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when do we get to nuke quebec and ontario?

It worked in Switzerland. It was heavily regulated by the government and only addicts could get it, for free, but it collapsed the market because of the lack of demand. And with no demand there was no supply meaning no new addicts.

also arent there plenty of legal drugs that are basically heroin chemically?

I think you mean addictions, not additions, OP.

Think of it like your adDICKtion to cocksucking.

i think your jericho 3 system already can cant it?

Sounds good to me

if you don't live there you deserve cancer

I honestly wish we could, but I don't want the fallout leaking into alberta

why the fuck would they use heroine when there's stronger, safer drugs that are already legal to use?

You can. Your Jericho 3 system can hit US and Canada. I think that's even obsolete now.

1st reply, right off the bat goes for the quebecer/ROC divide. you could not be more obvious even if you tried.

this was your reply.

Yeah, see…every fucking loser and shitskin on earth will head to Canada if they pass this.



everybody east of Alberta is a liberal shithole, there's no denying that


You mean paid for with my labour

Medical heroine. Not recreational.
We have medical weed dispensaries.


i was in toronto (someone needs to burn that city to the fucking ground) a couple months ago, apparently a day or tow after they raided every shop in town for selling edibles. Your medical is still heavily regulated, guarantee smack is gonna come back hard but at least if you can push it on your 1st nations faggots you can finally off them for good, natives love h

I agree, nuke Toronto and Montreal


It's a great idea to legalize drugs. See, you legalize it, sell it from a nice licensed store cheaper than the dealers, and once everyone switches to the licensed store you lace it with something lethal. IE how to solve the drug problem for good in less than 6 months, and make money doing it.

Also this. Please god go away.

Yeah, it's called death. Your weekend faggotry doesn't count as 'addiction', that's just degeneracy. Now be a good cuck and pay those taxes so some injun can stick a needle (which you also paid for) in his cock full of pure, golden triangle #4.


Canada needs to burn.

Nice anecdote

This is how I know people on the left still dont know shit.

Every fucking time, this dumbassery offends me.

Better than paying 200-1000 dollars for the X-Ray. That's before the cost of the cast.

Heroin is fucking great, even Hitler used it.
Drugs are just a way to pass the time. Ubermensch are able to use drugs to enhance their free time without it affecting their lives.

Freedomland here. I haven't paid a dime for any medical treatment in the last 4 years. It's called insurance, poorfag. Cheaper than taxes and hell your employer usually pays it. Even starbucks gives employee health insurance. You do have a job, don't you?

Hello, CIA.

my anecdote is commentary on your "medicinal" weed shops being still regulated rather heavily while heroin is allowed, it has relevance.

It's 200 with insurance.

Anecdotal evidence is junk. Thrown out instantly.

Well, we've got plenty of good Afghani poppy ready for harvest.

Way to go, Canada, eh?

nigger are you trying to defend the morality of your government legalizing medicinal heroin right now

Get better insurance. Your employer must not give a shit whether you die or not.

I have insurance, went to the emergency room because my heart stopped for some reason and I passed out. They didn't do shit in there but take some blood and sit me in a hospital bed for a couple hours. Got a $1000 bill the next week, the insurance paid like $7k or more. Medical care in the US is fucked. It's great if you're rich though, but it's fucked for the poor.

I'm telling you that an anecdote is not evidence.

Break your arm and get back to me.

A few buckaroos for an xray is nothing, I could pay that out of pocket because I'm good with budgeting.

I've been to the emergency room…not only did it take all of 5 minutes for them to see to me, but it cost me nothing at all.

I'd support "free" state-sponsored heroin if the stipulation were that you only get it if you're willing to take so much that it triggers a fatal overdose. Make them sign a legally binding DNR form right there when they take their last dosage.

Give me reasons why all drugs shouldn't be legal.

What could go wrong?

universal health care

More like jewniversal healthcare.

Scam the working people to pay for the whores and fags.


There is no reason. Drugs commit genocide on the degenerates FOR us. Legalize fucking Krokodil already.

Too easy to push onto children.

dude heroin lmao

Using the same logic, we should ban alcohol.

OP we had that thread 2 weeks ago, fuck yourself with your bullshit.

Just like everything west of Nova Scotia is, your point being? Just learn to shut the fuck up D&C oil nigger.

Why not ban alcohol too?

Guess what, illegal drugs are more esaily accessible by children than legal ones. I've seen pot dealers in elementary schools and meth was as easy to get as candy in highschool. Prohibition clearly doesn't work and only serves to profit cartels and the CIA black budget.

But I said push onto children.
An adult could easily obtain and use heroin on a child.

Would that be so bad?

it's better than trying to shoot all the addicts, because cops don't train enough with firearms unless they're in U.S. nog towns

Temperance is only created by kikes who want us to fucking hate every single day of our life working as slaves.

They were pushed on children you fucking retard. I've not seen booze pushers though. The muh chillens argument is an empty one, dope is already massively pushed on children.

fuck off prudes, it's your own responsibility to not take harmful substances, not the governments.

If degenerates are physically prevented from their degeneracy, they get mad, but the mental disease within is not destroyed.
I wish normalfaggots had self control.

I just made that comment to see your reaction.

In any case, what I advocate is legalizing every drug and making it a health issue instead of a criminal issue.

That's the thing. Let degenerates die from their degeneracy. Can't have the willpower to abstain? Here, have some fun destroying yourself. Just don't expect people to pay for your medical bills afterwards though.

I agree. It's up to people to know how to not fuck themselves off. State-enforced puritan laws are a cancer in white society, address the nigger problem instead of trying to enforce a futile overexpensive drug war that only profits criminals and corrupt pieces of shit.

Holy fuck I need to move to Canada

Because prohibition was an utter failure, for one thing. Just like the war on drugs. And there is also value in personal freedom, though many moralfags on Holla Forums seem to think otherwise.

What kind of fucking argument is that? An adult can easily use his dick on a child too.

Ban penises 2017

So by your logic making such an act illegal would only make people do it more so we should make it legal?

Because the laws of a country are representative of the country's values. I understand where you're coming from though. "Oh judge! Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them." – Ammon Hennacy

I think Canada has crossed the threshold.

Canada will remove the age of consent next year.

Surely nothing bad will come of this. Surely.

I could see patients in Hospice care but not fucking junkies.
If I was dying from Cancer,I'd take it.

Burgers are the most easily manipulable cattle. The jews chose well.

This ignores rate so its basically a useless statistic. There are probably multiple times more users of prescription opioids than heroin

That wasn't the "logic" of my post, rather that "muh children" is just a stupid thing to bring up. Also prohibition didn't make people drink more as far as I know, so your argument doesn't even work on your own terms.

Feminism is the reason why the aoc was raised to 18 (21 in some places) in the first place. Withered cunts would never allow pedophilia to be legalized outright, though implicit acceptance of female pedos in the same manner as weed usage is another thing.

The laws of a country are representative of the country's values, and I believe personal choice and responsibility for one's own decisions are important values to represent.

meme it