They have holes to put your Benis in
Real Dolls
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too bad I am poor
meep meep too expensive also I am afraid that it will come to life and try to murder me in my sleep tbh
you can fap to the pics
no charge
amazed that no one posted any loli dolls yet
These abominations are just sexbots in disguise!
This shit is uncanny valley tier. 2D is superior by far.
go away
the truth will never go away chaim.
it isn't too bad in the pics
OK, the fifth one's not too bad. At least it's not tryhard mimicking irl thots.
Would fuck #2 over and over again.
It is only a matter of time before tech makes them move on their own.
I find this fact erotic and yet strangely terrifying all at the same time.
#2 is a pedo doll
Looks legal to me?
fat is pig disgusting tbh
These doll companies are beginning to sponsor MGTOW. At least Turd Flinging Monkey is plugging one of them on his channel all the time
Oh, and traps. That's another one they bring up as an alternative to strong independent wymin. So that's basically your future. Enjoy.
why would anyone buy these? seems like a warmed onahole and a dakimakura would be better
textbook sour grapes
I support the development of a real companion. Not something that is just a used up sack flesh that only considers itself.
Fair enough. Not that user but US$20,000 for one of these pieces of foam rubber isn't the answer user. /robowaifu/ is.
Those dead, soulless eyes staring at me would prevent me from achieving any degree of erection. Goddamn they are creepy.
You're just experiencing an already well known phenomenon user, just like the rest of us.
Make me one that has these body proportions, can look expressive and reacts to what I do and I will save money to buy it. Otherwise there are no reasons to spend the price of a car on a doll.
For some people on here dropping 25 to 30 grand wont break the bank. Most of the men building and buying these have money to burn because they don't have 3DPD to suck them dry.
Quoted from that article "Good design can lift human-looking entities out of the valley. David Hanson has criticized Mori's hypothesis that entities approaching human appearance will necessarily be evaluated negatively.[57] He has shown that the uncanny valley that Karl MacDorman and Hiroshi Ishiguro[58] generated – by having participants rate photographs that morphed from humanoid robots to android robots to human beings – could be flattened out by adding neotenous, cartoonish features to the entities that had formerly fallen into the valley.[57] This approach uses the fact that humans find characteristics appealing that are reminiscent of the young of our own (as well as many other) species, as used in cartoons."
That explains why I feel closer to the elvish and anime-ish ones. But there still is that weird sensation that keeps it from looking like being real, such as lack of sweating, pores, skin complexion, iris complexion, facial expression etc.
Presume a decent prostitute costs 300 an hour. For 20,000 dollars you could use her for around 67 times. Also, if you want a companion, you could take one or two thousand and buy a dog, or adopt one for free.
I dont want to boss people around, but I wouldn't spend my money like that.
I could, or i can invest into a future product development that will give me a companion worth the amount. Point is, people have cash to burn and don't care to spend it on these things. Also when i mean companion i don't mean a pet. If you want some dumb bitch that yaps at you and wants alot of attention and costs then get a normal girl.
Will have to agree with you on that
So do lolis, tbh
Yes. And that's why the best approach for a good robot wife right now isn't the attempt to go full 3DPD. That's ghoulish and will remain so for at least a couple more decades.
What's needed in a good waifubot right now is exactly the same characteristics as a good 2D waifu, as you seemed to indicate. I'd suggest either Jenny Wakeman or Drossel von Flugel as good targets during the first couple of generations. This bypasses the whole uncanny valley issue entirely and is probably perfectly suited to the men who will be the first adopters of full-on /robowaifu/s anyway.
I know this is off topic but I'm looking to an hero and I can't find the suicide board, can someone tell me the name of it or link it pls?
No you have to stay and shits with us here on Holla Forums tbh.
Yuck, no thanks.
Yea, no.
I concur. I had a nice doll and played around with it for a week until I realized it was easier and less hassle to work with 2D and my hand. I don't miss it.
What does me not wanting to hang out with you because of the stupid way you talk have to do with me just trying to get off this planet?
How much money did you flush down the toilet buying it?
MGTOW was always feminism for men. Just a slight reformulation of the same Jewish poison to kill whites.
MGTOW has roots in marxism?
Anything that identifies a 'victim' and 'oppressor' class has a root in marx
because they have come to understand 3DPD, and either want an some what alternative, or they want to support technologies that will make men able to ignore 3DPD, and not lose anything for doing so
You're full of shit, and I love a number of women. Sodomites are the male side of the femshit coin friend of. Fuck off.
You forgot to sage, Rabbi.
feminism - uses government to take away rights from males, and make those same males pay for 3DPD's life choices via taxes
MGTOW - wants to be left alone, and explore male and 3DPD's nature in the context of human evolution
even the real 3DPD hating MGTOW aren't saying we should use the government to make 3DPD pay for male's life choices.
some are saying we should take away 3DPD's rights, but that is more to save civilization, rather then trying to cut 3DPD's knees out from under them, so we're more "equal"
Why would I safe? These mgtow anons are right
To start your own brothel? I recommend having an exclusive membership of high-frequency customers. Much easier to keep things quiet that way.
Some youtuber MGTOWs have come to the same conclusion but this deserves repetition since someone always mentions the uncanny valley. It's easily bypassed. Anime & cartoonishness in general exaggerates feminine features to an extent that doesn't exist in nature: small nose, small chin, eyes that are large in proportion to the face. Still I think you can go way more realistic than Jenny & Drossel without things looking weird. Uncanniness is often in the eye of the beholder. Then there's automatonophobia. Lots of people feel weirded out by anything that represents the human form anyway. Like trying to sleep with a bunch of mannequins standing around your bed. This will only go away once robots are common-place and people are used to them.
Augmented reality goggles. It can super-impose a face over a sexbot. It would be way more convincing and way cheaper than some animatronic head. What sexbot developers should be working on is a robot that can assume positions on its own. Let the AR guys deal with speech and facial expressions.
This has been a long-term desire of mine. Since I was like 17. Always wanted one.
The ones ITT are fucking amazing. Where do you buy them?
Who here has one and where did you get it?
Turd Flinging Monkey has one, plus he does a lot of reviews of other male sex toys on his channel. Link and pic of his sex doll:
Thanks man. I followed the dollhouse183 link and found an Alibaba store. Like 1.3k and you have your own little elf waifu you can dress like Megumin and yell explosion as you bust inside of her?
What a beautiful fucking world we live in.
I'll come back once they can talk, and do stuff around the house
So ~20 years? Seeya then, blueballs.
It was $2K. Sold it for I think $1400. I'd been on the fence about getting one for years and now I know.
Yes indeed. Interesting times.
heh heh
some of them have odd faces, but many look pretty good IMO. 'course, the photo lighting and composition is perfectly staged, but still
also I think that the proliferation of sex dolls could alter women's fashion, as well as their perceptions of their own bodies.
chubby works better in bed, IMO
most of these dolls are the typical mainstream hourglass figure, but you can't show them off like you could if you had an actual GF that looked like that.
so part of the reason for getting one that has a perfect figure is gone from the start
so when it comes down to what's funner to fuck, the chubbies may end up the winners here
also i for one welcome our robotic sexbot overlords
what does the pink machine gun thing do?
Someone always mentions it simply because it's very commonplace. I work in CG in the film industry and I can say with a reasonable degree of authority that if digital character hyper-realism is the goal (as it is with high-fidelity digital double replacements) then you will have to spend a tremendous amount of resources to pull it off. And just throwing money at it isn't enough either, it takes rare talent with lots of experience. About the only film that's ever convincingly passed the uncanny valley for a realistic human character that had lots of screen time was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. For the first 52 minutes of the film there were no live shots of Brad Pitt. It was all digital double head replacement. And the vfx team spent a fortune on pulling this aspect of the film off too (>US$60M of the total production budget).
Making flippant appeals to 'oh it's not that big a deal' to any problem never makes it go away. It will literally be at least a couple of decades before the Real Doll approach even begins to climb out of the Uncanny Valley.
These are not the dolls I desire.
are flat chested realdolls legal
there is a point at which the tits are too big
I'd love to, call me when they cost less than a fucking car and we'll talk.
Hyper-realism isn't necessarily the goal. Plenty of cartoonish anime sex dolls out there. However Realdoll does pretty well with the hyper-realism IMO.
Obviously somebody doesn't find them uncanny because the customers wallet doesn't lie. Eye-of-the-beholder carries a grain of truth. Land whales will keep trying to stretch that truth wide enough to accommodate their fat ugly asses but that's not a reason to toss it out altogether.
Heh, be interesting to find out what the percentage of these things wind up in the proverbial trash heap after just a couple of months. All a good snake oil salesman needs is a smooth pitch and mobility. The fools will do the rest.
if I spend 10k on a glorified onahole I'm going to use that shit until it's worn down to the skeleton.
You have no clue how people value objects do you?
You can get an excellent doll for $2K.
i dunno, it looks pretty good to me
To expand on this user, $2000 is probably the equivalent of a year of dating 3dpd, between all the going out to eat, movies, gifts, and generally her owning your wallet.
The vast majority look shockingly bad and uncanny.
This is the only one that gets the pass from me
Shit taste
You can kidnap someone for free, you only have to feed them gruel and water, they can never run away, and when they get too old they're edible.
But user that requires responsibility and maintenance, and they yell at you and hurt your feelins so you have to get aggressive with them.
Where can I get the one in OP's pics? Those are really nice looking ones. Can you put batteries in them or plug them up so they warm up?
Not sure where you'd get an exact one, I do know you could get one custom built to look like it though
The founder also started a seperate website for their AI and sexbot developing adventures
Functioning sex bots (in the sense it has a brain and can talk, not straddle you and walk) are in prototype stage, 2020 is gonna be a good year
Polite sage for double post, if you'd want it to warm up you'll have to just do with an onahole warmer.
OP pic is Asian maker, RealDolls look like crack whores.
Girls are mean
Excellent! Realbotix is taking the approach they actually should be taking.
Problem is they're still wasting their time on the animatronic head which they believe will cost ~$10,000. This can all be simulated with VR/AR. They should be focusing their R&D on a robot that gets on all fours when you tell it to. Positioning it yourself kind of spoils the illusion I imagine
Bathtub should work
Nice find. Let's make r34 great again.
HAH. I don't know where you're from pal but one of these vampires can suck more than that out of you in just a week with ease.
The idea these will be collectibles anytime prior to 30 or 40 years from now is laughable, and then simply as reminders of the quaint beginnings of things. How's that old silicone holding up for ya there pal?
pretty neat tbh
What? A jerky mechanical head with out-of-sync lips and cringeworthy sweet talk, all for $10K plus tax, plus shipping & handling, plus the price of the sex doll body? No thanks dude.
With VR she can look however you want and be way more fluid. Users could purchase and download new faces. Realbotix could even host user-created content and compensate users whenever someone purchases one of the faces they created. It's way more flexible every way you look at it.
Great idea. But why do we even need realbotix? Any open sauce venue would serve tbh. I laughed when I saw they had a donate button on the site. For a commercial product! Fuckin jews.
Op here
Thanks to the anons that took the time to post comments.
I thought it might generate some interesting feedback and it did.
I have had my share of real pussy. Having said that I have seen these dolls get progressively better over the years and would give one of them a go just to see what it was like.
Maybe like the one user said "in a brothel" type situation.
Buying one would be a different story.
The clean-up would cause me to be reluctant to use it, I think. About like having to talk
to a 3DPD right after dropping a load in her.
pedo shit
We'll eventually reach that level but it requires open standards and methodologies that don't exist yet. The companies have to pioneer this in their own walled gardens first. I'm certain they will draw upon user created content in various ways: graphic artists, voice actors, etc. They'd be crazy not to. How else could they afford the human resources and development hours to produce A.I. personalities that could pass a Turing Test?
meep meep you're a fucking autistic faggot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA meep meep
Diden't some company made a Lera B one a while back?
At this level they aren't good enough yet, but once we get some basic robotics into them, and the designers finally wake up and start focusing on the right areas and make it cartoony instead of uncanny valley, we'll have something that does all the good things biocunts do and none of the bad.
This. I don't see how these are so expensive anyway. Surely these companies realize their market would expand exponentially if they sold at a more reasonable price.
Yeah but if you don't like dead, soulless eyes then you're out of luck with biowomen as well. You're fucked either way.
Once they get the robotics to a level where it can flush out its own cunt, they would be a lot more practical. We've had toy dolls that can drink and pee for decades, sold to little girls. Just take that and have the "pee" come from the back of the vagina to flush it out. The owner just sits it on the toilet first. Really, I don't get why they don't do this already. It's not even a matter of robotics. However, I'd still hold off on them until they start installing robotic parts that can at least have it take a few positions and say some sexy lines in response to physical stimuli, which, again, are things that Toys R Us products have been doing for decades. So why don't we have this already?
That pic's style should be the norm for people who want more "realistic" type robots, instead of the things posted at the beginning of the thread. Of course I still think the other guy suggesting XJ-9 type things is probably a cheaper and more practical option, but this, though perhaps more expensive, is still a good option too, if you have a little more money. I'd buy one.
Another thing that would make them much more affordable, and practical from an energy usage standpoint if we're talking robots, is making them smaller. Lolibots are simply more practical.
Not like biowomen do things around the house either, so these are still better.
The number of buyers tells that obviously these things could be more desirable, though.
I disagree that VR/AR is the solution. I think it would be better to simply use simpler but more cartoony robots. You could give the thing simple LED arrays for eyes like an old electronic scoreboard, and it would work just fine as long as you made it cute. The only parts that need to be close to realistic are the holes and maybe the boobs, because you're touching them a lot, and VR/AR can't help with that anyway.
did I say I wanted anything to do 3DPD?
Their prices are awfully steep.
It's another way of bridging the technological gap, same as the really cartoony bots. I imagine it will be an extra feature regardless. Someone gets tired of the way their bot looks, just put on the AR goggles and she has a whole new look. Plus it opens up possibilities for user-generated content which could travel upstream and be incorporated into new bot designs.
Another thing that could be solved by making them cartoony. I have a near 4 foot Darth Vader figure that I got for like five bucks at a thrift store. Granted, for a waifu I would want somewhat stronger materials, but the point is that if you're not trying to go for photorealism, you can use different, cheaper materials, not to mention it would simply be easier to design. Hell, you could make it out of plastic and only have certain important parts feel like skin. Frankly, I could make do so long as all the lips and cheeks felt like skin. The rest could all be hard plastic and I'd tolerate it, so long as it were cute.
Good point. Actually, I think the right answer is some combination of you're idea and a modified fleshlight that works in that way. This area of waifu's body will surely see a lot of action and wear and will need easily replaceable 'cartridges', a la Tengas, etc, to swap out occasionally. By having the ability to use already established de facto 'standards' of a fleshlight, we avoid the type of vendor lock in greedy shills like this guy suggest.
Well the actual fleshlight itself shouldn't need any real tech in it. I don't see how anyone could stop people from just making their own vagina cartridges with a 3D printer or something. Even if you had it self cleaning, that would just involve the cartridge connecting to some sort of faucet inside the robot, which again could be easily done with a 3D printer.
Oh yeah absolutely. I'm simply thinking ahead to how I want my robot waifu to work. I want her to clean her own party up, like any female should. But certainly you're idea is a sound one user.
wow. this is really taking pathetic to a whole new level.
You're roastie flaps take ugly to a whole new low.
You have a dick
.t homo
would that it were, that would make make a total of one between us. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I would think they would at least have to talk, move for you to feel as if your value is threatened
Glad you place so much value in what i have to say bb dole. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
the man defended himself with the spear, and the woman defended herself with the man.
The reason the man did this is because his and her biology made him disposable, meaning he had to find value in be defending her.
It isn't I who consider you of any value, but the general male population does, and that is what is being threatened.
the general male population became completely disposable with the invention of IVF and the dildo. you only exist as a source of manual labor. you are the one's that should really be concerned about the development of robotics destroying what little value you have.
males have always been disposable, that is why we are bigger, stronger, and smarter. We had to be in order to pass on our genes, women not so much.
to replace men 100% you would have to an ASI that cared about women, an army of robot slaves able every job a human can that means they would have to have AGI for each and everyone of them and an robot army for the army and police. You also have a method of reproduction parthenogenesis has never been recorded in mammals
to replace women we would need a AGI robot that make a man think it is loves them, and is able help raise small children, and do shit around the house and see pic for our reproduction
also consider the fact that men can do fine with women, and would make your replacement, if women did get the technology to replace men, women won't. At most they will cry about it, and run to the government.
Where will you get all you're things from if we were gone? You can't do a thing on you're own, and you're robogigolo won't be giving you any money.
Tits or GTFO
must be nice to live in a fantasy world.
implying there would be any need for military or law enforcement in the absence of you raging lift monkeys.
don;t worry sweetheart. AI and robotics is almost at the point that it will replace you in the tedious tasks we set you to slave for us.
you first bb dole. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
back at ya
Don't worry you dumb cunt. As one of the men developing this shit, I can assure you you're options are about to become quite limited.
good boy. don't forget to put aside that part of your pay check for your special someone as you craft your own replacement.
But I'm not suggesting vendor lock-in. I said we'll eventually reach the level of open standards. If engineers and software developers want to come together and create an open standard proposal for sexbots, I don't have much hope that it's going to be adopted by anyone right now. The industry is too new and there are too many unknowns. The vendors have to pioneer the concept so that we have something to work with first. It's unavoidable.
Secondly we aren't even talking about the same thing. I was talking about a standard for user generated AR/VR content to enhance the sex-bot experience. Sure there are certain defacto standards: fleshlights are based off of the size of the human penis so they'll be pretty "standardized" anyway. Other things will have to be worked out and standardized as they develop.
Don't worry sweetheart. Big daddy guvmint will buy you one of these.
well, this 3DPD has given up
nothing to do now
i think that one is targeted at the kind of guys who post here. women tend to prefer a less effeminate man.
I will never be out of work. How about you? Once the pussy card is no longer in service where will you turn?
oh you! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nah, now you're thinking about traps. That's your other rival replacement btw. I'm gonna have fun watching all this go down.
You live in a fantasy. Turn off the idiot box and lay down the cream puffs.
Every work force should be and will be replaced with AI
i have nothing against the gays but i think you might have some issues convincing normal men to turn gay because you want to eliminate the need for women.
Psst I'm a trap and I can't tell you how many "straight men" wanna fuck me. Most of which are either married or have girlfriends. You just seem like a retarded triggered roastie toastie to me.
You just said women are only needed for sex..
appropriate quotation marks there boy.
reading comprehension. get some.
Oh I do have some, I was just pointing it out. Btw learn how to start a sentence with a capital letter.
Just gonna leave this here.
this is true, but women will be replaced before it happens
jeas. time to stop posting and get to your English class boys.
proof? I bet you don't even have a feminine penis.
Nobody is trying to eliminate the need for women. Women have turned so narcissistic and entitled, plus the legal system has turned so gynocentric, that men are being driven away from women. They don't need convincing.
I suspect that sexbots will be the replacement they settle on in the long run. But I still encounter the whole "trans" idea now and then in MGTOW circles. It's hard to get a sense of how common this is because men would rather admit to having a sex bot than sleeping with trannies.
You, tits & timestamp or else you're a man.
You, feminine penis* & timestamp or else you're not trans
There's a category we call moebots that are between 5cm - 15cm in size. We can pack basically all the same AI capacity we would in the full sized units, since they both use the same SBCs.
Actually, my incomes pretty much go entirely to me and whatever frivolous pastimes I currently enjoy. Savings and retirement are the only things I need to 'put aside' anything for heh.
Not that it will work really, but yes, there's an entire subgroup with this as the explicit goal. Genetics comes alongside advanced robotics in their scenario to provide artificial wombs & eggs.
For everyone stating that "AI will replace all the jobs" is simply false. AI can only go so far without a physical presence. It takes many things to make animatronics and all of this requires energy to do. Organic life is easy to maintain on earth because it has been set up to do just that. It's cheaper in resources as of now to just breed more people to fill a job. In order to make a robot do the same thing requires much more energy and the resources required must be synthesized and extracted from the planet. AI and robotics would be much more suited for development in space since resource extraction from asteroids would be simpler for a machine since they would not need to design themselves along an organic design like they would need to do on earth.
Man develops means for survival. If women are not helping man survive then they will be disregarded and replaced. This is how mankind has gotten to where we are now with developing means to aid in survival, its that simple. Don't underestimate men's basic instincts.
Yeah but how am I supposed to fuck a robot that small? I figure it needs to be at least a couple feet tall. And yeah, that's harder, which is why it's so absurd to keep focusing on 5+ foot adult size robots. It's possible, but it's gonna be a lot more expensive.
That's why they are called MoeBots, they're not for the sexual, just for the cyoots.
Lolibots are the next scale up. starting at .66 M.
You have to go
No you do.
(not either of those two anons)
if they can't have a real guy of their own, I doubt that most women will ever generally want more than a vibrator, TBH
if (when!) there is male sexdolls/bots, the people buying them will be guys still trying to pretend that they're straight
Women crave emotional gibs, and they need men to either provide money directly for them, or prop them up with a scenario designed to hand it to them as tokens in the name of muh_equalities.
So, since androids can neither provide emotional gibs nor money to these vampires, I expect you're correct user.
I knew it was too good to be true
those legs can be yours for just $4999.99, goy!
no, goy don't listen to this jew
I need to you go after a real woman so at best I can make you a slave in the family court, or at worst my brother gets to tax you more, because you have to work more in order to provide your family
Oh SNAP! Now I'm just mad cuz you're stylin on me.
can they move yet?
Holy shit, not bad. Would pay top dollar for
MGTOW isn't about being a victim, that's the woman's mental disorder.
MGTOW is about taking power back from society and living life on our terms. If we want to fuck thots, we do. If we prefer prostitutes, or fapping to 2D, we will. If we don't want kids, fine. If we do want kids, there's surrogacy or adoption. It's all about power and choice, rabbi.
WANT! Can these be taken on an airplane for travel/relocation???
Looks better than the real thing, plus they don't talk.
Artificial wombs, when?
Artificial wombs won't work
But it's okay, no need to get greedy. Women are still going to loose the power that sex gives them and you're going to see a major shift in sexual politics. Motherhood will be the only power they have left, and that could be a good thing when you think about it. The only exception will be the relatively few women who really are strong & independant, and those women generally aren't feminists anyway because they don't carry a victim mentality.
FYI researchers don't publish anything until they have some ground breaking new work. If they tried to publish everything they are doing it would become costly. Artificial wombs are still being heavily researched.
I live in the epicenter of where "strong independent women" are made and once they hit the wall they destroy themselves. Women where never made to be alone and when they become alone and not part of a social circle they start to destroy themselves.
The one in plaid looks good.
That tiny waist and huge drooping tits killed it for me.
And who will control the artificial wombs? It would be to child birth what Monsanto is to food: the corporate take-over of biology.
man, we dont even need advanced AI. All we need is one of these models to clean itself and the reproduction rate will drop to zero.
Can one of you facefuck one and post a vid?
This doll looks better
You live in a fantasy world m80. There are no honest women.
Your porn-fu is not strong, user
the only problem with the artificial wombs is we can't operate on first trimester embryos yet, literally the biggest problem
haha that cat face. you know he wants to kill that shit bird.
you must contribute to the caturday thread this weekend user.
I probably won't
If we outsource birthing to technology it will be controlled by those who control the technology you fucking dolt! Even if artificial wombs could be made to work you don't fucking want them. That's Brave New World shit!
Women are as good or as bad as the situation allows. Give them the opportunity to have their dick and eat it too (ride the cock carousel when they're young & hot, settle down with a beta provider after they hit the wall) and they will ride Chad's dick & expect you to "man up" and pay for it all.
Sandman has the right idea. You either need to take away female choice (through arranged marriages, slut shaming, etc) or you need to eliminate male competition. That means flooding the sexual market with a surplus of females (sexbots) in order to lower the value of pussy. Women will treat men like human beings once they can no longer take male attention for granted.
it will help with men not caring about 3DPD anymore, and make them able to not let 3DPD destroy civilization.
besides artificial wombs will allow more control over your offspring
Sexbots will already do that. Artificial wombs are just over-egging the pudding.
sexbots aren't there yet
they need AI, and to be able to move
if you're cool with a doll, that is great, I am happy for you, but I need mine to talk, and be able to do shit
for now is "do what I say, or you hate women, so you won't get sex" after sexbots get to a good enough level, then it will be "do what I say or you hate women, and none will reproduce with you" wouldn't put it passed them to try to use it to get sexbots banned
3DPD use their reproduction to get men to take care of them, and do shit for them, and it needs to be taken away from them, and put in the hands of men, who care about their civilization.
youre deleting pictures of short dolls now?
good try capto delo
why would somebody make a love doll that looks like and is dressed like some thot whore. you spent thousands of dollars for a piece of ass you could have gotten for real by just giving her some weed and cheap vodka?
owning is better then renting in most thing
not with 3DPD, but that is because of the 3DPD themselves, with a doll you get the best of both
Dolls won't accuse you of rape for their own personal gain afterwards.
have fun in jail get'n raped
because drama
because rape allegations
because VD
because child support
and (I suspect) a lot of guys aren't really social enough to tolerate a woman around much of the time.
there is a instinctive dichotomy between the sexes, in that women tend to be more social than men
so while women are off with their female friends, men tend to be either alone, or looking at other women
each wants someone of the opposite sex who "acts like them" much of the time, but the only people who really do that are people who are gay… but that doesn't work either. because traps are gay, and so are you if you go for one.
they're getting better but sex dolls still come off as corpse-fucking to me tho. no sale.
I don't understand why they don't have self cleaning models yet. We've had dolls that could pee being sold to little girls for decades. Just put the same thing here only it comes from the back of the vagina, where the cervix would be. Then all you have to do to clean it is put it on the toilet.
I'd rather trust those people rather than trusting women. Also eventually you'll get homebrew artificial wombs. Once the patent expires, or if we get a few different sources making machines that do the same end result, we'll be set.
This. The social effects of waifubots will be so great that it may make artificial wombs less needed. Still needed, but perhaps less so.
Have the AI acknowledge it's a robot. If you just make it nice enough to say some sexy lines when you fuck it, that will make it good enough to sell to a wider market and thus fund better tech. Same with if you just make it move enough to do some sex positions and provide a bit of resistance for this purpose. Not being able to walk sucks, but put the thing in a wheelchair. Good enough. Hell, you can put extra tech in the wheelchair, like battery packs or even some of the actual computers to run the thing.
They already are trying to do it. But you can't stop the march of technology. Still, there will be too many scabs breaking the anti-reproduction picket lines because they want the companionship that they used to take for granted.
All the other people replying to this post are missing the point. If they simply stopped trying to make dolls look like gross sluts, and instead look like cute waifus, they would become much more desirable and sell much more, thus funding better tech for better waifus.
I am talking blade runner AI. AGI, something that can trick me into thinking it cares about me
maybe, but I am still going to hold off
nah, mate, i am talking when sexbots become so good that the top 20% of men go for a sexbot over 3DPD.
now it is just some fat, ugly 3DPD, but I am talking normal to 10/10 3DPD being mad over them
But it doesn't need to be at that level to be a desirable product. One step at a time. Do the best with what you have, that will sell better than if you don't do the best with what you have. Those sales will fund further research and tech improvements, which will make better products and more sales.
I can deal with being alone, and I'm a poor, low IQ NEET, so what do you want from me?
anyway, if you can make an AGI that can trick men into thinking that it cares about them, and even loves them, that shit will sell so fast the market will collapse by not be able to meet demand
that is a problem with males, they want to be useful to something that loves them, so the fast you give them good AI the better
I think you're thinking it's too hard a sell. It's not. The reason they don't sell now is because they're absurdly expensive and all look like sluts.
You can go down to Toys R Us and find tons of robots, even ones with rudimentary bipedal movement, for a couple dozen dollars at most. Now, what we're talking about would probably still sell for a couple hundred, but there's no reason they need to be several thousand like they are now. Take a damn Toys R' Us robot, one of the larger models, make it look like a waifu, and stick a fleshlight in there, connected to a basic bladder for urination/cleaning, which you can already find in a bunch of other toys at the store. Add in some sensors to the fleshlight and sexy lines that it says when you fuck it. Even with these modifications, there's no reason this need be more than like $200, tops. Now you could make it better, sure, but the point is to make it marketable, which will fund better tech, which will of course first be seen on higher end models, but there needs to be a large market first. And there could be, if they were just smart about it.
the reason they don't sell well is because of the cost, they don't move, and if they do have AI, it is very narrow
them looking like sluts are due to people paying for them asking for them to look that way
okay, you do that, bro
I'm looking forward to buying a real-pony doll.
If they actually made products people wanted, people would buy them. They're marketing to the "60 year old millionaire" market instead of the "neckbeard weeb" market, which is much larger, and is known to spend their income on things like this. They make terrible marketing decisions.
If I had the means to manufacture these things I would. Unfortunately, this kind of startup costs money, and the people with money are too stupid to do it right.
I'm not saying to literally cobble together things from different toys, but I am saying the tech is there in modern toys. And that's what these should be marketed and priced as. At least for lower end models. There's no reason we couldn't be building far better sexbots than we have now for far less money than they currently cost. All the tech is already there at the toy store.
I agree
I disagree, sure things could be better, but not to that point
I'm not saying it needs to be that good. That's the thing. You can use artistic decisions to make up for where the tech is currently lacking. I mean tell me which one of these steps can't be done.
I don't see what part of this is impossible, or even particularly expensive. Certainly not on the level of the slutdolls they're selling now. Now, I'm not saying it's the best thing ever, but I'm sure it would sell a hell of a lot better than what we have now, and once that market is opened up, it will fund better and better robots. And there will always be higher end products that do have the cutting edge tech, but those shouldn't be the entire market, because it will necessarily be a very small market.
I don't know
I just want a robowaifu that can talk, walk, and feel nice
Yeah, obviously those things are all very desirable, but you have to understand that even just doing the best we can now, instead of not doing the best we can now, will bring us closer to the fully functional gynoid of your dreams. For now they'd be more like toys, and telling those toys will get the ball rolling. But if nobody is willing to give it that initial push, it will never go anywhere.
Plus, plenty of betas would buy what I'm describing right now, and they'll thus be less incentivized to be white knight faggots, which means women won't have as much attention from beta orbiters and will be more incentivized to treat men decently.
Who cares if they do? MGTOW doesn't care what women do or don't do already. Even more so after sexbots and artificial wombs are a thing.
as I said, I am poor, and stupid, so I don't have any money, and won't have any money
I really hope you're right about that, they are 90% of the problem
Unfortunately it is necessary to care because it is very difficult to live in the woods completely cut off from all society. The goal of MGTOW is to cut themselves off from the influence of women as much as possible, but doing that completely is near impossible.
Sure, me too. But you have a computer. A waifubot like I describe would probably be cheaper than the average computer, or maybe around the price of a video game console, if it were a particularly good model. You could likely afford that. And if not, well more people buying these more desirable models would drive down the cost of not just these particular products, but also of the better tech that they'd be funding.
I am posting from my xbox 360's in built web browser
You literally don't need women for anything in order to survive or to be happy. Learn and internalize this deeply and you will at last be free.
I am posting this from my Sega™ Dreamcast™ using the official Dreamcast™ Broadand Adapter.
Well then I hope the robowaifu revolution helps with the white knights and woman problems. Maybe then we can create a society that takes care of people like you like they take care of women like you, who don't have to worry about poverty because of all the government and social assistance they get.
I didn't say anything contradicting this. All I said was that, unfortunately, women intrude on our lives. They exert influence over society, and it is near impossibly difficult to completely remove oneself from society.
I'm posting this from my Game Gear using the TV Tuner plugged into my Dreamcast using a dial-up connection.
no beta uprising
we just need them to be indifferent to 3DPD
big if true
umm no
I do hope for an end to white knights, but not for a society that takes care of people like me, because you know what you'll get? Niggers, you'll get niggers
So you argue niggers are just women with penises? Are niggers just a form of trap?
Give it time. Eventually, there will be MGTOW only communities, if not nations, in the future.
There will be men building a higher civilization, with their AI waifus and their fully red-pilled children forging a better future free of the evils of feminism.
When you speak of their children, are they genetically engineered to only be male? See the girls raised under this system may well be fixed and actually become valuable members of society, if they were actually raised right. But then the society would cease to be MGTOW, wouldn't it? Though of course the core ideals would live on, but they wouldn't actually be "going their own way" anymore.
You raise an important issue. My guess is that there will be both male only MGTOW cultures and hybrid cultures that are MGTOW dominated, but with red-pilled, MGTOW-raised females participating in the society. Arranged marriages will probably become a thing again.
not as bad a 3DPD, they won't vote for the collapse of their society, but they are stupid, and entitled, and stupid, entitled 'people' will steal from working people directly or via government
no, they won't
what is wrong with 3DPD is on the gene level, and unless you're willing to change that, you're not going to fix anything
I don't think the nature v nurture argument can ever come down to merely one side. But even if it could, we could genetically engineer them in this scenario. Artificial wombs are already a given, too.
men need some genetic engineering as well
The difference is that men will freely admit this and will do whatever is necessary to improve themselves, whereas roasties will never own their failings but will always blame men and play the victim.
it is too bad they won't get a choice
I personally think that this is very overstated. If only I could raise my own loli in isolation from gynocentric society, I bet I could teach her to be a good person. If only…
Leave it in your fantasies, user. IRL it will never happen.
you could, but the day you move into a gynocentric society, is the day she gets as 3DPD as a 3DPD that has lived her whole life in that society
don't really consider that fixed
Naw, because she'd already be taught to actually have empathy, including for men, which is the core trait that the majority of 3DPD lack, because they are specifically taught from birth that the world revolves around them, and that men are all evil oppressors anyway.
you can't learn empathy
you have it or you don't, and a 3DPD having empathy for men would have been evolutionary disadvantage, and thus wouldn't be something 3DPD are capable of.
the only way to control a 3DPD is fear, either fear that you'll punish her for for fucking you over, but fear of starving to death without you there to provide for her.
This. Psychopathy is a proven genetic trait and it seems to occur with more frequency with the XX chromosome gender.
No, they are fundamentally incapable of honesty. It has been wired into their spiritual 'DNA' so to speak, since the fall.
This. An user said earlier ITT what we need are waifubots, not slutbots. He was right.
(((those people))) are the ones behind the cuntification of women anyway.
As if the law would allow you to grow babies in a vat in your home. Lets have home brewed pharmaceuticals and home brewed nuclear reactors while we're at it
All owned by the same (((people))), just like all the "different" media companies
Really? These aren't "waifu" enough for your refined, discriminating ass?
Like fuck! Reproduction will be the only thing they have left to offer, and that comes with an expiry date after which they can only pump out autism babies. They need to convince men to reproduce with them, not the other way around. And as already mentioned there will be plenty of scabs anyway once women have to put actual effort into attracting men.
>(((those people))) are the ones behind the cuntification of women anyway.
they are a bad influence, but you give (((them))) to much credit.
womyn aren't called the vaginal jew for nothing. remember, that in every culture, womyn are conniving and trying to influence their men and their societies. the slow drip of societal corruption comes from them. they simply want society to become shaped into something that gives them free license to exercise their vilest instincts.
you may not have intended it, but your post was a soft-gloved white knighting.
stop it.
I disagree. Or if I did buy this, I'd still argue that you can learn to lose your empathy. A person can certainly be taught to be selfish, and to disregard others, especially if those others are taught to be completely alien and also evil, as women are taught to think of men as being.
>(((those people))) are the ones behind the cuntification of women anyway.
Women have been cunts throughout practically all of history in practically every society.
The second amendment guarantees my right to homebrew nuclear weapons.
Also, a society where women have lost their power is a society with more freedom, since women and white knights are typically the ones pushing for practically every type of prohibition.
>All owned by the same (((people))), just like all the "different" media companies
Those media companies are falling apart now and they're only getting extra terrible because they know they're dying and are in their death throes. Technology solved that problem and it will solve others.
Nope. They're uncanny. Should be going for cartoonish looks to get around the uncanny valley. Very simple solution. Don't make it look like regular 3DPD. Regular 3DPD are sluts.
can someone recommend a decent doll for under $500?
a sock with eye buttons and lipstick
Not that user, but I agree with you basically. Maybe someday the ability to totally robotically recreate real females will be possible, but we are a long way off. These pieces of expensive-ass foam rubber aren't even remotely there.
The first company focused on licensing already well-loved 2D female characters and turning them into very well done robowaifus with great AI and voices will make a literal fortune.
put a wig on a vacuum cleaner.
then you don't understand what 3DPD are, or the implications their place in reproduction has
and yes, empathy can be lost, that is what a sociopath is, however that is more to deal with something, 3DPD have nothing to do deal with, besides their own boredom
Hell even the ancient Greeks knew that women were socialist nation wreckers. Ever read Assemblywomen in highschool? Yes women have to be kept in check, either by taking away their choices or eliminating male competition like I've said. Probably some combination of both.
I have never considered MGTOW as a permanent state of being but as a necessary tactic under current social conditions (riding that fucking tiger). The idea that we're going to make women biologically redundant and have all children born male is folly. A fetus' connection to the mother influences its development. Like this video mentioned , experiments with artificial wombs produced animals that had no facial features, plus other deformities.
Then there's the nurturing of children. You think you can do this with robots too? "Humans" portrays what I'd expect to happen under that social experiment
Good point. Maybe I've been making assumptions based on the way government behaves under the gynocentric nanny state, which wouldn't apply once the value of pussy plummets. It'll be interesting to see what happens once cuck politicians have been disincentivised from licking women's cornholes.
Actually I missed your point, didn't I? (((They))) aren't the full reason for women's cuntification, but they certainly stoke it for their own purposes and it's something to keep in mind when considering how you're going to react to it. Make sure your reaction isn't one that was planned out for you in advance by (((someone else))). Artificial womb technology is too easily usurped by the state so I draw the line on Brave New World scenarios like that. We don't need this in order to smash gynocentrism.
This would obviously be the best business model, but of course it's gonna be tough convincing media companies to license their characters for this until the medium takes off. But until then, we can still use various cartoony styles in the robots. But for some reason these are very rare, even though they'd get around the uncanny valley. The people in charge just have no idea what they're doing. They have the means, but they use them to make the worst dolls and robots possible.
Just because the tech isn't there yet doesn't mean it will never get there.
Men can do this better anyway. All women have is breastfeeding, but that's easy to get around if people were incentivized.
I think robowaifus social effects may well mitigate the need for robowaifus, but not entirely. If we can change the social environment, we might not need to remove mothers from the equation quite as much. But it's still a technology worth exploring for many reasons, not the least of which being the implication that a womb is only one option for reproduction.
What is a loli and what isn't a loli when it comes to this market? Isn't the demarcation too subjective to be enforceable?
Nope. All it takes is a judges ruling and you're fucked. It doesn't matter that there are twenty-somethings out there who could easily pass for minors. Post-wall bitches hate the fact that men prefer the late teen - early twenties demographic. I've seen them express their disgust on feminist forums about it and they would be chomping at the bit to see men incarcerated for their preference of really young-looking women.
That makes as little sense as sentencing someone for bestiality for fucking a piece of silicone shaped like an animal.
That's where augmented reality comes in.
See there's tons of r34 digital video porn.
They get away with it via fair use and parody. Since augmented reality is the future of porn videos you want proof? prove me wrong then the same rules would apply. You'll be able to get augmented reality versions of any character you want, put on the goggles and have their image super-imposed over your sexbot while you're fucking it.
I imagine that this will evolve to a point where there's some kind of semi-official sort of licensing, with deniable plausibility built in, where media companies can profit from their characters getting r34'd.
Hmm, that's a clever idea digits. This could be an entire sub-industry for the robowaifu revolution tbh. Once a fuckable sexbot body is up and running, they would only need line up a number of VA whores for the speech part (until appealing voice synthesis gets good enough). The visual characterizations are already well within reach via computer animation. Interesting.
Even a motionless sex doll would be good enough as a start IMO. You just need something good enough to attract popular interest and fund R&D for more advanced technology. The medium would evolve along with the capability of sex robots. This "sub industry" would deal with the whole AI portion of things while sexbot companies would focus on the animatronics.
I think you're right. I'll be giving this some thought now.
Some fuel for your thoughts.
I looked at buying a Real Doll once to copy my ex-GF but they didn't make boobs that were big enough.
She was 5'10 with 32FF bra size.
Can you learn SYMPATHY though?
Here's an easy place to start
post them ready for missionary position pls!
you need empathy to be able to learn sympathy with another as in with someone, rather then for someone.
Sympathy without empathy is just thinking everyone is less then you.
Poor, poor woman. If only you weren't too stupid to actually bother reading the part that said "the women ate all their initial supplies, got drenched by tropical storms several times, were eaten alive by sand fleas and were generally miserable". I guess that's too hard for your dumb, short attention-spanned brain to handle. :(
Honestly, this talk of yours about men being irrelevant due to robotics is pretty fucking hilarious, considering that you women were never relevant in the first place. Women were always useless, and served for no other purpose than as breeding stock. You're nothing but a dumb animal completely at the whim of men, and your entire survival is dependent on us. You poor women would most likely be demolished and beaten down by nature, due to how weak and dumb you are. Just stop and look at your entire rhetoric about men being disposable for a second, cupcake. Isn't it fun how for you being the most un-disposable sex, your own sex is disposed of the most of nature? Who's really the disposable sex here when YOU are the weakest, dumbest, and most useless freeloading sex on this planet? That's right, YOU! Isn't this fun?
It's great how you think this is gonna benefit you in some way, but allow me to give you a nice reality slap. You may think that your uterus is the most (and only) valuable thing you have, and that our reproductive assets can be replaced, but I think you seem to be missing a really important detail. It goes absolutely both ways, and your uterus can be replaced. What does that mean for you anyways? Well, it means your entire sex useful for absolutely nothing, and that you are nothing but a burden. We men can actually do shit beyond reproduction that you women will ever dream of doing, so it's funny how you think this is going to make us men gone and irrelevant. Sweetie, if it's anyone who's gonna become irrelevant, useless, and replaced, it's gonna be you. By the time men are gone, the entire human race will be gone.
That's cute, darling, but it's obviously not all about you, you poor basic bitch. Your attempt to seem as if your in control of us is funny, but men have been the ones to run shit all through history. You don't seem to understand that your participation in this society is a privilege of yours that you take for granted, and you should be glad to even be allowed to vote since you're so fucking useless and didn't do much to build society. I mean, the only thing that you have close to control over men is your disposable pussy, which will fade away as you get old and look as ugly as your personality. But somehow, you think that when robotics replace your pussy, you will have MORE POWER? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mmmmh, but who's going to be there for you when another horrible, wretched, and ugly creature like yourself, but with more strength, preys on you? It's funny, because considering how cunty all of you women are, even you women can't put up with eachother! Yet, without men to keep the peace between you screaming, ugly harpies, you think you're gonna keep the peace and not try to kill eachother?
chillax bro. she was just a jelly fugly doing a driveby on the thread, not likely she'll ever see your post. We already know she was full of shit, no need to press the point tbh.
You can put a blindfold or two eye patches on the doll to make it less creepy.
I was kinda drunk when I made that post, so I decided to just BTFO her and humiliate her for everyone to see.
can they cook and bring beer?
Sadly in that regard they are as useful as modern women. At least for now.
not yet. but you can build robots that will cook and bring beer.
packing functional mechanics inside a sex doll is still quite a ways off I think.
its coming tho, as people are trying
Be careful of falling for this trap. Feminists claim women have been oppressed throughout history and that men have been in control, while men have died in massive numbers serving women, who have historically been a class of socially respected NEETs.
Women have always been in control. That's why things are so fucked.
bamp back inbounds.
Contribute something faggot. We've said pretty much everything there is to be said on this. Only thing left is to popularize it as a porn genre
Oh shit brahs! Interesting fucking times indeed.
A few problems, especially near the end of the article.
The article just finished talking about how these people demonize male sexuality. So no, only females are allowed to be as promiscuous as they like. This guy gets his hatred of promiscuity and his hatred of feminism mixed up and doesn't notice this contradiction.
They support sharia law because they are not progressive at all. They are incredibly regressive and very conservative, with their aforementioned hatred of sexuality, and their standing in the way of technology, which is the entire basis for the article.
The article he links to 404s, but I'm willing to bet, given their feminism, that their position on lolibots is actually just more feminist nonsense and not at all based on anything other than politics.
It's good to expose feminists standing in the way of waifubots, but this article has a lot of problems.
He's describing double-think. You gotta brush up on Orwell when you're attempting to understand feminist "thought".
I'm not sure I want to suffer my way through reading it tbh, but here's the working link
And once again another example of double-think since the left is pushing pedophilia and child sexualization. Read 1984. Listen to the audiobook on youtube. It's the Rosetta Stone for understanding feminist logic (such as it is).
No, because he claims the liberalism comes first. But it's not liberalism, it's leftism, which relatively recently has become very divorced from liberalism, and has become very socially conservative, hence the sharia.
And yes, I have read 1984 and think it should be mandatory in high schools, since it's the powers that be have essentially been using it as an instruction manual.
They treat it exactly the same as "robot rape," which they actually think is a real threat. So no, they are not promoting pedophilia. But still, you're a cuck for having a problem with lolibots. Classic "stop liking what I don't like." Also, it was feminists who introduced age of consent and have consistently pushed to increase it.
Fair enough. But tbqh, until sex dolls move and have appealing eyes I feel like I'm just watching some guy fapping for the camera. Pass.
What's the difference between liberalism and leftism anyway? I've never bothered distinguishing between them, even through I heard Geraldo Rivera call himself a liberal republican once. I thought he was just trying to be a special snowflake.
First, last, doesn't matter. It still has principles that conflict directly with feminism. To be fully feminist AND fully liberal requires doublethink. Feminists do say they believe in sexual freedom while at the same time saying that all heterosexual sex is rape. What's that if it's not double-think? Maybe he didn't realize that he was describing double-think but the very last sentence of the article proves it:
Anyone who can do that in full sincerity without a sense of cognitive dissonance is engaging in doublethink.
Do they? Who's trying to promote LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ ideas to children, and use sex-ed to teach them about every sexual fetish, and publishing shit like "I'm a Pedophile but I'm not a Monster"?
Maybe I've fallen into the same fallacy as the "robots will promote rape" assholes. I don't know. This whole issue is still too new to have any definite answers. I have no problem pissing off feminists since they're out to demonize normal male sexuality anyway. But when it comes to child sexbots and how that might affect attitudes towards children, well then I'm a lot more cautious.
There are ways we could explore the issue without having to dive into it head first. For example there are plenty of twenty-somethings who could pass for minors so there could also be sexbot characters who are presented as "twenty-something" who look really young for their age. We could start by studying the social effects of that first before we start making full-blown lolibots.
True, but how far back in history would you want to go?
"In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years while 10 states kept an age of consent at 12, and Delaware maintained its age of consent at seven years, having lowered it from 10 in 1871" – Wikipedo
To the beginning of history. The entire idea is simply a construct designed to stretch the shelf life of roasties. If a young woman is fertile, then she's ready to marry. If a man has established himself with a home and resources, then he is. Anything else is an unnatural, almost always feminist, construct not beneficial to the broader society.
Here then. Loose yourself into these eyes….
lolis are prepubescent by definition
This video was genius. Instead of trying to "get over" the uncanny it just dove right into it.
This one here is clever too
It could be a little triggly for feminists when you think about it: actual women acting like sex dolls. Cathleen Richardson would fucking short-circuit if she saw this one.
Actually, the term derives from the word Lolita. If you check the source of that word you'll find it did indeed refer to a very sexual, very pubescent female. And who said anything about lolis (the common chan meaning ofc) anyway? I said fertile young woman, not loli. Pubescent by definition.
A few anons have mentioned the term lolibot. Considering where we are I assumed they didn't mean Dolores Haze.
Any expression of male sexuality triggers them. If you like something, if you're ever happy, then a feminist somewhere is angry with you.
Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha haaaaa!
Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
heh heh heh ho ho ho ha ha haw haw haw haw haaaaaaa
I agree. Any scenario that ends with you getting laid is somehow problematic. Or at best dubious.
Heh I sure hope not. That is one fugly.
Look what's coming for Christmas. Self heating and self-lubricated.
Would be nice if TFM could get one of these and do an unboxing. It'll set you the fuck back though.
They also cost more than my car
They cannot walk
They don't make 32H breasts
checked. Actually at least one company is making moves in that direction. The wildly popular vocaloid Hatsune Miku for example, is apparently being licensed by Gatebox for their virtual home waifu flagship product. They also plainly mean to adopt other popular franchises for their platform.
Check these dubs
Male libido drives the world. Either companies will license their characters or the porn industry will find its own loopholes via parody and fair use. That, plus they make their own characters too like Zonetan. It even looks like they floated the idea of licensing Zonetan for television: