He's had thirteen kids with some very beautiful women
They're set up well because he has so much money - some of them are following him into the drugs business, which is where loads of money is to be made
So basically he's winning in life, right? Fine, he has to go to prison (before he inevitably escapes again), but that's a small price to pay for having a fantastic life
Why follow the law if it doesn't benefit you
Joseph Thomas
"Sociopath" just means "person doing things I don't like"
It doesn't matter HOW you win in life, all that matters is that you win
I.e., have lots of kids who can inherit the Earth
David Howard
Carter Reyes
So you don't have an argument?
You're just a little bitch who's too scared to face the truth?
Aiden Roberts
Christopher James
He's got thirteen kids, with supermodels and shit
You don't have any
He has won and you are a jealous little bitch
Camden Jenkins
hes in a maximum security superjail in solitary confinement. yep, he sure won.
Xavier Miller
1. He's had thirteen kids with supermodels - yes he has won 2. If you're not willing to put in the legwork to succeed - whatever it takes - then you're a faggot
Enjoy being a homosexual, you fucking homo
Blake Martin
OP, do we need to post some gore videos to show you what cartels do to their rivals? You are on thin fucking ice whenever you become and drug dealer and part of a gang/cartel in Central/South America. Life is cheap to these guys. Mommy, little sis, everybody can go.
David Robinson
I get that, and El Chapo has had one of his sons killed I believe, but he still has a ton of kids, so surely some of them will survive
Hudson Rogers
He won't escape again. He escaped from Mexican prisons, because Mexico is corrupt, and his associates were able to bribe enough guards and/or prison administrators to look the other way. That's not going to happen in the U.S., especially since they're aware of his escapes.
He's going to live the rest of his life in a U.S. prison, probably in a secure housing unit, with very little communication with the outside world. Hopefully getting to fuck supermodels for a few years will tide him over for the next 30-40 years of celibacy.
Oliver Scott
Who cares? He has a legacy - what's your legacy? Have you left 13 kids on this Earth?
When you're dead the only thing that will matter is whether you've spread your seed, and how far - so why do you give a fuck about imprisonment?
Are you saying you're too much of a pussy to do what it takes in order to succeed in spreading your seed?
Jack Reed
You don't have to be a rich drug lord to fuck lots of spics. In fact, 200 pesos is all you need.
Caleb Cox
Logan Campbell
You mad? Give the whore a 200 peso tip and she'll let you bareback and dump your load in her. You act like fucking and impregnating a thot is a yuge accomplishment. It's not. Except for a virgin larper like (You)
Brayden Johnson
Hahahaha you fucking faggot you sit on here all day while men are out there making bank and become WINNERS
You're just some fucking loser virgin who probably wanks to anime hahahahaha
Bentley Morales
project much? :^)
Blake Gomez
You're a faggot who's projecting onto me because you're such an insecure faggot, and you DON'T HAVE AN ARGUMENT against my main thesis
You literally have no argument
Besides "i'm too much of a whiny little fucking pussy to go out and win in the world like that"
That's your fucking bitch-ass "argument"
Lucas Clark
wew the projection is strong in (you)
Robert Hughes
lot of samefagging in this thread
Hudson Cox
all me
Jordan King
Im sure he wont stay long. He can just pay his way out with all that money he has.
Robert Howard
gets out again? lol! dude is probably ending up at supermax prison , the most secure prison on the planet , 100% chapo will die in jail
Thomas Wood
Justin Price
Cooper Martinez
yes, flooding the streets with meth and heroin is a great legacy. what a pillar of the community. im sure there is no correlation between spiking drug use and crime/murder rates.
Owen Brooks
SHIT, I could have my tripcode here.
This is such a nice place.
Lets do the work.
It's ok, OP.
I've been on drug trafficking five years ago. And I know this won't be easy to be El Chapo.
Like, he literally created the methods of chemically making crack. He paid for the first chemists todo so, and he has chosen the way it would make people more addicted into crack.
I mean, he is a real entrepreneur.
Welp, after I've left trafficking, I've opened a Company, and there where 7 years of work. Then, I've closed its doors. Now, I'm on engineering. and I'm about to open my first engineering firm. And I really work hard. Still, I think about moving to Wall Street, as soon as I hit some milions enough to have a relevant Private Banking firm.
I never liked the "killing methods". I didn't kill anyone in the process, that's why I've left trafficking. I was always cool. Have made some, and got off. I actually was a connector. So, I'm here. And I could answer any questions you may have.
Lincoln Barnes
Also about being a real entrepreneur on drug trafficking.
Like, I've been onto RC's also. And I've studied about creating chemicals.
Like, I never looked at drugs as if they were just drugs. Because, they're chemicals. Like every other drugs you buy. A ilegal drug, would never be my interest. I would rather have a popular legal drug cartel.
Like brazillian richest men, they own breweries fabrics. And alcohol in brazillian statistics kills more than fire-weapons, cancer, or any other things you would find.
Those guys have the money, have the law, and are far worse than Drug Trafficking guys.
So, I would rather make what Chapo did, and have the law at my side. Cause these guys have done it perfectly. Specially the ones of the breweries.
They're simply genius. That is.
Jonathan Butler
Yet all the money in the world cannot change the fact that he is and always will be a Mexican.
Jaxon Baker
How's the prison wifi, chap?
Xavier Howard
procreation is the biological definition of winning, lad
Jayden Sanchez
GG chapo you fucking cuck
Charles Martinez
user, do you want to commit a crime? Or are you jealous of people who have the balls to actually do shit? You realize that a life of drug crime exposes you to having your hands cut off and your throat cut, right? You also realize that most criminals cannot amass an empire like El Chapo, right? It'd be like expecting to become the next Bill Gates by working at Radio Shack.
Nicholas Richardson
That is actually a good question, but i would do it the other way round, i would first go to prison to make friends there.
Levi Flores
Liam Collins
Because I'm not a fucking degenerate. I don't need a shitload of money and neither do I need to fuck supermodels to feel good and powerful. All I've ever needed is a computer and internet connection and that's pretty much it. What's the point of having a trillion dollars if you can't spend that money?
Aiden Davis
Why fuck supermodels, they are fucking skinny flat chested boyish women. I would rather fuck the really juicy stuff.
And to add: El capos face looks like he invented brutality.
Angel Perry
Because I don't live in a third world shithole where you can just pay the cops to let you leave after you fucking murder someone or distribute a shitload of drugs.
Carter Gutierrez
This. If we're going with your definition of "lotsa kids = winner" then any schmuck that's donated sperm is potentially a bigger winner. Hell, most Africans probably beat this fucker simply because they don't know when to stop fucking.