Hungary to aid persecuted Christians

Hungary established a government department concerned with aiding Christian refugees and raising awareness about persecuted Christians. Discuss.

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If they want to accept Christian refugees, they should only accept light skinned ones. Otherwise, mudslimes will pretend to follow Jesus.

We shouldn't help any of them.

Pro-Christian is Anti-White

So Christcuckery will now enable shitskins to come in EE countries? They'll probably just pretend they're christcucks to gain rapefugee status anyway.

Christcuckery is the enemy of Europe and must be uprooted just like marxism.

Many middle-easterners are effectively white. Those are the ones who should be helped.

pisstianity is middle eastern semitic cult based on the torah.

christianity denies jews to be a race.

What does "effectively white" mean? Some mongrel who looks lighter than the other shitskins? And where does it say that they will only take those who are "effectively white"? It says they will take care of christcucks, and christcucks are majority shitskin.
This is a shitty news because the "alternative" or the "right wing" way will now be to take in christcuck shitskins instead of mudslime ones. And shitskin can easily just say that they're christcucks and gain rapefugee status in these countries.

Gas yourself you fucking shitskin.

Persians are white but there are very few that haven't been polluted by arab rape over the centuries. That's not to mention that Persians converting to Christianity, a jewish religion is disgusting in every aspect. Persians should abandon Islam and return to Zoroastrianism the religion of their fathers, they should also purge the arabs.


they better be south african refugees

Still better than muslims.


Well there are some tribes of people in the mountains and shit in North Africa and the middle east who are completely secluded and weren't raped by arabs so they're still white.

They're less than 3% of the total population in those areas though.

I really hope so. What's with that petition to get them to Europe from year ago or so?

Yeah I know about the Persians, if ZOG central wouldn't fuck them up, Iran would be as muslim country now as mine is christian.

DEUS VULT means sucking subhuman's feet now you autistic larper.

Eastern Europe showing its superiority to the mudslime ass kissing West. No surprise it infuriates the anti-Christ fedoras.

It'll never get anywhere, the South African government doesn't allow the white population to leave anymore unless they manage to buy their way out

where boers belong is in the netherlands, not in eastern europe

The West is functionally dead. All it can do is impotently lash out.


I'd still rather take them over shitskin christcucks. If Hungary means to import these christians in their country, that's the same shit as importing muslims, because they are both shitskins.
The way I see it is that the West is importing muslim shitskins while the East will start importing christian shitskins (who are probably muslim anyway). Whatever happens, I don't like this one bit.

sounds like cuckoldry to me

Western Europe, yes. I think some Christian remnants will survive in America, though, especially in the South. Trump is probably going to delay a split, but hopefully in that time he'll deport a lot of mudslimes and other undesirables. Chances are good that he'll make friends with Eastern Europe.

Hungary will be fully based when it begins importing white, rh negative people from the sand-niggeristan

Aid is good. Middle Eastern Christians are the most based people on the planet, and for the most part they're staying and fighting for their home against Zionist and Wahhabi subhumans.

Have you guys ever considered, that it would be smarter to move all of the right wing / far right people into 1 nation, and then build it up into an insane super power, and wipe out the rest of the world?

I mean, how could that be a bad idea? There's literally zero risk.

That's the attitude that led to the rise of Islam.

you mean like the USA

fuck off kike. no shitskins allowed. KILL THEM ALL

Yea. It has all the guns, and a population of very based people. We just need to make them militant.

I'm assuming Hungarian aid to refugees won't mean permanent resettlement. Unlike the decadent West, Christians in the middle east actually have a strong attachment to their homeland and culture.


A lot of the refugees back in 2015 were Christians and Hungary prevented them from coming over the border and built a wall along it's Southern Border. My best guess (and I pray that this is the case), is that Hungary WONT accept Christian refugees but help them in their OWN homelands to provide protection or financially aid certain groups like Hezbollah who have protected Christians.

As long as they're just sending aid abroad, not letting shitskinned levantine filth into their countries.

if they are true christians they:

a) wont want to stay or become citizens but realize the help is temporary and that they will have to go back
b) would rather work (even at sustenance/slavery levels) than take gibs, as a matter of honor

tbh youre going to have trouble finding a true middle eastern christian who is going to up and leave their homelands of thousands of years because of yet another muslim chimp out.


I'm having trouble finding a real christian that is nationalist as well.

I bet you're the kind of retard who thinks race is just skin-deep. A light-skinned Middle Easterner is still a Middle Easterner.

They may be "white"-looking, as in have a common ancestor with modern Europeans, but they most definitely are not "white" in the traditional meaning of the word, which refers to anyone belonging to an indigenous European population.

No, being a cuck is a sin for christians, the christian way is stopping war, send them to home and build school, churches and farms.

From what I've seen of haplogroups the only indigenous Europeans are from Yugoslavia and Scandinavia.

All European ethnic groups have remained pretty much unchanged since pre-classical European history during the migration periods.

If its to help them regain their ground, why not ?
They should keep it only with humanitarian support, not let them in, since it would just benefit Muslims gain more ground in the long run.

how could they even determine this

Genetic testing of the various European ethnic groups and seeing how much foreign DNA is present, and whether the genetic makeup matches that of ancient European settlers.

Modern Europeans are primarily comprised of three early settling populations. The neolithic farmers, the North-Western Hunter-gatherers, and later the yamnaya culture.

Crossing my fingers this means minimal aid to nonwhite Christians elsewhere in the world, in order to both get the EU off their back and also undermine Islam.

Anything else is cuck-tier.


Christcuckery is the kike backdoor in any "right wing" movement, and no government that is officially backing it can be truly based.

And by Middle Easterners you mean Israel? :>)

Correct. Christianity is a codeword for white genocide.

You just dismissed all fascist/nationalist European movements in favor of esoteric LARPing. Well played, Shlomo.

I can tell you for a fact that most European nationalists don't care about christcuckoldry. They just know they need to pay lip service to it, but they would rather not.

Pick one

I wish Hungary fucked over the Turks more back in the day

Ignored post, sorry for being a self checker, but pol is so filled with shills and edgy kids right now that all threads are derailed.

Christianity and nationalism are not compatible Chaim.

And most "fascist/nationalist" European movements are controlled opposition anyway

This is it.

Hungary is the true saviour of the white race.

How can Russia even compete?

Anyone notice the amygdala hijacks when Christianity is mentioned got more frequent and intense since the pagans left and the power vacuum was replaced by something else?

I wonder who could be behind this.

Then why Byzantium survived 1000 years from the ashes of the kitos war and muslim conquests?

Read a book, seriously, Torquemada and Luther will stop beating each other to beat the crap out of you.

You Christians are literally kikes, your thought patterns are identical.

Byzantium didn't survive long enough obviously. Because it was poz'd multiculti empire.

I've worked with a bunch of Egyptian and Assyrian Christians.
They were rather white and had an incredibly good work ethic. I wouldn't mind at all having more of them in my country.

That didnt happen.

No, from the beggining, christians believe in an afterlife and talmudist no/not exactly, kikes are more like atheists.

Stop smoking that crap please.

Yeah, we should just bomb the shit out of them.
Fuck you. You are either a simpleton, a kike or a leftist. Fuck you.












Like this.



Without that "jewish fairytale", how great are they now, innately?

Thought patterns are not beliefs user. They are behavioral/reasoning patterns.

And here is the example.

Swapping one jewish fairytale with another is no different. You are trying to force your shitty jewish poison as the only possible religion and the only possible alternative to materialistic nihilism

You can't even state what your beliefs are in the first place.

So we have had a status quo for two Millenia?

Bad interpretations created by your shitty formatting and grammar are a problem that only you can fix, wouldn't you say?
How's high school English class, champ?

We are meant to be paragons for mankind, to show God to the ungodly. We are to do it via Logos, our reason.
We are meant to retrieve mankind to God, for mankind has lost its way and severed the connection to the divine. As a spearhead for this rebellion are the jews, those with the older covenant that was fulfilled.

Sin is what separates us from God, and we are to avoid it- purge it if possible.

Would you mind pointing out the mistake that would cause someone to wrongly interpret what i wrote?

And you could fit pretty much any belief in what you wrote, just change the definition of god and what is considered to be a "sin" . It's a typical cultist brainwashing program, and has absolutely nothing to do with reason.

Ah, you want an algorithm.
How'd that approach work for the kikes and the Muslims?

We already know the good. We already know the evil. Yet we still do it. We have to stop it. We must instead do good. We must be perfect. Of course, this means that a single error will doom us - but we must still go on.


I appreciated the initial civility, so I'll turn down the shitposting and explain.

Don't start sentences with because, but the rest of the second statement is fine. The first part, though, is the issue. It reads like:
Which isn't what you were trying to say. Especially given the last user you spoke to said it lasted a thousand years, it makes you seem retarded. If you instead rephrased to:
It makes it clear you're saying that they fell before their time.
Ultimately it all comes down to a bad use of "didn't" with "long enough." You clearly have a good vocabulary, so if put a smidge of effort into proofreading you'll sound a lot more authoritative.

That's the start of the sentence, and in no way can you interpret it differently, unless you treat it like a code syntax. It has a hint of sarcasm.

Yes, i realize the mistake now (i wasn't even paying attention to the sentence structure nor did i put any effort in actually arguing)

My actual message was that it eventually fell to Muslims despite being Christian, and that Christianity takes as much as it gives, when it comes to resistance against Islam and Judaic influence (all kinds of degenerative beliefs injected on purpose to weaken/destroy the host)

Black and white thinking won't do you any good. I'm actually considering to make a thread once, explaining why exactly your beliefs are wrong. Didn't do so, because i automatically assume any "christian" on chans to be a troll, so it would be a waste of effort.

Not surprised.
Burn the nominally religious, thereby cutting of the limbs of the Beast that is the Dragon.

Average hungarians honestly are not that religious

Poland too.

You don't have to be devout to the point where all you do is read the Bible in order to be Christian.