shit happens
Be me
drink more
why kill braincells?
i don't think drinking permanenetly damages the brain
It doesn't.
That is just a rumor started by scientists who study the effects of alcohol on the brain.
very interesting
Your sample rate is too low, user. Ask 100 girls and you may get 10 positive responses. Ask 2 girls and there's just not enough there to work with, as far as stats. 1 out of 10, work with that ratio and get your numbers up. Then see what happens.
Also your success rate will be low in the beginning anyway. With the first 50 girls, maybe 2 will respond positively. From those you gain XP and your ratio will improve. The next 50 you ask might be 3-5. Then the next 100 may be 10-20, and so on as you naturally improve. You don't even have to try improving. Just the act of doing it will teach you subconsciously what females respond to, what they like to hear, etc.
Also many girls will 'test' the man who approaches them. They always say no, and if you the guy is 'man enough' to keep perusing her, then she has selected the strongest men and eliminated the weakest ones, who would give up on the first try. Girls do this ALL the time.
It actually wasn't like i looked bad or that i didn't have the confidence.
My friend talked to like 10 girls and all of them said they have bf.
Go tell your normie shit to zucc.
Just keep trying bro. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
The girls were testing him. Just because they say they have a bf doesn't mean they have a bf. They are saying is, "why should I choose you over another guy?"
So "I have a bf" is not a statement, it's a question. To answer that you need to make the case why they should choose you.
It's like going to a job interview. Them saying "you're not qualified" actually means, "tell us why you are qualified". Don't take no for an answer.
drinking doesnt kill braincells, retard. Brain cells do not regenerate, if some die, its for good. now just think of how much an average man drinks in his life. There would be no brain left after a few years. you have to cut off oxygen to the brain to kill the cells, that would require so much alcohol that youd die anyway. Jesus youre stupid.
oh also, report OP for being under 18.
OP you sound like you need to master the art of drinking. We've all made fools of ourselves while drunk, especially the first few times. Don't over think it. Shit happens. Just go out more often, and try to have a good time with your friends so you guys feel more comfortable in the party scene. Once that happens, then you can start trying to chat up girls.
You're inexperienced, and girls can sniff that out like dogs. just have a guy's night out and test your drinking limits. Let things happen naturally.
Oh, and don't stand in a circle in the club like a bunch of nerds.
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Hes really 34.
Can you actually DO that?
I thought that was a myth!