Why are faggots so compulsively obsessed with sex?
Asking as a faggot
Why are faggots so compulsively obsessed with sex?
Probably because everyone else is. Hedonism is a disease
It is because of the smell, OP.
In the deepest part of our psyche we love the smell of shit and associate it with love from getting our diapers changed as infants.
That is why we get along so well with matronly women, despite not being sexually attracted to them.
I would agree that hedonism is a major part of it, however, we ended up with the highest number of partners and highest STD rates, so does that mean we're naturally more hedonistic or sex-addicted?
sex is free and the most awesome thing you can do
Because you and they are carrying a behavior altering parasite that wants to spread to other hosts.
As a bottom, I most certainly agree
Interesting theory
Men, in general, are obsessed with sex, dummy. If it weren't for the constraints of women saying "no", heterosexuals would be just as promiscuous and "degenerate".
women sayng no… good one xD
if you count the time and effort people spend into it, it is definitely NOT free
maybe if you're stupid and/or poor as shit
thats a godly cock tho, post more
Indeed. I've been staring for a while now haha
Because despite what the media is telling you they are mentally ill.
As a faggot (not OP) i can honestly say most homosexuals actually accept that being gay is a mental illness on some subconscious level. If it was possible to "just be straight", i'd say most homos would do it, and the rest were pretending / prison gay in the first place.
OP here. I'm mostly the same way. I'm pretty sure i'm mentally ill. On the other hand, If I had the opportunity to "just be straight", I'm not sure I'd want to give up gay sex for that.
Probably because they define their identity by who they have sex with.
Because being gay is a fetish. Thats like asking why a dominatrix is obsessed with sex, its a fetish that they turn into a lifestyle
I guess i'm stupid
i coulda told you that
yeah you could've
The answer wold depend on how 'deeper in the rabitwhole' you want to go user, similar on how a so called Normie would see thing totally diferently from a fagget that claims to be redpilled, the answer lies on how much of the truth you can handle.
the same way morpheo claimed to be the redpill master on the matrix only to be revealed to be nothing but an expected pawn doing what he was told since the beguining from the architech.
Holla Forumsacks would want you to believe in their ultimate truth that everything that regarding sex that it is not straight on a misionary position with the purpose of procreation is degenerate sin
^This is a valid point of view that will generate a truthfull experience of feeling you are living in sin and will grant you the power to find evidence and fatcs everywhere to support it.
in the same way that if you beliebe that you can embrace the sex animal in you and have as much partners as you want will also be in the same level of validity and will also generate a feeling of aceptance that will grand opotunities to find evicence that support the idea.
is is how the holographic 3d world we have choicen lo live works, a lof of people waste entire lifetimes searching in the exterior world for some kind of confirmation of whatever they want to be true to be… well, true.
'The real deal' as one may say its that we literally… leterally, LITERALLY make our own reality and we interact with others for the purpose of contrast to generate new ideas to add to our list of add-on's on our personal reallity
this is part of what Socrates and Protagoras tried to said with the allegory of both the man in the cave and the soundless tree that falls in the woods with none one to ear it.
Mundanes, as /fringe/ likes to call both red and blue pilled fagges, trive to search forimpulses outside of themselves to react to as the whole world happening outside of them and wanting to join in desesperately, while the so called wizards understand that the world and the universe are nothing but a mirror that reflect you.
when you see your reflection and see that you are sad, you dont go there in the reflection and try to fix it, you understand that you need yo change yourself first and then the world/mirror wont have any fucking choice but to smile back, because thats the way it was programmed.
this was also adressed 'scientifically' on the Copernican revolution.
now wizards also understand that the base level of 'reality' its not math or logic, they are on the same level as feelings or emotions (and the only thing that separates is the ilussion of separation or lack of awareness on the self)
first, there must be a tought, then it forsm a belieft, that generates a feeling that ask for a more grounded experience and then generates the touch it, smeel it, see it reality that you can palm in physical reality.
so when you ask, Why are faggots so compulsivelly obsesses with sex i would return the question,
what do you belief that makes it look real that fags think of sex all the time?
is really no diferent than women assuming only men think of sex all the time (which ironically makes woman also think of men thinking sez all the time in a similar way to Y = X+Y in which Y is a woman having 1 thought of sex all day and X is a man thinking of sex 100 times a day so technically woman think of sex 101 times a day)
the same can be applied to staight think gay think of sex all the time.
of reasoning could be they also want to tibk of sex but need an scapegoat, or a permission slip
that just one belieft that can be valid if you choice to
another reasoning is that homosexual men and woman have technically outgrow their animal programming of an endless and meaningless cicle of reproduction for the sake of keeping the human race living and now want more comfort, so its just psychological evolution, similar to how some people see the 50's ideal work in a 9 to 5 embitterment as really shitty and would rather go autoempleyment.
thats another equialy valid belieft.
anotherone is that the jews have tainted us all with flouride which is on the same level that patriarchy secretly runs the world and constantly seeks to opress the goyim/woman and one of the tools is the propagation of sex obsessed men/liberal woman.
which again is another equally valid belieft
The fina question to you would be, if all the options are equialy valid, why do you choice to belief in what you belief? in wich ways if does benefit you and makes you more happier and wholesome user?
You only think so, because the only context you hear about someone's faggotry is when they want to talk about it.
What about all the faggots who you DON'T know are faggots and have other interests?
I don't know I'm really not. It's probably just because faggots are faggots.
why does my penis grow when I see the ass of another? There are some answers that shall only remain as questions, brother