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So Holla Forums

Can we make a Trump ice cream happen?

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Nigger detected

we got gnomes, so why not

I figured that this could get BLM on board.

Got anything better than Grape?

blue raspberry, pomegranate, and vanilla

If someone can think of a better name then go ahead. Thats just all I could think of.

does that rhyme with "Great"?
needs to rhyme with Great

it needs to be orange stripes with golden yellow stripes. what flavors are yellow?

caramel swirl and nuts


I've never seen yellow vanilla before.

it rhyme with red whjte and blue

Underrated flavour.

we need a 75 word limit OP for you retarded low verbal IQ niggers

now that I think of it, how is pomegranate pronounced in English?

lemon with orange sherbert would probably be okay.

vanilla ice cream with egg custard, strawberries, and a chocolate swirl.

Make America Crepe Again.

Reminder that these people made a Bernie Sanders ice cream and were full on Bernberg during the primaries.

Build the waffle, America burst, I'm with chew

Ben and Jerry's ice cream is terrible. It tastes like the container it comes in.

and some banana for good measure.

Libtards actually need instructions on how to eat ice-cream safely though

What about lemon flavoured with red, white, and blue sprinkles?

burger here, I pronounce it, pomme-eh-granite


Caramel and Salt

Because Trump makes brown people salty as fuck.

birthday cake flavor or some shit

We should figure out Trump's favorite dessert, and build from there. The name will obviously be a combination of the dessert itself and a well known Trump hook/catchphrase/tagline/etc.

I dont want to know.
I might find out he has shit taste.

Build the Walnut sounds pretty good tbh

He has good taste.

I like this.

How about

dude, fishwiches
I love fishwiches

They're bernouts. Don't expect anything from them. They'd sooner make Hillary booger mucus flavored ice cream than anything Trump related.

Also God damn, grape flavored? Gross.

Vanilla ice cream with pieces of cherries and blueberries, with a graham cracker swirl.

Make America Graham Again

The name is shit, but the flavor has potential i think.





The one with the chocolate salted pretzels are good. Forgot the name but I would eat that trash in US trips.

OP here, I gotta run to the store. Ill be back in like 30 minutes.

Ben and Jerrys submission page.

Oh snap … I thought I was alone in that. Every time I order some kind of fishwich when out with people, I get all kinds of odd looks. It's like people don't understand the glory that is breaded fish smothered in pickles and nestled between delicious buns. I don't eat at McDonald's, but I make them at home all the time.


Niggers can only dream of achieving the wonders Whites have done with processing grapes over the millenia. Show some respect.

Exactly. White people took grapes and made wine. Niggers took purple and made drank.



I'll forgive it if Pepe Crepe becomes real.

What language are you a speaker of?

Isn't Ben & Jerry's a supporter of the rectum ravaging retards?

Yeah, they're a big ol' Liberal company; but that would make it all the more glorious if they made a Trump ice cream.

All the liberal salt as they cry for boycott would be delicious.

OP back
So far we have

Can we think of anything else? Right now I'm voting the Pepe Crepe or Someones Popping the Cherries

Build the Walnut

I see this attitude floating around Holla Forums all the time and I find it very problematic.

The simple truth is that African-Americans have made just as many important discoveries as "whites" (a socially constructed category, btw), but your privilege blinds you to the history and importance of their contributions.

Wine is a great example. You're holding it up as a "white" invention, but it was actually created by Arabic peoples, and only later appropriated by the colonial Romans.

As for African Americans, it's well known that George Washington Carver invented a delicious peanut liqueur, superior in taste and nutrition to most alcoholic beverages common today. However, the existing beverage industry conspired to suppress this invention, worried that such a clear example of Black creativity and intelligence would destabilize the privilege-brokering system by which they maintained their wealth.

I'm glad I could clear this up; please don't disrespect people of color on this board ever again.

(pic related is the heart-wrenching effects of colonial oppression)

Its better than the water here, much higher in probiotics, full of minerals and nutrients, good for the immune system.
It even shows the superiority of colored skin and matches it.

Pepe is pronounced peep, crepe is pronounced crep

lol it should just be pure vanilla. Maybe add top layer of orange sherbert to represent Trumps mane.

banana and honey?

SHILL DETECTED! Report submitted!

Fuck off and lurk moar, SJW piece of shit. This is not your home. You are cursed.

Praise Kek! Devour it's soul!


Basket of Caramel

french canadian
please no bully

walnuts everywhere

also I`m telling ya, pomegranate is a good flavor, it need to be put in ice cream

Won't happen

French or Homestyle vanilla is sometimes yellow. Banana?

America Burst sounds bretty good though.

Red (cherry), white (vanilla), and blue (blueberry) with pieces of Hershey's and/or M&Ms.

Wow. Worst type of French. Worst type of Canadian.

At the same time, too.

Congrats bro


Ben & Jerry are old fashioned naive Vermont liberals though