Happy belated Caturday(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Happy belated Caturday
Happy Late Cat Day.
Yes, happy late cat day.
I love my cats
You dig up dead animals, and you are calling the skeletons weird?
You may want to do a little self-analysis user.
Just saying.
If he didn't do self-analysis then he wouldn't be capable of being weird.
To appear normal he'd have to mimic someone else.
It's possible to dig up the dead & be on the societal-level of "standard".
-Change of burial-ground(fresh or not), fossils, etc.
The overall drive of any reason to dig up the dead is the same regardless of motivations.
Digging up animals is a problem only to those who are afraid to dig up dead animals.
You can be unafraid to not dig up dead animals AND choose not to dig up dead animals.
You can only advise self-analysis when you see problems from lack of self-analysis.
you know you like it
i hate cats and you're just making me hate them even more.
Take some personal responsibility ffs
back the fuck up, cunt
I'm not making you feel that way so this shouldn't upset you.
Respond or don't respond, it's your choice but either way this shouldn't upset you because I'm not making you feel that way.
I hope my post doesn't come off as annoying but I'm certain it shouldn't after all I'm definitely not forcing you to feel that way.
grow a pair
What makes you say that?
I'm near-near-certain that my post wasn't a problem for you at all because I know I didn't force any problems on to you.
so submissive. this thread actually managed to turn me on. the fact remains, though, that my feelings are directly influenced by what you choose to post, so you technically are making me feel a certain way, degenerate.
im not saying the cats turned me on, just the poster's pathetic demeanor. settle.
Those are your feelings so why are you upset over your own opinions? Afterall, I'm not forcing anything on you including your feelings.
I can not force your feelings on you; Take personal responsibility.
This shouldn't upset you because I'm not making you feel that way.
But you directly are. Just because it isnt forceful, doesn't make it justified. A manipulator can use love to coerce, instead of force. Yes, they happen to be my feelings, though… and? Still makes you a disgusting fuck, as well as your pack of feral cats.
It is possible to see what I posted AND not feel an objective way.
You believe your feelings are out of control and therefore I'm supposed to control them for you but I'm sure as fuck am not responsible for the way you feel.
It is possible to take personal-responsibility.
This shouldn't upset you because I'm not forcing you to feel that way.
I hope this post didn't upset you in anyway because I'm not forcing your beliefs & opinions on you.
and it did. what now?
Why are you asking me? Why would you even want someone else to control your feelings for you? You're suppose to be learning personal-responsibility. Try some meditation or another observable mental & emotion(al) balancer.
It is possible to not like that post AND not feel an objective way.
You can dislike that content AND not begin a cycle of resentment for cats in the process.
The same exact way you expect me to control how I feel I can control the way I don't feel too.
Your beliefs don't control whether you're happy or not unless you believe someone else won't let you.
I would take your advice, but you told me I shouldn't, and think for myself, instead. But thats me still taking your advice. Hmmm.
It's because you are debating the only option you can do. Discern.
I can only guess solutions that would aid in assisting your feelings but only you know how's best to maintain balance with them.
Take my advice that you are the only one who can control your feelings because no one else knows the details about what your feelings are.
or don't take my advice, either way, this still shouldn't upset you because I'm not the one with the capabilities to fix your emotions on for you.
This post can be taken personal or not if you want but I'm not forcing you to feel that way.
The same way I can not force you to feel resentment-- I can not force you to be happy.
It is possible to get something you want AND not feel happy about it.
Relying on others & objects to fulfill your happiness for you is a dependency formed when you forget that your feelings aren't forced on you.
There's no reason be upset; afterall no one is making you feel that way.
This post shouldn't upset you because you remember you don't want to be upset
However, the choice is always yours-- take my advice or don't. Just remember I'm not making you feel that way.
i understand what you're trying to say, but i just disagree. this goes back to the root problem: yes, you are technically making me feel disgusted, but it doesn't mean you're at fault or should do something about it. i could just not be such a bitch, as you arent obligated to fix the fact i find that shit disgusting. but, again, you are the reason why i felt that way.
If you can fix the problem now you could've fixed the problem then.
Those feelings were always there.
Saying I caused you to feel that way is forgetting that I simply helped you to remember that you don't have to feel that way.
You agree that I shouldn't be the one to fix your feelings yet "I was the reason your feelings were out of your control".
Your feelings were never out of your control & I never made you feel your emotions; I only helped you remember that fact.
IF you have forgotten, I can help you out–
I haven't stopped letting you evolve.
This post shouldn't upset you because I'm certainly not forcing you to feel that way.