Wow thanks """""""""based""""""""" Poland
Wow thanks """""""""based""""""""" Poland
Other urls found in this thread:
First for "based" Pooland
gas the poles race war meow?
Poland is no longer aryan. Just subhuman, slopeheaded, neander-nigger meatball people.
That's what happens when u get raped by russian commies.
Eat my polish dick you anglo cuckold, you are the scum of Europe along with russians
Why is the NSDAP one headless?
Germany is perceived as more mechanical and a head is not practical
eat shit perfidious albion, even the French are better than you
Imperialist pig! Let that island go!
Anglos are the Jews of Europe
I always found it funny that brits are so cucked they can't say anything about muslims or blacks because it's politically incorrect so they throw all the shit at poles or other eastern europeans cause you know… they are white.
And back on topic. You are leaving the union and expect everything to stay the same only you won't pay for union membership? Look up how products get taxed when coming from Russia into European Union. It's completely normal that now, after UK leaves it's products should be import taxed the same way or of course… UK can offer something else in value.
Poles are the janitors of Anglos.
So basically securing the interests of their people and telling Britain to fuck off.
Technically, they are white ethnic.
No, Anglos are the sex slaves of the jews, poles are the saviors of europe
Poles are shit.
Muslims are shit.
they are slavmongs which i am not.
Because brit kids are special snowflakes and can't work lower class jobs because they are too special, so they just sit on welfare while poles clean the toilets.
Polandball is a pokemon ball.
Get back to cleaning my anglo toilet
Polish maids are the pole polishers of British men
/brit/pol leaked out of it's containment threads.
Terrible d&c thread tbh
You sound like a fucking Mexican
Literally the shame argument leftists use to push Mexican immigration in the US
The day Poland said no to Britain, many keks were had.
Hey, I'm not bumping the thread. But would it kill you to have a laugh now and then?
How about neither.
Not really a fan of people migrating in the old continent but if specific society don't work anymore, go to liberal arts colleges, drink and fuck all their lives they deserve to be replaced by a better, working society.
I'm all up for britain to uncuck itself but it's not seeming to happen. It's either poles and romanians or londonistan khanate.
britroaches are just mad because they got cucked by poles
Get raped by russia again loser lol
You'd fit in well as a member of Labour.
"Cases of mass rape occurred in major Polish cities taken by the Red Army. In Kraków, Soviet entry into the city was accompanied by the wave of rapes of women and girls,"
go back to beating off to traps and pictures of farage
False dichotomy.
How about…fucking neither
Poles are a sad case. Their mentality is very strange, in any way they should get out of England and stop with their hatred of Russia.
The Czech Republic wins again.
Good taste in monstergirls
Go back to beating off to ivan raping your polish whore women
oh, it's a german-slavic rapebaby
But why do you need guns? It's not like you actually like to use them in war.
I don't think that brits got cucked by poles. They cucked themselves over the years with their empire importing everyone into main island.
Trying so hard to trigger me. Not even polish.
well memed ahmed
being britbong is truly suffering
is this what you britroaches call "insults"? literally reddit tier
So how can these countries even veto UK's decision if they will go out of EU anyway?
Soon what? Let the Germans annex you again?
that's just their genetics, they love the taste of pajeet and paki dick
it blew its brains out in 1945.
Please try not to be so retarded.
Also want to know this.
And calm the fuck down with the banter/D&C, makes this painful to read. This is actually a fairly interesting topic just because of how bizarre it is that the supposedly 'anti-EU' nations are now trying to support the EU.
Obviously there are potentially selfish reasons at play because they want to allow their people to leech British money, but its still strange; and if that is the reason then does it just make Poles the same as niggers in regards to the gibs?
So how exactly can they veto? Does it even matter? And why on Earth did they think it was a good idea to jump on the EU's side all of a sudden?
Just learn to diplomacy, cucks. If you put yourselves at the mercy of others you will get boned.
Remainers, please.
this for the most part brits want all the benefits of saying fuck you to everyone in Europe and none of the downside
They'll run out of whites to backstab.
you retarded? Immigrants are almost all working age, they're by default more productive than a statistical toddler-granny in little britain
its about not letting gypsies back in as well as keeping unemployment down. Also no politician wants to be the one who presides over his voters being wronged by some other government, even if the "wronging" is just subjective on the voters' side. PMs don't want to look weak.
Meatheads. When will they ever learn?
german slav hybrids the true mustard race
If there is some bullshit about other EU nations being able to 'veto' our decision to leave then I want to know about it. It's not going to stop us leaving, but the obvious tyrannical implications of it make the remainer position essentially impossible to support; which means easy redpilling for all those retarded family members or estranged friends.
… And don't be an edgy fuck who thinks we should abandon everyone who has not joined the cause yet; most people are sheep and will come when it seems like the rest of the nation is moving in that direction. A blatant example of an undemocratic law like this adds more to our arsenal.
I hate all of you faggots who do nothing except for shitposting.
Most of them who come here work and receive 'top ups' as a form of welfare because their job does not pay them enough to live. Fuck the socialist government, but also fuck the immigrants who leech the money.
What the fuck is up with all the anglo vs polack threads lately?
Yeah these fucking poles are a cancer on british society.
We need to ban all these brown polish people.
The muslims and pakis can stay :^)
Nice try Schlomo
V4 has no intent to leave the EU. Their intent is to use its funds to build up their countries and take none of the social justice bullshit or refugees. They are cucking Brussels.
Thanks for the heads up, brit/pol/!
Now you may go back to shitposting about how much you want to get fucked in the ass by traps in your containment thread
BREXIT happened and now shills are on overdrive with anti-anglo propaganda (which also means they masquerade as anglos hating on everyone else)
Get fucked cuck.
EU loving remainer detected.
Poland is basically Little Israel.
There are more jews in Poland than in all of Western Europe.
Fucking cryptokikes.
Nice try, britberg
Nice try kike
And get in work benefits, housing benefits, free NHS (all poles the first thing they do is go and get their teeth and existing problems dealt with at our expense), send their money back home instead of putting it into our economy etc etc.
WOW, thank you so much for parasitising off us! Based Poles!
Isn't that the truth?
Most Jews emigrated from Poland either during or after WWII. They had little to no persecution in Britain.
they're britroaches, they get into fights with everybody
United States of Israel
The jews are actively re-colonizing the USA, they will have plenty of Mexican golems to replace the white menace.
I feel you my man, we have the same problem with bosniaks, serbs and albanians.
What do you expect. They love the EU because it gives them free Germoney.
Poland is not based and they will never be. You won't find a single Holocaust denier in Poland either - because they actually benefit from the official WW2 narrative as secondary victims.
How many times can you ignore the answers you get to such retarded statements schlomo? Fucking spackers.
But user 6 million poles were gassed by the nazis I read it in history class!
Link me to where such things are being posted on brit/pol/
I agree with the Anglo this time.
Cry me a river
cry me a river
cry me a river
cry me cry me~
It's simple, user. Brit/pol/ hates white countries.
Why must you disappoint so, Bohemia?
Cant even spell out Prussia… It must be difficult living a lie of a subhuman who believes in the holohoax.
Of course, that's it. It's absolutely nothing to do with them taking jobs from working class Britons and driving wages down by considerable margins.
Britain owes nothing to Poland or any other predominantly white country because we share the same skin colour, fuck off.
The sense of entitlement from these cunts is ridiculous.
IT isn't wrong per say, but it is utterly hilarious coming from a mouth of the polish subhumans.
Do me a favor and google "prusak".
Your own damn fault. Grow up.
You actually invited us into those land you know. And IF what we did was genocide, what do you name what you are doing to the UK?
You cut their wages, dilute their culture and genes and you displace them.
I'm not sure how in the fuck you got any of that from my post, but alright.
the Prussians for the most part were assimilated by the germans and the poles are the ones that invited them to do the genociding
the czech republic will start eh 4th reich
Oh man, the Brits really cucked up now. If only someone had warned them that this would happen if they voted for Brexit…oh, wait, the Remain side did. But I guess reality is just Project Fear.
Tacitus and the Romans drew Germania's borders pretty big too. You want that border? We will be happy to do so.
I consider this a win. anglo btfo, while the subhuman poles reveal themselves as the pathetic liberal globalist subhuman puppet slaves they have always been.
The poles are a race of undignified, lazy, stupid, cowardly, inferior scum.
Eternal Anglo strikes again.
When Jews do it, it's D&C.
When Anglos do it, it's "nationalism".
Excuse, didn't we all agree that Brexit is a good thing just a few months earlier? Now that the poles are preventing the destruction of the kike organization, the EU, it suddenly isn't bad?
I hate anglos too, but this is some real shitty mental gymnastic, on the same level as anarchism
The teutonic twats were so bestial in their genocide of Prussians it's almost legendary over here. :^)
One noble invited them, the country was fractioned. If it was the head of a Polish state you'd have a point, but even then nobody asked them to commit genocide, rather to spread Christianity.
The Poles are now in a position of power over the Brits. That means no matter how bad the Poles are, the Brits are even worse.
You forget the giant lampshading contraptions made with stolen Roman blueprints, subhuman.
Typical nigger mentality.
I don't care. That's why I said it is a win either way. Anglo btfo, poles reveal themselves. Beautiful.
What? lol No I mean "Prussian" means cockroach in Polish. I expected you to get picrel result.
bongs can rejoice, the original roach was the kraut all along.
I am talking about the general anti-White sentiment against Poles that spawns from these threads. The pro-Brexit stance/argument exists to cover Anglo hate against Poles (which is neither 0% nor 100% legit).
Ploes waz good boiz dey was being oppressed by dems evil teutonics
the balts I met were bros and thought you slavs faggots were total niggers
I didn't get it though because we don't choose to learn poolish in high school. Your subhuman kind just LOVES to learn German though.
Are you an American? That's probably why you don't understand. You shouldn't though. You shouldn't have been here since before ww1 in the first place. This clusterfuck is almost all your fault and the anglos.
Naturally after Prussia proved to be the biggest jew around it united Germany.
When? You mean after we worked the land and refused to acknowledge a race of lazy, nigger like subhumans as our lieges?
NOW Lithuanians are your friends. Remember this thread, Janunsz?
How quick the parasitic subhuman changed its tone.
You sure care a lot about them, Janunsz.
Actually, we just took what we worked for.
The Lithuanians saved you at that battle.
They then get a taste of polish honor. And funny how you talk about vassalhood. What is it like to lost kingship and turn into a race of toilet licking subhuman slaves?
Gibberish, wtf?. Stop telling people you are low IQ.
Pic related. You shouldn't be left at the mercy of other, subhuman.
Any of the colonies then? Only colonials and other inferior trashes like poles actually believe in hawaiit nationalism.
With you I can understand, but you need to know the poles are treacherous subhumans and will stab you in the back. One of their biggest and only pride is how pure they are and how many of them have 1000 years old ancestry, sometimes 3000.
To think that they actually believe in your new world philosophy is laughable. Just look at my post above and see how quick the subhumans can change their tunes.
another chronologically challenged germtard. You killed the natives.
Juat pointing it out, since in no other culture besides the jew one could someoen walk away from murdering guests. Only germanics do that. Graf gyro in Austria, those saxons in Britain. Same story repeating itself;
1. invite guests
2. kill them
4. your people don't care because they're honorless animals
The order tried to expand into Poland, idiot.
there was more than one war, ignoramous. And they "saved" us in a conflict where they were the primary defender.
Never did a thing to them. by the time the union began their elites were russified by Belorussians, who were essentially our union partner not letuvians. The butthurt during 20th century was them waking up as a nation + Russian D&C + your puppet politicians. They're salty they got omitted by history and felt threatened by polonization, so they lashed out at us./lecture end
It's simple reasoning really.
And like I said, if you want to use the UN definition of genocide here, you are also genociding the rest of the world with your two legged exports, you fucking subhuman scum.
Funny though, now even brits are germanics. Im not triggering too hard right, Janunsz?
"You shouldn't be left at the mercy of others"- quoted you.
Yet here we are, with the crocodile tear shedding subhuman crying for the poor poor Lithuanians, true friends of pooland.
Why shouldn't they have? I thought you were real into the tough guy shit here.
Oh ok. And you got btfo by a single duchy in the end. How pathetic is that?
At least now you are honest. You can stop pretending to care now, subhuman.
So you should be free to support Marxism, liberalism and globalism and general typical nigger behaviors as long as you have pale skin?
Hawaiit nationalism at its best.
Actually no, part of my job is dealing with many Poles and almost none have shown bad attitude towards me or anyone I know. Maybe it is because I speak their language, but the Poles give off a far better image than, say, Russians or Italians.
Wrong again. But I'll agree some of the things they pride themselves on are pozzed anti-German shit from WW2 like saving Jews from Germans and things of that nature. Or that's what the Polish media tries to instill in the populace.
Though one thing they hold pride over comparable with their long ancestry (which is partly true since I meet a lot of pure-blooded Poles even nowadays) is their kebab removing history. Based enough for me.
Literally just one incident, friend. The war concluded with German, Hungarian and Balkan blood.
Small extract:
What is your point? Are you saying this proves me wrong? You do know based pooland basically acted like some impoverished niggers right after the battle right?
It is even in your kikepedia article. After such profound nigging and revelation, we went on to fight the war without them, ever again.
Pooland rode to fight so they can get paid, not because of some love for hwhite race.
Typical, hypocritical attitude of you type.
Angles and Saxons are Mongolians then , retard? Germanics killed Celts at a feast. I belive it was dubbed the Night of Long Knives or something liek that but can't be assed to check.
False equivalency.
I'm crying for the void that your humanity ought to be, you triple jew. You actually think murdering someone you invite to your home is excusable. What good is your "hwiteness" then, kryptokike? What's the qualitative difference between them and you? None.
Hard to even tell what you're rambling about. The Order and the host of knights it attracted from all over Europe lost. Poland gained a steady union and grew in prominence.
German gratitude. The French meanwhile funded the Turkish campaign, hoping to eviscerate the HRE. Nobody ever blames them, but the same krauts wi'll try to deny us to the death.
The fact is that we had a formidable army at the time and fought Turks many times away from our own borders and national interests even before we grew strong (Władysław Wareńczyk). We brought in a huge host of heavy cavalry that was able to outmatch the Turks, unlike Western equivalents. Without us the battle would've been lost. The value of our contribution is also signified by who led the battle. Hint: not an Austrian.
Goes to show though the Frogs were ultimately right. There can be no brotherhood with a jew.
So you basically know nothing and talk out of your ass. Typical of a subhuman low IQ nigger like scum.
Spewing names of some fallacy wont help you, subhuman.
difference between them and you? None.
First of all, it is laughable for you to care for the Lithuanians.
Second of all, we don't acknowledge any hawaiit race.
Thirdly, we are different from kikes and you because we work, we are self sufficient and we don't live off of gibs me dats.
You and the yids are more a like. Except that you are dumber than them. So you are niggers.
Until the Duchy of Prussia kicked you in the teeth with the real, brutal politics you love to berate the anglos in this thread with.
How do the polish subhumans even remain "white" with such a retarded, underdeveloped, nigger brain?
How will they even survive when we leave the EU? They are so pathetic.
Actually we fought wars with them afterwards and they all ultimately accumulated to ww1. It all started with this era and how they abandoned us, understandably as they were rivals to the royal house. Again, the tiny brain the polish subhuman amuses me. What shallow analysis do you have next?
And where did I deny that you won the battle, subhuman? It is your claim that you won the war for all of us and Hungary and the Balkans that pisses me off.
You just keep on giving, subhuman.
If you want anyone to take you seriously, spouting "subhuman" like an edgy LARPer is not going to help you.
oy vey, there's a pozzed politician in a white country, better call all its citizens brown subhumans, because white people uniting and working out their problems is like another shoah and Jews obviously aren't responsible for any of this economic migration
Poles need to btfo from the GB and the British need to stop being d&c shills by hating on almost every other white country
A treacherous act indeed. I'm sure if other leaders were given such loot, they'd be sharing it with everyone instead of letting their armies take it.
Why should I give a fuck? The truth is with me, and I have "argued" with these human trashes many times already. I don't have to respect a race of gibs me dat niggers with pale skin who still try to convince people the Holohoax is real.
You sounds like some buttblasted brit/pol/ shit or a pole. Fuck off.
The point is that they didn't do it out of love for hwhite race. To think that these trashes actually abandoned their national interests to save the Habsburg is laughable. They rode there because their economy was and still is worthless.
The premise is that these shitholes are supposedly full on nationalist, yet they all request their PM to destroy the Brexit effort.
It was always spread by violence except maybe in Rome.
At least 1000 years ago they had balls
Poland you are of retard.
Moronic. Your realjewopolitik is not the same as diplomatic leverage in minor nonsense.
And Prussia didn't do shit. It was a buzzard at Russia's table. The notion that you kicked anything is laughable.
So, a cross between a jew and a robot arm at a car factory.
We work longer (and probably harder) by any available metric. Go ahead if you doubt me and check any sort of data you care to find.
First and foremost Sobieski fought for Christendom, which is evident in his personal letters and which flows out of Polish worldview. So yeah, he fought for all Christians. Secondarily he hoped for a union with Hungarians. Unfortunately Lithuanians decided to be retarded and went on a looting spree across Hungary and Austria instead of actually fighting the enemy.
The French were right,weren't they? There is no commonality between us, according to you, right? Not religious, not cultural or ethnic. So why do you feel entitled to those Polish forces at Vienna then, jewreptile?
According to your filthy byzanthinist realpolitik Poles should've "kicked your teeth in" and ravaged HRE, making sure it imploded, then pick the territory apart, right?
Motherfucker, you can't have the cookie and eat the cookie.
brit pls
Being deemed the savior of Christendom from the Pope is quite the statement when 90+% of Europe was Christian at the time. That's some serious love right there.
Yet they did exactly that. They actually signed a treaty with the HRE that would promise aid if one of the two's capital was threatened, and the interaction with the HRE overall was not limited to Vienna or a set of battles nevertheless.
That's quite a loaded statement right there, because obviously not all battles were fought for economic profit. After Vienna, Poles fought battles against kebab which brought no real territorial or economic benefits. Whether by incompetence or dedication to the country despite the odds, this proves you wrong as it shows they were not victory-thieving opportunists.
great demonstration of having zero idea how Christianity actually spread.
Pretty much every time it was powerful pagan monarchs adopting Christianity, not getting overpowered, numbskull. It generally followed the Frankish model.
Oh really. Buzzard at Russia's table. Must be one big and strong Buzzard then.
Call us whatever you want. At the end of the day, we don't need handout to live. You are the lowest form of life, a bottom feeder. Just like niggers.
You work as long as the Spanish and Greeks do, subhumans. You start work from 9am to 9pm and accomplishing jack fucking shit.
That's not what working is about.
Funny how the laziest subhumans in the world always ramble about how long they work. Yet the result is non existent.
If the Leistung isn't there, it means you didn't work.
This doesn't disprove the fact that only Balkan, Hungarian and German blood ended the war.
The French were right,weren't they? There is no commonality between us, according to you, right? Not religious, not cultural or ethnic. So why do you feel entitled to those Polish forces at Vienna then, jewreptile?
We didn't. We call you, told you that you would get paid. You get paid, you even get the loot. It was a good deal for you, no?
Maybe you should have you fucking subhuman fuck. RIGHT FUCKING NOW is also a good time.
But wait! You were never capable of nor you ever will. Without us you are slaves to the mongol hordes of death and poverty. With us you are first rate slaves.
Slaves slaves slaves, all you ever were and all you will ever be.
Sure. Words and words.
They claims that they won the war for all of us, which is horseshit. Stop deflecting.
This is how it spread to Saxony, Hungary, Scandinavia.
Do you want me to tell you how it spread to America?
And why did they adopt Christianity? Because they were threatened. Where are the European kingdoms that formed after the fall of the Western Roman Empire? Nowhere, because the pagans were wiped out if they didn't convert.
And if the monarch converted the events followed like my post above. Only in some of the countries there was no resistance by the nobility. Peasants were always forced to convert. This became a problem after the Reformation.
And actions. Read a book.
A little history lesson will fix that I guess. That claim to honor doesn't negate all they did.
Oh please. Just tell me right fucking now who did the blunt of the work during the Ottoman-Habsburg war? Who fought the majority of it and who ended it?
They can claim they remove shitskins at the gate of Vienna for all I care. We did hire them for that. But to say they "save" Europe is laughable. And who gives a fuck what the pope said? Popes were ignored all the time.
They always were. The people who say otherwise are mostly Americans who think Europe is a country.
The polish are subhuman scum living on the body of National Socialist Germany and the welfare of the EU.
I won't set an 100% sure opinion on the matter, since my knowledge doesn't extend there. Though I see your goalposts moved dramatically, from "literally just one example, friend" to "literally prove Poles played a big part in liberating Europe from Ottomans, friend" to "literally prove Poles did all the work against Ottomans themselves, friend". Have some standards, friend. You try to turn this into an "all or nothing" case.
See above.
He could have easily said that for anybody else, for that matter. Why didn't he choose the Habsburgs to give them his praisings then, in that case?
We should have left the Soviets & Nazis alone in '39. Poles are worthless scum - ungrateful and arrogant beyond all reason.
Frankly, I wouldn't have a problem with them if:
-They didn't refuse to legalize holohoax investigation
-They didn't have a holohoax industry comparable to what the kikes have
-They weren't the spics of Europe
-They weren't pro EU
-They didn't beg Merkel for an EU army
WW2 was a mess, so I can forgive their stupidity back then, consider how they got kicked in the face again and never recovered. But the current pooland is nowhere near "based".
Just look at this thread and how they talk like a bunch of wetbacks from mexico. If pooland bordered the US, they would do the same to you as the spics.
But I never did it you fuck. I never denied them the glory at Vienna. Try harder. I have always claimed that it is their claim of "saving" Europe by themselves was laughable. Trying our hands at semantics now, are we? Why don't you go fuck yourself.
Either it is or isn't the case, I'm not trying to discredit the rest of their history over it, and certainly not be a shady cherry-picking revisionist over it.
Where did you see the semantics? This is real-time behavior from YOU.
AKA, it never happened.
AKA, it happened but for selfish reasons.
AKA, despite playing a turning-point role, they didn't do all of the work so no credit.
Back to step one, as if we didn't even have this discussion. This is worse than I thought.
Step one again, with some shitty accusation of 'semantics' on top.
Plus, some bullshit I proved wrong before my Vienna post came up.
2/10, apply yourself.
Was meant to quote this →
Poles should be deported to The Ukraine (Ukrainians can move a bit further East) to allow Germans to resettle their rightful Vaterland.
Just IMHO.
glorious ukuck tears
Protip: The Thirty Years War was never about religion, that was just a pretence
Czechs and their guns…
I wouldn't go that far - at least the lower rungs were highly religious in those times -, but I agree that many different angles of power struggle were present: France vs. the Empire, Rome vs. the Empire, a resurgent, expansionist Sweden, internal warfare between the Prinzen etc.
How about we just do to them what they did to us after 1945? Everyone would be happy then.
Nicely done
So Brit-NEETS end up being significantly poorer than the lower class that they look down on…That's a solid plan.
It really is…
Although the anglos scum in brit/pol/ are pathetic civic neet, what is happening isnt right and is against Holla Forums idea regarding Brexit.
Since you only have (2) I will just assume you are the buttblasted subhuman pole.
Demanding that your own citizens have a right to work is not cuck-tier. Demanding that your own citizens sit down and accept Paki rape gangs is cuck-tier. Thus, Poland is still better than Britanistan.
I really can't believe you angloshits. It's fine if you want your country to be exclusively for ethnic anglo-saxons, but then you cucks are the only ones on Holla Forums calling for civic nationalism. Is the plan to kick out the filthy redpilled Poles so that you can get pegged by mudshits in peace?
Right to work WHERE? Thats the question. Do we just shit on national sovereignty when the migrants are hahwhite?
You sound just like a remainer. How's Russel Brand's cock these days?
You wouldn't think that they were civic nationalists if you go by their rabid hate of eastern euros. But then you remember their love for paki cock
Do you have these also :=)
t. polan
What they are doing is NOT nationalism at all. What do you call parasites who go to other countries, disrespect the locals and demand the laws to change?
Thats right, multiculti globalist wetbacks. These ones have pale skin.
this is economic invasion
So you admit they are doing exactly what the wetbacks do in the US and the turkroaches in the EU and Germany, especially?
*So you say
Thought you were another pissant toilet cleaning pole m88
And ultimately this issue, and more importantly, this thread, demonstrates why US Holla Forumsack dreams of a "united white identity" is never going to gorram happen.
With that said, I would have hoped the gorram V4 had waited until after the EU is dead before they start turning on Britain with shit like this. The issue isn't if it's Poland or Britain's fault. It's neither, they're serving their interests. The issue is that raising a fuss over this NOW strengthens the EUs position, which is not in Poland or Britain's favor.
Basically, what the V4 SHOULD do is hang this as a threat to make Britain comply with things that serve the V4 and ONLY the V4's goals, while at the same time telling any attempt by the EU to strong arm Britain off, thereby weakening both the EU's position, and Britain's position relative to them.
Good thing my country is so small and obscure everyone leaves it alone.
i will remember these threads and will never forget them.
i am mad, boys. so, so mad.
Your proposal is also a pipe dream. If the trashes dont force the UK right now, they will be in the process of mass self deportation (no more visa grants).
Weaker and poorer countries often dont have dignity and the strength to be moral and respectable.
Just like the poor in real life.
that is not a good thing
more like no one's gonna give a damn when some great powers nation annexes you and swiftly eliminate evidences that your country ever existed to begin with
They are dumping their cosmopolitans leftists and welfare-niggers into Britain. The right-wing Poles stay in Poland. It has double the benefit.
I'm a Brit who wants a "united white identity", yeah even with EE and Russia. But standing up for the EU is hardly going to help.
Mind you, I wish Britain would just cut off entirely and bring in Natsoc economics, but we make fuck all for ourselves any more, and even our electric comes from France and Russia. There needs to be one big Europe-wide dekikeification to sort this bullshit out.
Yeah, it is some real evil shit. Especially consider that the brits DID wage a war on the pretense of saving them.
The shitpoles are like kikes. A nation of fucking scoundrels.
Would you axe the benefit system they would go home really fast.
In Germany we need that to boost the number of babies. It is working but nowhere fast enough. But the right and ebil nutzis in Germany are having many children, that I can be sure of.
Seeing more and more blonde mothers with 3+ blonde children every day
I wager it is the same in Britain. Believe it or not most native Europeans, especially the Western ones, dont abuse the welfare system. Even if they dont do much with it, they are having more children for it.
There is NO fucking WAY I will dismantle a cornerstone of national socialist policies just because some foreign parasites like the mudshits and the subhuman poles abuse it.
Easier to just deport them. For the UK, just sit back when we flatten pooland again.
For fucks sake, Japs.
Poland is hardly poor as of now. The EU knows it can't kick Poland, or any of the V4s, out or risk further disintegration
Meanwhile, Britain needs as many friends or at least collaborators, on their side as they can get.
The V4 has all the cards here. That they're playing the EU's tune is ridiculous. There is no need. They can get everything they need out of this by playing both sides. They need to end the EU and weaken Britain. That can be accomplished.
There is no united white identity, don't be daft. It's never going to be a thing outside of America, because being an American is in of itself a united white identity. It was as such defined by how the country grew.
European nations aren't America. This ain't happening. Best we can hope for is cooperation in removing the kikes and globalists and their muzzie pets, and then not kill each other ever 50 years.
Wew lad. I will see Germany exiting before they do.
Perfidious Albion getting angry at other countries' realpolitik
the gas chamber is 2 blocks down mr rothschild
Is this all you can do with those EU gibs, subhumans?
You know nobody will see it otherwise than you supporting the continued existence and expansion of EU and its authority right?
Ok? Which matters how?
Joining the EU was a bad idea, but now staying for a while seems to be the best course of action. Forced refugee quotas don't appear to be a real danger anymore.
0.2 cent has been deposited to your account.
You are prolonging the life of the EU. Only a two digit IQ subhuman would still think this is somehow furthering nationalist cause anywhere, anyhow in Europe.
You revealed yourselves, Igor. We will see you continuing to do these kinds of things. Hell, one day in the near future, the EU boogeyman wont be us anymore. It will be you.
And it will be glorious.
The allies sold out the entirety of Eastern Europe because of cowards and traitors. Communists heavily infiltrated positions of power and gave excessive military supplies to Russia without regard to what would happen after Germany was defeated.
The hatred for hard working, white, Christian Polish while tolerating mudslimes and AIDSfricans has so disgusted me I no longer care if the UK is overrun by shitskins. The English can't even be racist right.
I imagine as the ECB's financial situation gets worse they'll start demanding more and more and removing all the gibs the Eastern Euro's enjoy. That'll be all the tension the governments of Eastern and Western Europe will need to have a falling out with the EU.
Is that really what they teach britniggers in school nowadays?
Poles make up the biggest amount of the invading hordes now in the UK you h'white idiot. We don't want any of them turning up, they all take up space on this island.
I dont care about both of them after 1945. Seeing them cockblocking each other pleases me.
Beautiful. We will see some real change in political perception next year.
The collapse will be sudden. Most of the "money" in the EU and in the US are basically worthless. And we all know how hard it hits when fiat fails.
They really should have left us alone. That way the commies never received the supply and we could blow them away. Pooland would have stayed flattened.
Even if the commies had stood strong, the situation would have been pic related and a proper European power that can challenge the industries and mass of the US.
Would have been perfect, really.
On top of that, Poland previously made multiple offerings towards France during the 20's and 30's to invade Germany, this was known to Berlin since a long time.
Then there was also:
- Countless polish atrocities commited against ethnic germans between 1918 1939 (bromberg bloody sunday et al)
- Violation of the minority treaties by Poland in 1937
- Britain and France delivering a guarantee to Poland that they'd invade Germany if Germany defends itself against polish agression, which made Poland decline all the german peace offerings (this also violated the polish-german friendship treaty from 1934 btw)
- Poland ignoring the proposed 16 point peace plan of hitler
etc etc
As soon as we get what we want from our veto leverage then we're gone mate, you can't rely on us to keep being the EU boogyman. The Commison will speed up intergration once the UK is gone.
Didn't you guys form into one country after we bombed the fascism out of you? I swear I paid attention during that history lesson, they said AMERICA and BOMBED FASCISTS and then we all clapped. Somebody sang God Bless America and we all went out, shot our guns and got triple cheeseburgers with bacon.
Indeed. "One week to Berlin". HA. "Als Kriegsgefangene kamen sie noch schneller hin!"
Lets not forget again:
-Holohoax debunking is illegal in pooland. They also benefit directly from the official narrative.
-They invaded the Ukraine and Czechoslovakia during the Interwar period, yet always act like they din du nuffin
-They are the current biggest supporters of the EU
-They beg merkel to create an EU army
And in this thread, we have concrete evidence that they will serve globalist interest at all cost to nationalism.
I dont feel like capitalizing the name of this polish kike in English.
Merkel Kaźmierczak. Truly German.
You got me wrong m88.
The poles will become the EU boogeyman after this.
There's no nationalist cause, there are nationalist causes. Why makes you think I care about yours is beyond me.
I'm very happy with what's in Germany.
Kind of sad about France though.
Igor is a Russian name.
what's happening
I dont care if you think about me, subhuman. You keep on showing us how low IQ you are.
You are going to be the EU golem. And since you are a race of lazy, stupid, cowardly incompetent subhumans, the EU will fail with you being at the helm.
The article literally said it is still a recoverable situation. What a surprise, a subhuman pole is illiterate.
Oh it's the subhuman american kraut LARPfag again.
What's that even supposed to mean. You can't become a golem, a golem is created anew from inanimate matter. Next time limit yourself to insulting using words you know the meaning of.
France+Germany is going to be at the helm, not Poland.
Oh, it is the salty brit/pol/ subhuman. Why dont you go to Deutsch/pol/ to see if Im some larper? Anyway, keep wrestling with the subhumans, it is amusing to watch.
Did you even pass highschool, Janunsz? Did you even learn literature? Not to mention that Jewish Golem is a term on Holla Forums, so you have no excuse here.
Did your butthurt subhuman kin bridgaded you from wykop?
Keep dreaming, subhuman. France didnt beg for an EU army, you BEG us for one. And not we the BRD government threaten to break Brexit over rights to be a bunch of wetbacks in the UK.
How shameless of you. But then, when you are a race of inferior subhumans, you lack moral, dignity and the ability to work and be self sufficient.
Implies something happens in the time of the conversation or continues to happen?
It wont though, Janunsz.
Changing IP already, or just another subhuman pole from Wykop.
Maybe they shouldnt attack slavs in the first place while inviting and protecting muslims. I am talking about the people in the country who does this. Nobody in slav central europe would attack westerners but muslims.
Everyone who collaborates with the muslims and care about them more is enemy of the slavs!
Don't try to engage in discussion with that idiot. He's well known around here, always present to shit on Poles. He's actually a burger pretending to be a kraut and he's proven to be not exactly fluent in German. Also, (39). As usual.
pic related
And when did you prove that? Do you have any support for you claim that Germans just LOVE the poles?
What is your level of German? Do you want to test me?
Komm schon, Kevin. Lass mich sehen, wie gut dein Deutsch ist!!
Stay mad, your country will die soon
Here Kevin
Why dont you go and test me then? All of us, for that matter.
Said the subhumans who voluntarily signed up to be a glas crater in ww3. Said the subhumans who is pro NATO and is prolonging the life of the EU.
Utterly hilarious.
Pathetic attempt at deflection. The whole thing about golem is creation of a NEW life.
Wtf? What other countries are going to control EU after Brexit in your incoherent world?
Uh huh. Any moment now.
The Polish will soon take over the EU and diplomatically annex your weak nation.
Holla Forums uses the term golem to name the servants of the jews. I appropriated the term to call you a slave of the EU, on Holla Forums.
So you are not from here then. Tell me, when did the butthurt subhuman called you to come here from wykop?
No single country control the EU. It is an American/Anglo/French creation. There are only best goyims for it in Europe.
And as of now, you are having the best goyim status.
Oh fucking please. I saw the eyes of you subhumans glaring at the German mothers with blonde German children on the buses and the trains. You glare at them just like the mudshits. But not to rape them. Because you know the moment Germany is strong again we will fucking flatten you.
And the UK wont save you this time. Not after you acted like a bunch of wetbacks to them.
Oh wait, you serious.
Annexing us. With what? Their industries, half owned by Germans, half owned by Chinese?
Or their GDP that is like almost totally all EU gibs?
The subhumans have a chance to snuff us, their biggest rivals and master, right now, once and for all. Why dont they do it?
You will all be going! Britain for the British.
Checked, dear anglo. Unwasted trip.
It's gonna be fun watching britain rot these next few years
Wait, so they dont want any immigration to their country but demand it to ours??
Congratulations. You just realized that "White Nationalism" is a fantasy outside of America.
Wow. Someone from brit/pol/ is sure autistic and salty. How do you like being cucked by Poland, currynigger?
Sounds familiar, no?
But then, they have a LONG history together.
tsch tsch…
What would actually happen if you really did rise (you won't) and start killing/deporting undesirables is attack by the Americans, whipped by their media into frenzy 'Germans at it again' 'kill the nazis once and for all' etc. Probably with actual planned extermination of the remaining Germans. The only way for an uprising in Germany to succeed is if America completely collapses before that.
All that has to happen in what, 25 years? Later you are fucked demographically past the point of no return, too few fighting age males.
Then there's France which now has 40% of newborns with Arab/black ancestry, most of them Muslims. Millions of them would come to fight for Islam in Germany.
Face it, you're done.
Christ, you people are thick.
This is all assuming your amerimutt masters will keep the NATO farce up.
Which is why I also can say that a Donald Trump victory is also undesirable to the subhuman poles, thats why you also have kept quiet about him. You know he will dismantle NATO (forcing us to pay is the same). Nobody will be there for you, subhuman.
And? We fought them like we did back then. Millions of mudpeople can never amount to 1 million German soldiers.
And you are implying France wont have their own civil war if it comes to that point.
Poland was never Aryan, idiot, same with most of Germany
Persians and Assyrians are most Aryan
That's why Poland is trying to make their own Catholic church that's closer to Sunni Islam than pedophilic excuses and Irish welfare of the original Catholics.
Where in my post did I say anything even remotely related to immigration? I think you're projecting user.
Hello reddit.
Shut you up real quick. Dont worry though, when we flatten you, it will be quick.
But there is another chance you can survive. You can pray that Trump will lose, another war hawk wins instead, NATO growing bigger than ever.
Then you turn into a glass crater.
Tschuss, subhuman, having my lunch now.
That is what you get for prefering Muslims and poo-in-the-loo-s over fellow whites.
It has nothing to do with NATO. A nationalist uprising in Germany would be like Christmas to American Left. No better excuse to gain total power than war against nazis with gas chambers. Which would be on tv and other media all the time, with professional visualizations of cute lightly brown children marched into them.
Delusion. Hitler thought the same about Russians, and he had an army supplied by the industrial state under war economy. Civil war means low tech and low organization as neither side has an industrial base. Modern army requires an enormous supply chain.
Civil war means much easier access to weapons and organized fighting groups.
As an American, I would be very pleased if y'all started up an Anglosphere immigration program.
Would be glad to have more Brits over her instead of stinky fucking beaners too. Getting sick of hearing fucking Spanish instead of English and seeing fucking monotonous mudpeople instead of gingers and blondes.
Smh. What about your based HUWHITE brothers and sisters?
Unlike the mentally handicapped masses, I know 3/4 of America's White population comes from the British Isles, and I also know that 95% of America's White population comes from Northwestern Europe.
Pan Europeanism is a lie.
Like I said, you better pray Trump loses.
Russians were supplied by the amerikikes.
Mudshits are also, but we are talking about a scenario in which Donald Trump wins.
Reminder, folks, subhuman Poles want NOTHING more than EU gibs and for Donald Trump to lose. They benefit the most from the NWO.
What is your heritage? You seems smarter than the rabble.
Typical nigger mentality.
British(Scottish and English mutt), Irish, and German.
Remarking on behavior is exhibiting that behavior, hey?
As someone who's 1/8 taig I can sympathize. Sorry, lad.
What are you even on about? There isnt even a kike psychologist who uses your term.
The bests then, except the Irish part :^)
Still, at least you are redpilled enough to be an isolationist. Wish you luck, friend.
The british can go fuck themselves tbh
t. Pepik
Likewise, bongbro. Eastern Europe is a shithole, only fetishized by deracinated westerners.
Im not an anglo though. But thats fine, only Western Europeans are worth a damn anyway.
You can't actually understand what I said in my first post, can you? Skimming your other posts, you seem obsessed with intelligence, which figures since you seem to have very little yourself. I shall spell it out for your benefit:
My point is that Britain has spent decades either dismantling or putting in place policies which either hindered or were crafted to enable mass immigration (opening doors and windows), shilling multiculturalism and neutering any sense of ethnic identity (stripping naked), while making settling there extremely attractive due to high welfare, pay, and other social programs, (covering their body with honey), and putting up no real resistance to this process (lying down on the floor), then blaming the exploiters, undesirables and opportunists of other nations for taking advantage of this, as it is simply in their nature to do, instead of yourselves.
It should come as no surprise that politicians in these countries respond to their constituencies demanding that pressure be applied to continue their benefits from the current arrangement. A problem has been created, and this is a predictable result. You can dress up your reaction with ethnic denigration, but it is painfully obvious that you only do this to redirect the anger you feel towards yourself and your own for allowing it to happen.
Non sequitur.
Idiot. It's Congress that declares war, not president. He's not going to be an actual God Emperor. Not much is actually going to change. Also share of whites is constantly decreasing so most likely it's the last possible non-progressive president of the US.
Media are going to remain the same.
Dumbass Poles. Y'all are no better than fuckin Mexicans at this point.
Yet they made a mech, how practical. I hope it at least has giant tread feet.
Again, this is all you are capable of. I am not Polish. If you leave sugar out, ants will come, it is that simple. I am looking in on your situation and giving you pest control advice, and you can only respond that I too must be an ant.
How ironic. You really dont know how much of a nigger and a hypocrite you look like.
Irrelevant? Did I trigger your tiny brain again?
Donald Trump is as sequitur to NATO as oranges are to orange juice, you inferior.
If he is president, bye bye to your old master.
And the president has the power to circumvent the war efforts. Not to mention the fact that a Congress that declares war without official agreement with the President doesnt look so good, no?
Again, you have shown me how mentally under developed you are.
And, do you think shitskins wont dodge the draft?
And if seems that you are basically admitting to us that you WANT a ZOG liberal USA instead of them being isolationist.
So what are you, which kind of subhumans? Yid, Slov, Pole or other rabbles?
I'm not that user, but I agree with you. My issue is that many on Holla Forums seem to believe Britain has an obligation to welcome Polish immigration simply because they're white, and as soon as you point out the damage Polish immigration is doing to us, you're accused of being a paki-lover.
I don't think you actually understand what irony or hypocrisy are, and either way you lack compelling points and do not come across as intelligent.
Nope, it was always packaged to the public as just being there to "fill the gap in the skill set" and temporary. They also lied about the numbers coming in. The British were never asked if they agreed to these policies or wanted them.
Labour's real motives were eventually exposed as wanting to rub the right's nose in diversity and create a truly multicultural Britain. They also did it for the votes.
Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw are two of the biggest culprits in this scheme.
The res tof your post removed any doubt that slavs really are the niggers of the white race.
I think the hope is we can, Australia is already preparing for post-Brexit trade deals, Trump and Farage are buddies, Farage also plans to visit the other commonwealth countries and strike up some support. Unlike a lot of Brits on Holla Forums I think you burgers can be okay.
Compelling points? You mean like using mental gymnastic to justifies being a hypocrite and a nigger?
That is quite alien to me. Im not a subhuman like you. Im self sufficient, so is my people. Such slave mentality is unfamiliar to us.
Damn Im still sleepy.
I'm not sure how pointing out that enabling economic immigration leads to economic immigration is mental gymnastics, and your comment regarding slave mentality truly is ironic considering that your excuse for all of this happening is that you are occupied by a hostile elite.
I'm an American btw. Not a Brit.
My country's wanted immigration reform for 20 years. The media covers it up and the parties collude. The education system brainwashes you into thinking its a good thing.
It's not just as simple as "you should've known better"
Sounds good, but y'all are still left wing as all hell, aren't you? You don't have a Trump or a Farage as far as I know(Pauline?).
Bout time you Aussies found one.
It's you who blathers about irrelevant NATO. NATO is primarily about FOREIGN aggression.
Also these American soldiers in Germany aren't really there to defend Germany, they are to defend American control of Germany. Don't forget: you're a conquered country, they are there to ensure control. Most likely they won't be pulled even if NATO stops existing.
rotfl. Yeah that changes everything.
Also Trump is going to be president at most 8 years, during which nothing is going to happen in Germany, if you don't count rapes and terrorist attacks, that is. Especially rapes.
That's the reality. You really should visit a doctor about your delusions. Everything is NOT going to be fine.
Both France and Germany are done. Decisions have long-term consequences.
Wow, Janunsz, thanks for the memo.
We will see about it, subhuman.
The subhuman is having a short circuit at this point. Dont worry though, it will be quick for you.
I will enjoy looking at you licking our toilets when this is all said and done, subhuman.
You don't seem to have replied to anything in my post at all, so I think I'll leave you to your ranting.
Your entire post is basically praying that Trump either loses or turns out to be a kike puppet.
I summarized it pretty well.
Aw shit, I quoted you by mistake.
The only answer you have is anger and delusional rambling, good. That's because there's no answer. Which means you will go to sleep today and every day after even more hopeless, knowing that the future can only bring death and pain.
I can now go away happily, knowing I increased the amount of suffering in the void that is your life.
Bonus: did you know that not 1 million, but 2 millions came to Germany in 2015? The commonly given ~1 million figure is net migration, that's because ~1 million emigrated FROM Germany :)
You have shown me that you are a completely retarded subhumans and a nigger.
Trump will win, there wont be an occupational force anymore, you will be exterminated for good this time.
On the second point:
In the article
So they werent even Germans or even passport Germans. And you cheered as if we actually received 2 million shitskin at our door. Tell me, what it is like living like a nigger with pale skin?
What other European nations do you consider to be subhuman?
Poland will always shill for the EU because they need the gibsmedats. Germany has a huge immigration problem and yet they still carry the whole thing on their shoulders, "based" Poland couldn't even hold on to the land they stole from them without their help.
Alright, epic, let's shitpost about the Poles that refuse to suck Israel's cock about the holocaust. Pfft, yeah right, Schlomo.
Polish people cry the most about the holocaust, if anything Poland is exactly like Israel because they too want nationalism ONLY for their country and not for anyone else.
Thats funny, because Germany recently ruled that the official holohoax narrative is bullshit, while debunking the gas chambers in pooland is still illegal.
Frankly, anything that wasnt part of the Axis and still refuses to admit it fucked up.
wew lad
pic wasn't meant to be related
What the fuck is this shitty D&C thread and why is it so full of D&C? Why haven't the (((mods))) deleted this thread?
>Thats funny, because Germany recently ruled that the official holohoax narrative is bullshit, while debunking the gas chambers in pooland is still illegal.
Cool sourceless shit you kike faggot, where is the source?
only coming in because assholes let them.
Your real enemy is yourselves..never EVER forget that!