Anna best girl
Anna best girl
Fuck outta here, don't see you posting any better
your taste is horrible, though.
Try to post better
nothing wrong with my posts. sadly i can't say the same about yours.
Stop, you're gonna fucking hurt my feelings, you dick
okay. anna got me diamonds. post more
Alright, no problemo :^) thank you
Still best
Can't object to quints
She's also dead.
The best girls are always the most out of reach.
Move, cunts
What's it like being blind OP
Not bad, hbu?
Doin just fine. Thank you for posting best girl.
Good to hear! Hope you're putting to good use our extra hour! I know I am
Hope any lurkers are enjoying Best Girl :^)
I loved this girl. What was the series name again? When I watched, it was out only up to ep 4.
Shimoseka, unfortunately it won't be going past season one. But the manga is continuing
I planned to read the manga anyway. I've recently gotten back in manga. Read Dungeon meshi and enjoyed it greatly.
Ah cool, I'll check that shit out later
Well, that's the end of that for tonight, I know you guys enjoyed Best Girl. Talk to you niggers later.
Shimoneta had a good start and failed miserably before the first episode was finished, but the end of the third was outstanding, then it became pure cancer with the exception of cookies.
youre waifu is a shit and you should feel shit
N u
i have no idea what she is, but ive seen some hot clips that make me thing its not from anime, its from hentai
Anime, seriously.
she ded nao