how do get my gf to do an mfm threesome with my stoner bud and me?
i think she is interested in threesomes but how do i approach?
pic not related
how do get my gf to do an mfm threesome with my stoner bud and me?
i think she is interested in threesomes but how do i approach?
pic not related
tell her you're gay and wanna suck your bro's dick to complete erection so that he may proceed to fuck her in front of you
come on bro…
sounds like you have a cuck fetish… you want to watch your buddy fuck your gf in front of you
this tbh
That sounds like exactly what you want to do
na we just want to fuck her together because we both know that she would love to be treated with 2 cocks
upload some pics of your gf so we can make a more informed decision
And none of that I don't want her picture in front of anons
If you are already degenerate to the point of wanting a threesome then you can do this.
sounds hot, two cocks sloshing in her wet holes as your hairy sacks grind against each other exchanging her bodily fluids that have accumulated on your sparse nut hairs as they collide in a frenzy of Holla Forums fueled sexual ectasy
Comparing OP to the gay community is offensive tbh
Dump your g/f if you're just leading her on. Tell your friend you're interested in him, and if hes accepting he can help you come out to your parents
I think you mean-
wow gay tbh
You want to see your friend's cock. That's pretty gay, op…
You spelt lose wrong. Multiple times.
drug her
raep her
buddy raep her
nice subtle Holla Forums bait thread
There's nothing wrong with sharing some worthless whore with a bro. You shouldn't do that with anyone you care about, though.
The fantasy is always better than the reality user. When you find yourself so mired in fantasy that it starts intruding on your real life, you need to change priorities immediately.
With sex this more often than not involves switching partners or procreation.
No kill? Why you no ded her?