How much longer will the pedos be allowed to post on this site?
1) They continue to post images which they know violate site rules. 2) They continue to push the boundaries and test the patience of the mods. 3) They cannot contain their illness to 1 thread. 4) They spam their images in every thread in which they are present. 5) They promote the sexualization of children, and the normalization thereof.
In summary, this problem must be dealt with if this site is to survive.
Colton Reed
in summary you're a faggot wasting the mods time by reporting legal pictures and acting like a crybaby little bitch
Michael Wright
"Technically legal" and a "threat to Holla Forums" are two different things. Mods use their best judgement.
Ian Brown
Well their strategy sucks. Every once in a while I get weak and begin to feel some sorts of empathy for pedophiles because of the massive witch hunting. And then I come here to remind myself of how much these fucking niggers deserve every bit of hate they receive.
Jace Parker
some people just want to see the world burn tbh
Landon Martinez
I agree. Ruthlessly ban VPNs.
Posting text only like on Tor is a good compromise.
Christian Taylor
Remove VPN = goodbye pedo threads and CP Just look at 4chan
Jack Smith
similar homosexual
Joseph Richardson
checked for removing VPNs turns 8/b/ into cuck/b/
Nolan Garcia
Allow the poor persecuted child loving community their own board which pigfucker took away and you won't have issues. This board was better when the cripple run it as he had integrity, until he sold out to fatty.
Ethan Perez
Colton Hill
YLYL/ FB/IG thread/ Celebrity Thread/ Hunger Games/ Feet thread/ Pics you shouldn’t share/ Ass thread ==ALLROBOTS==
Caleb Evans
Indeed. Give us /hebe/ back (real /hebe/, not the joke board that's there now) and a cyclical on Holla Forums, and all will be well.
Jeremiah Richardson
go back to lolifox then. there's your containment board. fuck off
Xavier Martinez
You are assuming that it isn't global vols posting it. Most of the pedo pics posted don't. For the ones that do, see above. Except it appears that it is the patience of the users that is being tried here, not the mods. You being the case in point. Again, you are implying that their intent is to do so. They can, but they are choosing not to. Yup. No, but I can see where it would seem that way to you. What kind of ignoramous are you that you think this board is going to survive? Don't you get what is going on here? The globals want this board gone. They are sick of being forced to act as Dysnomia's janitors because he is too much of a cunt to be able to get his own mods. So they are doing to Holla Forums what they did to /bbbb/…they are shitting the place up in an effort to drive away as many users as they can so that the board dies. Every post espousing an opinion gets negated by another post. Every faction meets an anti-faction that is just as loud. Every hint of a quality post is met with 15-20 thread bumps to bury it, or a slew of spam posts. 4chan/b/ posts are cut and pasted directly into new threads here. The whole thing is a deliberate attempt to scuttle this board. It is as obvious as it could possibly be, and you sit there thinking it is nothing more than 4 or 5 high school kids getting their jollies by posting pics of little girls in swim suits? You are a 1st class idiot, OP.
Yes, this board could easily have been saved by disabling VPN posting. If used as a temporary measure to deter the shitposting, a culture could have been established and maintained here where it would not have been needed most of the time (like captchas). But it wasn't. That was Dysnomia's mistake. And now this is the result. A board that everyone wants to see gone, but nobody has the balls to delete.
Kayden Cooper
lol that board was shit
Angel Cox
great points, user. i dont want Holla Forums deleted. i say embrace the waste. id like to believe that spammers will eventually run its course, but that is not the case. what is the global angle exactly? just curious.
i feel silly but i made some copypasta and i dont want it to get cold so,
Pedophilia is termed pedophilic disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), and the manual defines it as a paraphilia involving intense and recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about prepubescent children that have either been acted upon or which cause the person with the attraction distress or interpersonal difficulty.[1] The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) defines it as a sexual preference for children of prepubertal or early pubertal age.[4]
In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often applied to any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse.[5][6] This use conflates the sexual attraction to prepubescent children with the act of child sexual abuse, and fails to distinguish between attraction to prepubescent and pubescent or post-pubescent minors.[7][8] Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided because although people who commit child sexual abuse are sometimes pedophiles,[6][9] child sexual abuse offenders are not pedophiles unless they have a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children,[7][10][11] and some pedophiles do not molest children.[12]
Pedophilia was first formally recognized and named in the late 19th century. A significant amount of research in the area has taken place since the 1980s. Although mostly documented in men, there are also women who exhibit the disorder,[13][14] and researchers assume available estimates underrepresent the true number of female pedophiles.[15] No cure for pedophilia has been developed, but there are therapies that can reduce the incidence of a person committing child sexual abuse.[6] The exact causes of pedophilia have not been conclusively established.[16] Some studies of pedophilia in child sex offenders have correlated it with various neurological abnormalities and psychological pathologies.[17] In the United States, following Kansas v. Hendricks, sex offenders who are diagnosed with certain mental disorders, particularly pedophilia, can be subject to indefinite civil commitment.[18]
Owen Rivera
Exactly. It was shit b/c the globals deleted everything for dost even though it wasn't even close, they posted CP and then deleted that, they posted shit threads, and basically did almost as much as they are doing here.
Jayden Baker
quad b is kind of hilarious. i find some autistic gems there. 5 pages to sift through, sad. i found inspirobot macros there. love it
Elijah Edwards
not a single good thread there. never was, never will be. the entire board is shit.
David Thompson
This entire board is shit too. Only there it is only 5 pages of shit. Here it is 25 pages of it.
Alexander Foster
no cuckchan either?
Andrew Hill
this board is actually pretty good.
Noah Brooks
can confirm. I created the original pedoshit thread there. thread was wiped within 24 hrs
Jace Gonzalez
Really? Have you looked at the catalog at all?? How many threads on the first 3 pages are less than 5 days old? How many of them are spam? How many of them are legit quality posts?
Owen Cox
i agree. i keep coming back. why? to see what crazy shit is going on. you can site the numbers, 10-50pph, at least a handful are completely bat shit crazy and wildly unpredictable in all categories to make an image board come to life. Holla Forums is eternal.
Cameron Moore
This user gets it.
This user does not.
Jason Price
Could you possibly repeat that in English?
Chase Lopez
I'm not very good with statistics tbh.
David Taylor
Michael Sanders
Lucas Foster
Lurk moar or get off newfag.
Asher Sullivan
Just go to /Younglove/ or /BL/ those pedo boards still exist.
Brandon Taylor
FUCK pedos tbh
Parker Walker
Antipedo kike. Get out of here before i gas you
Josiah Brooks
This Wouldn't care if they kept it to 1 thread but they never can.
Joseph Myers
when you beat a fire it spreads
Chase Bell
pedos did literally nothing wrong pedos did literally nothing wrong pedos did literally nothing wrong
Aaron Murphy
But they are not /hebe/ though. We want old /hebe/ back.
Parker Rogers
Here's your payment, fella
Lincoln Russell
It's discussion-focused. Not the same as old /hebe/. Faggotry is disgusting.
Cameron Allen
we can pretend this is 2015 /hebe/. that shouldn't be illegal right?
Elijah Garcia
I agree, they lack even basic skills to communicate. Severe autism driven them to hell and they drive this board down together.