Enjoy the movie, sir
fuggin druppy guppy dibint eben budder muh bobgorm ebenly
drupqugs r ogay wib dis sdanbarb abbarendly tho
Boy i dropped something bad cuz i sure am seeing weird shit in my vision
Don't tell me what to do woman!
get me robert pls, maam
Right about now, funk soul bruvva.
Suck my dick, bitch.
Cuckchan Faggotry: The Thread
pls link me to your thread
Does anyone get irritated when women are working on minimum wage jobs? I don't like to have them as the face of some authority that I have to look up to.
They're single and lonely 80% of the time so they're easy to snatch as girlfriends.
t. a man who met his wife this way.
are you retarded? they're basically a serf.
id enjoy it much more of you were sitting on my COCK, Sally
I ordered crab legs and sparkling mineral water you dumb bitch. What do you mean you don't serve crab legs? What kind of theater is this? Where is your manager?
Thank you.
do you too?
is that brittany venti?
Oh my Gawd, woman! How can I enjoy anything under Drumpf's presidency?! Have you not heard the news?! America is over, over, finished! All thanks to Donald Drumpf! All because of people like YOU! Yeah, you didn't vote for Bernie, nor Hillary, you disgusting cow! It's all YOUR fault!
Also, I want a JUMBO size popcorn bucket and soda!
There's no need for all that. If you wanted to get better acquainted you could just say so.
Not thicc enough.
I'll have you know your insulting ignorance will be reported to your superiors.
dont be a trumpcuck bro
damn, i didn't know she was so FAT
Excuse me
Hnnnnng, she's pretty much white enough right? Spanish people are European after all…..maybe not white enough to wife
Hella Juicy Mama
Our girl tbh
user, pls. This is too much
She's an eighth nigger.
Oil drilling is the thinking man's fetish.
Look…. at the little bows on her shoes and around her waist………
Cute. CUTE
Proof? She don't look 1/8 nigger.
So…..she's only 87.5% white? Im not sure how to feel about this.
You can't see it? I can totally see it. I thought she was part Spanish though.
To me that's a turn off. Besides, of course, that she's a camwhore.
I know a lot of 1/8 niggers. She ain't one. Spanish I can see, but not nigger.
Sir? I'm a girl though.
Heh. Heh, she's still a cute even if I wouldn't wife her.
Tits or gtfo
She said it herself you retards.
(talks about it at 0:32)
Holy shit at you people who can't spot an octoroon when you see one. You dumb fags probably slept with a nigger in your lifetime and didn't even know it. She's even built like a sheboon.
is she, dare i say it, /literallyblacked/?
She's an attention whore. She's full of shit and just ripping off cucks. If this girl actually is part black, it's less than 1/8. If one of her great grandparents were black, they were less than full or half. My father bred with a part nigger. The result was a 1/8th nigger. It still looks like a nigger, but with slightly lighter skin
Kek. You forgot to post Carlos.
She recently got her 23 and me DNA results, and it turns out she is actually 1/3 black.
I've never understood people that give other people money on patreon. Unless its like an independent journalist and you're into news or something. Just feels dirty. Like yeah im just going to give some girl money because she posts cute videos and cute pics on Instagram. Like dude what? Really. Have some dignity.
I can understand why desperate men might want to do it, especially if it feels like they are actually interacting with the girl. It's no worse than paying for porn, which was common only a generation ago. The big donations are confusing though. You can get a cheap escort for like 200 and a model-tier one for 600, all technically legal, so who knows why they choose to blow their cash on cam whores unless they are supreme betas who truly believe they are loved by e-whores
Yeah. And if you have that kind of money to blow its not that hard to get a date. As long as you're not morbidly obese or something. Like dude get off the internet. Hell you can even use the internet to set up a date. There's all kinds of matchmaking services.
that works if you are clint.
I just meant for hideous/socially inept guys. If you are in unfortunate circumstances like that I would probably just say get a hot call girl to pretend for a few hours rather than busting your ass to get mistreated by some fat 3/10 single mother.
I don't get it at all. I understand donating to a patreon because you like supporting filmmakers or comedians that have day jobs, so they can take time off and make more videos, but I don't get simple shit like this. It's more degrading than donating to camgirls, because at least they take their top off when you give them money (or at least most of them do).
Topkek, m8. Most internet DNA tests are bullshit. One of my bio teachers back in the day was a genetic biologist and we had a long conversation about this. All online DNA tests look at your chromosomal makeup and just guess where that particular chromosome is from, or don't bother looking at all. So if a chromosome from one ethnicity is shared with another, they just guess which ethnicity it came from. A lot of them don't even test DNA, they just tell you a bunch of random shit. Here's how you can tell: there are 46 chromosomes, 23 from mom, 23 from dad. That means you can be, at minimum, 2.174% (or 1/46th) of something. Any test that tells you a percentage that doesn't fit within the 46 division is false. A lot of test results you see will say "You're 0.74% Japanese!" (I've seen this before). That's the way to instantly tell if a DNA test is bullshit. Then, consider that part about 23 from mom, 23 from dad. Both of your parents have 46 chromosomes total, though, and the 23 out of the 46 that are passed to you are, for sake of ease, random. That means half of their chromosomes are lost. Therefore it's very difficult to be 1/3rd. It's possible, but very difficult. It also means that there's a point where no matter what odd ancestor you had, if everyone else has been pure of one ethnicity, after so many generations those chromosomes will not be passed on anymore. For instance, I have a Cherokee ancestor, but he was so many generations back that it is mathematically improbable that I share any chromosomal DNA with him. Therefore, the lower the percentage of something, the less likely it's accurate. This is the genetic reason why, during instances of mass immigration, one race usually beats out another instead of both homogenizing into a new ethnicity. Despite all this, most ancestry DNA tests will give you a hodgepodge of results that they just decided by throwing darts at a dartboard with ethnicities on it.
None of this is to say actual DNA testing is bullshit, just the online ancestry ones.
I had sex with Brittany Venti multiple times, a truly wonderful woman =^_^=
true those online dna test are scams, probably operated from Tel Aviv.
Pics or it didn't happen
I won't leak any pictures sorry;
Then it didn't happen. Too bad. I wanted to see her nudes.
I want her to smother me with her thighs while I lick the sweat off of 'em
Shit, I don't have any cash! Will bitcoin be okay?
This tickled me enough that I teared up, have a (you)
"Thank you" and never anything more because I have the social skills of a broken stapler.
That's whiter than most Americans…
HA! jokes on you I never slept with anyone…
lol are drumpflets really this retarded?
I wonder if she dates the black guy who usually works at the concession stand.
If you're talking about 23andMe, they look at particulary alleles that are particularly common among populations in existing geographic regions. This means if you measure 0.1% East Asian, it's not that 2,000 years ago you have a Japanese ancestor, you just have a few alleles that are, by far, most commonly associated with East Asians, but not entirely unique to them.
You already paid for a popcorn and a drink you dumb fuck.
Shat up ya cunt and give me my shit.
So do you want the fucking KitKat or not?
Yeah, and that's the problem. Alleles don't tell you where a chromosome is from, because alleles don't move cross chromosome. Because of the delicacy of the human genome, genetic mutation can often result in similar alleles and traits in different chromosomes across different environments. And then, certain alleles will remain unmutated as other alleles in the same chromosome change, making certain traits persist over several centuries of evolution as one group splits off and evolves into different things. Pale skin in different European ethnicities is a common example of this. Because of these reasons, looking at alleles tells you nothing about a person's ethnic background.
And even then, I doubt 23andMe even bothers looking. It seems more likely, to me, that they just tell people that's what they do. It's cheaper, easier, and nobody testing their DNA is looking deep into their family history
Do I have to ask fucking twice!
I want to hear her farts