I just masturbated. Now that I'm temporarily freed from the shackles of my sexual frustrations, it's time to focus on something else. What are you doing today, Holla Forums?
I just masturbated. Now that I'm temporarily freed from the shackles of my sexual frustrations...
Probably more of the same.
same thing i do every day, try to work up the nerve to kill myself.
Today is the day, user. I have faith in you. You can do this!
gonna play Deus-Ex in a minute.
The entire game in 1 minute?
I ended up just fucking around on the internet. I hate myself
I watched the new h3h3 podcast after jacking off myself to japanese jailbait porn
might go played minecraft after this
I listen to music
why not masturbate again?
doubtful, unless hes a speed runner
this is your favorite song? I dont like kpop music, but the girls ar ehot
what sites do you usually look at?
Do you ever open more tabs than you can possibly read before opening yet more tabs?
Why can't I ever reach the end of the Internet?
Why can't I ever reach the final ejaculation.
My favorite is this now. I listened it about 100 times in a week.
I frequent a couple of fora. I also read the news actively, or go on Youtube to watch more infotainment. I jack off to rape porn, and chat with people all over the web. Lately I'm more often on Discord. What about you?
I usually exercise daily, but I guess today is cheat day. I need a job.
Do you ever open more tabs than you can possibly read before opening yet more tabs?
Why can't I ever reach the end of the Internet?
I actually keep a healthy amount of tabs open, and try to focus on those.
grinding in World of Warships
Trying to decide if I wanna go shoot pool at the bar tonight or not. Until I figure it out, I will continue to sit on the couch next to my pupper and scratch my nuts
It's like what, 4 in the afternoon for you now? Go to the store, buy a few beers and get in the mood to go shoot pool!
I think it's pretty straight
nigga u gay
How so if they are girls?
It's a really girly thing to like. You're a very feminine 'man' at the very least, and imo ur ghey
Do you also watch make-up tutorials and finger painting vids on Jewtube 'cause it's girls doing it?
I think you are in gay denial, user.
This user makes a great point. you're gay as fuck bro
Actually I'm a lesbian Korean girl trapped in white male body.
Hmm. Yes. Elaborate.
I'm more of the "all daughters want their dads" type.
Just got back from a rub and tug. Was epic. No idea what to do now, but I'm eating dinner.
show me your dinner.
That's exactly what I did. Back home and chillin' now.
watering my indoor plants at 2am in the morning, but will def jerk off after
I'm on Olanzapine and have lost about half of my libido. I can still cum but it feels meh. What do?
Stop taking that shit.
Haven't jerked it in almost 2 weeks after doing it every day for 20+ years, are you proud of me Holla Forums?
I'm going to jerk it once today, and only once. I need to cut down on the choke, you know what I'm saying nigga?
Nice, good to hear that!
Fucking proud as hell. How did yo do it? How do you feel? Are you more energised now?
All this furry role playing you get upto, behind everyones' back, is going to get you into major trouble pretty soon, you know?
kpop is trash, ya retards.
Kill yourself m8
Thanks user.
Simple. Every time I wanted to fap I would get out of my chair and do a push up. After a few days of that I stopped wanting to fap all the time.
Not too much of a difference yet physically, but I do feel better mentally. Less mental "fog" if you will. Gonna go for a month after the 2 week mark if I still feel alright
Checked your dubtrips. I'm going to heed your advice user. Great timing, because I'm on week 2 of a daily exercise routing (going for a run now) and exercise made me feel so much fucking better.
Thanks again and please do post on your progress.
Yeah, exercise is a definite plus.
Sure, if you are interested. I'll post an update in a week or so
Sure thing, man. I'm going for nofap for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow will be a challenge.
fapping is a curse
I also masturbated upon waking. Now I'm gonna start drinking in anticipation of the Falcons game. I have to get blackout wasted before kickoff, because they've been really frustrating to watch thus far this season.
I have not masturbated in 9 days: a new record. I'm in uncharted waters boys, and I plan on sailing on. Maybe I'll have an erotic dream with my waifu.
Don't forget to change your sheet afterwards, user… oh! And don't share your bed with your kid sister in the meantime, either - that could lead to a rather embarrasing and strange set of circumstances for you to explain your way out of.
Every time i find myself lusting after korean girls i have to remind myself that they are soulless ant people
I just scrolled down the entire board down to page 17, and with every page the nigger music started again. It culminated in an earrape of 15 of the same tunes playing out of sync simultaneously. It ended surprisingly harmonious, with each of the songs ending one by one, until the very last.