So Dysnomia needs to come up with vols to help delete DOST violations or Ron will nuke this board.
Last time Dysnomia made someone a mod to help clean up the spam he managed to pick the very guy who was spamming the board in the first place.
So I think we can all see where this is heading.
Even if he manages to get legit vols, the pedo spam and so called "dost violations" (which lately have included completely non-pedo related images) are going to reach epic proportions.
Hang on to your hats, faggots…the end of Holla Forums is here. It is going to go down in a blaze of ineffectual bans and CP spam, and Dysnomia will be just as much a non-factor as he ever has been.
pic related
dysnomia did nothing wrong
A Holla Forums alternative that had absolutely no rules got nuked by global moderators. Just goes to show that the problem isn't really dysnomia himself, but the Jews running this place. This place is a literal honeypot now, and nobody here even cares.
this basically
I've been shitposting on lately, while watching Holla Forums burn from a distance. It's pretty damn comfy.
Any users who are pissed off with Holla Forums mods are welcome.
We wouldn't go to mooch if it was the only site on the internet tbh.
Not possible. Dysnomia is the worst BO on this site by far.
Under his leadership Holla Forums went from rank 3 to rank 4 under fucking Holla Forums
He's done everything he can to drive this place into the ground.
You actually believe that Dysnomia mistyped "ron will nuke the board" as "ron will replace me with a different BO"?
Are you really that gullible?
Dys overplayed his hand and then tried to cover it up, user. He has done this many times before.
It's the most functional, most smoothly working and most active alternative chan on the internet as of right now. What's wrong with mooch?
that's not true. dysnomia puts a lot of effort into maintaining this board.
If you haven't noticed its still rank 3-4 despite being almost dead at this point because the ENTIRE SITE is dying because the problem isn't with any one BO its with jim and how he runs the place.
Hello reddi/pol/
it's too comfy and the color scheme is gay
It's too slow. I don't mind posting there as I do think Holla Forums should have a little competition but it's not good enough for people to leave Holla Forums for yet.
Besides, what idiot would even accept becoming BO of this board when the only tool you get to mod with that works is individual image deletion? That is bullshit, and only a moron would agree to it.
The same problem every other new imageboard trying to grab all 8chans users had, Holla Forums doesn't have enough users.
The only thing that made Holla Forums a viable alternative is because it had a huge influx of users from 4chan that have at this point probably just gone back there since its no better here than it is there anymore.
What's wrong with individual image deletion?
It is still a chan run by a retard.
The reason you are deader than Holla Forums has nothing to do with how smoothly you run. It is that you are still just another chan, and chans are dead because they are all infiltrated with feds and normies. That is why everyone has gone to onions. You are selling a Model T to people who are driving Ferraris.
Spotted the newfag
What is wrong is that you need more than that as a tool to run a board well. You need to be able to actually ban people permanently, for a start.
You can change the color theme like I did.
I think the same thing was said about Holla Forums in its earlier years, but when the gamergate scandal happened, that was enough to cause a mass exodus among anons who were worth half their salt.
So what now? Should I or someone else make an alternative chan?
Then we must wait. If shit keeps going downhill surely an Holla Forums exodus will happen. right?
Not if we just stand here and allow it to happen. We should have left a long time ago when Jim bought Holla Forums, but we stayed and got fucked in the ass. If we never leave, then everything will just get worse for us and never get better. Jim and his globals are only pulling this shit because we're passively letting them. Change only happens when you make it happen.
.>dysnomia puts a lot of effort into maintaining this board.
And that's part of the fucking problem. If dysnomia just Holla Forums be exist without interfering too much it'd run much more smoothly. Instead he just can't help prancing around like a tripfag sticking his fingers in all the pies and fucking with the board.
No faggot, its just rank 4. Dysnomia and his retarded bullshit drove so many people away from Holla Forums that Holla Forums passed us and gained a comfortable lead a long time ago
You act like everyone just has to pick one imageboard and can't leave unless they leave for good.
I just come here to watch the shitshow unfold and sometimes take part in it.
so that's your endgame. you're some kind of fucked up control freak.
just let Holla Forums exist*
let's all migrate to /notb/ then
It isn't my endgame. It isn't my game at all. I do not play games that have rules which can not be enforced. That would be stupid.
This × π
If that board is any less cucked than Holla Forums is it will just get nuked by jim like the 3 or 4 other Holla Forums alternative boards that have been made.
Holla Forums has no rules
You're right, that line of thinking is wrong. I just shift most of my attention on mewch now, and once in awhile come back here to watch things fall and bring more people from Holla Forums to mewch. However, if we do stop posting here and just simply watch things, then this place will surely die, and that's what we want for Jim. Fuck him for destroying this once great imageboard.
/bbbb/ was an alternative that took off really fast, and guess what happened? The board got nuked by YogaPig. Good luck making an uncucked board when this entire place is ran by jews.
I'd make an alternative chan, but I can't fucking code.
You dopes don't get it.
The exodus already happened months ago.
And it wasn't to a chan, it was to Tor/onionsites.
Chans were never an option because they are all compromised in one way or another.
The clearnet is being sanitized as governments fight for control of it, so the exodus went to deeper waters.
Staying here, going to mewch or notb…it is all the same in the end. Nothing more than a temporary fix of immediate symptoms.
There is no "Wild West of the Internet" on clearnet sites anymore. The days of the chan are over.
So it really doesn't matter what goes on with this board…it is going to be nuked one way or the other anyway. IDGAF who is BO or how many more days it lasts, beyond enjoying watching Dysnomia squirm his fat wiggly body under the stress of being proven a complete failure.
This is the future for every clearnet chan board.
Yes it does. It has one, and that one rule can not be enforced.
Have you ever seen gopher spaces? There's a chan made on there that's been around since 2008, and absolutely no normalfags know about the gopher protocol. Gopher spaces pretty much resemble the internet in the 90's and real early 2000s due to it's text based hierarchy.
Which one???
No matter where anons migrate, if they migrate in large enough numbers, there will be a group of whiny giga-autists who will make it their sole purpose in life to destroy it. Some people will never be satisfied and just need things to complain about.
It's not the excessive moderation, nor the lack thereof, that's the problem, it's the lack of effective regulations to keep the spammers from shitting all over everything. At this point, turning 8/b/ into a clone of 4/b/ would probably stabilize things more effectively and preserve more of the userbase than trying variations of the same old bullshit–I'm not suggesting that should happen, but I think it would show the self-entitled Freedom Fetishists that rules and regulations actually work
/uncuckedb/ and /bbbb/ are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head but I'm sure there was one other one too.
If rules and regulations actually work then why did you ever come here instead of staying on 4chan?
Mate you can't really claim Dysnomia is worse than someone who bans books When Holla Forums before the post GG and Trump influx wasn't the book burning retards the kikes pretend they are or a Kike who jewed his way into getting Sonic and
12 game overs
Look at 4chan's activity compared to Holla Forums. I rest my case.
And I still post on 4chan
I checked /uncuckedb/ when it was created and once again some time after, catalog was 100% 5 year old girls.
/bbbb/ seems fine?
It got nuked by the admins? Sad to hear if that is indeed the case.
Did they just decide to delete everything one day and take the owner's account away?
It *is* Dysnomia's fault because he didn't address it in the beginning when he had the opportunity. He twattled around with IDs and flags and black cock wallpaper themes instead, and allowed this shit to gain self-sustaining momentum. Now it is too late, and even a new BO won't make a difference.
don't you mean (((NATURAL AND ORGANIC))) momentum
[cute chirping noises intensifies in the background]
I read the one thread left up, and it appears to have been nuked by fugthelug herself.
less = better
i wish whoever takes dys's place permabans lots of users. why does it matter where we are to Holla Forums? when did more users ever made any board better? fuck dysnomia and fuck Holla Forums. i just want to shitpost.
Mewch should be heaven for you then tbh.
i never mentioned other chans.
Yeah my favorite part about Holla Forums is that I can make my own board and just talk to myself in it all day because nobody else will ever visit.
I did though. :^)
What does this mean?
i dislike pedo's but c'mon now that is ridiculous
hex was a pedo purging machine when he was mod, Jim is one stupid nigger
this he purged my ass all day tbh
hex was a pedo posting machine who purged himself to make him look like a pedo purging machine.
He got shitcanned and, hey look, the pedo spammers have surprisingly gone away! Surely it's just a (((coincidence))) right?
You are really ignorant or really bad at sarcasm, I can't tell which.
fug u lh
lh and hex are just two personalities of HeX. hex is a pedo tbh.
damn good guess, but I am not not Hex tbh
Checking those trips tbh
Fuck you guys.
Yes retard, someone who intentionally drives users away from the board and fucks with the remaining populace for his own amusement is worse than Mark and the Holla Forums BO (notice how we don't have so much as a name to attach to him, that's how a BO should be)
I am not Hex. Stop accusing me of being him
well the pol bo is a fucking kike so why the fuck would we want to know its name
you are hex tbh. i remember making the connection a few months ago and hex coming out as a closet pedo a few days ago confirmed my accusations. so what's the deal with you and zhenya hex/lh?
no I'm not. if Hex is around he can easily confirm it. When do I ever talk about religion or Mormonism? I don't. I am Orthodox anyways.
again, when has Hex ever posted Zhenya? Never is the answer, because I am not Hex and he is not me.
he did no such thing
All namefags and tripfags will hang on the DoTR.
It doesn't matter what I say at this point
he said something on the lines of 'when i was 18 i could find a 13 year old attractive.' paraphrasing that means by normalfag standards he is in fact a closet pedophile, not just that but a non exclusive closet pedophile.
all the time. lh and hex are the same person and you shill your hot russian waifu everyday. not like that's a bad thing.
you talk about religion all the time because you are infact hex.
trust me its not hard to maintain three or more personalities on a dead af imageboard like this one. all you need is a some a typing template, patience and if you're feeling spicy you could even throw in a few avatars to dissuade the smarter anons.
they are accusing me of being you for some reason
he has never once posted Zhenya. I've only seen him post Hitler pics
Only time I talk about religion is when I ask Hex about his
Of course they are. They have chosen to try to get rid of me by destroying my reputation instead of using my ban to tear this site apart and force a change. Anons have chosen
i'm pretty sure it is one autistic user trying to smear you tbh
There are more on /sudo/
hex/lh stop posting attractive grannies pls.
he has never once posted Zhenya under his tripcode because you post zhenya under your tripcode and name (lh)
hex also made it very clear that he use to user post here all the time. lh also admitted to user posting here too but basically avatarfag'd while user posting so its really all the same shit.
once again avatarfag. lh has zhenya and hex has hitler. it really isn't a coincidence at this point.
probably stop talking to yourself tbh
You did nothing wrong and many of us here support you
You're right. I've got 3 browsers open right now at this moment from which I can post under 3 IPs…
i know you're just being autistic and annoying to get some (You)'s but at least put some effort into it tbh
sarcasm and replying to my accusations with a condescending demeanor is in fact not argument.
rebuke my claims with valid points please
You know that's actually a thing or are you playing a character?
ive heard that one alot.
Hex you did nothing wong
Actually, I have been doing that for the past month or two. Ron said I have to actually do something. ;_;
he's a closet pedo and a spammer.
he's double degenerate.
shut the fuck up faggot
you've been working behind the scenes to shill your shitty agenda and you got btfo yesterday. you nuked all pedo threads so there wouldn't be any remnants of your fuck up but we all know your kiked plan.
SHHHH, you aren't supporting the pedos narrative!!!
and what exact pedo narrative are we talking about here?
digits confirm, hex is innocent
t. Not Hex
the one about dys's incompetence and involvement being the reason why Holla Forums is shit, and not them pedo selves. the mass production of midget threads in itself should be classified as spam. so i suppose you can blame dys for not deleting them.
midget threads are made by the pedos and not the shilling globals. lets make that very clear.
you would know that, wouldn't you
if you have a look on /lg/ you'd know that they're the ones spamming the little girls. actually you don't even have to go there when they openly talk about spamming the board here. maybe you should wake up dude
Somone give me 8 ch's host ip and I will launch an amplified DDOS that will nuke them from the internetz
cloudflare. now go clean your room, you have to be in bed by 9pm for church tomorrow, kid
Cute :)
Once we have your actual IP, cloudflare does nothing.
Whew, I haven't heard that in some 20 years. The younguns here probably didnt know that existed. That was before the internet came into its modern form.
yeah but so does your mom's shitty laptop
Op is a fag rite?
Jim, I am willing to purchase this site for $20,000. We have a deal?
OP didn't read far enough down the thread, but in the end he is right anyway.
8ch software has always been shit, and mods just don't have the tools necessary to stop this no matter who is BO or how many vols they round up.
When this all started an user claimed responsibility and said he was one of the globals that Jim ousted when he took over. He said that he and some of the others were behind it and were going to take 8ch down bit by bit starting with Holla Forums doing nothing illegal, but just by using the site's own weaknesses against it. I specifically remember him saying that Holla Forums would be done by the end of the year, more likely by the end of November. I didn't think anything of it at the time, it was just shit talk to me. But I just remembered it a minute ago when I read a 3 bear post in the sticky telling Dysnomia that he had already been told what would happen and when.
Maybe it is all just bullshit, I don't know and I don't really care.
This has become a huge stupid autistic faggot soap opera and 8ch admins have no way to stop it apart from killing the board and telling Dysnomia to take a hike.
You sir, are an imbecile.
This site isn't worth $20.
Domain would be valuable to someone who isn't a fag like him. It's Jim the spammers don't like. A new owner could minimize his risks by not being a Jim.
Some of the code could also be reused.
I'd say maybe $1,000 or about 200 of Jim's little Filipino boys.