No idea why nobody posted this yet.
It starts at 1:41
Have a bump, it's pretty good.
Do you have any versions that start properly for saving?
Nobody posted it because it's e-celeb shit. E-celebs do not belong on Holla Forums, regardless of how much you like them.
Serious question: where do I find the other episodes on jewtube in HD?
fuck off with your shitty e celeb worship
no one gives a shit
Watch your mouth you large nosed kikels. If you watched the fucking thing before running your jewish newfag mouths, you'd be in shock at what the man managed to air on television.
I swear you shills will start calling Adolph an e-celeb one of these days.
Fuck off Shlomo, Sam is One true servant of KEK.
Sam looks fatter. C'mon Sam, get back to the gym and get that diet in check.
I have a feeling this is imkampfy. He (assuming) made a similar post in the last MDE thread before bumplocking it. Expect an anchor soon.
Pretty good episode. Thanks to all for uploading them.
once you're on tv you're just a celebrity, no matter how Z-list
thanks OP
Because we all eatched it last night together live… thanks for teoosting though im sure many havent seen it.
Because he is a homosexualist, O.P.
Hell is forever!
A lot funnier than the last. Had a bit about race. Good stuff.
He's the one e-celeb that's one of us and doesn't just pander to us for shekels. Like the yellow toothed girl who shall not be named and Milo faggopolis.
Redpilled like the Tap Water skit.
He been eatin too many goobas
Did you missed the part where he names the jew?
He went after
Doubt he will get a season 2 after that episode. It's ckear sam is one of us though unlike other people who claim to be "alt-right" Sam is 100% Holla Forumstard. Here's a tweet from him last night.
He actually did it.
at 11:30
unrelated pepe in a sam hyde thread. my bad.
everyone should draw a pepe though.
one a day.
Upside down dove before the gay kids skit.
CN shoahed them. That's why everyone always tells you newfags to archive everything.
You're trying too hard.
Because the mods love the fucking bumplock function here. They do it for free.
old thread
here you go user. this one is just for you.
This episode was the only one I didn't funny whatsoever. Not even a smirk.
Bet you have them real friends, huh.
The kids wanting to emulate their mothers at the end was sad because it is true. Very depressing ending.
Helicopter flying across the screen before that
it was very good
gtfo therealmoonman
this episode was great
You bastard. Is it flipping me off?
Right on, my (((pure ayran brothers)))!!!!
We need to keep
free from all of this e-celeb cancer. (((Everyone))) around here knows that Hitler was the first e-celeb, with his broadcasting speeches on the radio and stuff.
But seriously folks, if you can't tell that 95% of the bitching about "e-celebs" isn't genuine by now…
These guys work in teams
not you specifically. i just felt compelled to have him giving the middle finger. i hope you like it user.
peace symbol turned on it's head…death?
I want to listen to Sam's death metal band
Such CRINGE!!!. Sometimes funny, sometimes insightful and in that sense, it's a good start. As such I hope it comes back, but it's yet to reach the level for which it's being praised.
be specific or fuck off
Or just a fucked-up way of bringing peace. Now, is it the globalist world peace or Million Dollar Extreme's world peace that is fucked up and upside down?
Holla Forums autism, everyone
Gold. This is one of the best episodes yet.
You're a fucking idiot. KYS
The mods only want us talking about kosher-approved (((mainstream media))) personalities.
They're posted on adultswim, you fucking mongs. Also, if you want the fucking show to continue, might be smart to give your rating to the actual show, not a bootleg.
Have you ever considered that World Peace doesn't exist to cater to your narrow definition of "funny", you fucking autist?
of course
You forget you like that Sam isnt even mainstream, he worked on projects on YouTube for fucking years before even considering a TV show.
Is the pay really that bad over there that they keep cutting the clever shills who do research and higher actual retards?
Sounds like hypergamy doesn't it?
Goddamn, I almost teared up.
So this was the last episode, huh? I guess that's why they went light on the humor and heavy on the red pills. I'll be amazed if adult swim gives them another season.
Hey kike….fucking kill yourself please
dubs confirms
The upside down dove is somewhat mirroring the original peace symbol, but much less subtle in its meaning. It feels more in-your-face since it's such a blatant reversal.
The original peace symbol is a life rune turned upside down, meaning death.
That only works if you have TV. Most young folks don't these days.
Hey Sam, tell Weev the anti-Weev wants a piece of him archive.4plebs.org
But how will he locate you if you're a torfag, torfag?
Yeah, my mistake. See that now. I actually have cable but their site is so shit, i'm still not being allowed to watch. I have to go to comcast directly.
So yeah, I take it all back, if they want to be fucking retards about it, pirate away, anons.
Not even young normalfags?
Reference to estrogen and other chemicals in shampoo/body cleansing products?
The MDE team probably has a shitload of contracts preventing them from "leaking" anything. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did anyway without drawing attention to it.
Even them. Pretty much the only young people that have TV these days are the ones who just wanna watch sports. The rest use Netflix and the internet for everything. TV is dying, at least in the US. Much like the radio did.
Good. Can't happen soon enough.
It's not Holla Forums, it's shills. Is a raven in an eagle's nest an eagle? No. So lurk more before you post about "Holla Forums autism"
You showed up late to the party moshe, either that, or you're trying to be crafty and waiting a minute or two for others to comment first.
The mods are generally fully onboard with the sentiment. Check how many threads about "ecelebs" get locked or autosaged. Maybe you should "lurk more".
The future of the west.
I'll call the first skit World Peace. They saved it for last. That's (((their))) World Peace and we don't want it.
But it's being replaced with Netflix and the like, which are arguably even worse. Their original series are all cucked beyond belief.
It broke and laughed hard
Shows that eugenics can be used to pozz humanity, if this done as (((they))) perceive, instead of improving it
It calls out how infancy and home-affairs emasculated, full of Marxist koolaid and anti-white bullshit
The episode from last week I feel is still the best episode of the season, but the finale is probably the second best and by far the most redpilled. You can tell they went all out with the last episode.
The show itself has gotten pretty good ratings too so I expect the boys to get the green light for a second season, unless the kikes decide to shut it down.
How are you doing, Joe Kikestain?
unfortunately, it is the present in many places
Season 2?
Honestly my favorite episode overall. I loved the first skit which straight up drops white genocide. The cuckold/genX one was great too. It wasn't necessarily as funny as some of the other episodes, but the redpills were strong. Heres hoping they get another season.
Not sure if that's a good thing. "Redpills" are useless if they only preach to the choir. The worst thing to do is to hammer away on "the message" at the expense of humour, and this episode may have gone slightly too far in that direction.
MDE is brilliant.
shut ya mouf
most cancerous meme on Holla Forums
Honestly this is very obvious about the series.
Most of all of the sketches are about how (((they))) are trying to achieve world piece.
some of them are more subtle, like the scene where rick(?) trips sam's "girlfriend"
And some are just redpills about how to really achieve world peace
Fuck off moonman, you intolerable cunt.
Just saying there's a correlation between your 'muh PR' post and the fact that it's your first post. Felt I didn't need to write a full post explaining it. Either way, fuck off with your PR cuckery.
They did, but then the mods stuck it on autosage because they're compromised kike agents.
I agree with you, for what it's worth
We are well aware that the mods themselves are generally speaking our enemies. The sometimes do right by us by coincidence, but they also adamantly try to stop any redpills leaking out of the board because then we might wake up normalfags and that is unacceptable to them.
This episode was probably the best one yet. It was jammed fucking packed.
How the fuck is this on cable television? How is Trump winning this election? What universe am I in? How the fuck is a frog meme being attacked by a presidential candidate? If you told me 4 years ago that this would be my reality I would have scoffed.
Either the berenstein or the berenstain universe
We all came from the Berenstein universe. We're here to make the Berenstain universe great again.
brilliant analysis, this is my impression too.
Possible redpill right after that line, when the white kid's mom called him back inside for supper, and then the camera lingered on the black kid – no parents calling him back inside.
I thought that one was more how numales will never do shit, even if their gf is assaulted.
So what you're telling me is that Sam Hyde is the true leader of the Alt-Right?
Pretty sure it means fuck peace, that this is not the age for feel-good "peace" and "let's all get along" rhetoric.
Anyone know who the girl was on the boy band sketch? Just some random whore?
Mabey it will eventually become shortwave radio tier.
Consisting of nothing but religious, mexican, and conspiracy stations.
How do we find out if the show succeeded in redpilling normies?
This shit is hilariously spot on
I don't know if I'm happier for the redpill dispensing or Sam Hyde hopefully normalizing Vaporwave/Synth in general.
It's a lot of both.
The target here is not normies, but other content makers.
It's fair to assume that [as] has a larger than average audience that has an artistic bent. It's nice if normies get red pilled collaterally, but you have twitter and youtube for your run of the mill normie. A true cultural shift to the right has a much higher chance to occur from such outlets as [as].
We'll know if this show was a success when we see more red pilled shows and art in mainstream consciousness (not necessarily on TalmudVision).
probably a better word than normalizing.
Wish they let him keep his logo.
I thought AS audience was all just stoner losers?
If you think my post was PR you are sorely mistaken. The problem is if you're too obvious with your ideological shilling it shuts people who don't agree with said ideology right off before the actual content actually seeps in. Think of something like the "White Genocide" Stormfront copypasta, I doubt any liberal has ever been swayed by that thing because its just too hamfisted and obvious. On the other side of the spectrum, think of SNL-tier humour or MSNBC, only real faggots can stand that shit.
In the same manner I was raising the point that just because Holla Forumsacks like the show because it aligns to their biases and has subtle 'nods' towards us doesn't mean other people actually enjoy it. And if the show goes too far and turns off the bluepills, it's not very useful. Even worse, if it goes too far and the (((execs))) don't like it then that means no season 2, no reruns, no more redpilling.
I'm from the countryside and have not consumed mass media in quite a long time.
This makes me a bit confused about that segment where they kick furniture while wearing retarded getups and talking about degenerate shit.
What's that about? Is that a reference to something?
idk, I assumed that sketch was making fun of fraternity bros (specifically from new england)
You are literally describing PR, but I'll address your post.
The problem with MSNBC's and other liberal outlets' hamfisted shilling of their ideology is not necessarily the hamfistedness itself, but the ideology. We're not going to reach everyone. Some people cannot accept certain basic truths, and those people need no convincing.
The second issue is that being too indirect with your ideology could have the opposite effect and make you look slimy. Just take your dick out and let others be the judge.
A big part of our propaganda's strength is the sheer intensity of it. Diluting it will only turn us into the alt-right and it will make our message easier to coopt.
As for the execs shutting it down, there's nothing you can do about that except cuck down to them. Fuck that.
I laughed so hard at that bit. It just goes to show you how fucking retarded Xcore bands are.
This episode was overhanded with redpill.. I think Sammy knew there was a good chance he wouldn't get a season 2, and decided to slam as many redpills onto live television as possible. Good shit nontheless.
Is this even a question?
It's subversive as fuck, in the right direction for a change.
It avoids triggering the defense mechanisms of their indoctrination by never outright attacking the doctrines or making any kind of overt statement. Instead, it camouflages itself as more of the same, flying in under their radar while instilling disgust and dropping nuggets of doubt.
The point isn't red pilling. The point is subverting, shifting their internal overton window and thereby making them more susceptible to red pills later.
Well you could call anything propaganda related PR so I suppose you are right on that first point.
Then we shouldn't just spam literal NSDAP propaganda shouldn't we, can't get more intense than that. I'm sure any redditor who sees this shit will go "wtf I love adolf now."
If Sam Hyde's sketches were full "GAS THE KIKES" with swastikas everywhere rather than being as subtle as most of them are he never would've gotten picked up by Adult Swim. It's not as black as white as you are making it out to be. As pointed out this is about subversion more than anything, and subversion needs to be relatively subtle or else it is ineffective.
I raugh at yoo.
I think we're good, guys.
I was just watching One Punch Man on [as] and they showed an ad for world peace.
Maybe the kikes at CN actually understand where the political winds are shifting.
Sam's style has always been about subversiveness, it's nothing new to WP. Most of his videos are subtle, and some are outright red pill rape videos.
My point was that he should not refrain from dropping as many redpills as he likes, in his own style. In my opinion, he can be hamfisted with it, and it would still work.
Also, do not discredit outright NSDAP promotion. Normies love that shit and at first they will think you're joking if you go full 1488 on them. As an user above said, it shifts their internal overton window, prepping them for more easily digestible red pills later on.
The window is far more right than you think right now, and normies that are browsing cuckchan are raining redpills on twitter like it's nothing. I've met a full natsoc lass and asked her if she was a Holla Forumsack. She said no, to my surprise. I asked her where she got her 1488 from, and she said twitter and youtube.
meant to add
Idk enough of us, being so used to /po/ and chan culture, realize how great MDE Presents: World Peace is. Sam is the first pseudo-mainstream comedian to drop redpills like that. I mean, he's essentially packaging blatant redpills in comedy and force feeding normalfags them. Comedy is better than statistics, reasoning, logic or the most autistically detailed post for redpilling normies. Sam is a hero, and obviously an agent of Kek.
MDE is the Agent of Kek
Thank you Sam, you will live on with moonman, Ben Garrison and others in our memes
dude, I'm telling you
Sam's the real leader of the Alt-Right.
I don't even think Comedy Central realizes it yet. A lot of stuff he references are inside jokes on imageboards and the like. I bet when they realize it, they will be forced to shut it down, sadly.
Does anyone have a link to Episode 5? I missed it.
The creative people on the show might know something about the memes. The execs high up have no fucking idea and could give a shit less. If some little cringing liberal intern comes in and tells them sam hyde is racist memes on the computer the exec will ask his lawyer if its a problem and if its not the intern will get shitcanned. Knowing this the intern will keep his beta mouth shut.
Lost the first post, gotta take you and your shills over to a new thread . If you get first post there, you can post.
Fuck off Joestein.
I really am surprised that World Peace got such good ratings, but that's awesome. Great finale, probably my second-favorite after last week's episode with the cop killer skit. Hope there's a second season.
They are definitely going to re-run it at least once so it should get one. I think [as] are more nihilistic than leftist kikes. opportunists.
Did anyone else see the words lawrence taylor appear in the first sketch?
This was the lamest episode so far.
That last segment with the boys was good propaganda.
The cup throwing thing got me to giggle.
The whole thing was good propaganda.
You guys are too jaded.
This was easily the funniest so far.
conservative arts
liberal arts weren't always a dirty word, they carried aristocratic distinction, education worthy only of a free man
Bad, but everyone should make at least 1 pepe for lord KEK
IF you're going TO improve….. DO MORE THAN A FEW TAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you but I want to write for you because fucking hell, it's hard to watch the end of your show and see those boys say and do nothing. It's not fucking youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUck Tim and Eric!
You're still the best improve show out there
They certainly managed to subvert it lately. We need a good term to describe our media.
Nationalist Arts
Shut the fuck up chump I guarantee you're a shit writer.
Anna Ross, apparently.
Nondegenerate art. Western arts. High art.
Shit, is that a allusion to Peter Coffin in the HyperGenX skit?
World peace is a metaphor for Social Justice.
Sam "The Holohoax never Happened but it Should Have" is trolling Jew media and the snow flake society we have now.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at the tragicomedy.
Oh Rabbi, what a big nose you have.
Glad to hear they aren't ruined yet
Oh Rabbi, what long payot you have.
Oh Rabbi, what a nice tallit you have.
Artist phase Hitler probably would have scoffed if you told him he'd start a world war, but here we are
Nice to know the "Hell is forever" g-y is a kike shill tbh
Thanks Sam
It's on TV. What do you want? Clearly an effort is being made to reach a wider audience, even if no one's watching.
NO… I'm really really good. That's why I hate life so fucking much.
I even had a screenplay stolen and made into an award winning film (they won because of my concepts, not their shit drafts!!!!!!! kil kill killl killl all that oppose my greatness!@)
lurk more
anyone knows what's the censored word?
The episode was called
Based Sam tbh
Sam's page has only one thing written on his "Did You Know?" section
So this episode is loaded with red-pills and basically everything is really funny and dark but this guy's face during the short music video really cracked me up. Who the fuck is he?
That's andrew ruse, he's from Thanks Computer
He's on the Tap Water skit also.
So it appears it is the last episode until/if it gets renewed for season 2.
So far, great show that can get a lot better over time. I definately dig it and its funny enough for normies to enjoy.
Episodes 1-4 were amazing. Episode 5 sucked, episode 6 was meh.
My favoirite sketches were the ones about pick up artists, the wall show, and the how to make tap water sketch.
Agreed. The how to make tap water had my normie friends rolling on the floor
I've also seen him credited as the director for at least one World Peace episode
Oh, I get it now. In the World Peace skit they start by saying:
That would tie with the Aurora shooter's symbol: a one (one people), tied by the infinity symbol (united) inside a circle (the world).
In that World Peace everyone is weak, they just don't want to be bullied and everybody is a special snowflake that can't be hurt. It's the SJW World Peace and there's no space for white people there:
Last quote is:
So, World Peace is represented by the Aurora Symbol which means violence and carnage hidden under a facade of compassion and victimhood but the ones that built civilization (white men) must go because they're oppressing everyone.
He also appears on some MDE's videos. Check Papa Genos and Sam's contest.
This, a reversed ALGIZ precisely
Not everyone lives in the US, retard.
You know lads, I think therealmoonman needs to pick up a package.
Remember to wear your uniform when you deliver.
Also, discretion is encouraged.
Reported for e-celeb bullshit. Reminder that Sam is a faggot.
Because everything outside of this board is KIKED!
Thanks for bumping
It's like they get so triggered they forget to.
sup charls
it's called art
the other drivel is marxist cancer
They were kicking (((lamps)))!
But he's a real celeb now.
He's on TV. :^)
How is this legal? kek
>looks like your wife is out of the oven
They are going all out now.
is it just me or did the ending seem pretty heavy?
it was an entire skit about his wife's son. I laughed my ass off.
That oven joke was pushing the bar though :^)
He should have called them "deplorables". Every SJW who heard about it probably would have spontaneously combusted!
he also learned how maintaining political ambiguity in the face of (((them))) is s strength.
Too subtle, needs to be more direct.
Nitrodubs checkem
That look she gives you when Chad comes up to talk to her after you already bought her 2 drinks
All six episodes in one video
Nah. I like the way they did it. The subtlety allowed them to get away with more, plus smart people will get it anyway
Offtopic but what happened to that mlp dating game? I faintly remember the horse fuckers getting ass ravaged and making tl;dr about being scammed.
You pretty much summed it up.
It's both.
You've got merkel doing the tripping and then denying it, and the numale who does nothing about it and simply lets himself be convinced in order to preserve "peace".
Here's a snack for you, Malachi
What are the actual odds of it getting a second season? Whatever the ratings I just don't think it's happening. The Jewry is scared of it, not full panic scared but scared.
get the ball, bud
Just start a Twitter campaign. #WPS2OrWeRiot
@ 2:45 there is a super brief easter egg of what Sam wrote on his cup:
Crossdressing _addict
They censored a word, any idea what it says?
"Wyatt time for dinner!"
Dude, the first season is getting at least one re-run. I saw ads for it while watching their fucking anime block this week. Everything's just fine.
If they were just gonna bury this, they wouldn't still be advertising it with "Fridays at x time" and running the ads regularly, which they are.
I really do believe [as] can see the shift in the political winds.
Niggers. Sports niggers. Degenerate parties full of drugs, booze, sex, and destruction of property because niggers think that's fun. BLM riots are like a trip to the amusement park to them.
I think there's a connection between the skit about the gambling dad at episode 4 and the cop killer skit in episode 5.
Gambling dad says "Can't win if you don't play, that's what I tell my son." Then his son tells the prison guard "Can't win if you don't play, you know?"
The absent father created a son that is disconnected from reality and gambled his life away at prison because that's the only thing it was taught to him.
speaking of that skit
was this the chick who played Walt's wife in breaking bad?
Nah, but they look alike.
practically identical
Best episode yet I'd say. Tbh been slightly disappointed with the others, not bad, but not amazing. Some better shit before like Terry Rimmer.
I thought this episode sucked. I liked Nitro Dubs and David Duke better.
Cross-dressing cum addict.
Some of my other favorites from that skit:
Rice calculator
Cow flaps
Tub girl
best episode yet
So I was just thinking.
And this would be great publicity for Sam.
He should go on the Alex Jones show.
That gif hnng
My ex's tits were like them man I miss em
Showed this and the Mike Brown skit to my baby-boomer father, he's a #SamMissile now
looks like CUM-ADDICT
I'm pretty sure he was white, but with a tan matey.
Also, I really need a webm of that first skit.
That skit was pure gold. The way it mocked "muh social movement touchy feely millenial nonsense" all the while shitting on fags and talking about white genosice was brilliant.
He was named chigger.
His name may have been chigger, but he was no nigger.
You mean Mr. Shit-King Shit-Pussy?
but he's "a little bit brown"
I missed the last episode. Was the sound recording of the people screaming aired? If so does anybody know where it's from?
Kek, (((Veronica Rothman)))'s white knights missed the first post.
Fuck, we should just go full hebrew and promise a bunch of furfags on kikestarter something like this and scam them. Anyone know how to get money over the internet without directly linking yourself to it?
Oh look….(((imkampfy))) bumplocked the thread
He's the show's director; Sam has attributed most of the credit for the show's unique look to him.
My favourite was "Tim Roth", just because that's exactly what I thought myself as soon as I saw her.
Concerta, ADHD drug
Get a fake ID and social security card, set up a bank account, send the money there. Then withdraw it into COLD HARD CASH and never come back.
Sam Hyde is a closet case pedo