Providing an information ladder to the newfags

Do we have an easy pastebin detailing the highlights of our lore? With that I mean landmark video's, or even journals that we have seen over the years.

Because I believe that we may be a bit too far away from the normies. It is as if we climbed up on the ladder, but each time we did, we forgot our previous steps. Thus as we shout down from the top, to below, we may do so from a too high standpoint.

So I thought to myself "which steps could this be?" Because I want to redpill near normies faster.

so I started to make a pastebin, starting from here.

(introduction to leftist bullshit)

(r/K selection theory)

(neutral tedx videos)

(deep lore of natsocs)

(basics on racial realism)

Other urls found in this thread:

I also have my favorite pastebin on race, but its more or less like a conversation buster, not exactly easy to digest for near tards.

So does anyone remember some landmark things that we had during the course of about 5 years when it all first started?

Somebody post the archived thread that explains how GG led to Soros and the Jew.

thats another one of these problems, some new information may be better to digest than the old ones. But since we all have this old information as well, we dont know for sure what the success rate is with the new information.

So I am just asking, do any of us still remember landmark things like I provided?

and there are things like this

TGSNT and then Myth are obligatory.

yesh, thanks.

so…anything moar?

Pretty shit list you've got there


That's a video about something the jews did (presented by a philosemitic cuck), not a video about the jews or the jewish problem.

the myth is also included and its has a lot about the jews.

So do you have a better suggestion? Feel free to paste a nice video about the jews in here.

fuggg, srsly, anyone? How will we educate the newerfags?

I'am sure they will find plenty of videos about the jewish question here on Holla Forums, trying to shove 14/88 down people's throats is stupid and dosen't work. You are justified in going 14/88 AFTER you have the info about the frankfurst school, etc, and how it connects to everythinbg else, it is a response mentality, and it's useless for small redpills, wich is what was stated in the OP this thread is about.

You have to go back, schlomo

I am the op you tard. And yea, that other user perhaps does not get the point of this. It has to be a low level red pill, the first starting point. Towards the middle perhaps. Tedx and a bunch of other things are pretty good for that.

Still though, they are not the only ones. There was more. I need all the steps on this ladder.

Hellstorm maybe?

Some Irving maybe?

is that the one about the allied bombings of german cities?


Yea I remember, good choice, added, what about this irving thing?

These two are pretty good entry level stuff.


pretty descent stuff. Yay im not banned yet :D

This is unrelated to the Left / Right paradigm. It has to do with the Federal Reserve, Money creation, and the eventual hyper-inflation of the dollar.
Very good if you have a limited understanding of the banking system.


Instead of referring newfags to videos, you should just tell them to read Protocols of the Elders of Zion. That should attract the proper crowd rather than "le here for mamays" kids who you waste your breathe on later.

This is also required viewing.


shit there are even some that I havent viewed yet, but I shall do so. probably will take a day or two ha.

by the way, what do you think of this?

I remember another ladder


and this?

Do we have an introduction to soros perhaps?
Not really an introduction though.

whew shit, its hard to make a low to mid tier ladder with sources like this, kek.

I was thinking that most of these dumb cucks even needed an introduction to fallacies. To the sticky at halfchan, and how to apply it. Perhaps some media tricks as well.

its just that there is so much anti jew stuff, that the pastebin may look a little bit like its too much for the normies.

That is why I included the thing about indians (which mentions their own perception of how shitty they are, how they are different as a race, so with a subtle race realism thing on how they fix their poopiness)

the gumball thing also is a great neutral awakener. I think I can only put forth 2 or 3 big anti jew video's into it. The dresden bombings are great though.

Though I am not sure if the racial realism stuff I added isnt too harsh on them.

This maybe

yesh, feed the pastebin.

Maybe a bunch of Hitler videos


Nice videos mate

Here's a large thread from a few months back.

I am starting off slowly, with some of the basics, a bit more neutral. Its hard to circumvent the programming of the normies. Because the moment you push too far, their hidden jew shows its ugly face. Making them revolt. Though perhaps I shouldnt include the myth for that reason, though I did include it for its high production values and classical approach. Not exactly blatantly anti jew…kek, probably if they understand it, it would be the biggest anti jew pill.

I was trying to find this during the summer, but it was deleted. Thanks to whoever archived the thread.

This one, user?

The second link is exceptionally well (imo), and doesn't mention jews.

I think, if you want to redpill normies, you have to cater to eat individual group.

Start with a central video which introduces core concepts. Then allow each group to chose which group they think they fall into.

They introduce redpills which will be important to each group. Introduce them in a slowly progressing way.
At the end of the long lines of various redpills, finally link them to the jewish question.

I'm building an outline to this idea now.

It would actually be amazing if we had a flow chart kind of scheme for newfags. Everyone start at square one and then they can choose different paths but in the end they end up in the same place.

that would be an interesting idea as well. As we are indeed not all the same.

My basic premise for now is just "slipping under the radar" using near MSM sources. Make them open to the idea that WW2 may have been not as they believe, make them be open to the idea that races may not be equal.

Its quite a feat that I have to think about. Some of it is completely alien to you guys, things that I encountered in scientific journals. On news websites. Low level red pills. Thankfully racial realism is the truth, thus all third person truths lead to to.

We're not giving away our mindset and secrets to the Lugenpresse.

Fuck off OP

This. can't even tell if OP is requesting a background of 8/pol/ memetic lore or just low level redpills, the former of which are secrets best kept esoteric and learned only through lurking "initiation" - which we all know serves to redpill initially hostile actors in the process - and the latter of which is already served by threads like

That said, more pdfs like the Hitler Research Document in that thread ( ) would be useful. They're effective for a higher crowd, YT & docs in general are a very trashy medium for conveying information.

Also must stress the importance of making personal archives of important red pill videos. Also myth/morality tale based redpills like webm related that don't name the jew but provide the tools for you to draw the conclusion yourself.

the problem with that idea is like I mentioned, we stepped upon the stairs, and we forgot the individual steps. We as a whole group perhaps are just too far away from the normies, thus we should have perhaps some of the stairs that we used to get so high. Because at this point we are neurologically different.

So just to be sure, our own paths should be made available to the normies. The full red pill and everything that we think is based upon these fundamentals.

You dont want a black swan event happening from under your nose, because you were arrogant, and not aware that you yourself may change.

The thing with TEDX video's that have a slight amount of red pill are not "Esoteric". The goose/chicken video is a bit simplistic and has a cartoony vibe. They are initiation video's that dont trigger any senses.

Perhaps you hope that there exists a new mechanism that may red pill these dumb fucks, that of group pressure. But the thing is, we have no data, no statistics, and thus no cognition of what may be effective, and what may be not so. So going on from my own vision il try to use a pre-existing path that worked with me.

My theory is it's being born in the right time 88-92[citation needed], having some experience with GATE program and or high intelligence[Citation Needed] proficiency on chans, a vexxing life and/or some thing that caused you to be redpilled on life at an early age[Citation needed] and being blessed by kek[Citation Needed] as well as being of Nordic/Celtic blood.

These are all things that are earned, survived and passed on, you simply can't fake it.

well you are mostly right yea, how funny that you mention 88-92…not many would go that directly, to a 28year old. Still though. There are many unknown variables that are at play these days. It is hard to tell if these newfags dont or do have the capacity to learn the things that we did.

But shouldnt they? Whats so wrong in trying to initiate more into our ranks? More into our ways of thinking? As long as hostile forces cannot use it against us (removed the myth thing from the bin), then why does it matter?

I already spread my race pastebin everywhere like a used whore to make people shut up. This new pastebin will hopefully educate the few willing.

You're repeating yourself. Tell me what's wrong with our established methodology exemplified by the red pilling season thread.

user, there are different levels, there is an hierarchy to all things, some of us have been chosen as high priests of kek, and the mantle of responsibility is on us. When all others have failed who do the normies look to for leaders? I look in the mirror and in my past and out in the real world that is bank rupt and I ask who has the moral fortitude to take on this task but I. I thought my life was hell but it was only the forge. We can't force people onto our level but we can guide many from it. This is prevalent with kek's blessings and as we forge on we too shall cast the normies into the forges of kek but the will never be of the same substance.

Simply put leaders and followers, those that ascend will know it.

be our hierarchy as it may here, I often find enjoyment to wander off to halfchan. And to dumb a pastebin, picture or two into that. I dont think that any of us are exempt from lower level stuff like that, especially since we can potentially deliver the lower level red pills, to be more refined. More pure still.

Like I said before too: A lot of it will trigger the jew alarm bells in the minds of normies. That is why I was trying to find out the more subtle ways, that the jews havent touched yet and indoctrinated the people with.

The tedx gumball video is one of the most potent ones. The introduction to the frankfurther school of thought is another one. The defector interview seems legitimate and weird enough to go under those kike made alarm bells as well. But those video's seed the mind to undermine the alarm bells. To the idea that the truth may be right wing.

Perhaps an article about the nobel price DNA guy would also be a good thing with it.

Then there could be an article or video about the scientific ethics committee being run by jews, who prohibit race sensitive research.

All of this buildup, until they may be where we are. Since having more of us will mean more red pilling in society.

you just have to learn how to beat around the bush, if you can incite them into calling you a nazi infront of other people baselessly, you can make an example by calling them alarmists and with a closed mind trying to shut down the conversation.

that requires active participation user. I would rather have a passive pastebin.

I Think this is one the best.

Praise kek

Sorry hitler dubs, I have failed you.

For stirring the pot I would just suggest shit posting.

the thing that I am after are perhaps things that do not directly relate to the red pill. As I read a lot of news, I may have acquired some knowledge that you guys did not.

Like the gumball video. Not made by an obvious neo nazi of course. On a large website. But knowing about this is pretty goddamn dramatic to your race realism sense. It opens you up to so many idea's.

and I just wonder if I had more things like these, these scientific building blocks, of which if you dig deep enough into them, point towards a single direction, towards a single truth. Towards us.

One of these blocks and the direction that it points to may be too subtle for an average person to notice. But 10 of them? That pattern recognition system inside of them may start buzzing crazily because of that.


That's what you have to do is paint a picture

to add to that, I am trying to find video's that are a bit short in duration, but still substantial. That buzz that your brain gives you for finding new information on the internet, the way the old redditards described clicking them blue links.

Almost simple, almost shallow things like that, that do not heavily weight on time, or on the soul. Have good production values, preferably one of the liberal safety tunes (le happy string guitar music)

I think that my path towards natsoc perhaps is somewhat more rare, that through science. Through journals, research, theories and concepts. That is why perhaps you arent able to provide more. A shame really, I guess I have to deeply introspect and find out the building blocks of scientific natsocism myself.

I think every body here needs to here this sad story. Her Grandfather wasn't from Poland or the US, he was from the HOLOCAUST! I think newfags should donate to Israel. Then they can feel eternal guilt for giving the Jew money for free


That is one ugly jew ( is it a tranny?). someone get it a burka…
