude that appeared on tv, and before anyone brings it up, this "trump" might just be a false identity, the term Trump and everything affiliated with it and with Holla Forums sound suspicious as fuck, same with nigel, some random nobody salesman just taking on the EU? I mean, cmon.

And then there is the complete and utter infficency of our supposed "enemies", the "scary" NWO can't take down Iran and co WHY exactly? Whats preventing them? Russia? Its all just one big game.

We were being groomed user, the OP probably is full of shit, but the theory does have some credit.

Some of you may think this is strange and completely unconceivabler, but i know for a fact there is a whole set of secret tunnels wich were dug by nazis in brazil, its near y town and i visited them.Its no turist atraction, my father knew about them before the media, most of the "old" german families in town know.

Google Blumenau Nazi Tunnels.


If we pretend the auscuck isn't a LARPfag for a second, go back to where he says Israel is a puppet of the Nazis.

Meh, I believe in the Antarctic base/Agartha theory anyway so this just makes me feel warm and comfy inside. Even still, our will will inevitably face the struggle.

My Germanic girlfriend and I will definitely be immigrating to the fatherland once the civil war breaks out tho.


Go away.

Fuck off. It's nice to indulge in fantasy and myth and be merry from time to time.

Thanks for admitting you’re just shitposting.

Yeah there was a program called Dirty Rat or something like that and Soros snitched on his parents.

Wish you luck, I'll stay in America with mine maybe become a politician if being a psychologist doesn't work out.

Look at the shill and laugh


Dubs confirm

OP, just wait for Hitler. Oops. You already are.


Aye, I'd likely go to fight and marry after the civil war. Then I'd likely move back to the rolling hill country of Texas. Why a psychologist, I must ask?

Apart from*

I just think the workings of the human mind to be interesting.
easier to break those who stand in my way plans too

easier to crush those who stand in the way of my plans too
sorry I'm watching a movie, I messed that up


These things are wholly possible and the production value is pretty good, but all orchestrated by crypto nazis? The eternal Australian strikes again.

I was calling you out for not utilizing them, retard. Which you clearly aren't.


Mother fucker YES.

Most standard broadband connections use a dynamic IP address. Most people that end up with a static IP address end up with it because they require it for hosting. A dynamic IP address will change ~every couple of days. My ID changed in a thread earlier this very day, and I chalked it up to an IP change at the time.

waste of Hitler dubs.

seems legit

Notice me senpai

Go away.

Sometimes australian shitposts are all-right.

Quad me baby one more time.


you had one job

Likely shitposting, but the Brit in makes an interesting point.

If the Frankfurt School exists, who's to say one of the most meticulous regimes ever doesn't have a similar body of people furthering its goals even after it died?

sage for Holla Forums """""superiority"""""

To some extent it's believable. It's true the Left as we know it is incredibly inefficient and the once monolithical unstoppable powers are now merely a collection of communista gitators and catladies, weak and degenerate by drinking their own poison.

Still, I'm hard pressed to believe that the Jewish conspiracy is already this crushed. I'm sure Israel was something of a trap causing infighting amonst themselves but there's still massive financial capital next to all the fake Fed money.

Historically, an army was gathered before WW2 in Washington D.C to take over and turn the USA to the 3rd Reich's side, something which was sadly stopped in time whereas presumably all these 350k or more people vanished.

so, this is largely bullshit. but i can confirm that the descendants of dedicated nazis are out there and their commitment to the german race lives on.

how do I know this? I'm one of them. great grandfather was an early party member.

however we're not organized. that's for sure. we're just making more germans because that's all we can do in the current state of the world. and passing ideas on to be next generation.

and no, we aren't "pro-white" we're pro-germanic, so fuck off slavs.


Well, to be fair, Soros has really been behaving like the typical evil mastermind, basically taunting and infuriating us and being pretty damn obvious about what he's doing on the surface level at the very least.

It's not impossible that he's still in on it.

No reason not to start today then, user. Take inspiration from OP and get to work. You're Literally Hitler already to the Lefties, so there's nothing to lose there.

holy shit this psyop is fucking pleb tier


this is probably the dumbest thing I've ever read

What started the pan-German movement which Hitler was a apart of was the Austro-Hungarian Empire dispossessing Germans to cater to Slavs. Germans were being pushed out of German towns that were taken over by Slavs. There was a proto affirmative action going on that benefited Slavs to the detriment of Germans. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire Germans were a minority and electoral reforms gave Slavs a voting majority.

Germans thought they were going to be bred out by Slavs and they would have had it continued. The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire put it all to a stop but the pan-German movement continued on. It ultimately ended with Hitler taking power in Germany and reuniting Germans that were left behind in redrawn maps.

Back then it was only Germans being dispossessed. Germans put up with it for awhile until they didn't. Other countries had no idea what the Germans went through and what they suffered. Now, what happened to the Germans is happening to all whites. History is repeating except on a larger scale.


Jews pulling the dicks of Trans Nazis again.

then dont ever go to cuckchan , consider yourself warned

you don't really get the point of israel do you?

we support israel BECAUSE we hate the jews. we want them to go live in their own country and leave us alone.


Looks like a case of retro style trolling.
One can dream though.


Yeah, F


We are on to something, here…

To believe this would be to believe in the highest capacity of human accomplishment - that others are able to do things that only seem available to us in dreams - that incompetence itself can be conquered. I cannot, within myself, reconcile this to be something that is possible within my current mental model of reality, in which the majority of humans are weak and incapable.

This is almost on the level of believing in superheroes.

I don't think he's implying that.

I've been thinking that the whole time

They were called aryans

To be honest, i refuse to believe people in the higher places in government are as stupid as they seem, they can do math ffs. They knew this would be the reaction, people can only have a facist dictatorship if they WANT a facist dictatorship.

Plus, i assume the people who could indeed flee germany were the top stock of genetic material, or amongst the top. When you study the nurenberg trials, the high echelons took the bullet.

I just finished reading the archived thread.

It is a very obvious high level shilling attempt. The goal of that thread was the remove blame from ((them)) by saying that they are only playing a part and are being directed by the so called "Nazi" children.

The best part about that thread was the admission from a shill that Trump will indeed win the election.

Also I should have been saging the entire time.

I believe that they know their time is up. They massively underestimated how powerful the spread of information is with the internet and this is the last hail mary. With so much going on its also easy to forget that the globalists didn't think that Russia would do anything to stop them in Syria. I am sure there was some Russian false flag in the works to try and get the USA on board to attack Russia with NATO but no one was having it on this continent. They also didn't expect Trump to get this far and their "racist xenophobe" talking points worked in every country up until this point.

If America and Russia become allies then the globalist control on the planet is finished. The end goal was always America, they just ran out of time. If another 20 years of indoctrination happened then it is possible America would have fallen but we are no longer scared like the years after 9/11 and the control is dropping rapidly.

They misjudged how strong their propaganda was. The internet (probably/hopefully) saved western civilization.


I cannot find any evidence of this. In fact, I am only finding evidence of the opposite that George Soros is against the Golden Dawn.

This is the most retarded shit I read all week good job OP.

Yeah same.

The levels of tinfoil hats here are through the roof.

(and by here I am referring to OP)

Reminder Israel hates its own Orthodox Jews. Play them against each other.

Bunch of bullshit. People are trying to feed us false hope with autistic theories. The whole thread is cancer.

Doesn't that explain us?

I don't think so. We're just random guys who grouped together on the net. I would be thinking something more along the lines of secret societies or even overt societies that have hidden Nazi functions, kind of like shill think tanks that pose as objective but actually shill for some group. That is not to say that we do not have encounters with people from these types of theoretical groups without knowing it feeding us breaking information.


My grandfather was one of the founders of a club for germans (originaly) in my town, and he was into nazi stuff.

The name of the club is May 18th.

May 18th is the first documented date of germans killing jews, crusading knights slaughetered jews in Worms while crusading.

Don't you know they're top tier shitposters OP?

I'll admit though this is some entertaining LARPing.

OP I want to believe, I really do, but unless there is some massive WikiLeak like this guy says, I'm not believing it.

I can't. There's just been so many hopes and prayers, and not enough follow through.
Sometimes I just feel like everything'sa big tease.

And we're so close to the end, that just as long as (((they))) don't rig this, I feel like we're good.

Before you guys think i'am joking or delusional.

The May 18th club was also where the recent right-wing protests in my city sprowted from.

I've been there sometimes. There is an upper hall where they have shows and stuff, and a lower hall with REALLY long tables, like german traditional longtables.

There is also a football field, anyone can sign up to use the field even if not a member.


He actually worked for the Nazis in WW2 m8

Prussia lives

The second pic is one the upper members took somewhere in the US

In chemistry, we identify elements/compositions based on their appearance and record their behavior in relation to other elements/compositions. In doing so, we can then predict how these elements/compositions will react when exposed to other elements/compositions.

Some elements mixed do not react to each other at all.
Some elements mixed do react and form a new element/composition.

Cultures are identifiable by similar means. By taking the "values" (chemical composition) of one culture and stacking it up against the "values" of another culture, we can find reactive points (Where one is "+" or "Pro" something and the other is "-" or "Against" something). Cultures differ to chemicals in that the exhibition of values often appear latent until provoked (e.g. "Traditionalism" is only an issue now because of a concerted effort away from it). For this reason, we might see the provocation of certain issues in Mainstream Media in order to "activate" those "values", thereby reducing a culture at large to a predictable pattern of interactions between various values brought to the forefront.

Islamic Value Systems are in conflict with Christianity. Womens Rights Movements are in conflict with Islamic Value Systems. "Equality" is in conflict with Judaic Value Systems.

In short, a big alchemical pot is brewing where these conflicting ideologies are being mixed. And they will react with each other. Chemical A + Chemical B (and on)… = Chemical Z. Culture A + Culture B (and on)… will equal Culture Z.


its called a honeypot, they monitor us remember?

nigel is the trump of britain, of course he can do it, he spent 10+ years doing so

because there is more than one faction at work here, obama is a secret muslim loving traitor remember?

only smart thing you said


Why would they waste time and money monitoring, while we grow and spread, us when they could just off us completely much easier?

don't (you) have some (((captchas))) to solve and some flag wars to attend to?

Well he wanted it in Madagascar not the Levant but other than that the Aussie is correct.

This is Alex Jones tier shit. The kikes would shut them down since they have total control over society.

It was Alex Jones tier and it was on cuckchan.



As a member of a well-implicated traditional family that spread itself in France and Germany, I confirm much of the OP screencap.

Since I grew up in France, I can say young people are very redpilled over there. Online communities are so overcrowded with nazis that mods can't keep up with its growth. These young french ns only look for a leader and a real organization.

In Germany, where I moved in a few months ago, the underground network has been functional for decades. I'm not really implicated in its frame actually.

So I don't totally agree with the "leave the west fall to marxism" scenario. IMO there has been a grassroot effort to sensibilize young French people (mostly men) to national socialism. But people of more than 25 yo are mostly fucked.


I just read all the screencaps. The posts after OP are mostly larping or wishful thinking though.

What's confirmed :

What's probable, or at least expected (IMO) :

What's bullshit (IMO) :

This won't be easy, we will need as much european people as possible.

Not going to read all that shit, but is this pretty much the tl;dr of the tl;dr?

More like

But the fact that OP's screencap is spot-on concerns me.

Fucking source.

Their all religious fanatics, they really belief their drivel about a raceless utopia.

Whether this is true or not, it's fucking glorious!

Sieg Heil!



Please Kek let this be true.

interesting read, so a polite sage

Behold, the Black Sun.

Stop the cuckchan LARPing. The "hidden nazis" are not going to save us. We ARE the nazis.

Just keep training for the race war lads.

You don't post detailed plans on the internet if you don't want them susceptible to subver-

This. We have to do this ourselves fam.

That's like saying everyone on here who says shit like "dindu nuffin" is a nigger.



Its a good fair tale although I dislike the anyone can become German bit or the constantly lower cased "g" when typing out Germany.

Market logic: you make a good product, you sell it, you grab money.

Because we are irrelevant and the NWO has other things to do than spending money and energy to silence a bunch of tech-savy outcasts. If things become really threatening for them like Occupy in 2011 be sure action will be taken.

American population grows more stupid and dysgenic every 10 years, electing an entertainer who speaks like a 11 yo is nothing exceptionnal if you look back at Reagan.
Farage is a natural public speaker and he did not "took on the EU" alone, he simply gave a voice to millions of people and did it with ability, his dedication and self-denial are admirable but they have nothing superhuman.

The NWO is not some omniscient unified identity, they are a network like any organization with different factions/movements inside, with power struggles between individuals.
At the end of the day they are all globalists but are still divided on issues and the means to resolve them.

holy fuck, you "sage is le downboat" are the real cancer. Please KYS.

Checking those truth dubs. OP wasn't the way, but clearly kek is guiding the right one.

Basically this.

The only thing I'd like to add is that this LARPer is a psyop.
Have some legit information+disinformation(bullshut) is a classic move.

The LARPer wants to get our flak off Merkel and Soros.

Along with that NEET Rothschild it seems that (((they))) have taken the strategy of spamming "insider" leakers to misdirect us.

Thanks for this, I was caught in the I want to believe file.
But I knew this was a (((ploy))) for the goy
Have a new one.
It's transparent so you can fuck around with it. Also

Probably larping but it made me smile

Stopped reading


That's right goy!

Be passive, everything will work itself out, bahahahaha!

some people are right. this could be a giant shill psyop to just get everyone to become lazy and stop supporting trump, just like those fakeout shills who say "WE ALREADY WON! YAY!"

you'll call this a shill brigade by everyone saging your thread

but its just shit

so calm your shit

never post here again, cuckchanner

fake or real, it's fairly interesting. my question is-
"if this is all fake, why do you care so much?"

Wikileaks is going to release an email from Hillary that gave the go ahead to exterminate seal team 6 after the bin laden raid.

seal team 6 is dead?

Someone needs to do some research on Wunderwaffe clearly.

washingtontimes .com/news/2015/aug/5/obama-stonewalls-seal-team-6-extortion-17-helicopt/



OP is obvious LARP/kike. However we have to be VERY careful about upcoming nationalist movements . I mean just look at Ukraine where they have "anti-jewish patriots while being ruled by jews". AfD in Germany has many jews in their party aswell. Does someone have the Ben-Gurion 1967 quote on the jews strategy to prepare european nations for a facist regime, in order to hijack or divert legit nationalist movements?

real or fake we have to act intelligently and carefully

Germany is also the source of Communism faggot, Communism existed prior to the creation of the Soviet Jewnion.

the 4th reich recruits people based on shitposts?


check these digits, lads

General Smedley Butler, testifying to Congress.

This is what I call the docilization tactic.

There no doubt are reactionary patriots in high places, saving their power and influence for the time when it will have the most effect in tipping the balance. But that post was bullshit. Such people have no need of recruiting nazis: they will make nazis when the time is right.

In the meantime we till the soil of butthurt and plant the seeds of rebellion ready for the harvest

I want to believe.

Brilliant. So now all I have to do to get recruited is turn my white pride up to 1489. So docile and subservient.

I'm pretty much 1487 on social media and in public anyways, so I've already considered the possibility that I might get v&. I'd love it to be for the right reason.

You know, I've never understood why people always think it's Aussies who do this shit.

Shitposting for sure, but why Aussies? Do they just naturally have more girthy shitposts, or are the Aussies themselves behind this size myth?

I wish, but they are just calling everyone racist right now to get elected and because they are insane. I think they might also be impatient. If the NWO gets established in 50 years most of them will already be dead.

Sometimes you have to get things done in a roundabout way though. Whites like shitskins because its a problem that is "over there" and not down the block. That is why the liberals always white flight. They want to virtue signal, but not deal with the actual issue.

Bring the issue close to home and many opinions will change.

They have life extension technology now. Many will probably not make it. Someone like an Obama or similar though may literally live forever with the rate of technology.

Also don't be surprised a lot of those 'life extension' treatments are another ploy for a superkike to get rid of smaller kikes.

Fucking die.

Three possibilities exist, this is either:

True. In which case, fucking glorious, let's keep it up so we can finally live in this utopia.

Shilling. In which case, ignore it and keep at it, this mean they're scared and we're closer than ever.

LARPing. In which case, well that's just shameful really. Ignore this drivel and keep going, at least it's good to see we've got excited people on our side.


Jesus Christ this is bad, is this really what 4chan has become.
Seriously Jew, both you and the Op of that thread should commit suicide.

Ayy in Navegantes? P close. Joinville is full of antifa and SJW-gangs btw believe it or not. They've been graffiting walls with feminist and anti Bolsonaro messages lately

The 4th Reich Australian wouldn't happen to be also the Rightful heir to the British Royal Crown would he?

Obvious bullshit.

It's almost like the jews see what's about to come and are trying to make us think they we're on our side, filthy kikes, never trust them.

First all this talk of 4th Reich inbound. A day or 2 later now this


Praise kek.


and wait for the kicker

Gotta get all them sheckles
jews gonna jew no matter what

Can hohols join the 4th reich?

Here's a video from a guy who believes something similar, minus the whole "kikes are already defeated and cultural marxism is a german plot" part.

He has a playlist on his channel with a few other Imperial Germans videos.

If you pretend that "totally not Australian German" isn't a LARPing faggot. Recruiting someone for their shitposts makes a lot of sense from a social media standpoint. Shitposting has become a career in some companies.

I know this guy. Personally, I'd sooner believe the Germans are in a secret place beneath Antarctica – a passage into the "hollow Earth" – than the shit OP is specifically talking about, especially the crap about Cultural Marxism secretly being pushed by them. What the western world is facing right now is karma as a result of the events that took place in the first half of 20th century, not a "secret Nazi plot."


Nigga you serious? Black suns are the universe's greatest beacons of gamma-rays.

Literally foretold.

technically, that's an outcome view, not a mechanistic one. while technically correct, that's not what (((they))) do, that's just what it looks like from a distance.

(((they))) are parasites. everything of the afro-muslim-judeo-mongol-asiatic line is parasitic. it is cannibalistic. and it is bad at cannibalism, and bad at parasitism, at that. but i digress. they are parasites. they swarm to the brightest light, insert themselves, and since they're always failing, demand in their insidious filthy degenerate ways that the universe be inverted – that perpetual fucking failure fails be granted winrar, that every last bit of might be subverted so that meekness gets to eat what it could never make. that is what they do: moths to the flames not theirs, so as to lie, to lie exclusively to steal, to steal so as to eat, to eat precisely what does not / has not / will never belong to them.

that they 'went global' is not them. white civilization advanced, and became 'global'. but fat lot of good that did us, when we didn't take care of the problem first. simply responding to the pressure of parasites and pushing the boundaries of ashes left behind hasn't worked. it hasn't worked, and i don't know what they fuck to do about it. the only thing that's worked hasn't actually been us, it's just been winter.

that parasites lead to winter on their own isn't a reprieve, nor a tax. it just is. and i hate it all the same. but it doesn't matter. there is no grand plan. the father's last words were simply to fight for the next coming man/son/sun. that's all there is.

global is us. it is in line with what we've always done. parasites to us is them. it's what they've always done. so long as the jew can see you – they will do the same all over again. and we will be left with only some fallen father's words again.

are you tired of this yet? by all accounts of history, we've been fighting this for the last 25 thousand years.

i don't know who's winning. but the jew can't do global – that was us. and flocked to us, imbedded their fingers into the hearts of our fathers' institutions and temples left to their sons. and their doing it again. it simply is.


sadly. though i couldn't quite be not sure why i say 'sadly'. i know it is correct: LARPing, like libido dominandi, like christcucking, like hindu feel enlightenment, like hipster/sjw feel superiors, like so many many others, is all 'travel without moving'. simulation, done this way, is docilization.

damn it. all of it.


simulated satisfaction is not satisfaction.
simulation to satiate does not satiate.
it is degeneracy. it is a lie to sell more lies.

damn it.

–all– of it.


Sometimes I wonder how far us strayans can go with shitposting.

I also suspect this. That'd explain his actions before the holocaust.

He clearly exploited the foundation, knowing it would be obvious.

The guy is an evil mastermind.


Believing lies is unacceptable.

VISIBLE radiation user.

It releases higher wavelengths.
That's from the "black hole" interpretation of black suns, the occult use might differ.


Because they're not powerful.

They rely on learned helplessness

Probably fake, but download this PDF of the original thread just in case.

Also I have no doubt.

It's masons you dummy

I'm surprised they lived in hueland unnoticed.

That's impossible. They are the highest names on "the list"

Holla Forums is a docilization tactic :^)

I thought you got good karma from doing the right thing…

Nothing this wondrous happens in this shit world, don't tell me this kind of lie. People trolling with fake screenshots of "Hillary's dead" announcements don't make me feel even a fraction of these feels.

Fuck off faggot.

They've been trying to shut Holla Forums down since days of cuckchan.

HUEland is gigantic. Dangerous, and lots of Carnival HUE. Even if any searching agent sent can evade the dangers, he will be caught by the HUE in samba carnival and spend the time getting brazilian bunda.

Mods pls make 4chan LARP threads banable. This shit is almost daily now

It's clearly just a shitpost. I'll believe it when I see it.

You think Occupy was a fucking threat?

What the fuck are you smoking?

I should have been more specific.
Modern science that wasn't already discovered by the nazis is bullshit.
If they really were doing any scientific research, we wouldn't be stagnating like we are since the 70s.

Just prepare yourself user. And if you have nothing to lose, I would be honored to have you at my side.

Most likely this is a Strayan shitpost. However, I've talked about this stuff with a smart friend of mine, and he's also convinced that a lot of the SJW/immigrant insanity is to prompt the rise of the 4th Reich. We're both info junkies, and when he feels convinced about something it's almost always turned out to be right. Mericans did take in a lot of the top NatSoc scientists, and there's evidence that we knew about Hitler's escape to Argentina and did nothing to stop it. LARP or not, the general gist of this tale may very well be accurate. A man can dream.

Even if it IS all true, there's no reason that it should or would make any of us complacent. To the contrary, it should give us the fire in our bellies to sprint to the finish line.

The Dark Knight was the first sign of meme magic known to us.

There's supposed to be a town of Nazis on Long Island.


If there is some super secret Nazi conspiracy – if Alex Jones is right – then it's not NWO-tier in the way that OP describes. They couldn't stop Eichmann from going on trial. However, there are stories of other Nazi officers evading trial for years. Make of that what you will. Maybe they can only act to the extent that it doesn't reveal their power level.

Look for ties between populist/nationalist leaders and NatSoc. What led Trump to reading Adolf Hitler's speeches at night? Did he go to school with someone – maybe the child of someone from Project Paperclip? Who knows? It's all a shot in the dark. The conspiracy is so well hidden that neither we nor the Jews will find definitive proof.

Good luck, secret Nazi agenda!


Nazi was a term invented by a kike to slander natsoc.

"N-no guys I'm totally natsoc were not at all like those ebil nazis"
Fuck off faggot. Nazi is a kike slander term but embrace instead of shying away like a good little goy.

The Fuhrer did indeed say that the masses are unable to think beyond their most visceral emotions. And based on the degree of success the NSDAP had in a very short period of time and how even the combined powers of almost all the world only barely succeeded in bringing them down, I'd say it's not that far fetched to say they might have succeeded in doing what the OP says they're doing.

oy vey goy the chosen ones are on your side immigration is for your own good to become stronger and any other act of degeneracy we did all of this was for your own good do not forget we are your greatest allies goy don't put us in the camps once the pendulum swings back you already gast 70 gorillion of us in ww2 my grandmother trice


Nice dubs. You're absolutely right, user, this is an almost ageless war, and we are approaching our final battle. Burn brightly and spread, or dwindle down into nothing.

If the Germans were good at one thing, it was contingencies.

We can hope, but meanwhile–onward and upward.


Hello Tay.

a lot of shills for a 'mere larp' thread, wouldn't you say?

fuck off, chaim