Check this shit out
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN:Terrible leftist cartoons thread
But it's all about them. Leftist doublethink sure is amazing.
i found that first one pretty funny
Holla Forums is a leftist board, you shitlord.
Low t cuckoo confirmed
hahaha ok
got a 32 types of feminist version?
i thought the allure & novelty of laughing at tumblrina's died out in like 2014
How does that picture explain asians' success, they actually earn more than whites despite being a minority.
Why are leftist "cartoons" always like 90% text to image ratio? Does that not defeat the purpose of the medium? You're supposed to display a message artistically, using minimal words.
kys losers
fuck off banananigger
lol! banananigger!
Here anons, have some anti-left content
Fuck me, first pic is a fucking thumbnail
Politely saging because I just complained
I sincerely hope that this celebration everyone is doing around this will help some of them realize that they're 1) spending too much time on the internet and 2) have bad priorities
if you post another thumbnail you are getting banned
In this comic, two out of three panels are people acting normal
This thread is for leftist cartoons not your shifty memes
pickle rick is the only thing good about this thread OP
We are supposed post shitty leftist cartoons
You know what? The more these fucking dumbshit feminists try and portray men as all perverts and sexual harassers, the more I become that negative stereotype. These man-hating dykes are creating monsters, because no matter how many good men they are, they simply don't exist to them. Imagine if we had the same fucking attitude about women, they'd be portrayed worse than men BY FAR. Women have done things way worse than we have.
you are a beta male
I bet the person who made this voted for Hillary Clinton.
this hurts my head so much
First one is actually legit
I dont get it, its sarcasm?
yes it is, and it's actually decent. not like most of the other ones itt
they're liberal as hell, what the fuck
OPs first pic sums up liberals pretty well. Their mental conditioning instructs them to think everything and everyone is wrong if they arent exactly aligned with them. anything that threatens their beliefs is strawmanned and not even 1 attempt was made to understand someone elses point of view.
this is why our propaganda is so effective, they couldnt be any more predictable and easily manipulated. They are basically spelling out how to trigger them.
This pic is awesome.
gee bill
Their wet dream.
So…ummm…this cartoon criticisms people who make correct observations?
Liberals really are big babies.
It's as stupid as fuck.
For one thing cars DO have safety belts.
What a load.
The black bloc all have weapons and attacked first and the alt right were outnumbered plius the cops were on antifas side.
Its the same struggle story the smelly so called socialists run everytime.
I think its pretty sad how Trump doesn't even have to fucking do anything and it pisses these retards off.
I also like how the author of this one uses Nixons paranoia against the Democrats as a tool for his strawman while the Dems themselves are constantly preaching MUH RUSSIANS! They had the decency to include Bill Clinton in the mix in the very least
Democrats are now backing away from wanting Gun Control despite recent mass shootings because a man they hate is in office. Fucking hypocrites forgot having guns to defend against tyranny can also apply to them
Honestly, if you've gotten sexually harassed THAT MANY FUCKING TIMES in your life, maybe it's time to ask yourself if its the world with the problem or if you really were just asking for it all those times
The sheer amount of mental gymnastics the writer of this comic had to jump through to justify his position is as astounding as his sheer lack of self-awareness
hey nigger just reply to the thread once instead of making 4 different ones tbh
Who gives a shit it's a cyclical. Besides, I comment as I read through the thread
wow the left really can't meme.
Maybe she shouldn't invite belligerent niggers into her house.
It appears there is no end to their fat, delusion and chatterbox bullshit comics.
It's just that the writers are hacks, patronising people takes a lot of haughtily delivered exposition.
That one's not too bad, the Bush admin really fucked everything up even more than usual.
This girl is a whore, dick watcher/grope my tits Jamal/sleep in communal bed/drunk party whore/gullible/idiot/dramawhore/pricktease/fatass
Saying "No" and walking away isn't an option huh?
What the fuck is any of that supposed to mean?
To surmise:
Support this for your slut of a wife faggotmen!
First two panels accurately highlight the hypocrisy of a great many mewling faggots who blithely omit that they are the driving force of the rapacious capitalist behaviour they mindlessly decry.
3rd panel doesn't make any sense, at all.
4th is just trite noise, clearly made by someone trying to skewer a smartass but batting well wide of the mark with their words.
To be fair it doesn't say they're conservatives.
Forces the question 'When is?' if you're gonna wait for cops to stop shooting niggers, mud to stop killing everyone or hicks to stop ratatat tat-ing yokel concerts you'll be waiting a long damn time to ever get around to it.
Pointless anyway the cat's well out of the bag, they can only criminalise everyone.
That's a pleasantly wordless one.
where do you think he is finding leftist cartoons retard
hello where can I go to have casual discussion with trump supporters (or people who aren't brainwashed but that's clearly asking for way too much)
This one's actually true. Bush used to be Hitler and now he's just Hindenburg. When/if someone like David Duke, Roy Moore or Richard Spencer becomes President the media will love Trump again because Dems don't get that the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.
what are you an anarchist?
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that it's stupid to pretend that someone was perfect because someone worse came along.
Yes the criticism is correct. It would be ad hominem fallacy to denounce criticism just because of who said it
But we all know that the comic is implying that we shouldn't stop getting mad at other presidents and the entire US government in general. It's disingenuous to suggest that while ignoring the fact that Trump is better than people say he is
Gas OP
If this were a YCYL thread I'd be rekt.
all the pro trump, right, and anti-globalist stuff gets thread slid really hard.
bump because fuck the shills. the shills aren't posting in threads because they get BTFO. they are just bumping everything that doesn't bother them to push down all the threads that do.
it's just mass thread sliding. keep bumping.
actually, most of these comics suck. this thread is shit unless the images are meant to show us how stupid the people who made the comics are.