The "Official Alt-Right"

Didn't see anything about this in the catalog. There is apparently an "official alt right" group with a logo and everything. We all know you have to be retarded to label yourself alt right though. How pozzed is this shit? I can't tell if this is controlled opposition of if these niggers are actually serious. Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, and Jared Taylor seem to be the big names of it. All of whom have been oy veyed at for muh racist white supremacy. In their conference they even talked about cucks. I think the following quote is kind of a red flag though:

Other urls found in this thread:

They're a bunch of faggots.

No-one cares

That's what it seems like. I don't get what they're trying to accomplish.

controlled opposition. and 2normie8me anyway

We are stepping out of this right-left dichotomy. Our goal is transcending reality.

We ressurect Gods. Fuck pussy.

They're trying to take credit for everything we've accomplished so Dicky Spencer can be president or something.

It's going to be hilarious to see what kind of stunts these faggots pull for attention in a few months when the aut-right dies out after the election.

Spencer was shilling his symbol on the shoah last week.

It's fucking lame.

spencer is gay as fuck, please go away

they want to attract more people to white nationalism by compromising on things like faggotry being degenerate

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The point of the alt-right is that its a natural reaction to decades of degeneracy. You cannot co-opt it, it is a 'traditional reactionary' movement seeking to stem the filth.

Each person might have different answers, some might seek merely to return to the 1950s, whereas others might have dreams of their own perhaps national socialist utopia. It doesn't particularly matter as the first steps to this 'new' (or old) world are the same. It is nationalism, it is homogenous societies, it is a total lack of degeneracy, it is traditional marriage, it is Christianity (or at least the general morals of it for you pedantic pagan faggots).

It will never be jew-friendly, it will never believe in equality, it will never be about helping other races or even women (well it does help women, just not in the 'feminist' sense), it will never tolerate faggotry, it will never accept diversity.

Any arsehole who thinks they are 'leading it' is up their own arse. It is a natural reaction of a people pushed too far.

Basically admitting they're not really loyal to the Donald at all, and only want to give the appearance of supporting Trump so they can rake in shekels with opinion pieces. Of course, in order to maximize the shekels they need to maximize the audience, which for a "movement" that only has a short time to live is best achieved by sanitizing the message for the normal's palette. I fully expect to hear tons of "White nationalists don't actually hate the Jews/faggots/Muslims/etc." coming out of this "official" Alt-Right soon.

But the Alt-Right embraces degeneracy?

Dicky logo is literally 3 kkk hoods , why does this not surprise me.

Wasn't Dicky anti-Trump last year? I remember on that live podcast thing he did with Red Ice and Mike Enoch, John Friend (possible crypto) told him that he was on the Trump train, and Spencer seemed to answer somewhat negatively.

Not going to put myself through an hour or so of that autism to find the clip though.

No, three (gay) triangles.

Dumb thread with dumb people posting dumb shit.

Are they anti-jew?
If they are, they can stay, if not then they're a bunch of cucks and will pray to Kek for their destruction.

The alt-right, as in 'alternative rightwing perspective' is just people taking a moral stand against 'progressivism'. It is not a specific groups' personal political ideology, it is just an alternative right-wing perspective; which in reality means a REAL 'right-wing' choice. Now many might argue that 'right-wing' does not mean anything, but I think we all understand it as something that believes in nationalism, in God, in degeneracy (and opposes it) and so on.

These faggots need to be called out and told that they cannot belong to the 'alt-right' because they are the same as the 'current right' with the 'progressive' perceptions of deviancy. The degenerate filth are the same old crap that we already have; they are not a part of this new force that has had enough of being told that they are 'progressing' by destroying everything that is actually of value, and are now opposing it by trying to bring back the true virtues and morals of society and purging the diversity, degeneracy and general taint.

Which God shall be resurrected next? I nominate Bacchus/Liber, god of the Plebeians.


Here are some quotes from the press conference.

Jared Taylor:

“There is a broad spectrum of opinions within the Alt-Right as to the role of Jews in the Western societies, the extent to which Jews are welcome or should be welcome in the Alt-Right, to which they could contribute, to a consciousness of Whites as a [beleaguered?] people – I tend to be among those, who thinks that European Jews are very much a part of our movement. Some people say that no, Jews should not be a part of our movement, but there is an enormous spectrum of opinion on that issue.”

“I don’t think that a Jewish American or a European Jew cannot be a fully committed man of the West who wishes our Race and our Civilization to survive. “

“I don’t think that if a Jewish person identifies with the West and with Europe that that’s something we should deny to someone just because he’s a Jew.”

Dicky Spencer:

“I actually fundamentally understand the impulse towards Zionism.”

“I think it is very important that the Ethnostate be a dream, it is a utopia in a sense, I think it would be ridiculous to start defining it right now, it is something for the future, it is very simple, it is very similar to the idea of Zionism for Jews in the 19th century, its actually very similar to the ideal of Communism for the Left in the 19th century.”

“In terms of the European Homeland, we would have fine relationships with the Jewish Homeland, we would not want to undermine that. We understand the Zionist impulse in a way that others don’t.”

“[Race-mixing] is not really a threat to White Identity, to be honest, simply because of numbers. In terms of intermarriage between Asians and Whites or something, it’s not something significant that we really have to deal with. It’s not like half of the country is East-Asian and the other half is White and we’re all mixing – that is simply not happening on that scale, so it’s simply not an important question. I don’t feel like intermarriage is really threatening White Identity.”

So they're cucked, fuck them.

Meh. Kind of sick of the negativity, tbh.

I heard a podcast where Jared Taylor admitted that Jewish intellectuals are partly responsible for white displacement. Having his name associated in this movement is good, imo.

6 million years in photardshop

You mean the one where he went on to kvetch about anti-Semites and once again claimed jews are White?

JT has always been softer of the JQ. No surprise there.

Dicky isn't wrong on the mixing, most whites don't mix even with all the programming being pushed.

Nice D&C thread.

I don't agree with spencer's pan-europeanism but he is certainly not controlled opposition.

Peter Brimelow is not alt-right and Jared is soft on the JQ.

Listen to the Rebel Yell episode with spencer on.

Daily reminder for newfags:

Don't don't let (((them))) label you with anything and never use (((their))) labels. They define criterias, put a label on it and create groups this way. Then they play this groups against each other. Basic D&C tactic.


How is this a D&C thread? It's pretty unanimous that the group is full of faggots.

No, I never heard that one. The guy is an old boomer. Imagine the amount of anti-Nazi propaganda he has had forced through his brain for his entire life. I feel bad for the guy

Yes, because WE are nationalists too.

You're such an obvious shill for suggesting that this statement meant anything but that.

ok, chaim

It's actually pretty good, give it a watch. Unlike the picture the shills are trying to paint here, Spencer is directly against Jews in the white states and says it directly. Jared Taylor is most cucked of the bunch, and that should say a lot.

Lie, he literally says that's just his thing and doesn't expect others to go with it. It's in the interview from OP's picture (but the faggot knows that already).

It's the most tactful thing that could've been done after Clinton's speech and they did good.

The only faggots who call themselves as part of the alt-right are the so called fashy lolbergs , they are not even fascist just a bunch of right leaning lolbergs nothing in common with most of us.

The zionism rhetoric is there to showcase jewish hypocrisy. They have an ethno-state. We're not allowed to have one.

Spencer is fully redpilled on the JQ. You're either a dumb faggot or a shill.


Agreed. Their labels are made so people can just pass of things as "oh that's just a conspiracy theory" and not question official narratives because they don't want to be made fun of. That's also why the term conspiracy theorist was made.

Zionism is nationalism, retard.

Pretty good, now fix the shadow.

Well then Dicky can share the bog with them

Brimelow is okay, Taylor is a jew lover, and Dicky Spencer is just in so his ponzi scheme keeps raking in cash

That's my line, if you're pro-zionist you should kill yourself.

I don't think he mentioned phalanx even once in the last 4 or 5 podcasts I listened to which featured him.

I don't think he mentions it in this talk either.

No one is pro-zionist and you're a little piece of shit for pretending like anyone is.

Kill yourself


This "lolbergs larping as fascists" meme is stale as fuck.

It's controlled opposition. Alt-right is cancer.

Fuck off JIDF, you're not fooling anyone.

Yes, showcasing jewish hypocrisy is a thing jidf does.

Kill yourself.

The triangle is a symbol of gay rights faggots FYI


Alt-right confirmed for triple faggots.

Killyourself faggot you are not welcome

I don't think the AmRen wing is anything sinister, they've just learned nothing about why the wind has started to blow in a different direction. With that said, as an entry point they're probably OK and certainly much better than for example Milo.

its incredible how the Aut-Right can always reach new levels of faggotry

Okay. Your opinion doesn't matter, m8. These movements will grow with or with out your influence.

I hold the opinion that we should be trying to shape them to our liking rather than abandoning them to become water downed movements.

But yeah, your strategy is cool too. I think you've thought long and hard about the importance of shitposting on an image board as a means of political activism and preserving the white race.

The fuck is this "alt right" shit? More like (((alt right))), amirite?


Shit man, who are these fags wearing suits talking like fags to the (((media)))? Ain't hardcore enough for me. Just got a pair of doc martens and I'm about to march down the street scaring the normies LOL.



such a blatant bait & switch tactic, that how they played atheist with atheism+ and gamergate

This is pretty accurate for how stupid a lot of people come off when the alt-right comes up

Do you really wonder why everybody calls you the Aut-Right?


I bet you haven't even curbstomped one Jew yet. HAHA WHAT A BITCH.

Whatever man, good luck with your gooktoon website or whatever. You'll never be a REAL NATIONIST like me, faggot.

Nice quads, but you aren't very good at this.


All of a sudden every thread on the board has multiple posters consensus cracking with bullshit about "good jews" and "nationalism 4 everyone". When called on their faggotry by actual oldfags ,instead of learning the error of their ways or having a dialogue they will respond with a flurry of "purity spiraling" and "no punching to the right man"

Its not going to work, we know about the strategy for a few months already

Yup, this is OWS style subversion happening by the merchants.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?





That's a lot of words for

check out rachel maddow's video talking about pepe: she references spencer as direct proof that pepe has been co-opted by racists (but of course he was popular on tumblr and with everyone before they stole it!)

lol here is the video:

polite sage

ffs i saged then did captcha and it unsaged?
ffs smh

nice dubs

Keep trying, skinwalker.
This thing will not become atheism+.

Why is Holla Forums this scared of the people in the alt-right?

Is it because they are actually doing stuff? Smh

That logo is the only good thing Dickie has done though

Please continue to sperg out , you only make me more sure is right

toppest kek, m8

Gee, i wonder?

Why are you guys talking like a bunch of fags? You Jews or something? Better not be.

Seeing how much attention this shit gets it should be obvious by know that "alt-right" is a shill term which will be used to discredit various ideas by associating them with elements that the general public finds unsavory and push Kosher interest and fag enabling

This has been the consensus for months maybe you should stay in >>>/trs/ with the other "fashy lolbergs"

Until I see on the news "Hardcore Holla Forums user kicks open the door of synagogue during sabbath and kills everyone", then you're just another sad internet tough guy demanding others do things for you, just like the niggers demanding gibs.

That post is so low energy i feel insulted by the attempt, not the content of it.

She's been giving Dicky attention for years.

the alt-right is as gay as op

Okay lad. What right wing movement should i support?


You should kill yourself.

Point me to another right wing movement, and I will support it.

Just point me to it, and I will drop the alt-right line a brick.

Man if you're just on your gooktoon board talking about being "Nationalist", you aint. Don't matter how many time you call the (((alt right))) a bunch of fags, you aint.

Until I see your ass marching in the street with a shaved head ready to start offing kikes, you're just a poser bitch who aint about shit. Just faggots like the alt right you hate so much.

Shit man, the alt right isn't even pretending to be hardcore.

where the fuck did this 'alt-right leaders' meme come from

the alt-right is not a movement or a group
it is not organized to any degree
the alt right does not have any leaders and i wish those pesky liberals would stop thinking it did

this is hillarious

Im amazed how you cant grasp why you are a faggot

This is how kikes create controlled opposition.

1. Get greedy e-celebs/faggots to proclaim themselves leader.
2. Give greedy faggots lots of press.
3. Retarded normies flock to greedy faggots for a nice dose of identity politics
4. Movement is now co-opted and retarded

I'm not going to point you anywhere, i just want you to kill yourself.

Our detractors have realized that they can't beat us, so now they go for the usual plan B, co-opting.

I'm really loving the "2000 irrelevant internet nazis" thing right now. Shills get so incredibly BTFO every single time.

Are you somehow denying that the left-right dichotomy doesn't exist? Blow your brains out. And yeah, democracy is garbage.

Okay. You're not accomplishing anything, you just look mad.

This has been the consensus for months maybe you should stay in >>>/trs/ with the other "fashy lolbergs"
Fuck off, m8. Been a Holla Forumsack since ZimZam.

It's just that I like my newfound political influence. And you should too, if you have enough agency to capitalize on the alt-right phenomenon.

Oh and shove your imaginary consensus up your ass.

Kill yourselves.

Which allows you to rail against people who have been spreading white naionalist and race-realist policies since long before that?

Butt mad.

I doubt you've personally done anything. And if you have, i think that's great. I've wasted a lot of time on chans since /new/ and I actually see a movement worth influencing and being a part of.

And it honestly drives me nuts that so many Holla Forumsacks are so content to sit on their asses and shit on something because it wasn't created in their image. That's the real fucking autism.






WN is just a internet meme anyway. At least the fag version is actually making some headway.